"Why didn't you tell her?" asked Neville

"Because we're not telling anyone Neville, remember?" Harry answered him, they were sitting in Harry's room

"Well, yes, but she's our friend" said Neville

"and so is Lousi" said Harry "but I'm not telling any of them because it's a secret, secrets were made to stay secrets until it's the time for them to be revealed"

"Secrets were made to be shared with those who you trust" said Neville

"I trust them, I truly do, but this should stay a secret" said Harry "because I don't need neither Voldemort nor Death Eaters following me"

"You just said you trust them" said Neville

"I trust them, but there are accidents, today you almost called me Harry" said Neville

"But I corrected myself and nobody heard" said Neville defensively

"Exactly, Neville, accidents happen, and I don't blame you, I just prefer to be safe rather than sorry"

"Right, better safe than sorry" Neville muttered to himself

"So, how are your animagus lessons going?" Harry asked Neville

"I still have the Mandrake under my tongue" said Neville

"Does mum know?" Harry asked

"Am I crazy?" Neville asked back, and Leo laughed

"So, you haven't found your animagus form yet?" asked Harry

"No, I haven't" said Neville "how are your Elemagus lessons?"

"Not that much" said Harry "still working on air, the element of breathing and birds and unicorns and butterflies" said Harry sarcastically, Neville laughed

"Though, I think you made unicorns and butterflies up" Neville pointed out

"I made it all up Neville, because it's taking too much time, I mastered fire in three weeks" said Harry

"You'll get it" said Neville

"How are your patronus lessons?" asked Leo

"Terrible" said Neville "I tried the memory of the first time I went to the zoo, it should be happy one, but…" Neville stopped

"But?" Harry demanded

"Then I remembered how my uncle threw me in the lions cage, and I was running away from lions" said Neville, Harry burst out laughing "That's not funny"

"Sorry, it's just- how much time?" Harry asked

"Fifteen minutes, if I stayed just another minute I would've been dead" said Neville

"I thought of you" said Harry suddenly

"What?" asked Neville, confused

"When I cast my patronus for the first time, I thought of you, of the day you came here" said Harry

"Really?" asked Neville affected, and tears started to fill his eyes

"Stop crying" said Harry, laughing

"You have to ruin every emotional moment, don't you?" asked Neville


"I had the weirdest dream" Hermione told them the next morning

"What was it?" asked Kelly

"You" she pointed at Harry and Neville "told me that you were wizards, and you literally levitated me, and Louis was a wizard too, and then you told me about Hogwarts and Harry Potter or something, and it was weird"

"Oh, was I a witch?" asked Kelly

"Haha" Harry faked laughing, not so convincingly "hey, Kelly, isn't that Louis there?"

Kelly turned her head quickly "Where?" and then she went to search for him, Harry turned his head to Hermione

"What do you think you are doing?" Harry asked

"Leo, she thought she was dreaming" Neville defended

"I don't care" Harry replied "she almost exposed the wizarding world, and if she did, we are the ones to blame"

"Wait, it wasn't a dream?" she asked confused

"No Hermione, it wasn't" said Harry, impatiently

"Easy on her, Harry" said Neville

"I'm sorry" he said "but it's very dangerous, Hermione"

"I understand" she said, though her face expressions were still shocked

"What do you think you are doing sending Kelly after me?" Louis came and asked Harry furiously

"No, Louis, come back" came Kelly's voice from somewhere


"Harry! Neville! Hurry up, we'll be late" called Lily from down the stairs

"We're coming, mum" Neville yelled back

"No, Neville, wait for me" said Harry, who was still wearing his shoes

"Okay, I'm waiting, but come on, we'll be missing the opening event" said Neville

Harry, who finally has managed to fit his foot inside the shoe, pointed his wand at his shoes, and the shoelaces tied themselves "Let's go" he told Neville, and they got down to where Lily was waiting

"What took you so much time?" asked Lily

"I was showing Harry my patronus" Neville answered

"Yes, he finally managed to cast it" said Harry "and it's a bunny" he added teasingly

"It's not a bunny" said Neville, offended

"That's amazing, Neville" said Lily "You'll show it to me when we get home, but we are getting late" looking at her watch, she offered the second hand to them, they took it and they were in Hogsmeade

It was the last few weeks in August, Sirius and Remus were opening a new branch of Maruders Pranksters in Hogsmeade

"I hope you are not selling these maps of yours" said Minerva a few days ago, Sirius and Remus exchanged looks and burst out laughing

"Don't worry, Minerva, we won't" Remus said

Lily, Neville and Harry were making their way to where a huge crowd of people standing waiting for Sirius and Remus to open the shop

"Why aren't we inside?" asked Harry "I mean, Sirius is my godfather"

"Sirius is busy preparing for the event, Leo" answered Lily

"It's a very long turn" complained Neville

"We can use some hocus pocus" said Harry, smirking

"No, Leonard Porter, you are not going to use any hocus pocus" said Lily firmly

"I was only joking" said Harry, and returned his wand to his pocket reluctantly

"Shush… shush… the event is going to begin" Lily shushed him and Neville

The place was very crowded, Harry and Neville couldn't see anything happening, they heard Sirius voice saying something, and then the crowd clapped very loudly, and minutes later, people started entering the place

It took them a whole thirty minutes, to reach the entrance, where Sirius was greeting the people

"If it isn't my favorite boys" said Sirius when he first saw them

"Padfoot!" Harry and Neville ran up to him

"Did you like it?" Sirius asked

"We haven't seen it yet" said Neville

"Then you probably should" said Sirius, and then he motioned for them to get closer, and whispered "Don't tell your mother, boys, but feel free to take anything you want" and then he backed and winked at them

Harry and Neville beamed at Sirius, and then at each other, a mischievous smiles growing wider on their faces, before they disappeared behind the shelves.

"So, let's see" said Neville, checking the products "High pitched cup-cakes?"

"Oh, yes, we need them" said Harry, and took a bunch of them

"What about the invisibility hats?" asked Neville

"I have an invisibility cloak" said Harry "what about sticky pants?"

"Why do you need sticky pants?" asked Neville, eyeing the pants Harry was holding

"We can give it as a gift to Louis" said Harry, Neville took one "The heating chocolate?"

"No!" said Harry, looking at the chocolates terrified, Neville burst out laughing

"Wotcher boys!" came a voice from behind them, they turned their head to see who was it

A blue haired girl, looking like eleven or ten years old, was standing in front of them, checking a heating chocolate

"Hello" said Harry, quietly

"Heating chocolate" she read the sign out loud "what are your names?" she turned her head toward them and asked

"Neville" Neville simply answered

"Leonard Porter" said Leo "but everybody calls me Leo"

"So, you are my cousin's godson?" she asked

"You are Sirius's cousin?" Harry and Neville asked together, surprised

"Well, once removed, but it doesn't matter, does it?" she asked, before she winked at them, and her hair color changed to bubblegum pink, Harry and Neville stared at her hair, she laughed "See you around" she turned and left

"Did you see that?" asked Neville, impressed

"She's a metamorphmagus" said Harry, admiringly

"What?" asked Neville

"a metamorphmagus" said Harry again "that means she can transform and change her appearance"

"Cool!" said Neville "can we?" he began

"No" said Harry "you are born that way, you can't learn how to be a metamorphmagus"

"Oh!" said Neville, slightly disappointed "exploding bubblegum?"

"Yes, bring some" said Harry