When she didn't even flinch at his voice he edged closer to her before speaking again trying for something a little lighter.

"You know breaking and entering is a felony," he said softly as he came to a stop a few feet behind her. When he still didn't get a response he glanced out the window and he could see Kayla climbing into a cab in the front drive. At the same time he caught a glimpse of her face and saw the tear stains through the small amount of makeup she had put on. That's when he said fuck it and grabbed her shoulders and spun her around to face him. She didn't fight just let him turn her away from the window letting her eyes fall on his shoes.

"Dammit Taylor this is not you! What the hell is going on?" he asked still keeping his grip on her shoulders firm but not tight.

"Why aren't you leaving with your girlfriend?" came her small voiced answer.

"Girlfriend?! You think Kayla is my girlfriend?!" at this he starts laughing, making her shake as he shook.

"Well I hadn't really pinned you as the type to go around kissing random people, thought I knew you better than that. But I was apparently wrong," she said still not making eye contact with him.

"Tay she's not my girlfriend. And no I don't go around kissing random girls. There is only one woman I want to kiss tonight and there for a while I thought she hated my guts to much to even think about kissing me again," he said taking her chin in one hand and tilting her head up so he could look her in the eyes.

"Then what the hell was that on the balcony?" she asked her voice getting more life to it as she remembered what she had walked out on.

"She basically jumped me. Before I could register what was happening you had already walked out the door," he said letting go of her chin and grabbing on to her arms and slowly guiding her over to the bed so they could sit and talk.

"The great Eric Myers let some 100 something pound redhead jump him? Why do I not believe this?" she asked arching a brow at him but sitting on the bed with him nonetheless.

"Well I might have had a couple drinks before the one that landed on me," he said smirking at her. They sat quietly for a moment before Taylor remembered something.

"Wait how did you get in here?" she asked looking back up at him from her hands in her lap. He dug his key back out of his pocket before replying.

"How did you get in here? I know for a fact this room was locked up before the party," he asked raising a brow at her.

"How did you know it was locked?" she answered with another question.

"You picked the absolute worst room in the whole mansion to hide in. It's actually quite funny if you think about it," he said laughing before looking at her again and realising she wasn't comprehending what he was getting at. "This is my room when I stay here."

"Just my damn luck," she said standing up off the bed when she realized how close they were to each other. For a split second hurt crossed Eric's face before he schooled it back to it's usual smirk.

"You still look hot in my color," he said standing up and walking towards her again. But this time she reacted like she had when they met close to 3 years ago, meeting him stride for stride standing up straight again to where she was just a few inches shorter than him.

"I seem to recall something about your color and a little pink bag...have any ideas?" she asked smirking up at him.

"Oh I have alot of ideas...some involving what's inside that little pink bag and some involving the contents of said bag on the floor," he said pulling her close to him by her hips causing her arms to go around his neck.

But before anything else could be said they could start to hear the countdown from the ballroom. When the chanting hit the number 3 Eric looked back down at her and smiled. A true smile. A smile he only uses for his team and Alice. Seeing him smile at her made Taylor smile too. As the chanting reached one and cheers erupted above them Eric leaned down and pressed his lips to hers in a slow deep kiss pulling her closer to him as fireworks exploded behind them out the window.

Eric Myers was not a partier, but if this is how all parties ended from now on, you'd make a believer out of him.

A.N: And done! thank you everyone for being patient with me! If anyone has any couples they would like a story of just let me know and I'll try to come up with something.

Disclaimer(cause I really suck at doing it): I do not own anything/anyone in this story besides my Victoria's Secret worker and I'm sure out there somewhere is a Victoria's Secret worker that matches my description and I don't own her either, cause that'd be weird. Everything/one belongs to Saban.