Because Things Change

Disclaimer: I defiantly do not own Harry Potter. I swear I really don't! I'm just a stupid, pathetic, girl who has no money. Well maybe not stupid and pathetic but I really don't have any money. Don't sue!

Summary: Both Lily and James's parents are going on a vacation for two weeks at the same time. Lily's family doesn't want her to be alone seeing that her sister Petunia is at a friends house. James has his two friends Sirius and Remus staying over for the summer and James's parents don't trust the trio to be home alone. What will the parents do? Make them spend the two weeks together that's what. L/J.

Rated PG-13 for later content.


Chapter 1: Surviving

"Lily dear, wake up!" Mrs. Evans called upstairs to her daughter who was sleeping.

Lily rolled over a few times, then deciding she could now no longer sleep, and got up. She put on some clothes and then braided her hair off to one side. She grabbed a pair of shoes and walked to the door jumping as she slid each shoe on while she walked. She went down the stairs going two at a time and took a seat at the table, her father was there also drinking a cup of coffee and reading the local muggle newspaper. Her mother brought her over a plate of eggs and bacon.

"Thanks mum," she said as she began to eat her food.

"Lily, your father and I are leaving for vacation today, remember? Petunia is staying at her friends house and we are going to be gone for two weeks," her mother reminded her, she stopped cleaning the dishes and wiped her hands off on a near by towel.

"I know, you told me like every single day last week," Lily answered with a mouthful of food.

"Yes, and we don't want to leave you home alone. Two weeks is a long time."

Lily stopped eating the eggs falling of her fork. She looked up towards her parents wondering if they were going to tell her to find a friends house to stay at. 'This last minute? That would be so difficult,' she thought.

"James Potter's parents also just happen to be going on a vacation today for two weeks also and they don't trust leaving him and his two friends home alone. They are going to come and stay here with you for the next two weeks."

"Is this a joke?" she coughed out, she didn't want to spend the next two weeks with Potter at all and especially not his friends.

"Of course not Lily, but don't worry I'm sure you will all have a great time together, they're such a nice family and we trust you all."

Lily sat there thinking. 'James Potter and his friends! Staying for two whole weeks! All they do is play pranks and run around Hogwart's like they own it. I'd be better off without them! How, I mean how, am I ever going to survive this!'.

The doorbell began ringing rapidly. 'wonder who it could possibly be' Lily thought as she rolled her eyes and opened the door. There stood James, Sirius, and Remus. The were all standing there with huge grins on there faces. Lily took one look at them, sighed, and slammed the door shut. There was a moments pause before they opened the door themselves and walked in.

"Aw Lils I'm hurt your acting like your upset to see us," James said putting on a fake pout.

"Naw, she loves us all," Sirius said smirking and putting his arm around her which she instantly threw off.

"Honey! We're going to be late and miss our plane," Mr. Evans called out.

"So sorry dear, I'm coming. Oh hello boys, glad you could stay. I left money for food, and emergency phone numbers next to the phone. Good bye, be good and stay safe. Love you Lily we'll miss you so much," Mrs. Evans said as she hugged her daughter as tight as possible before she walked out to the car.

"Take care boys, Love you too Lils," Mr. Evans said and walked out the door.

"Anyway where can we put our stuff down?" Remus asked.

"Oh, um, here you can set down your bags and set up your sleeping bags in the living room," Lily instructed.

"A little small but it will do I guess" James said teasing her.

"Sorry, but we can't all live up to your standards Potter," She said. They were now glaring at each other.

"Somethings different about you Evans. Oh yeah you don't look as horrible today."

"How about you show us around your house Lily?" Remus asked trying to lighten the mood a bit.

"Fine" she replied and began to show them the rooms and swimming pool that they had in the back yard. She showed them the last room, her bedroom, and they walked in.

"Oh, and who is this?" she said walking towards her window sill were next to her own small tawny owl was a huge barn owl.

"That's my owl. Must've followed me here," James said.

"Oh, okay," she mumbled and walked over giving both owls a bit of bread crumb out of her hand. 'It's odd how slightly civil theyre being...', she had thought to soon for when she turned around her red lipstick was lying open and "Lily loves Severus Snape, XOXOXOX" had been doodled in lipstick all over her mirror. Lily mached down the stairs glaring.

"You're all horrid!" She yelled as she went out the front door slamming it behind her. Going for long jogs in the morning always helped her get unstressed, and she knew she'd need it.


I guess that was a ok start. It'll get better...hopefully . I defiantly need some more ideas to include in this story and I'm not quite sure exactly what I'm leading this up to, I really need ideas and tips so please review, you know how, so do it, yes you over there, review! Please don't flame me to badly I already know I'm not to good a writer but whatever helps me get better, review!