Inside The Chamber Of Secrets At Midnight.

This is where we find are heroine for are story Helen potter. She was standing on top of a ladder that was near a cauldron which was suspended in the air with chains. Right next to it was a mould, that looked like it was used to create something with a human shape in mind. As the twelve year old stood over the cauldron she was reading from the book she had found while exploring the chamber to see if their were any secrets that Salazar had hidden. Low and behold he had in fact hidden something, it was a book on how to create your own magical creatures though Helen knew their was more things properly hidden down here. It was this book that had gotten Helen's attention the most and she was determined to make her own magical creature to help her with her fight against Voldemort.

Hence why Helen was down in the chamber it was the best place for what she was trying to do, away from her friends Ron and Hermione who would no doubt try to stop her saying that what she was doing was dark magic or some other such nonsense that they were forced feed by the teachers of the school, with their biased view on magic. If Helen had to agree on anything with Voldemort it would be that magic was power with no true evil or good to it and only fools would try to label it as such and Helen planed to get as much power as she could to protect the people she loved.

Shaking those thoughts from her head Helen stirred the light green concoction inside the cauldron counter clock wise taking great joy as she saw the green liquid turn into a rainbow colour like the book said it would. When it was almost ready to be poured into the mould, smiling at her success Helen reached into her robes and pulled out a small jasper stone it was to be her last ingredient for the potion and with a small bit of dramatic flare Helen dropped the stone into the cauldron which caused it to bubble fiercely.

"Okay time to pour it into the mould" said Helen to herself as she grabbed onto the cauldrons rim and with a great amount of her strengh she caused the cauldron to tip its contents into the mould that Helen closed with its stopper shortly after trapping the potion inside.

"Now time for the last step" thought Helen as she jumped off the ladder onto the ground, where she shortly turned to face the large mould that contained the being that she would give life to. Closing her eyes Helen placed her hands onto the mould where she preceded to pour her magic into it to give her creation life and tie it to her. As Helen poured her magic she couldn't help but notice that her chest was beginning to hurt as some kind of energy was coming from the mould and into her as she used more of her magic.

"what's going on why is my chest hurting it didn't say anything about this in the book" thought Helen in panic, as she tried to stop the flow of her magic only to find out that she couldn't stop it nor the energy that was going into her. Minutes went by as the pain in Helen's chest got worse until it got to the point where Helen was unconscious from the pain. Helen fell to the ground her robes near her chest parted reviling a killing curse green diamond in the centre of her chest.

While Helen lay unconscious on the floor the creature inside the mould was still taking in more of Helen's magic useing it to sustain itself until it was ready to be born.

Two days later.

Two days had past since Helen's attempt at creating life and she was still asleep on the cold hard ground but as she slept the thing inside the mould was about to came out and greet its maker.

It started small at first the mould stood were it was innocently, until it began to shack violently with cracks appearing all over it when it suddenly exploded in a bright yellow light the explosion sent smoke to fly up hiding the newly born being from view for a few minutes until it cleared reviling the new life.

Standing there in the middle of the now broken mould stood a very tall long white haired women with a muscular body type as if she liked to do workouts at the gym a lot. As for what she was wearing she wore a light green suit that looked like the ones the men in black wore thought it didn't have sleeves which allowed people to see her black tribal markings that ran along both her arms and she wore black steel combat boots, on a unrelated note her eyes are an amber colour with a hint of green around the ushers and her gem was in the centre of her forehead.

As this being stood tall and proud giving off the vibe of a true warrior she searched the area around her for threats that is until her eyes landed upon Helen's unconscious body laying their on the floor upon seeing Helen the women gave a startled gasp before running over to her when she got to Helen she feel down onto her knees right next to Helen's unmoving form.

"My diamond are you all right? please speak to me!" requested the women her tone almost frantic as she gently lifted her diamonds from off of the floor only to get a groan in response but that got the women to sigh in relief, since this meant that her diamond was alive and to her that was all that mattered though as she looked around she couldn't help but frown in disgust at the rather poor condition that the place she and her diamond were currently in right now.

"Such a filthy place is no place for a perfect being like my diamond to be in she should be in a palace with servants and other gems who would see and appreciate her perfection" thought the women to herself as she made her way towards the chambers exist with her diamond in her arms, already knowing the way out thanks to the basic knowledge of the castle and people within. This was given to her by her diamonds magic as she walked though the tunnel that led to the girls bath room the women began to think on what she would do when she got to the surface the first thing was to get her diamond medical treatment and then find out who was friend or foe to her diamond.

On that note the women narrowed her eyes dangerously, she remembered a bit of information given to her by her diamonds magic on Helen's so called friends. Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger her diamond really thought they were friends but she could see them for what they truly were bottom feeders, scavengers, parasites looking to use her diamond for their own selfish desires well she would have none of it. for when they try and use her Diamond and they show their true colours she would be their ready to destroy them.

"If they try anything to hurt my diamond then I will hunt them down and have their heads on spikes…." she thought darkly a evil grin stretching its way across her face at the thought of ending those humans that had the arrogance and the nerve to think that they were the equals to her most grand and prefect diamond.

Though such thoughts were halted when she came to the tunnels end and with hardly any thought or effort she jumped up though the hole and into the girls bathroom where upon entering made a quick but quit walk to the exit planing to get her diamond to the medical wing as fast as she can while making her way their she continued with her mental monologue.

"….And all shall hail at the glorious rain of the supreme and glorious Green diamond!" mentally exclaimed the women in a dramatic tone as her eyes could see a future where she was standing next to her diamond with her ruling the world. Yes such a thing would be glorious indeed and she Jasper would see to it that her diamond would take her rightful place as supreme ruler of this world.