This story will cover all seven years of Hogwarts. The background is slightly different. Harry's parents still die at Voldemort's wand, but he is raised by Sirius as the Potter's wished. Sirius works at Hogwarts teaching Defense. Voldemort creates less horcruxes and Harry is not a horcrux. Some characters are sorted differently and will be OOC; the hope is to have the characters react to situations in a more natural way based on their personality. The main plots of the books will be similar to the original story but getting to the end things will become further separated. This first chapter gives a bit of background and lays the groundwork for some new rivalries and maybe friendships.

The characters in my story are going to be different, but I am hoping to out all the sides to the characters; not just the caricature versions that we see in the books. Hopefully, the Slytherins will be more Slytherin and less "Bully House" and the Gryffindors will be a better representation of the qualities of their house as well. As for Harry, there is a reason the hat had a harder time placing him. He should show all of the qualities that he supposedly had in the books that we never really get to see.

I will only put these warnings in the first chapter of each of my stories. Any chapter specific warning will only appear on those specific chapters. I do not own anything that is recognizable from the original series all of these things belong to their respective owners. All other ideas and original characters belong to me or my husband.

Chapter 1

In a small book shop in London, a young boy is getting ready to go to his new boarding school. Raven hair, green eyes, and slim frame make up this seemingly normal child. He is only seemingly normal, for the world he grew up in is one that holds magic. True magic. You see, this boy is a wizard. He is about to start his scholastic career at his parents alma mater, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Unfortunately for this boy, his parents are not there to help him gather his new school supplies. If only they could be there, Lily and James Potter would have given anything to be there for their son. As life would have it, they did give everything for their son. They gave their lives to protect him when he was but a babe in his crib.

Don't feel too bad for the boy just yet. Harry James Potter may not have had his parents growing up, but he was not alone. Sirius Orion Black, Harry's godfather and James' best friend, raised Harry from the day his parents died. He loved the child like his own. He cared for him as much as Harry's own parents would have done. Sirius would also do anything for the boy.

Harry, fortunately, knows a lot about his magic already. Sirius has been teaching and training him since he was very young. Sirius knew that he would need all the training he could get. The wizarding world thought that the wizard that killed the Potter's was vanquished the night his spell backfired on him. However, Sirius, and several others that fought in the last war, believe the man that murdered Harry's parents is still alive. Not only is he alive, but he is not locked away. Sirius knew that one day he would come back to try to finish his task of killing the last Potter. Sirius was determined that Harry be ready for when that day arrived.

He grew up in London with his godfather, but they kept mostly to themselves. Sirius was worried that since most of the wizarding population believed that Harry had somehow vanquished the wizard that killed his parents, Harry would probably be in danger if he was exposed to the population as a whole. Harry didn't fully understand why anyone would believe that a mere baby could defeat an experienced wizard, especially one as powerful as Voldemort.

Voldemort: the evil man that was the leader of the "dark side," the Potter's murderer, "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named". Even now a decade later most people are too afraid to say his name. In Harry's mind, there was no way that he could have defeated such a powerful wizard as a baby. So he shared his godfather's concern for the future return of this dark wizard.

However, it was now time for him to become more involved in the wizarding world. Hogwarts sent out letters every year to eleven year old witches and wizards, inviting them to begin their formal training in magic. Harry's letter had arrived several days ago. He put off going to Diagon Alley, a popular wizarding shopping strip, to get his supplies. He hoped to avoid most of the crowds that swarmed the streets in the days following the letters' arrival. In truth, Harry didn't have much that he needed to buy.

Sirius teaches the Defensive Magic class at Hogwarts, so Harry had the slightly unfair advantage of having most of his school supplies early; all that was left was the book list. Sirius was waiting by the door of the book store in his animagus form, a shaggy black dog, hoping to keep others from recognizing Harry. Thankfully, even though Harry was hailed as "The-Boy-Who-Lived", nobody knew him on sight. His godfather had kept him away from the wizarding world, so there were no pictures of him circulated. He looked similar to his father, but since he had his vision fixed as a child and did not wear glasses, there was a big difference between him and James, according to Sirius.

He had just made his way to the counter to pay for his new school books, when the door alarm chimed for the admittance of two blonde, fair skinned, and obviously aristocratic wizards. Harry concluded the two must to be Lucius Malfoy and his son, Draco. Malfoy's were unmistakable with their aristocratic poise and platinum blonde hair. If Harry was right, then, these two were his cousins. Most pureblood families were related. They would be related through his father, as his mother was muggle-born. They are more closely related to Sirius, however. If Sirius had not made Harry his heir apparent just this morning, then Draco would have been next in line to be Lord Black.

That being said, he had never actually met them. The Malfoy's were on the other side of the war that claimed Harry's parents. There were several "cousins" that Harry has not met, because they followed Voldemort.

Lucius looked down his nose at the bookstore and its inhabitants, while Draco had a smug smirk firmly in place. Obviously, Sirius had been correct about how different Harry looked from James, because the Malfoy's didn't immediately recognize him. Harry was happy for this, because it meant he could continue shopping in peace.

However, he must have been watching his cousins a bit too closely, because Draco turned to him with that same smug smile but a slightly raised brow. Harry had been taught how to interact with purebloods and aristocrats by Sirius since one day he would sit on the Wizengamot, the wizarding court, as Lord Potter, and as of this morning Lord Potter-Black. He used that training now as he shifted his facial expressions into a mirror of Draco's and greeted him and his father.

"Lord Malfoy, Heir Malfoy," Harry greeted politely with a slight incline to his head. He was rewarded with Lucius looking closer at him and Draco showing slight confusion before the smug mask slid back in place.

Lucius did not change his expression at all and only slightly nodded before asking, "And you are?"

Harry thought only for a moment before responding, "Potter, Harry Potter, sir." I was hoping to make it through this trip without giving my name to anyone outside of Gringott's. Oh well.

The only recognition Lucius showed was a slight narrowing of his eyes and stiffing of his shoulders. Draco, on the other hand, was not as practiced as his father and his eyes widened comically at this declaration. Harry's smile grew a little more smug at Draco's reaction.

Recovering quickly, Draco inclined his head to Harry, "Heir Potter."

Harry decided that he should be at least polite to Draco. If he remembered correctly, he and Draco were about the same age, so they would be going to school together soon. "Are you attending Hogwarts this year, Malfoy?"

Draco seemed to pull himself a little straighter as he answered, "Yes, I'm starting my first year this September. What about you, Potter?"

Harry's face relaxed into an easy smile, rather than the smug mask he had before. "This will be my first year as well."

"Really? Have you finished your shopping yet?"

"Books are the last thing on my list." Harry held his bag of books he just bought a little higher to show that he just completed his shopping.

Lucius made a show of scanning the book store once more, "And who is accompanying you with your shopping?"

"My godfather, Sirius, sir. He is just down the street," Harry and Sirius had agreed that he would be vague to anyone that asked about his chaperon, so the lie was ready and easy.

Lucius raised an eyebrow and looked suspicious, "I see."

Harry fought off the urge to frown. "I am capable of shopping for my own books and Sirius has business to attend to elsewhere." That was more than he was going to say but Lucius made it seem like he was incompetent.

Before Lucius could reply the door chimed again as Sirius came in with a smile and relaxed demeanor. "Hey Harry, what's taking you? I've been waiting for a while." Harry smiled brightly at his godfather. He knew Sirius had come in to rescue him from having a conversation with the elder Malfoy.

Harry motioned to the Malfoys, "I just ran into Lord and Heir Malfoy. It seems Malfoy and I will be starting school together in September."

Sirius looked to the Malfoys as if he had just noticed them, but Harry knew better. His godfather was always on high alert when in public areas. "Oh, Lucius. How are you today? And this must be Draco. It's nice to meet you." Sirius offered his hand to Draco who took it with a smile rather than his smirk he had been wearing earlier.

"Lord Black, it a pleasure." It was obvious that Draco was trying to sound older than he was, but this was only acknowledged by Sirius' eyes holding a hint of laughter that was completely missed by Draco. Harry only noticed because he knew Sirius so well.

"I'm well, Sirius. How have you been?" Lucius seemed to be asking out of civil obligation rather than actual interest.

"Doing great. Just came to get Harry so we could go to get our celebratory ice cream." Harry hid his surprise at this announcement with much effort. He had no idea about a celebratory ice cream. He was a little suspicious of why Sirius would mention it now, especially because he had a mischievous light in his eyes.

"Celebrating Harry starting Hogwarts?" The question came from Draco rather than Lucius, causing his father to reprimand him about talking out of turn. Draco looked at the floor and seemed upset at the public admonition.

Sirius just laughed joyfully and answered Draco, "well yes. We are also celebrating him becoming my heir apparent. We just filed the paperwork this morning."

Now it was Lucius turn to hide his surprise at this revelation. His expression didn't change as much as the air around him seemed to become thicker. Draco for his part went from looking sheepish to surprised before he could school his face into a more strained version of the smirk he wore when he walked in.

"Is that so?" Lucius' voice sounded only the slightest bit tighter even with his magic heavy on the air.

Sirius smiled on as if oblivious to the change in the Malfoys. However, Harry saw the mirth in his eyes and figured this was just the reaction he had been hoping to achieve. "Yes, I thought it only fitting. Seeing as I am not planning on having children of my own."

Again there was only a hint of strain to Lucius' voice as he addressed Harry, "I see. Well congratulations, Mister Potter-Black."

"Thank you," Harry smiled wide as if he had no idea what implications this change had on the Malfoy family. He then turned to Draco, "So I will see you the train?" He offered his hand to Malfoy who seemed to automatically take it, but his mouth turned up a bit at the corners.

"See you on the train."

After a quick exchange of pleasantries Harry and Sirius made their way out of the book store. Harry stole a look at Sirius as they made their way past the windows of the shop. Sirius couldn't hold his laughter anymore. He laughed for several moments as Harry just smiled. "Did you see the way Lucius was looking at me?" His laughing had calmed to just a few chuckles as his shoulders shook with his effort to keep from laughing out loud again.

"Why did you tell them about it?" Harry was smiling because his godfather's mood was contagious.

Sirius looked at Harry with the widest smile, "Oh, Harry, I couldn't help but bait Malfoy. He always has this 'higher-than-thou' attitude. I just wanted to see if I could take him down a few pegs." Sirius let out a few more barks of laughter as he ruffled Harry's natural messy hair. Harry ducked out from under his hand, smiling, trying to flatten his hair, to no avail.

They reached Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour and had their impromptu celebratory ice cream before going back to their home at Grimmauld Place.