What's Your Plan?

Chapter 7 – Red and Gold

"No! Do you think I'm that stupid Hermione? You've been spending too much time with my brother! There's no way I'm coming out! Who knows what you're going to do!" George frantically yelled at the bathroom door. It had been two weeks and she STILL hadn't made good on her threats. It was just making him more paranoid. Every time he saw Hermione and Fred alone together he assumed the worst.

He knew that he was being slightly ridiculous, but Hermione..and Fred..together..working on pranks..together; well it was not something he wanted to be on the receiving end of.

"George Fabian Weasley! You let me in the loo or so help me.." Hermione was going to kill him. Or at least hex him really really badly once she got in there. It was 8:30am and she only had 30 minutes to get ready before going with Ginny to muggle London to go watch a movie and shop for new clothes. Both witches had changed a lot the past couple of years and now that they had time, they felt as though they needed a treat.

Or at least that's what they told the Weasley's. Harry and Ginny still hadn't told anyone but Hermione about their engagement, but Ginny wanted to go look at wedding dresses and her newly appointed Maid-Of-Honor was more than happy to oblige. Hermione had managed to get Ginny an appointment to one of the most prestigious dress shops in London that she and her mom had gone to look at when Hermione was just a little girl.

Now she wasn't even sure she would ever be able to see her mother again. She felt a sharp pain of lonesome-worry and guilt that she quickly tried to repress. She didn't want Fred to think she was upset. These last two weeks had been some of the best of her life, and that was because of Fred.

Lost in her thoughts, Hermione was hardly aware that the youngest redhead had joined in her efforts of banging the door down.

"No!" George yelled in retaliation. "I refuse! Just call me Neville Longbottom! I'm like a wall! A wall made of solid stone! You can't get in! I won't allow it!"


Slowly, the door creaked open and an embarrassed redhead zoomed out. "SorryGindidntknowyouwereouthere! HeyHermio-gottago!'

"What did he say?" The girls asked at the same time. They burst into giggles and entered the loo together. Hermione needed to take a quick shower and Ginny needed to do her make-up. Having grown up in Hogwarts, where you almost never had privacy in the showers, it was nothing out of the normal.

Just as Hermione was stepping into the shower, Fred burst into the room.

"Ginny! Have you seen Herm.." Fred was nearly screaming at his sister's surprised face before he caught sight of the witch entering the shower, "Oh-I-uh-Nevermind..Found her!" He slammed the door shut and ran down the stairs. Embarrassment was doubled in the bond, some from Hermione and the other from Fred. He felt like he was going to pass out.

What had he done? He didn't mean to see her going into the shower. Surely she knew that! He hadn't even looked at her really. As soon as he had seen her closing the curtain he had run out of the room. She had to know he wasn't trying to be a complete pervert!

Oh Godric..


"Oh..Godric! Did you..see his face?" Ginny was hardly able to get out between her hysterical laughter. It had been an hour since "the incident", which is what Hermione had decided to call it, and Ginny still couldn't stop laughing at her best friend's humiliation.

"It's not funny Gin.." Hermione whimpered at her friend for what seemed like the thousandth time.

She hadn't been able to talk to Fred before the girls had apperated to an ally way just across the street from the bridal boutique but she could feel the heavy guilt Fred was feeling through their bond. Sure she was embarrassed but she wished she could tell him that it was fine. Things happened in a house filled with people. It wasn't a big deal.

But she couldn't. She was trying on Maid of Honor dresses while Ginny was trying on Bridal gowns and she was determined to have fun. They had decided not to buy anything without Mrs. Weasley present, but they still wanted to get an idea of what Ginny liked before they actually went shopping for THE dress.

"Okay, okay..I'm sorry," Ginny said attempting half heartedly to somber up, "So we know I look good in A-line, sheath, Mermaid, Trumpet, and Ball gown right?"

"So basically everything?" Hermione smiled at the red head thankful she had finally let "the incident" go for now.


"Alright then!" Hermione chuckled, "Where do you want to go next? We have all day. No one expects us back until this afternoon."

"Well," Ginny started, throwing a sly smile at Hermione as they walked down the sidewalk in no particular direction, "I have an idea.'

Slightly thrown off by her tone of voice, Hermione stopped and turned towards one of her only girl friends, slightly frightened.

"Oh don't look at me like that!" Ginny guffawed. "I just have a plan that I know Fred will love me for.."

"Fred? What? Ginny, where are we going?" Hermione fired off as her friend picked up her pace towards a very expensive looking boutique.

"Hermione," Ginny sighed in exasperation "The sexiest thing Fred has seen you in was the dress that you wore to Bill and Fleur's wedding a year ago. Now, all you wear are t-shirts and sweatpants. It's time you treat my big brother. And yeah, I know it's weird. I'm trying to be supportive dammit!" She ended exclaiming at Hermione's astounded look.

"Hey I don't dress that.."

"Sweatpants Hermione. Sweatpants.."Ginny cut her off.

"Well I don't have anything that fits! It's like I'm still starving! And I eat as much as a Weasley! Everything is still too big!"

"Oh how I wish I had that problem!" an attractive blonde style consultant interrupted before Ginny could begin. She had apparently only caught the last part of the conversation. Hermione hadn't even realized that they had entered the store.

"Hello," Ginny began sweetly, trying to mask her irritation with the sleek young woman for interrupting her, "My friend needs a dress to wear on a date with a guy she's been absolutely mad about for the past 8 years." She winked at Hermione.

Ginny was the only one that really knew how much Hermione had crushed on her older brother. Ever since Hermione and Ginny became friends, Ginny was the only one that Hermione would talk to about her feelings, just as Hermione was the only one Ginny would talk about Harry to.

"I can help with that! Tell me all about the lucky lad!"


"That's perfect! Hermione, you look amazing!"

Hermione was standing in front of the huge mirror in a private dressing room area of the store. Somehow, their consultant had managed to get them into a private room. She was now sitting on the couch drinking champagne with Ginny, watching as Hermione examined herself in the mirror.

Beth, the consultant, had pulled a dark red dress that was just slightly darker than Gryffindor Red that hugged her curves until it hit her hips where the material faded slowly to black. It ended a couple of inches above her knees but still managed to maintain the modesty that Hermione was so fond of. The entire dress was embezzled with small gold diamond shaped jewels.

"It looks like it was made for you..Fred will absolutely love it!" Beth added whistfully.

The girls had told Beth that Fred loved the colors red and gold and that Hermione was planning on taking him out that night to go star gazing. It wasn't a complete lie, they just couldn't tell the blonde girl too much. Just knowing about Hermione and Fred's relationship was dangerous.

Oblivious to the half-story, Beth decided that Hermione needed to look like a star and Hermione could not be more pleased.

Her reflection hardly looked like her. She was plain, no shape, and a wallflower if she was being honest.

The girl that was looking back at her in the mirror was beautiful. She was strong and vibrant and demanded attention. The tattoos on her wrist that matched Fred's wand markings were enhanced by the golden sheen of her dress. She wore her scares proudly and she deserved someone who did the same.

Someone like Fred.


"Hey Mione!" George yelled as she and Ginny walked into the door.

They had gone eat lunch at a small diner after buying Hermione's dress. They had ended up spending a couple of hours just exploring Muggle London, which even to Hermione, who grew up as a muggle for the first 11 years of her life, still found fascinating.

"Huh, you're not scared of her anymore Georgie?" Ginny laughed as she handed Harry, who was sitting on the couch across from George, his favorite muggle candy that she had bought at one of their many stops that day, chocolate covered orange slices.

"Oh no, dear sister of mine, I'll always be scared of our little Hermy here, but for now I know she has bigger things on her plate than revenge on me.." He sang out with a pointed look towards the door that led to the kitchen.

As soon as he had finished, Fred opened the aforementioned door and walked into the room, took one look at Hermione, blushed brighter than she had ever seen, including that morning, and tuned back and walked out the door he had just entered in from.

She made a split second decision and decided to run after him. This was ridiculous. She could feel his shame and guilt like waves washing over her from the bond that they shared and she tried to send just as intense feelings of love and comfort and understanding back to him, but she knew that actually talking to Fred would help put this silly little thing to rest.

She finally found him sitting on his bed in his and George's room. His back was towards her but she could see him physically stiffen up as the door made a creak signaling her presence.


"Hermione, don't. I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to walk in on y-you! I didn't even know you were in there! I thought it was just Ginny putting on her mak.. I didn't even see.."

"Fred!" She cut him off, feeling the self-depreciating feelings building up in their bond again. She needed to make him see that he was being utterly dense.

"Freddie..listen you goof," She began again chuckling, "We've snogged where you've seen more of me than you did today. I am not angry with you at all! What do I have to be angry with? I feel your guilt, and your sorrow," she paused as she walked over to him, "in here." She lifted her hand and placed it over his heart where their bond was most concentrated. She could feel what he was feeling everywhere, but feelings came over the strongest near their hearts.

At her touch she could feel his heart beat quicken. His negative emotions had started to shrink away but he was still nervous.

"I really am sorry Hermione..I should have.."

She cut him off with a chaste kiss before he could even finish.

"Listen you. You didn't do anything wrong." She put her finger to his lips as he started to say something. "Fred…"

"Hermione! I need your help!" Harry called from down stairs in a slight panic.

"When doesn't he need your help?" Fred whispered chuckling. He still felt bad, but at least he knew Hermione wasn't angry with him. All he could imagine all day was her coming home with Ginny and telling him that she needed a break. Or worse, that she was leaving the Burrow..

"Coming Harry!" she yelled towards the closed door of the twin's bedroom. She turned back towards her boyfriend and whispered, "Tonight. Midnight. Meet me at the lake. I want to show you something."

And with that she was running down stairs to see what kind of trouble the Boy-Who-Lived had gotten himself into now, leaving a slightly confused but excited Fred in the room gawking at his amazing witch.


Hermione was a bit early at the lake but she had never been so excited. The evening had gone by in a flash and the dinner that Mrs. Weasley had prepared was she and Fred's favorite, roast and green beans. They had also had a side of slightly burned rolls courtesy of the Chosen One. It was the perfect beginning to what had the potential to be the perfect night.

Hermione and Ginny had finished their meals in record time and with a lame excuse of cleaning Ginny's room before bed, they excused themselves.

The younger witch had spent hours on Hermione's hair and makeup and at 11:30pm was finally happy with her work. When Hermione was allowed to look in the mirror she gasped.

She looked beautiful. The dress looked even better in Ginny's mirror than it did at the boutique. Her hair hung in soft ringlets framing her face highlighting her cheek bones and her eyes looked like huge sparking dark orbs that, although still betraying what she had been through in the war, showed the mirth that she had been feeling for the past couple of weeks when she was with Fred.

2 minutes. Her Fred was going to be here in 2 minutes.

She knew he was going to love her dress. She was tired of him feeling guilty about seeing her in the shower and maybe she could show him how much she loved him tonight. She wanted to put all of his silly fears to rest. She wasn't going anywhere.

She still couldn't believe how silly he had been. They hadn't gone "all the way" but he had definitely seen more of her than anyone else ever had. He was just a nutter.

A chivalrous lovable nutter.

A rustle of leaves a couple meters from where she was standing startled her out of her thoughts. He had gotten here. And he wasn't late. The Weasley twins were notorious for being late, so she was slightly surprised.

When the rustling stopped and no one stepped out, Hermione immediately went into the defensive. She grabbed her wand that was in her boot and pointed it towards the offending area. Months on the run had caused her to be overly cautious and always on the defense. On the run, you could never be too careful.

But this was just Fred playing some kind of joke, she told herself. She could still feel his excitement through the bond.

Taking a deep breath, Hermione tried to calm herself. The war was over. No one was hunting them anymore. They were safe.

She slowly lowered her wand and whispered into the night, "Freddie.."

More rustling.

"Fr-Freddie?" Hermione was starting to get nervous. If this was some sort of joke, she was going to hex him. She focused on their bond. He still was feeling excited and nervous. Not anxious or any of the feelings he usually had when he was playing a prank.

"Who's there?" She yelled out with false confidence into the night. Only Harry, Ron, and Fred would be able to tell that she was actually terrified.

Flashes of the war passed through her mind. Her friends fighting for their lives, curses flying back and forth between the Order and the Death Eaters, students being tortured. She was in such agony that she knew Fred had to feel it.

Where was he?

On the outside, Hermione looked like an immovable soldier. Her wand pointed towards the area that the rustling had arisen. If the hidden figure thought she was going to go without a fight, they didn't know Hermione Granger.

"Well what do we have here? We came for blood traitors and we snagged a mudblood as well. He'll be pleased.." A voice growled, still hidden in the darkness. A light, slightly familiar laugh responded.

Hermione raised her wand higher. Inside she was screaming for Fred to stay at the Burrow. These people were here for the Weasley's. She couldn't have any of them hurt, especially him.

As Hermione was preparing to cast a stunning charm into the darkness, a group of figures walked towards her, allowing the nearly full moon to illuminate their faces.

There were 4 of them; and Hermione could only make out the two in front.

Standing in the center was Beth, the blonde muggle who had sold her the dress. And just to her right, Fenir Greyback was licking his lips.



Fred jumped from the sudden invasion in his mind. He had nearly keeled over in panic and pain not a moment before he was going to apperate to the spot that Hermione had told him to meet her at. As he righted himself, he heard her voice in his mind.

She was scared. And hurt.

He had to find her. Now.


A/N: I'm so so so so so sorry it took so long for me to update! But I've gotten the plot all mapped out now and I'm ready to start updating more often! Yay! Cheers!

Anyway, I'm also sorry for the cliffhanger but I gotta make sure you guys stay interested right?

JK Rowling owns everything! Except for the fact that Fred is still alive AND WILL REMAIN ALIVE IF I HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH IT!

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Please Read, Review, Follow, Favorite and all that fun stuff!

Thanks Guys!