Soul Mark AU!

Fandom: Harry Potter.

Title: My Dragon in Golder Armour.

Rated: T (Will change to M later)

Summary: When Harry Potter was born, Sirius made a promise that he would never break. Harry grows up to be loved by his big brother and everything is perfect till he meets his soulmate who has whiter hair that the stars and suddenly his life has changed dramatically. SoulMark AU

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. Not the Soul Mark idea but the I did edit the way it works in my own way.

Warnings: Slash, Slytherin Harry, Big Brother Sirius, Nice Dark Side and Voldemort, Bad Dumbledore, Bashing, Powerful but not overpowered Harry.

Pairing: Draco/Harry (this is the first drarry fic I have every written!)

Definitions for SoulMark;

Prime: The prime colours of the mark are the colours that indicate the status in the relationship. Green for submissive and Purple for Dominant.

Class: There are 3 classes, Gold, Silver and Bronze. They show the love in the bond. Gold for forever. Silver for till death do us apart and Bronze for never.

Extra Colours: The average number of extra colours you get are two and 4 being the max. it shows the way the relationship will flow in the bond. It also shows the persona of your mate and yourself and why you were bonded.

My Dragon in Golder Armour

Prologue- The Promise

Harry James Potter was born to the magical beings of the names James and Lily Potter on July 31st, 1980 in Godric Hollow. Lily had found her water to break during the night near 11pm and James, who was sleeping peacefully, was woken to her slapping him in the face and yelling him to fire-call Madam Pomfrey because the baby was coming out. His reaction was immediate. He rushed around like a buffoon, pulled up some pants because he like to sleep naked and fire-called said healer. The lady had agreed to deliver the Potter Heir after all she saw James as her son so this child was to be her Grandson in a way. After contacting the healer James proceeded to send patronus' to all his and Lily's friends. That being Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Alice and Frank Longbottom, Severus Snape (on Lily's request) and Albus Dumbledore.

The start of the night was full of his wife's screams and him biting away at his nails with his best mates trying (and failing) to comfort him. It was only 10 minutes after hearing his precious Lily's screams he disobeyed the order she gave him to leave her alone and held her hand for the rest of the birth. Whispering soft words of encouragement even as she promised to 'chop his dick off for doing this to her' and played with her hair, wiped away her tears and kissed her forehead with all his love spread on his lips.

At 2:03am Harry James Potter was brought into the world and he was a beautiful baby. Everyone had tried to steal a peak at him but both Lily and James refused for them to see their little bundle of joy till they full inspected him for his mark and for its meaning.

You see Wizards were strange people, full of magic and because of that magic they were promised to another to the day they were born. Only two people had matching soul cores. It was the reason each and every magical child was born with a soul mark that would lead them to their soulmate. The soul mark was a special and the colours showed the things that would be presented in the relationship and life of the mates, on both sides. They shared the Prime colours and the Classes. Classing being Gold, Silver, Bronze. Gold: Forever. Silver: Till death do us apart. Bronze: Not meant to be, or in some cases, rejection. It was common for people to be born with Bronze. The simple fact that their mate was either dead or already bound in marriage. It could also be cases that the mate was too old and was not willing enough to wait and the people who lost their mate were allowed to marry who they wanted. There was no rule you had to bond with your soulmate but it was strongly encouraged. Purebloods tried to follow the rule but after they realised that the Wizarding population was being overflown with Mudbloods and purebloods were mated to them they forced their offspring's into arranged marriages that kept the line respectful.

But Harry's mark was a peculiar one. It laid upon his heart and was mostly a deep green colour. Like the colour of evergreen trees. Soft and piercing all at once. It was mixed with a shining gold which indicated that the relationship was forever, and formed a beautiful dragon. Except the scales of the dragon were a mixture of colours. Red for power and strength, Blue for loyalty and peace, Grey for maturity and intelligence, White for innocence and goodness and lastly Black for elegance and wealth. They were special colours. James mark (which he shared with Lily) only had 2 other colours that the Prime and Class. But Harry's had 5 others, it meant whoever Harry was mate to was powerful and so was Harry.

Green was the main colour, Harry's prime. Which meant he was fertile. There were two colours in the Prime. Green and Purple. Green for the submissive partner and Purple for the Dominant one. It showed that Harry's mate was indeed a male and already born. If the mark was in full colour it meant the partner was already born and if it was faint it meant that the partner was yet to be born. It signified that whoever Harry's mate was older than said infant.

"Oh James, his mark is beautiful." Cooed Lily as she trailed a finger over the soft skin were the park laid. Little Harry opened his light blue eyes in curiosity as he felt a tickle on his chest and gurgled at the red-haired woman. James smiled down at his son in awe and let his large hand cradle the fragile head that was covered in a tuff of dark ebony coloured hair. His hair. The Potter was so shocked that something so pure and tiny had been brought into this world and by the woman he loved no less. This was their little miracle.

"Yeah." He breathed out and his wife looked up at the adoring look on his face and smiled lovingly at her bonded. She carefully placed the baby in his shaking arms, directing his body so the new-born was delicately cradled to his chest. Right over his heart. The baby looked at the small gold stag that hovered over the black-haired man in interest. But deemed it boring after all it did was stare at him.

"I think Sirius will throw a fit if we keep his Godson away from him any longer." Smiled Lily. And James looked at her in shock. He had brought up the subject when Lily was still pregnant that Sirius could be the Godfather but she wanted Severus to be the Godfather. After all they had made up since the fight they had. Their friendship hadn't fallen in its past place but close enough that Lily trusted him enough to care for her son if anything did happen. But even so she did like Sirius even though he was immature at times. But he was loyal to a fault and loving, perfect environment for her baby. It was no secret that Severus wasn't fond of children even if he taught them. she would rather her child grown up a prankster than unloved.

James whooped loudly and swooped down to kiss his wife. In which she retaliated. "The Baby!" she screamed and he realised that Little Harry was looking down right grumpy at being juggled around his James' arms. James grinned sheepishly at his exhausted wife and pressed a soft kiss on her lips. "Help me up James, I want to be their too." The redhead said and made move to rise.

"Darling you just gave birth, you should rest." the husband protested. But she ignored him. James realised what she was doing and sighed, he knew it was best to just listen to her at times like this. Glancing around the room he saw a folded-up wheelchair in the corner. He placed Little Harry into his wife's arms who looked at him curiously and set the wheelchair down in front of his wife looking at her expectantly.

She smiled at him and together they placed her tried from birth body into the seat with James pushing her. The dark-haired man wheeled her into the hallway were their friends + Snivellus were waiting (im)patiently.

A woman with a pixie cut coloured a dark brown stood with a taller more broad man with similar a hair colour that fell by his shoulders. Lily's bestfriends in school and eve after her marriage. Frank and Alice Longbottom. They had married short after her own wedding and she had given birth just yesterday which they both found funny. She was their sons, Neville, godmother and she was going to make Alice her Harry's one also.

Lily told her husband to just wheel her too them and saw the excitement clear on his face as he glanced towards his friends then back at Harry in her lap, she rolled her eyes. "Just take him and go." She said fondly as she held her baby up to her bonded who snapped his head towards her gave a beaming smile which she found funny. He gently took Harry from her and walked (ran) towards his friends. Lily chuckled and wheeled the rest of the way to her mates.

James stopped on the other side of the hall were Remus was sat a seat away from a grumpy Snape watching amused at his friends pacing up and down biting away at his nails. That was until James screamed at them.

"Padfoot! Moony! Look at my baby!" laughed James as he dashed towards his best friends who immediately snapped their heads up at the sound of the stag animagus voice.

Sirius staggered out of his trance and met James half way. Looking at the little bundle in his arms wrapped up in a blue blanket and squirming. He looked at his brother in all but blood and gave him a look full of silent question 'can I hold him?' to which James grinned and presented the new-born to his best mate.

Remus was by his side in less than a second and watched the exchange. Little Harry was placed into his soon to be Godfathers arms and squealed when he saw the red glowing dog sitting on his shoulder. He made grabby hands at it cooing. But Sirius mistook his excitement for himself and hugged the baby close. "James, I'm sorry but I can't let Severus have him." He said very siriusly.

This child was going to be his godson not that slimy slytherin's. Sirius moved to turn to the bored looking Severus Snape. Nothing would keep this little bundle of marauderness away from him. The son of Prongs was to be a pranking god not a potions git. So he had to take him. "Oi Snape! Fight me for him! Duel me! Whatever, I won't let you just take him." As Sirius proclaimed his demands he had shifted the new-born so his face was at his shoulder and Little Harry was face to face with the glowing dog that barked at him. The baby stared at the dog and made a squealing noise as his eyes went crossed as it went closer to his nose.

To say Severus was startled would be an understatement. "What are you talking about Black?" he sneered.

"You being Prongslet's Godfather! I won't let you have him!" snarled the grey-eyed man and clutched the baby closer.

Remus who was standing next to James bit his lip in worry. He looked at his friend who just turned into a father. Instead of seeing concern about his best mates exclaim he saw… amusement? "You should stop them from doing anything drastic James." Said the werewolf softly.

"Nah, nothing will happen. I trust Sirius." Chipped the stag animagus. And Remus face-palmed at his immaturity. Some say that when you become a father you mature quite quickly, whoever said that never met James.

Severus was done with the eldest Black heir screeching at him and stood up to meet his height. "I have no idea who told you that I was to be that spawns godfather but whoever told you is an idiot." Drawled the black-eyed man and James held a hand to his heart at being called an idiot, clearly still amused and it went unnoticed by the two arguing men.

"Wait, you don't want be Harry's Godfather...? But then what are you doing here?" replied Sirius confused. James had told him that Severus would be the Godfather, well that Lily wanted Severus to be the Godfather and James being the pussy he is would accept the decision his wife chose out of love (fear).

"No, you fool! And I'm here because your beloved Potter called me." Replied Severus annoyed.

The black-haired man turned to his best friends and pointed an accusing at him. "Traitor!" he whisper-yelled as it became clear that Little Harry was sleeping. With the red dog sleeping on his nose that no else could see.

James looked behind him in feigned confusion then back at his friends and struck a finger to his chest. "Me?" he asked quietly. "I just did what my wife told me to do, mate. I'm wasn't the one carrying the baby for 9 months and felt all the pain of birth. She wanted Snape here so she got him. She also wanted him as godfather as Godfather. Key word: Wanted." Smirked James.

Both previously arguing men looked at the amused looking father in shock, both for different reasons. Severus for the fact that Lily actually wanted him here and wanted him as godfather. Sirius because he realised that Severus wasn't going to Little Harry's Godfather, he was!

"A-are you serious?" chocked out the grey-eyed man.

James laughed and clapped his friends on the shoulder. "'Coarse I'm not Sirius, you are." He sniggered at him friends shock. "Honestly, I thought that making you godfather would smartened you up a bit. But… if you're not up for it, Remus could always-"

"NO!" shouted Sirius who took James' teasing to heart and clutched the just woken Little Harry closer.

James smiled at his bestfriend obvious attachment to his son, even Remus looked happy watching their immature friend hold something close to his heart.

"Just kidding Padfoot, he was yours from the start." Smiled the hazel-eyed father. And it made Sirius become teary eyed. He looked down at Little Harry who made a noise of question as he was lifted in the air close to Sirius' face.

"I'm gonna love you like my own little man, were gonna become the best of friends and I'll teach you how to hit on all the girls and ride a motorbike. Teach you how to become a prank legend and look after you no matter what happens." He promised looking into those light blue eyes that flared with happiness, like he understood what happened.

And indeed, Harry knew what the look-haired man meant by the way his magic wrapped him into a warm embrace, a promise that was unbreakable.