. Regrets:

This is a new story about the life of Colby Lopez aka Seth Rollins and his journey the past couple of years since the whole nude photo incident. I hope you enjoy it and please let me know what you think.

Colby Lopez is a WWE Superstar better known as Seth Rollins and this is his journey since his whole world changed in February 2015 when his twitter and Instagram accounts were hacked. Nude photos of him and then NXT Wrestler Zahra Schreiber. This would lead to the break up of his family and something that he would regret for the rest of his life. Colby had been engaged to Leighla Schultz for a little of a year they had been together for 8 years and they had a daughter Chloe Danielle Lopez that was 13 months old. Colby and Leighla had built a life together in Davenport Iowa while he was off wrestling for WWE, Leighla was at home with their baby girl and also was a hair stylist at a high end salon in Davenport called Halo. Leighla worked at the Salon a couple of days a week mainly while Colby was on the road. It seemed that they had the perfect life but looks can be deceiving. Leighla never was a fan of wrestling it was just something that her boyfriend/fiancé did that was his job, she only watched what he was doing or what Roman aka Joe or what Dean aka Jon did. She went to the shows that were close to home and was very proud of Colby but she didn't travel with him and she didn't want their daughter growing up on the road.

Colby and his best friend from his days at Scott County Wrestling and ROH days Marek Brave had opened a wrestling academy called Black and Brave. They were the tag team champions Tyler Black and Marek Brave during those days but Marek had suffered a near life ending neck injury while Colby had gone on to NXT and ultimately WWE. Their Academy was in Moline Illinois which is about a hour away from Davenport in a Cross Fit Gym that they had both attended called Quad City Fitness. Marek was the head trainer and Colby helped out as much as he could with his schedule he tried to make sure that he was there at least one night during the week

Colby made what he now knows was the biggest mistake of his life he was feeling sorry for himself and was lonely while he was on the road and struck up a friendship with a NXT star he had meet down at the performance center named Zahra. She was the total opposite of Leighla with tattoos and her love of wrestling and they started out just texting one another as friends and then that turned into sending nude selfies of one another to each other. Colby knew it was wrong and he paid the price for it because when Leighla found out she gave him back the engagement ring and took his daughter from him and told him that they were over. He was lost and in a downward spiral for awhile the relationship with Zahra only brought more heartache and bad things for him and his career when she was fired from NXT. Zahra didn't like that he spent time with his daughter when he could and that he was not helping her with her career when she felt that he had the power to do so. Then it all fell apart when he had his knee injury and she left him right after the surgery and he was all alone well except for his family.

Leighla had been really good at letting him spend extra time with Chloe during his rehab. He couldn't believe that his baby girl was going to be 3 this month where had the time gone? He felt like he had missed so much of her life all of the little things like her first steps, her first words now she was 3 and was the best thing that he had ever done. Was wrestling worth it? was always being on the road away from his daughter worth it? was she going to resent him for it later in life? she cried when he had to leave and would beg him to stay when he would drop her off at Leighla's and it broke his heart every time.

"Daddy no go" Chloe cried out to Colby as he had walked into Leighla's home that he had bought for her and his daughter it was a nice town house with plenty of room for them both.

''Baby, daddy has to go to work it's mommy's time with you now" Colby said as he rubbed her back as she clung to his neck not letting go.

"I go with you" Chloe said through the tears as she laid her head on her daddy's shoulder.

"You can't go this time baby but I promise I will be back for your birthday party" Colby said as he rocked her in his arms for just a minute as Leighla was watching quietly to the side.

"Daddy will miss you and I promise he will call you tonight" Leighla said as she walked over to the two and rubbed her daughter's back.

"Daddy loves you Chloe with all of my heart and I promise I will call you tonight baby girl" Colby said as he kissed her on the temple and had to peel her arms off of his neck and hand her to Leighla.

"Go on she will be fine once you're gone, I think you being home this week with her is just making it a little harder this time" Leighla said to Colby as she rocked her little girl in her arms.

"I hate leaving her upset" Colby said as he leaned over and kissed Chloe on the temple

"Go please before she as a melt down" Leighla asked with a painful look on her face.

"Bye baby, Daddy loves you" Colby said as he walked out the door and Leighla shut it so Chloe wouldn't see I'm get in his car and leave that was the hardest part on their daughter she learned ater years of this.

"I want daddy" Chloe cried as Leighla took her into the kitchen to get her a cup of juice to try and settle her sown.

"I know sweetie and I know daddy wanted to stay but he had to go to work, we can watch him tonight on TV" Leighla said as she grabbed the sippy cup and a couple of animal crackers and sat down at the island with Chloe.

Colby was driving to Chicago for RAW and hated himself for leaving his daughter crying it was getting harder every time he had to leave her. He cranked up the music to try and drown out his thoughts. When he arrived at the arena he wasn't in a good mood and Joe could tell as soon as he saw him in catering and walked up to him.

"Who in the hell are you pissed at?" Joe asked as he sat down at the table beside Colby.

"Myself, I had to leave my daughter crying and begging me not to go, pleading with me to bring her and I had to tell her no that daddy couldn't bring her along and it has broken me uce" Colby said as he took a drink of his water.

"Rollins, we all have to go through that and it's not easy on any of us but it's just part of the biz" Joe said as he slapped him on the back.

"I just don't know how much longer I can do this man, I love wrestling but I don't know if I want to keep running the roads man I'm missing so much at home" Colby said.

"It's tough Uce, I think we have all been at this point one time or another in our career" Joe replied as he wiped his face with his hands.

"I have Black and Brave to think about, I have my daughter who will be 3 in a couple of weeks I just don't want her to resent me for not being there for her and It's getting more difficult to leave her every time I have to give her back to Leighla" Colby said.