Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.

Warning: SasoDei.

Note: Enjoy.

Summary: Deidara has a hard time settling into Akatsuki. Will Sasori help or make things worse for the blonde?

Chapter One

Even though he had been introduced to all of the Akatsuki members, Deidara did not desire to go downstairs and socialize with them, because the blonde knew that they would only torment and tease him. They all saw him to be a fragile and weak little boy, but the blonde was feeling really lonely and alone, because he was truly a social butterfly at heart. However, Deidara knew better than to make friends with people that deemed him feeble and frail, because they would never have his back in battle anyway, so what would be the point of ever socializing with anyone in Akatsuki? At the same time, Deidara could not helping feeling drawn towards his partner, because the older Akatsuki member was an artist and truly appreciated art like he did. On the other hand, the master puppeteer despised and loathed him, because the older Akatsuki member considered him to be an overconfident little boy who would die a early death. In spite of that, Deidara still respected and admired his partner, because the man wan an artist and older than him, but also more powerful and stronger than him.

Upon hearing the bedroom slam open, Deidara gasped and whimpered, because the blonde fearfully believed that Hidan had found him. However, the sunshine haired boy soon relaxed, because the person walking inside was really his hunchbacked partner, but the blonde knew better than to really think that was his partner's true form. "Are you going to stay locked in here forever, Rapunzel?" Sasori asked, while a scorpion tail shot out of the puppet armor and brushed through his golden locks, as the blonde blushed and averted his gaze, but then the scorpion tail traveled underneath his chin and made him look up. "I don't mind that you do. After all, I like having my belongings know their place. Also, I want you to look at me when I'm talking to you."

The scorpion tail lingered and lightly brushed against his throat, but the sunshine haired boy never took his sapphire eyes off of the puppet master, because who in their right mind would actually dare to defy the puppeteer? "You remind of a lost little lamb," Sasori said, while retracting the scorpion tail and beginning to tinker away with his puppets, as the blonde hugged his knees and quietly watched the older man. "How sweet."

A/N: A little thing I wrote. Want me to continue or something?