Fantastic Tales of Maggick (and Other Adventures)
by: Janelle Borbank
'for those that need a touch of Maggick'
Newt x OC
Chapter One
September 7th, 2003
I stifled a cry.
It would only be worse if I made a peep.
Aunt Martha stared at the mess before me like Satan himself was about to crawl out of the hole. Said hole was not particularily large or impressive in any sense, in fact it was small and perfectly curved.
It was created when the small shrub which Uncle Marcus had planted only yesterday decided to escape.
Well, it didn't so much escape as attack my brother, Liam. We're not really related as I was adopted, so it makes sense that he's a nasty git while I was an innocent doe.
Getting off track here.
It all started earlier today. Aunt Martha, Liam's mother, allowed us to play in the front garden (if you could call it that). There was a catch: we had to rake up the autumn leaves. It wasn't much work, but Liam being the prat he was instead whipped out his cellphone, sat down on the front steps, and began talking to his mates about something stupid only other 13 year old boys would get.
I, on the other hand, began to rake the leaves like a good little girl. Not that I had much choice. Aunt Martha was watching me like a hawk. She didn't like me much and Uncle Marcus was indifferent to me. Granted, they did have good reason. You see bad things often happened around me. Sometimes lights flickered, or objects would move on their own. One time Liam wouldn't stop whining about how hot it was, the next thing I know he's practically blue and freezing. All I had thought was that he needed to chill out and he turned into a popsicle!
Aunt and Uncle took me in as an eight year old, not that I can remember that far back, and my parents vanished shortly after leaving me at the front door. They never came back, Uncle eventually told me they were probably dead. I didn't know what to think; how was eight year old me supposed to react? I couldn't remember my parents save for seeing them leave, it was like they never existed.
Two years later and I was still uncertain of what my parents were even like; nothing came to mind. Aunt and Uncle were getting increasingly frustrated with the incidents and always blamed me.
Oh right, back to the inicident that just happened. Well Liam eventually got off his phone and stared at me. He's a bit weird and rather rude. Granted I had yet to meet a nice teenaged boy at school, save for one or two, but they were often little and very shy boys.
"My friend's are coming over, so hurry up would you?" Liam said. I glared at him, frowning. Instead of continuing I propped the rake up and leaned on it.
"Make me." I said. Liam glowered at me before standing to his full height. He was a rather large boy of twelve, slowly creeping up to five foot eight and not anywhere near done his growth spurt. He smirked at me before walking over to the previously mentioned shrub. "What are you doing" I asked as he planted his hands on either side of it.
"I'm going to pull this out and blame your carelessness." Liam said. I scoffed. Really, when a ten year old scoffs at you, you know you've done something stupid. However when I looked to the window I saw that Aunt Martha had walked away, which meant I might actually take the fall for this one if she didn't see Liam pulling out the shrub.
"Liam don't." I began, but he ignored me and started to pull. The roots started to give way, making me nervous, and I could just picture Aunt Martha screeching at me about the stupid shrub and Liam laughing it off. Stupid stupid stupid boy! Stop! Or I'll shove that bush into your face!
Suddenly the shrub halted, no matter how hard Liam pulled. It then pulled back, dragging him down to his knees. My eyes widened, but I didn't break my eyes away as Liam let out a shout when the shrub wrapped its thick vined arms around his wrists and didn't let him escape. He began thrashing like an animal caught in a trap before the shrub let him go. Liam fell in a heap, screaming at the bush that had gone completely back to normal. I couldn't help but start to laugh uncontrolably.
Liam glared at me again, looking at me like I was some two headed dragon.
"You did that on purpose!" He shrub then leapt at him right out of the ground and grappled to his face. I let out a huge laugh as he screamed and ran around. Looking every part of a hilarious cartoon as he crashed into trees and tripped over shrubs. My laughs echoed for a short while. That is until I saw Aunt Martha looking at me through the window.
"I don't ever want to see that again!"
"But it wasn't me! The shrub just did it!" I cried back as Aunt Martha dragged me by my hair into the basement. I let out a cry as I fell the last two steps onto the ground, but she didn't stop until she reached my room. I let out another cry as she tossed me to the wall before grabbing her belt. I shivered as she walked slowly towards me.
"Please! Please! I didn't do anything I swear!" I cried. Aunt Martha glowered at me before snapping her belt twice. She narrowed her eyes before smirking.
"I think I've found a solution my dear." She then proceeded to pull out a small ring from her pocket. I narrowed my eyes at it, confused. "It's a bit much, but it'll have to do. Put it on."
I warily took the ring from her, frowning. Sowly, I sliped it on my middle finger and instantly knew why she called it a 'bit much'. It felt like a fire had ignited in my veins. Then ice was thrown over it. I let out a cry and tried to get it off, but she hit me with her belt when I did.
"You have to get used to it my dear, you have to fight that demonic energy." She said in a sickly cold tone.
"But it hurts!" I screamed, feeling like my insides were burning. "Get it off! It hurts!"
My throat hurt, but she hit me.
"Do not talk back you insolent!" She shouted. I cried fat tears and curled into a ball. "Now repeat after me: There's no such thing as Magic."
When I didn't respond right away she hit me twice.
"T-There's no such thing as magic!" I cried. She hit me again.
"Stop crying."
But I couldn't. It hurt so much! Why was she doing this? I didn't understand. Still, I repeated it until I barely spoke a whisper. She seemed satisfied and left the room, but I didn't stop. The more I said it the less I noticed the burning fire. The less I felt the pain.
"There's no such thing as magic... There's no such thing as magic..."
There's no such thing as magic.
So I'm not sure where this came from, but I had seem FBAWTFT last night and... Yeah, I love Newt. Never been overly obsessed with any of the HP characters until this guy comes in and... Yeah...
Not sure which location to post this but I'll post it here for now until I decide otherwise.
Anyway, so this will be an interesting tale I think. Not sure how closely I want to follow the movie though. And I will have a whole year to play around seeing as the next movie isn't for a while.
I will admit I haven't read the books in years. Like when DH came out I was neck deep in LOTR and wasn't coming out anytime soon so I never read it, except maybe fleetingly. Also, I am Canadian, so I am strongly imploring you to know I will try to be as English as Englishly possible but I haven't a hot clue how to be. I put in dates as well to make things go a tiny bit smoother, but again, I have no idea what I am doing.
I strongly encourage reviews, if only to say you have a criticism, because this edge of the map is very new to me...
You also wont find my usual opening because I'm imagining Janelle (The main OC) is writing this book... In a sense. So things might seem a little odd, oh well!
Iland Girl