Sanctuary on Ice



Note: (optional reading) Hello all! This will be a Yurio x OC centered fic... eventually. ^^;;;

This chapter is OC-only, next ones will start having YOI characters ^^

Ship info: The Victuuri pairing will be left unharmed (the ship is perfection that should not be broken) ; Yurio x Otabek will mainly have a bro/best friend type of relationship – I honestly see them to be as close as Yuri is with Phichit (his Detroit times). These two are cute marshmallows together TwT.

Story info: There's a 4-years gap between the OC and Yurio, which means that any actual more-than-friendship-romance thing will happen way, way later in the storyline due to... age-related reasons because otherwise it would be too disturbing to the thought... you know, Yurio being 15 and all that trouble.

Also, the way Yurio came off in the anime, to me it appeared that his main focus is on ice skating, since he has more vital things to do at this point in his life than chase someone romantically. *main family provider, needs the money from medals and sponsors to keep his Grandpa safe and healthy as can be*

Not to mention he will eventually have a growth spurt in the future (even in the anime he is aware of his body changing eventually, so he has to do Agape while he still looks the part), which will surely mess up his routine and balance... a lot. Painfully a lot.

Names info: I will keep the Yuri K. name and not make it Yuuri (will follow the official site names, not fandom choices ^^; ) I'll make an effort to make it easy to distinguish between the 2 Yuri's, probably using Yuri P's nickname a lot or other cat-related ones.

Disclaimer info: I don't own these perfect YOI characters, just my OCs.

Enough with the infos ^^;;;




Chapter 0: Prologue



A sharp whistling and a sudden jolt to the right shook her back to the waking world, head knocking into the window quite painfully. The bang was loud enough to be heard in close proximity, but no one paid much attention to the noise. The girl painfully groaned, gritting her teeth while she gently rubbed the pulsating area, feeling a bit of a bump forming there.

'Brilliant Sana strikes again...', she thought upset, her vision gradually clearing up as she tried to make sense of her surroundings.

Sana lifted herself into a more proper seating position, her lanky legs no longer going underneath the seat in front. Brushing the boots on something too soft, she realized her puffy crimson muffler became a carpet for her dirty footwear... no wonder her head directly banged the window. Her temporary 'pillow' had slipped from her grasp during the involuntary nap. Moreover, this had numbed her body in multiple areas, her neck receiving the worst pain from it. Knowing her luck, it wasn't going to be a quick fix – it would surely bother her for the remaining hours of the day.

She started doing some light stretching, massaging the back of her neck and wishing for the best, while inspecting the train cart. Aside from a group of women in the back and a couple of business-attire folk scattered around, the train was pretty empty.

No one took notice of her graceless actions.

"Where am I...?", she wondered out loud, peeking at the phone she was using as a music player not long ago. Judging by the time, she was close to Hasetsu station – only 20 more minutes left to go. "What the- 34 missed calls...", she narrowed down her eyes, scrolling down; her expression soured instantly.

Without a doubt, it was from the same individual who decided that different contact numbers would somehow make a difference – she counted at least five. Plus, no one else would contact her but him. No one else was allowed to know this number. 'It's too late now...', she lowered her gaze sadly.

And it didn't stop with the phone calls.

Sana explored the e-mail spam in her inbox, nearly 89 in number, alternating from sweet requests, to sheer death threats, resentment outpours and more desperate pleading to return home. She didn't open any of the messages voluntarily, but in order to bulk-delete the content... inevitably, the girl would pick up certain words regardless of her will to consciously avoid them. First lines weren't hidden...

Each written fragment was another stab wound, adding more scars to her already battered heart.

Sana knew well that no sweetened apology was true in intentions, the rage and anger revealing the man's true nature – she knew very well, how despised she had become to the point her skin carried fresh markings to this day, reminders from the other week he got disappointed with her presence and lost his patience. The girl had gathered enough evidence throughout the years, certain that any other gentle treatment was merely a hook to keep her reeled inside the house, trapped in a miserable life without escape. She was constantly showered in guilt, made to remember past traumas... Just so she wouldn't think of ever leaving.


'I've had enough... I was stronger than he thought.'


Sana's fingers were fast in dealing with the messaging abuse, blocking number after number. It was tedious work, wishing of an easier way to do this. Changing the phone number was a priority for the future, since she was certain he will find other ways to do such a stunt again. Unfortunately... the funds for such a plan were currently lacking. The money she had stored underneath the mattress was barely enough to buy a full train ticket, Sana not realizing how expensive it was this time of year, even though the winter celebrations were over.

Regardless of the consequences, the girl had the courtesy to send one final message before she blocked the last unknown number, officially marking the end of a dark chapter in her life.


'I will not shame you anymore.

I never existed – just like you wished, I will disappear.

Stay in good health.



She couldn't help but feel some sense of relief wash over her body, looking outside the window as the green lush scenery switched to a more urbanized jungle, small buildings lining up alongside the train tracks.

This... this here was the fresh start she had been dreaming of for years – to return back to the days where her passions and love for life fuelled her entire being, always excited by the notion of 'tomorrow', which would lead to new adventures.


Hasetsu Town


Slowly, her troubles were fading away into the back of her head, brown eyes desperately searching for places she might recognize from her childhood memories, while the train was making its final few turns. Sana was soon able to spot the ageless Hasetsu Castle, its presence a beacon in that landscape. The former ninja outpost was the main symbol of the town and the most popular landmark for any potential tourists who would wonder off around here. If you had enough patience to climb all the way to the hilltop, you could witness an incredible panoramic view.

Sana would always do excursions in the weekends, watching the quiet city unfold its secrets at her feet or playing with her friends – at the time. They liked pretending to be silly ninjas together, getting lost a couple of times.

Her expression instantly lit up. It looked so tiny from where she was standing, only a few cms in length~!

Sana quickly took a quick photo of it, before other buildings blocked the view. 'Picture 1 of the new Sana chapter~!', she thought positively, still carrying plenty of doubts regarding her decision to drop everything in her life and leave in search of her roots.

Another thing that made the castle's presence memorable was how close it was to her grandparent's home, around the tourist shopping district and the bath houses.



"Next stop, Hasestu Station!

Please, pay attention to your footing as you leave through the doors.

Do not forget any belongings inside the carts, we hold no responsibility for lost items.

Have a wonderful day~!"



Sana hadn't had any contact with her relatives since the fated Toronto events, many years ago, which turned her entire existence upside down. The girl couldn't find the courage to reach out until today... even more so, considering she had been repeatedly told that they renowned her as their own flesh and blood. "Be happy you're not living on the streets like rodents!", was something her father greeted her every time she did something he regarded as stupid.

"I'm home...", she whispered softly, leaving the train cart with her belongings.






She was famished, but all she could buy were some fish-shaped crackers with the remaining Yen, lasting no longer than a minute in the plastic bag.

What caught her immediate attention were the many posters plastered all over the station, all with the same ice skater Sana easily recognized. Nostalgic feelings bubbled inside her heart – Katsuki Yuri. It was incredible to see him everywhere... she approached the nearest poster, her brown eyes picking up lots of scribbled notes painting the surface – all were from the fans, directed towards Yuri.

They were wishing him good fortune and luck.

Some were hardcore trolling, making her eyes twitch.

Even so...

Her eyes became gentler, smiling softly while her fingers traced a few of those wishes. 'So jealous...', she thought, her eyes beginning to sting. 'Oh, dangerous!' The girl didn't linger any more, grabbing the stroller's handle and heading out for the long journey towards her grandparents' house... her feet were not going to be be pleased at all.

Sana believed the walk would be dreadfully long and uncomfortable for her emotions, but she kept finding distractions down the path to ease her anxiety.

Yuri's posters weren't unique to the train station, no... various other locations had them too: restaurants, coffee shops and even random street signs. Sana was utterly amazed by this – the Grand Prix was over for sure by now, the date being somewhere mid-February for all she knew... yet the support from the people stuck around. She had lost track of time on the road, at one point even taking photos of some ridiculous places she would find Yuri's face.

She really did look like a strange skating-otaku tourist...

Locals would actually approach her, weary of her intent since she seemed more of a creepy lurker... that is, until they realized what her photographic subject was about. A few ended up complaining about his performance, but the rest usually praised the boy. A vast majority had no idea who he was, which... Sana found truly odd because it was hard to miss these posters.

Who in the world placed them around here...?


"His looks are so average... is he really that famous?"

"An idol maybe?"

"There's no way this is true..."


'These people... This town's so strange, was it always like this?' ^-^;;;

"He is this town's pride! Little girl, don't listen to the bitter folks, who only love a person's looks and achievements, and resent him for his failures!", an old man passionately growled, his teeth constantly cluttering from his nerves while he was dangerously fluttering his cane, high up in the air. Sana had to carefully avoid being smacked in the face... more than twice.

She strongly hoped the man wasn't doing iton purpose... - ;

Nevertheless, she was amazed. The stranger was unusually informed about the sport, making Sana feel uncomfortable by his vast knowledge of Japanese skaters, wanting to find an opening to leave without appearing too rude. "You look familiar, little one. Haven't I seen you on TV-"

"Ah, no no no~! I a-am definitely n-new here, I swear!", Sana stuttered far too loudly, waving her hands in quick protest while the man kept eyeing her suspiciously, stroking his beard in deep thought. The girl giggled clumsily, backing away slowly before bowing down respectfully, apologizing for she had to go back to her regular schedule~!

"Do you now... Hm." He was becoming highly suspicious. "Ah... AH! That's right!"

Sana really did not want to listen to this man's retort, however a familiar name on his lips had induced panic into her body. Without throwing another glance, she started sprinting, rushing through the narrow streets in order to reach a safer zone. It didn't take long to finally reach one of the main bridges crossing the river.

'Just a little more now...'






'Okay... how do I approach this though...?', the girl pondered for a few minutes, awkwardly standing in front of the house she had spent the majority of her childhood in. She was losing courage by the second, chewing onto her bottom lip and tightly gripping the stroller's handle, until her hand numbed.

She blamed her shuddering on the thin clothes she was sporting and the cold weather, the sun gradually setting into an evening hue, no longer sending much warmth.

At that moment, the house seemed more like a dream than reality... it didn't change much from the last time she'd been here, apart from the fresh coat of paint being darker than she remembered or the wild vegetation threatening to stick out entirely from the fence.

Other than that... the view offered her a strong sense of deja vu, reverting back to happier days. How many years was it... six or seven? Since she last saw any of this in the flesh? Sana couldn't accurately remember the date, a wide smile forming on her features. The entire vibe of the place brought so much nostalgia, already becoming a healing balm to her soul. It's... it's been so long.

"I'm home...", she whispered, wishing she could say the words more confidently and with deeper meaning again.




The noise alarmed Sana whose eyes darted down the road she came from, instantly becoming rigid and ghostly pale from the scene. S-She wasn't ready to face this after all!

A woman in her mid 70's caught her attention, more wrinkles and white hair strands than the girl remembered the elder having. Also, she was no longer the plump mochi roll from the past, but thinner and more frail looking. Her trademark glasses had the same sharp golden-colored frames, beads dropping from the sides towards the back. It was so old-fashioned yet... they looked perfect.

Yes... there was no way Sana could be mistaken. "Obaa-san..."

"A-A-A!", the woman raised her trembling finger, pointing it towards the youth as waves of shock washed over her expression, comically twisted in an exaggerated manner. "AAAH! Y-Y-YOU!"

The elder could barely form coherent sounds...

Sana feared the woman was nearly experiencing a heart attack from how she was convulsing or worst – she might collapse and become seriously injured, getting even life threatening wounds. She didn't want to cause her granny any more grief, but she was very worried, wanting to take some safety precautions. With firm steps towards the woman, she reached out for her with an extended arm, attempting to keep her in a standing position.

Appearing almost frightened by the gesture, the elder made the same amount of steps backwards, shaking her head slightly, while bringing both her hands over her mouth, continuing to tremble from all her joints.





It hurt.

It hurt so much, Sana bringing her own hands close to her aching chest, having lost the fight to suppress her feelings, which were bursting down her cheeks. "O-O-baa... san.", the girl's faded voice shook, becoming quite high-pitchy as she felt her knees weaken, becoming like jelly worms. All strength had drained from her body – it turned out not to be a lie in the end.

She was truly disliked by the relatives here; why else would grandmother react in such a manner? Why else would she fear her or carry such an awful expression...?

"Tch..." This visit turned out to be a mistake after all. She had been so naive... stupid.

Too ashamed to keep the eye contact, Sana knelt to the ground and planted her forehead onto the road, regardless of the trespassers around to witness the display. "I am sorry...", she weakly spoke, unable to take the guilt any longer. "I'm so sorry... What happened that day was my fault only!"

"I pressured her into being so reckless!", the tears were falling down uncontrollably at this point, her voice becoming stronger by the self-hatred she had been bathing in for years and the flashes wheezing in her head. "It was my fault entirely!"

"I-I'm so s-", her jumbled speech was put to a sudden halt by what felt like strong protective arms, snaking around her frame and squeezing her with as much power as it was humanly possible. Disregarding the old aching hips and legs, the elder knelt next to her bawling grand niece, who was startled by such a warm gesture, unable to understand what was going on anymore.

Head risen from the ground, she did not expect the sad, yet gentle words that followed the elder's mouth, soon accompanied by a deeper one from inside the house. Grandfather heard the ruckus too, sitting on the entrance doormat and wearing the widest grin the little one had ever seen him do.

"Okaerinasai... Sana-chan~!", he spoke, wiping away his cheeks with the back of his hand, the other sustaining his weight onto the wall. "Don't stand there in the cold, you'll get ill and make your poor obaa-chan more upset."

"...", she bit her bottom lip hard, closing her eyes and muttered painfully... "T-Tadaima!"