(A/N: The following is a fanfiction. Dragon Ball's concepts and Xenoverse main plot belong to Akira Toriyama. The various other characters belong to their respective owners. I merely own the OCs and Blackthorning of the plot. Please support the following release.)

Thank You, My Twilight (translated English lyrics)

Life, life is beautiful

My roulette keeps spinning

She, she is wonderful

I want to see the present in those eyes

Immediately I seized that feeling


It's as if I'm waiting for someone

If you appear, it won't be a mistake

I was waiting for you


Life, life is beautiful

I'll keep singing just as I speak

She, she is wonderful

Those words shine even in the darkness

Brilliant tears overflowed


Sometime they'll ask

'How long, how far does that feeling go?'

Baby, however far you want


Life, life is beautiful

My roulette keeps spinning

She, she is wonderful

I want to see the present in those eyes

Immediately I seized that feeling


Even if there is no miracle, it's enough, you know

Even if today is the last day

Thank you, my twilight

Thank you, my twilight

[Ending Riff]

Ryo vs the Xenoverse

Chapter 47: Confessions of a Time Patroller

(A/N: Read Pearl's Adventures in the Xenoverse's final chapter before diving into this chapter.)

It was a joy to go Pearl and Kenshiro's wedding, but it was pretty awkward to bring Towa as my date. Yes, the Towa I date was no longer evil or a demon, but I guess I could understand why the odd looks. I had even left a few wedding presents, one being a box with the Warper's Secret. Of course, I had told them if they ever wanted to join the enlightened, just open it. I left it all up to them. If they do open it, it'll be interesting for sure. Pearl has the potential to be one of the big shots for one of 6th rank. It had been a week since then and I was going through my job as usual. It was closer to the end of the year by then. Even though, I amassed rep as the "Hero of Time and Space", it was not without hardship. Many were distrustful of Towa and give her the "Naruto" treatment. My bounty had also shot up again….leaving me a target for bounty hunters too stupid to realize my bounty was now on the untouchable level. All and all, I had come to a decision to leave and take Goku's offer to live with his family for a time to train with Towa.

I had one last meeting with the X Fighters that day…

"Damn it, boss! Do you really have to go?" Tadashi said tearing up. "We could just go teach those ungrateful bastards a lesson."

"I'd be happy to help." Naruto said cracking his knuckles.

There were clamors of yes throughout, but Ryo was not going to have it.

"It's all right. This was a long time coming anyway. I had always intended to take Goku up on his offer." Ryo explained. "I should have told you guys, but things got in the way."

"So, is this the end of the X Fighters?" Michiko asked.

"I doubt it, because you guys will run things while I'm gone. I know you all have the strength to protect what's home for us while I go. As for who's in charge? Hatchin, I want you to work the von Satsu brothers to keep things in order." Ryo said as he finished packing his things.

"This is goodbye then." Blackfire said quietly as Erasa sniffed as she was shedding tears.

"No, not forever. I think we'll meet again." Ryo said getting his suitcase. "I can't not try hello to my future godkids."

"Damn right." Caulifla said with a chuckle from Kale.

As he left the apartment, Hatchin walked with him.

"I can't believe this is happened. To think it's only been close to a year." Hatchin said looking around at the abundance of new recruits. "And tales of your exploits has inspired plenty to join up. Heck, there's a statue of you in your honor. Add to the fact, you managed to beat the freaking Blackthorn power couple's record for fastest bounty climb! To think you're leaving now at the height of your career."

"Hatchin, I didn't do it alone. I had friends who had my back and you guys were family I never really had." Ryo said shedding a tear as Soon came running up.

"You're really leaving? I…I…wanted to see you off before you left. It's been real being your partner on missions." Soon remarked. "I've been thinking of going on a journey myself, but so many people want to learn Futten. OH CRAP!"

His fans had found him and Soon took off saying he would see him later leaving Hatchin and Ryo to enter the Time Nest. There, his masters, Chronoa, Bulma, Trunks, Old Kai, Mai, and Towa were waiting for them.

"Ryo, I just want to thank you for your service at Time Patrol. It's a pleasure to award you with Triple S Ace rank." Chronoa said as he got a bit of an applause. "It's a shame you're leaving. You've become a bit of a mascot."

"And what Chronoa means is we'll all miss you." Trunks said sheepishly.

"Can't believe this all happens so quickly, it feels like the end of the era." Bulma said wistfully.

"It's also a new beginning. I'll be seeing you on the flipside. Goku, I'm ready to go." Ryo said taking Towa's hand.

As Goku left with Towa and Ryo, Chronoa had tears streaming down her face. She already missed him, as she thought, "Damn it, Towa! I'm glad you're not a pain in my ovaries anymore, but WHY did you steal Ryo, damn it?! I'll have to go back to being on my own, and I can't go back to that! I doubt Mai will let me lay a finger on Trunks!"

(Planet Salada, Universe 6-A-Delta, Dragon World)

It was rather late in the morning as a couple was still asleep after a long week of training and missions. The Oracle and the Saiyaness were fast asleep sore from nightly activities. Kirasha wanted to celebrate her potential being unlocked and insisted that Mirai skip the fancy dinner he planned and go straight to be dessert. Not that he complained. The two were her home blissfully asleep only to woken up by the ringing of a phone.

"Nya….not now." Mirai said rubbing his eyes as he and Kirasha begin to awake.

"It's…close to noon. Good thing, I'm off-duty today." Kirasha said looking over at her alarm clock on her nightstand.

Mirai took up his phone to see who was calling him only to see it was another oracle.

"Ugh, it's that little One Piece fangirl. Wasn't she busy hosting to run a react now? She isn't no Cherie, that's for sure." Mirai said as he answered. "What is it, Lena?"

Mirai could only groan to hear that the girl needed help with something this early and reluctantly agreed to aid her.

"Kira, it seems a young oracle needs more setting up for her own show. Want to come with?" Mirai said getting dressed.

"Why not? I don't think I've had enough of you…yet loverboy." Kirasha teased swatting Mirai's behind with her tail.

AGE 774

Laying on the ground where in the skies above that Goku and Majin Buu had fought a piece of Mira that craved power.

"Feed me power…" Mira cried out.

"Sorry, Mira, but you're not coming back for the sequel." Towa said promptly vaporizing the last piece of Mira with a finger beam before pecking Ryo on the cheek. "Well, that's dealt with."

"It's all finally over." Ryo said with relief. "Come on, Goku's waiting."

The two walked off thinking the past and present were all behind them….and it was in that timeline.

[Cue: TFS Cell Announces the Cell Games Theme]

(An alternate splinter timeline – Age 774, Same Location, Dragon Worlds)

On the ground crawling and leaving a trail of blood…was Shadlyn. Somehow, the Majin scourge was still alive and she was not alone. Jigoku and Yuu were roasted and merely unconsciousness.

"Need to get healed, need to get power, need revenge!" Shadlyn said crawling a bit faster.

A pair of boots had stopped her any further and they figured to a dark figure. One yet to be truly infamous among warper kind, but Shadlyn knew she was completely screwed once she sensed his warper energy.

"You…I…can.." Shadlyn stuttered before trying to absorb him.

Being she was a low-power state, this was not effective at all and the figure promptly stomped her face in to render her out cold. He began collecting the three bodies dragging them back to his ship before having his crewmembers shove them in tubes.

"Begin work on them." He said to his crew. "These three will be perfect for Project Cerebus Knights, and all I need is a robot master to lead them. Thank you for your advice, Rebecca."

Rebecca was only one visible in the shadows of the ship as she was handed the bounty money for all three of them.

"Of course, it was a pleasure doing business. Good luck on terrorizing the universe…Dimensio." Rebecca said vanishing through a portal.

It had seemed that Jigoku, Shadlyn, Yuu were truly gone as Rebecca had handed off the bounty money for them to us. Hell, I heard Taoretta threw a parade in the streets. I was merely glad for no loose ends and that I never had to see Shadlyn or hear her ever again. Staying with Goku was fine at first, but not when you want to have time for being with your lady love. Plus, Chi-Chi was being a total cockblock because she was not getting any from Goku. I could have helped them, but I was flustered that when Towa got us an apartment in the city, I jumped. Towa had gotten work in an Integra Church which was going in a bloody turf war with those Inferno Pents leaving me home by himself often. I had spent my time wandering the city of Akira. Funny, that it's named after the "legendary" Blackthorn. Seems that name is famous or infamous in most of the multiverse. I remember being a cold night when I entered that bar for the first time. I'm embarrassed to admit that I got the job out of making the previous tender look bad. That and he got shot by a stray bullet…apparently there was a turf fight right outside. So, I ended up working as the head bartender for the Tori Dragon Palace. I admit the job can be a stressor, but it was something I enjoyable.

Despite not being on the battlefield, I was still aiding those big shot celebrities to take a load off and have a drink. Sometimes, they share stories, and even secrets. Because—as we all know—what the bartender hears is confidential... isn't it?

(A/N: And that's a wrap people! With Ryo vs the Xenoverse done, this means we can see Anime Confessions Season 3 in the near future. As for what happened to Shadlyn, Jigoku, and Yuu, all I can say is those to actively read my work will get the connection. I want to thank my readers and chadtayor020 for this. Ryo's prequel was quite the ride, and this marks the second Blackthorn tale that's complete. As for that promised sequel, it may fall under the Dragon Ball Super tag. Thank you once again, and this makes the end for this.)

Ending Theme – Hymn to Freedom – Oscar Peterson


(And now, the bounty list for the last time, and the reason that Hatchin and the rest of the X Fighters do not get bounties is due to the fact that Rebecca has shifted focus on the heads of the group.)

WANTED Dead or Alive "Reaper God of Radiance" Taoretta von Satsu – 1,040,000,000– 6th Rank – Active

WANTED Dead or Alive "Temporal Titaness" June Calor – 750,000,000– 6th Rank – Active

WANTED Dead or Alive " Dhampir Demonslayer, the Bloodborne Avenger" Rachel – 50,000,000– 6th Rank – Active

WANTED Dead or Alive "The Namekian God of Destruction" Soon the Namek – 505,000,000– 6th Rank – Active

WANTED Dead or Alive "Cursed Crow" Hirohito Zou – 3,000,000– 6th Rank – Active

WANTED Dead or Alive " Bloodhound of Mist Vega" Amaya Zou-Von Satsu – 300,000,000– 6th Rank – Active

WANTED Dead or Alive "Dragon of Destruction" Bage von Satsu – 500,000,000 – 6th Rank – Active

WANTED Dead or Alive "Shadow Patroller X" Ryo Nazo – 6,105,000,000– 10th Rank – Active