Author's Note

Thank you for over 13K views! I sincerely apologize for the delay in updates. I know it has been such a long time since I've updated and I've been neglectful of you guys as my readers and I am very sorry. I promise to be more active. I, too, would like to see how Ha Ni reacts to Seung Jo! Please R&R! 3

Seung Jo's POV

Seung Jo seethed, his blood boiling beneath his skin, his eyes tearing up from anger. How dare that bastard Joon Gu lay his hands on Ha Ni? How DARE he?

Seung Jo's mind raced as he clutched the window frame, his knuckles turning white from the strength of his grip. Should he go down and punch that punk's face? Declare that ONLY he, ONLY Seung Jo may touch Ha Ni because Seung Jo…

…because Seung Jo…

…Seung Jo loves Ha Ni…

The realization his Seung Jo like a ton of bricks, how can he be so smart and yet so stupid and blind? How was he blind to the fact that he had loved Ha Ni all along? He had been so busy trying to go against his mother and the whole world that wanted him to be with Ha Ni, when in fact he was only going against his own heart.

Seung Jo's heart began to stretch and ache once again, only this time he knew why. He was afraid, afraid that Ha Ni would no longer be available to him. That some other man far more deserving than he had come to take her away.

He couldn't let happen, no chance. Seung Jo began to formulate a plan as he sat in his bedroom. Trying to figure out how to keep Ha Ni by his side and show her he repented for all his actions.

He could only think of one solution and that was to be as Ha Ni was to him before he broke her heart into shards. He needed to show her that she was the only one for him. Seung Jo decided to wait for her in the mornings, walk her to class, pay her compliments, and go to the tennis club for her.

Another idea popped into his mind, this one better than the last: he would create a video game character that would talk and look like Ha Ni and distribute it through Pandai, that way Ha Ni would see his public declaration of love for her.

Yes! That's it! It's the perfect plan to get Ha Ni back.

Seung Jo pulled out his tablet and got to work, creating a rough draft presentation to show the art team at Pandai in order to convince them to help him pull off his plan while also increasing Pandai's sales.

Au revoir! Read, review, follow, and favorite! 3 (: