Author's Note: So I'm trying to get back into writing but it's not going so well. This is probably garbage (and you can tell me that if you feel that way) but it's the first thing I've written in months and it just kinda felt good to write and update something. Also sorry this didn't have any real Bruce/Diana moments. I'm kinda trying to get this to have a flow despite being a bunch of drabbles and I felt that the stuff from Suicide Squad would be something interesting to address.

She was right when she said that the others didn't want to be found.

Every lead they get, every road they follow ends up being a dead end and it quickly becomes frustrating to Bruce. He's the world's greatest detective; how hard should finding three people be?

However, things take a turn when an incident occurs in Midway City. The government kept it hush-hush when it was happening but the all-knowing Bruce tells her about what went down. Needless to say, she's not totally surprised that the government tried to hide things but it does bother her a little bit.

"Even with the evacuation, innocent people could have been killed," begins Diana. Then she remembers what he said about the Enchantress's army. "Some of them were."

"That's just how these people operate," says Bruce. "We're talking about a woman who left criminals clean up the mess."

Diana understands that's just how some humans are by nature but still she can't help but frown. How could this Amanda Waller woman be so cold, so cruel? Would humans ever learn from their mistakes?

Bruce takes notice of her obvious displeasure but doesn't say anything about it. Instead he changes the subject. "I found a way to find out exactly who our meta-humans are."

"Really?" Diana perks up at this news.

One would think that with all his technology Bruce could've easily identified the men in the videos but they quickly found out that the government made sure that couldn't happen. Facial recognition software couldn't identify them. Hacking attempts into security feeds kept getting blocked by government software. Then of course there was no way they could get into the government's database; they assumed Lex did it from some kind of backdoor what with his company's government contracts but Bruce didn't have any of those.

Bruce nods. "Someone needed something from me and I needed this information from them. I'm going to meet them tonight."

"Do you want me to come with you?" she asks.

He hesitates for a second but then shakes his head. "It's best if I go alone."

Diana just nods to show she understands but due to his hesitation she's become curious about his meeting. Still, she's not going to interrogate him about it. She simply lets him go.

Hours later, she hears him enter his hotel room. He'd left his door open so that they could talk when he got in. She gets up from the desk where she's doing some antiques research and goes to stand in his doorway. He's in the process of unbuttoning his sleeves but he gestures to a skinny booklet laying on the bed.

"There it is. All the information we need."

Diana walks over to his bed and takes a seat; he watches her carefully as she does, a little surprised by it.

"Take a look over it," he begins as he heads to the bathroom.

The booklet has the words TOP SECRET scrolled across it in two different places and she notices the governmental seal in the middle. Easy to figure out where Bruce's source works.

When she opens it, her eyes meet the lifeless ones of the girl known as Enchantress. Honestly, Diana's a little surprised that this girl stirred up so much trouble that the government had to hide it but then she thinks about when she first came to the world of man and her strength was underestimated. Not only that but Diana knows magic is always a game changer.

She begins reading about the girl (June Moone per the report) and that's when a name signed at the bottom of the report catches her eye. Amanda Waller. The woman Bruce told her had set up the Task Force X, the woman Bruce said was covering up the Midway City attack.

Diana tells herself that Bruce could've gotten these from someone else but a part of her knows that's not true. She's not mad at him for associating with people like this; she knows his connections are an asset and that the politics of all this are just part of the job. Still, she almost feels dirty for negotiating with people like this Waller woman.

But, as she's come to realize over the last 100 years, the world's view of good and bad isn't black and white anymore.

It's grey.