Warning: This Fan Fiction story: includes some violence, underage suggestion, strong language, Rape Suggestion, underage relationship suggestion and some sex scene in several chapters. If you don't like these themes, please do not read this story.
Disclaimer : I do not own any character of (The Last of Us) TLOU is owned by Naughty Dog
A/N: Hi, I'd like to let you know that this is my first FanFiction Story. I read a lot of stories on this page for the past ten months, but this is the first time that I decided to write a story. I am not a writer and English is not my native language, so please take it a little easy if there are any mistakes or errors in the story, thanks. Also I want to thank (Lumy12) my FanFiction friend for helping me with the story and giving me the courage and support to write something in this FanFiction page, Thanks. Like I said this is my first story ever so I hope that some people like it. Also I want to LYK that this a fantasy world fiction, not real life situation. You can leave a review if you'd like, good or bad, but please do not leave personal hateful comments. Personal Hate comments will be removed, if you don't like this type of story don't read it, thanks.
Chapter 1 : A New Home
I wake up early in the morning to a very loud sound, damn! Joel must have set the bedroom clock alarm again. I told him yesterday that I don't need to be at work too early today, the Doc is not in the clinic until eight o'clock. Joel is not in the bed so I think he must be down in the kitchen preparing breakfast.
I step out of the bed and go to the window; the sun has started to rise. The summer is going to start soon. Joel said that it's going to be hot this year, and there hasn't been much rain the past two months. I look back to the side of the bed where Joel sleeps and notice that it's a little wet. He must have sweat during the night; it was a little hot. Then I look at myself and see that I'm a little wet too, but only in the front. I must have snuggled up to him again during the night and got some of his sweat on me.
Yes, we are still together… my deepest fear is gone, at least for now. We live now in a town named Jackson in the old state of Wyoming, and it's led by Joel's brother, Tommy, and his wife, Maria. We encountered them inside the dam in the Fall almost two years ago, when Joel and I came here looking for the Fireflies. Joel thought that his brother might have had some information on where we could find the Fireflies group. But when we were here, some bandits attacked the place, and Joel and his brother had to defend it. After that, I discovered that Joel was planning on leaving me there so Tommy could take me to the Fireflies.
I tried to go away, but Joel and his brother found me... then things changed, and Joel and I ended up going together. In our journey, we encountered many difficulties that culminated in a lot of sorrow. Joel got injured and almost died, during the Winter I got captured by a bunch of cannibal maniacs, and what happened there is something I'm never going to forget.
After that, we made it to Salt Lake City where the Fireflies were supposed to be, and I thought, "Yes, finally I'm going to finish my destiny!" I was going to be the cure for the Cordyceps fungus virus. But something happened in the tunnel we had to cross before we could get to the hospital, and I almost drowned trying to save Joel . I don't remember the rest; when I woke up, I was in a car with Joel. Then he started to tell me all that happened. He drove for hours until the car didn't work anymore, and when he saw that he couldn't fix the car, we started to walk. Then Joel told me that we were going back to see his brother.
Before we got there, I started to think that the story Joel told me didn't make much sense. I know that he's not telling me everything: why did the Fireflies stop looking for the cure? Why didn't they wake me up in the hospital? and why didn't he tell me the reason Marlene let me go with him? But I think that if I'm here with him, Marlene must not care much for me, now that I don't hold the cure for the world. I know that she was my mother's friend, but the only thing she had in her mind was the Fireflies. Even so, I made him swear that the story he told me was true, and he did. I looked him in the eyes and I knew that he was lying or not telling the all the truth, but after thinking for a moment, I said... "Okay!"
When we arrived at the front gate of the town, Joel quickly told me to put my hand in the air when the guard on the gate aks who we are and what we want. Joel told them his name and that he was Tommy's big brother, the guard called through the radio and asked for Tommy, then Tommy ordered them to open the gate. After we entered the town, Tommy arrived with Maria to welcome us. He gave Joel a big hug and Maria gave one to me. It felt so good that I tried to forget all about Joel's lie at that moment.
After a day in town, I tried not to dwell on Joel's story, even though I knew that he wasn't telling me the truth, at least not completely. Well, I thought, at least we're together and I can try to make this work for us and I'm not ending up alone anymore. I thought, At least he fights for me, keeps me safe, and along the way I started to care a lot about him... I think he feels the same for me. A few days after our arrival in Jackson and his brother welcoming us with open arms, I thought that that was great. I was going to live with Joel and his family...Wow I was going to have a real family, something I've never had before. I thought that my love for Joel would make me forget in time and that all this was going to be great.
Jackson was a small town, just five or six streets with houses. Tommy said that when the outbreak started, the little people that lived here wanted to make this town safe so they started to build a fence and some fortification walls around the town to keep the infected and hunters out. There are like two hundred people living in here now; they scavenge for some medicine and supplies, sometimes they go and hunt or trade with other survivors. But they make almost all the food we consume, which is a little limited, but I think that we're doing fine. For most of the food they have two big greenhouses (well, that is what they call them). I didn't know what that was but then Joel explained that that's where they grow vegetables and other plants that they use. I thought that was cool - we didn't have any of that in Boston.
They also have some kind of church that they sometimes use as a school for the little children. Joel tried to put me in the school class, but I told him that no way was I going to do that, I had enough of that back in the military in Boston. They also have some kind of a store, it's where they put all the supplies and things they find or trade. Also, they have a clinic and a farm with some animals that I've never seen before - Joel had to tell me their names. They have a stable, too, where they keep the horses. I like horses.
Even though we've been living here for a little more than a year, we don't know many of the people who live here. We lived with Tommy and Maria for the first two weeks; after that, Tommy offered Joel a house to live in. The house was not in perfect shape, but it was a place for us. After Tommy gave us the key for the house, we started to work on the things most in need of repair. I did not know shit about repairing things, but Joel knew everything about that; he told me that he worked in construction back in the old days. We worked on the house for three weeks until it was ready.
After finishing the house, we spent like two months alone there, making things right and trying to get used to it - it was very rare for us to live in a house in a secure town. After a while, we tried to fit in, especially Joel. He is not much of a people person - well, me either, but he needed to work. Not everything in here is free - you need to work for it. In a way, I prefer to be with Joel most of the time; I don't much like being surrounded by people I don't know, and I don't think that they like me very much ether. In the first few months, I was still having nightmares, but Joel always tried to make me feel better and safe. We slept in one room. At first, he just slept in a chair in there, but when I woke up from a bad dream, I asked him if he would get in bed with me. He didn't protest much, but always said that it was only until I fell asleep again.
He's always watching me to be sure that I'm okay. Joel didn't really trust anyone here at first, just his brother and maybe Maria. We spent some time with Tommy and Maria, but Joel somehow almost always ended up in an argument with his brother… never anything serious, at least not in front of me. But he always said to me that it was okay, that he loves his brother and that brothers always argue.
Tommy and Maria, they were always busy (they have to run the town… well, Maria was the one that was really in charge), but they always had time for us, especially Maria. They don't have any children yet, so Maria treats me as if I were her niece. I once asked Joel why they didn't have kids if they'd been married for a long time, and Joel told me that they're trying but not having any luck. After a few more months, Tommy found a perfect job for Joel since he worked before in construction, Tommy put him to work with some people that work on that and that was a great start for him.
He started to work on repairing houses and things like that. Sometimes when there wasn't much to repair, he volunteered for the hunting party and some of the scavenger runs. I tried to convince him to take me with him, but he always said no. He used the excuse that since I was only fifteen, I couldn't go outside with him because it was too dangerous. Fuck, like we didn't spend almost a whole year out there and survive. When he had to go outside, he didn't like the idea of leaving me alone in town. So he asked Maria to watch me - yeah! like if I were a little kid. Sometimes I hate that.
Sometimes he did take me with him if he needed to go to the dam to do some work there. But after we got into some trouble with some bandits that tried to attack the dam again, he didn't take me outside anymore... fucking bandits, they have to ruin everything. In the year that we've been living here, some hunters and bandits tried to take Jackson several times, but the people defended the town very well, and they stopped coming back, at least for now. After that, Tommy and Maria called for a town meeting and decided that they need to build more towers and reinforce the fence.
Thanks to the engineers that work in the dam, we have electricity for the house and fence. We also have clean water for the houses and other uses. When we arrived at Jackson, Joel, Tommy, and Maria decided that keeping my condition secret from the rest of the town was the best way to not create any problems or panic. But since we didn't know much about my condition, they took me to the town doctor so he could check on it. At first, he was fascinated, of course; Tommy and Maria didn't tell him about how the Fireflies tried to find a cure for the virus and then quit. Well, that is the story that Joel said, that I still have my doubts about... I just don't want to think about it.
So he took some blood samples to study it; a few weeks later, he asked for us. He told us what he found with the limited medical equipment they have. I asked if since I was immune could he find a cure for the virus, but he said that he didn't have the equipment or the knowledge for that. Joel quickly tried to change the subject and asked him if I could have a normal life, like I'm not a danger... or if I could infect someone. But he said that the test he ran showed that somehow the virus in me had mutated and that I couldn't infect anyone. That the the amount of the fungus in my body was not high enough to pass on to other people. At least not by bite or saliva, but that he wasn't sure about blood contact. So he said that he needed to do more tests on that to be sure and said that I have to be careful about it, that I have to try to ensure that nobody comes into contact with my blood.
Maria told him not to say any of this to anybody, and he agreed, but he asked me to come back to do more tests. After that, he checked Joel. He asked Joel who had dressed the wound in his abdomen, and Joel told him that I was the one that saved his life. When he checked my work, he saw that I was good about attending wounds, and he offered me a job helping him sometimes in the clinic - that way he got some help and could also keep checking my condition. I asked Joel if I could do that, and Joel asked Maria if that was okay with her. She looked at me and told me that if I was careful and did what the doctor said, that she would have no problem with that.
After that, Maria find me a job in the greenhouse and some time in the stables. Working with the horses was kind of cool because I love them. After a few weeks, it all become routine, and a few months later, I made a few friends. Joel did, too. Well... only one, I think, an old man like him...Mmmnn I think Harold is the name of the guy. Only a few people have arrived in the year since we got here...and we don't have many problems with the people here. We've been living in peace, happy as can be as a family.
Family... that is a strong word, because, well... I don't know exactly what Joel and I are: friends, partners, or family. But I know for now that I'm happy to live here together. My sixteenth birthday is going to be in a few weeks now, so I know that Joel is going to prepare something for me - I'm so excited about what the surprise is going to be. I tried to get what it was out of Maria or Tommy but they said that they had no idea.
The smell of breakfast wakes me out of my thoughts, so I get out of bed and put on my normal clothes for work. When I start heading down the stairs, I hear Joel singing - so he is happy today! Ha! Maybe I can make him tell me about my birthday gift. I smile and for the first time in my life I feel so happy in our new home.
A/N : You can review if you like and if you found any grammatical error please LMK thanks.