Chapter Two

"Shyness, use Feint Attack on the Mimikyu!" A voice came from the darkness, and a Zoroark leapt out of the shadows, deceptively creeping close to the Ghost-type, almost nuzzling up to it, before swiping the monster with a clawed paw. It gave a small haunted mewl, and fainted, laying still on the ground.

J blinked twice, about to call Sassy back, but she lashed her tail and raised her ears, threatening to soak him if he tried. She was clearly trying to find the other trainer, sniffing around a hidden figure, who reached down and scooped up the Vaporeon, stroking beneath her chin with four fingers. "Good girl. Such a good Pokémon, defending good and attacking evil."

As Sassy began to purr in a musical kind of way, the bluenette scowled rather defensively, walking over to retrieve his Pokémon, how dare she be so affectionate with a total stranger? She gave him a hell of a lot of injuries when they were getting used to each other, and he'd raised Sassy from an egg, so she really should have warmed to him much quicker. But this new guy, she was all purring and nuzzling for him. Who the hell was he?

Lifting his Vaporeon out of the stranger's arms, seemed to coax the figure out from hiding, and they could now clearly see the Zoroark that stood at his side, and the face of the one that had rescued them from Mimikyu. "I wanted to hold her a little longer. I've always hoped I could find a Vaporeon, or evolve my own, but I never find Water Stones, and they just don't show up in the wild." He pouted, flicking his hair.

The teen looked the other up and down, assessing him. He had gentle almond-shaped brown eyes, tawny locks at neck-length, with a faint golden shine in the dim light, and an amused smile playing on his lips. This seemed to annoy J further, but all of his Pokémon had left their balls to sniff at the stranger, pawing at him and barking in their own fluent tongue.

"Light. Light Yagami. I just realised I forgot to introduce myself." The brunette suddenly spoke up again, "Or Raito, but Light is preferable. I'm a student at the Pokémon school, and I'm here in Alola, with my team, in order to find new kinds of Pokémon to help with my research. The expression on his face was angelic, he exuded innocence and charm. J didn't like or trust him.

"J." He responded icily, holding the wriggling Vaporeon so that she stayed with him. "Just J. I'm here to research Pokémon too, and to catch Mimikyu." He carefully lifted the fainted creature into his hands, head slightly tilted as he stared at it. Since it lay inert now, he could easily take the Pikachu costume off and see the monster beneath.

"Kyu!" A large inked hand gripped the bluenette's hair and yanked his head back, and Mimikyu dived out of his hold, hissing as it re-claimed its talon and retreated again. J winced, rubbing his scalp as Light looked on in obvious delight. "Sneaky little thing. Always hiding under that cloth, reminds me of-" He stopped, not wanting to give away his true identity. He was about to say, 'Almost reminds me of L', in reference to the ebonette detective, who never showed his face or told his name, but that would enlighten J to the fact that he knew of L. Light was trying to stay incognito, and did not want anyone knowing who he really was.

Neither did J, for that matter. But since the brown-eyed boy was so talkative, he resorted to the only form of conversation he knew how to hold. Pokémon. "So, can I meet your team? You've kinda already met mine." J was trying really hard to keep the anger out of his voice as he spoke, but the fondness returned to his tone as his team returned to his side, ready to be introduced. "This is Sassy, my Vaporeon, Brio, my Incineroar, Vitality, my Lycanroc, Vivacity, my Arcanine, Bravery, my..." He paused, glancing at the long-necked electric giraffe type creature. What even was he now? Since he'd evolved, he'd stopped looking like a sheep, and J only knew the names of him as a sheep. "Evolved Flaafy." He concluded, not wanting to admit that he didn't know the current type of a team member, "And Chew, my Herdier."

Light patiently waited until each had been introduced, and then pulled another Poké ball from his pocket, and sent out one more monster. He only had two in his team. "Shyness the Zoroark, named as such because they're shy foxes, and Starlet the Finneon, because... it's a good name for a fish." He mumbled, seeming quite insecure for somebody who claimed to be passionate about Pokémon. J suspected him even more now, but the funny thing was, he didn't know what he suspected him to be.

Just that he suspected him.

He could picture L meeting this cocky individual and saying something like, 'There's a seventy percent chance that you might be Kira.'

Wouldn't that be ironic? Coming all the way to Alola to leave his old life behind, and finding Kira. But this couldn't be, it was too much of a co-incidence. J had to admit that he just didn't like the newcomer because he was a loner, and Light was now company.

That was all there was to it.
