"Umm...Hello Heicho...Hello Hange," Eren said cheerfully and continued, "I got your dinner, it smells really good" walking closer to their cell.
"Ohh! It's Eren, Shorty. How are you doing Eren? We thought something awful happened to you," Hange called out excitedly. Eren glanced at Levi before looking away, 'he looks really mad' he thought. He then begins to sweat remembering his last encounter with Levi, 'At least he can't get me right now...'
"..." Levi just stares intensely at Eren.
"Umm good. I'm on food duty, no one else wanted to do it. Umm...How's Corporal doing," Eren said nervously feeling Levi glaring at him. He glanced quickly at Levi before averting his gaze just as quickly and back to Hange.
"Here yours Hange" he said passing the tray to her. "Oh thank you Eren. Hey, what happened to Mikasa if you don't mind me asking" she said grabbing a piece of bread and stuffing it in her mouth.
"Umm..here's your's Corporal," Eren said trying to pass the tray to Levi who still sat on the bed with his arms crossed. "I'll ta-take h-his" Hange said her mouth full of food while grabbing Levi's tray greedily.
"Umm...Well you see" he starts but he looks at Levi and stops. He was fidgeting in his spot tapping two of his fingers together while looking at the ground sheepishly.
"Spit it out Yeager," Levi hissed threateningly under his breath. "I can't hurt you much from inside this fucking cage, now can I?"
"Mikasa was a traitor just like what you thought Corporal. But it wasn't like what you thought but it is a little, they are really nice people, they are just really scared of people like us but Mikasa wasn't trying to infiltrate us to hurt us or anything like that she was looking for someone and just happened to be picked up by us and I just ended up here because I caught Kaida-sama and Mikasa talking together that day I disappeared but I don't know why I'm not in a cell like you guys," he said all at once and began panting for air since he used it all up. After he regained his breath he spoke again, "I mean thank you for trying to rescue me but I'm not in any danger."
"Yeager I wasn't looking for you," Levi spat but a loud male's voice drowned out Levi's own voice, "Eren, Mikasa is looking for you stop chit chatting with the lizards".
"Sorry Corporal, sorry Hange got to run I'll see you in the morning so tell me what you were about to say then Corporal," Eren said quickly grabbing the old trays and running off. "Shut up horse face your not my boss," Eren yelled off in the distance to the person calling him.
They voted against killing Levi and the woman named Hange, now they were discussing what we should do with them since we weren't going to kill them anymore. I was relieved when they decided against killing them but at the same time... At least things were back to normal or almost normal. I was taking a walk outside near the castle thinking about what I was going to do when I was tackled to the ground. I knew who it was instantly it was Ren and his sister, Fin.
"Kaida-sama! Come on, play with us, it's been like forever since we been outside," Ren said tugging on my hand. Fin tugged on my other hand and added, "Yeah, you haven't played with us in like ever, Kaidaa. You been so busy with Papa and Mama."
"Yeah, you should pay more attention to us, we are more fun anyway," Ren argued.
"Is that so," I asked. Maybe playing with them today would relieve some of my stress and maybe make me forget about my problems for a little while.
"Yeah, so will you play with us or not," she said acting bratty and I lifted her off the ground with one arm.
"So what are playing today?" I asked amused by Fin trying to hold on to my arm.
"Lizards," squealed Fin excitedly letting go of my arm. "Yeah and you're the Lizard first," Ren yelled taking off with his sister.
"Rawwwrrr" I roared loudly, "Ready or not here I come, you better not let me catch you or I'll eat you," I said laughing while getting up. I took my time before I started chasing after them and when I ran after them I would flap my arms pretending to be one of the scaley bastards throwing in some roars badly mimicking their actually ferocity. These children had no idea what one even looked like and I planned on keeping it like that. After catching them they became the lizard chasing me around doing their own imitations of the lizards.
They finally caught me knocking me over giggling from the fun that they were having. I laughed too, "Okay I admit defeat now that I been caught by such fierce Lizards whose breath stinks of rotten meat, Oh what should I ever do please don't kill me or eat my eyeballs mighty and ugly lizards," I said acting afraid while trying to hold back my laughter.
"We not no ugly lizards," argued Fin. "Yeah, we not, we never eat your eyes Kaida" Ren said crawling on top of me, his sister snuggling against me and pulling my arm over her. I ruffled each of their heads with my other hand, "Yeah I know you're not no ugly scaly lizards, we keep those in the dungeons to feed the bad kids to."
"No don't feed us to the lizards we be good we promise Kaida" they both said at the same time making me smirk.
"Okay Okay, If that's so, stay away from the cellar then or I can't promise that you won't get eaten," I said feeling exhausted from playing with them half the day. "Let me take a nap, you guys wore me out and it looks like you want to nap too," I said yawning enjoying the sun's warmth and the soft breeze which was blowing.
"Okay Kaida," they both said closing their eyes while nestling against me quickly succumbing to sleep. I too fell asleep shortly after their warmth comforting me making it easy for me to do but also because I knew my people watched over our territory and my magic blanketed the territory making the enemy easily found and weak. I felt eyes on me but that was probably my imagination from all the stress. I hoped I did not have any of my usual nightmares while I napped.
Levi was watching her out the small window watching her chase around two bratty kids, it was the first time she laughed and he desperately wanted to be the reason she laughed like that. He had no idea what game she was playing but she flapped her arms around and made ridiculous sounds which were oddly cute. She looked relax and carefree then he watched as the kids began chasing her around doing the same types of gestures and sounds she made. He wished he could hear what they were saying.
"What are you looking at Shorty?"
"Go away shitty glasses, you'll ruin it go back to whatever the fuck you were doing," he muttered his eyes never leaving her. He watched as the kids tackled her and she tumbled to the ground with them on her. She talked to them before she curled up with them taking a nap. He didn't like how vulnerable she was out in the open, she should be next to him where he could protect her.
"Aww so cute...You think those are hers?" she asked.
"What do you mean shitty glasses?" he asked.
"You know are those her children, they kinda look like her." she said studying their features and comparing them against each other.
"I wonder who's the father or fathers, clearly not yo-" She said but never finished because he had her by her neck chocking her. He was going to kill her.
"I fucking knew it, everything that comes out of your mouth is fucking garbage. Do you ever think before you speak? No don't answer that of course, you don't you dumb bitch," he ranted choking the life out of her, her face was turning blue from lack of oxygen before he finally dropped her on the floor. He decided he couldn't kill her yet he might need her for something later. She was driving him insane.
After her face returned to its normal color from actually being able to breathe again she speaks one more time and most would think she was either plain stupid or crazy, "Feeling better shorty?" she asked rubbing her neck.
It's been a month since they been here and the festival, Lover's Day was approaching, it was two days away. It was such a stupid name and whoever invented the name is stupid too, probably one of my dumb ancestors and I cursed them bitterly for it. The closer it got to the festival the more I went down to the cellar to check on and annoy Levi. It made me forget about the dumb festival a little bit which was better than the previous years where all I could do was sit and watch, they forbid me from helping to set up. Always shooing me away when I attempted, all I wanted to do was help so I was glad I could forget just a little bit about what I could no longer do which the festival's main activity was about. The festival wasn't all about what it's name suggested although, I suppose it kind of was but it was a festival for everyone including the children.
My visits with Levi consisted of him trying to convince me to let him out of the cell or for me to come in the cell with him. I would just laugh at his every attempt to convince me squishing his hope I would let him finish what he started that day about three months ago. I enjoyed it and was starting to become more relaxed around him and Hange. She made me laugh a couple of times but I did not fail to notice their attempts to extract information from me, they were smart but I was in their position one time too so I knew all the tricks. I spoke very little choosing to listen rather talk, knowing I might accidently slip something if I talked too much, words were just as dangerous as claws and teeth sometimes. They tried with Eren but since he knew so little he had little to share so I let him continue to serve their two meals a day because everyone else was scared to. I definitely wasn't going to do it.
The other thing he alway brought up each time I visited was why I always covered my neck. I could only assume he meant where he bit me because the wound never did heal properly it left a giant scar on my neck which I had no choice but to cover up and I had an odd feeling it meant something too because I could vaguely remember when I was a child some of the lizards had similar scars on their necks. I had assumed it was from fighting but apparently I was wrong. Another problem I faced was I couldn't think how I would explain the scar to the others because I'm sure some of the adults would know what this marking meant. He probably had marked me as his mate or whatever they called it, fucking bastard. My magic had no effect on it either which was irritating, I would have to learn more about it to figure out what to do until then I would keep it covered and he would just have to continue to throw his tantrums.
I also noticed he disliked filth or perhaps I learned it from all his complaints about it so I let Eren give him cleaning supplies and I was honestly surprised the next time I visited him. The cell sparkled compared to the rest of the cellar. I honestly didn't think it was too bad their cell, I mean it was only a little bit dirtier than my bedroom, I wasn't that cruel to treat them less than animals even though they were technically lizards. I was finding out they weren't too bad for lizards but they might be faking it, I was their captor after all. It also might be the pull of the bond from him being my one causing me to accept them just a little but I was slowly getting used to looking at him and his smell.
I currently sat outside the castle watching my people prepare for the festival before the ache in my back returned again and I tried to massage it but the pain intensified. I bite my lip trying to contain my voice not wanting to ruin this special and upcoming day for everyone. I was their leader and I shouldn't bother them with my problems and I snuck off. They were already worried about me so I went to my room and grabbed the strongest liquor and began drinking. Alcohol helped sometimes with the pain but not always.
I ended up in the basement where we were currently keeping our prisoners while deciding what to do with them. None of them knew Levi was my one and I planned on keeping it that way no matter what the outcome. It was hard to hide my emotions when they mentioned killing them, I thought I would be strong enough and immediately kill him myself but when I saw him again I couldn't. I was unable to keep my promise and if that possibility was voted for would I have been able to kill him? The thought was chilling and I'm pretty sure it earned me all time low award because he was my One and I couldn't answer my own question. I was already drunk off my ass and slumped myself against the wall with the makeshift cell containing Levi in sight. I plopped down on my ass pouring myself another drink, the pain was a little bit more bearable but not by much. I watched the cell waiting to see if Levi would come if I was down here. Hange wasn't here she was being interrogated, she was the only one I would let them interrogate because Levi I believed would cause problems. Hange was manageable.
I was glad I used my magic to forbid them saying anything about me being his One. I would not let my people find out. I thought the interrogations were useless anyway, she always spouted off weird and stupid shit so we learned absolutely nothing about the damn lizards we didn't already know. We probably learned nothing because we didn't torture her, the idea was repulsive plus we made a pact we would not act like them. If we were on a battlefield or it meant life or death we dealt death but we didn't do such barbaric acts if we didn't have to. I wouldn't have moved my people here if I knew they had a city so close by and I was surprised we hadn't a single encounter with them these past 10 years. It was strange and made me wonder if these were the same creatures were dealing with but I remember the scaley bastards chasing me and Mikasa that day. They were definitely the same creatures...
"Oi! Shitty brat, tell me what you are doing?" he demanded, how like him. I looked at him swallowing the cup full of the liquor I had just poured and thought, 'how the hell did he end up as my one, well I probably deserved him after all the sins I have committed so far and would continue to commit.'
"What does it look like Lizard? I'm drinking," I drawled out. I had no idea why I was talking to him, no that was wrong I knew why. I thought maybe talking to him would dull the pain but better yet forget the pain I currently felt which was mental and physical at this point. If he helped me forget about the festival a little bit why not the pain. They said being next to your one was suppose to ease, help, or even heal such pains but it sure didn't feel that way to me, I still felt the excruciating pain between my shoulders. I looked down at my empty cup deciding if I should ditch the cup or fill it up.
The pain also hadn't been this bad for awhile, the last time it was close to being this bad was before Mikasa left. At the same time, I wondered if he was going to ignore me the whole time I was down here because he was getting angrier each visit I had with him but I was wrong.
"I fucking know that shithead but tell me why." he snarled his arms folding against his chest, it was his signature I realized. I also noted he was close to the bars of his cells but he was making sure he wasn't touching them too, probably thought they were filthy even though I was sure he probably cleaned them. Freakin clean freak.
"Because. I. Want. To." I sang each word looking directly at him. I was purposely trying to piss him off because if I was having a bad day I was going to make sure he was going to have a shitter day than me. He added to my misery, he was always on my mind I couldn't get him out of it but he wasn't entirely at fault for my day being shitty. I would say he was partially the reason why because he reminded me of what I could have and what was taken from me. I briefly thought about that day I jumped off the cliff enjoying the feel of the air rushing past me. It was something I doubted I would ever have again...
"Does it have something to do with what those featherbrains are doing out there," he said looking out the small window of the cell, he was sure inventive with his words I would give him that. He must have been passing the time watching them all day, probably trying to come up with a way to escape too. "I have never seen you act like this. Are you drunk?" he asked. His words just now proved how observant he was while I honestly knew very little about him but every day he was here he learned more about us and me. My thoughts crept back to the discussion about the prisoners, he was dangerous and he had to be dealt with. My hand gripped the glass in my hand harder and leaned my head down allowing my hair to cover my eyes and most of my face.
"..." I choose not to answer he had hit the nail right on the head after all. I poured myself another cup trying to drink the pain, hurt, and memories away but I knew this stupid liquid was not possible of it yet I continued to do it. I drank in silence for awhile he was being oddly quiet but trying to ignore the throbbing pain in between my shoulders. I started to massage in between my shoulders again not caring if he saw or not.
I gasped when the pain flared taking me by surprise. The pain always came and went always subsiding making the pain manageable yet the pain never felt like this and did not last for so long. Perhaps it was stress taking its toll on my body responsible for making the pain so nauseating. I was using more magic to conceal our home and I wasn't eating enough to replenish all the energy my body needed but I have done more before and the pain was never like this or even as long.
"Hey, what's wrong with you?" I heard him yell but it seemed distant as I grappled to get the pain under control as it got worse. It might have been my imagination but he sounded concerned which I didn't think possible after all our previous conversations he never hinted such. Wait yes he did when he first woke up. I had stopped massaging my back choosing to claw at it as the pain intensified. I couldn't even scream the pain was too blinding to allow me even that relief.
"Hey someone let me the fuck out of here!" he screamed. I wanted to tell him his screams were pointless and useless but the pain put a halt to it. Though if someone did hear his screams, there was nothing they could do for me. I was the only one who could end my suffering was myself but I didn't want to see them. They were mangled mess hardly identifiable, so ugly I didn't want others to see them either. I was so young, so proud, of them now I was ashamed. Ashamed of what we are all proud of.
The pain faded into a dull throb leaving me trembling and panting on the floor and he was still screaming for someone to let him out which was grating to my ear. I took a couple big breaths of air, "Shut up, no one going to hear you" I snapped or I attempted to. My voice was wheezy which is sometimes the toll of pain after having experienced it enough as a child.
"What the fuck is wrong with you? Why are you not going or asking for help? Are you sick?..." he paused briefly thinking, "Has this ever happen before," he asked still yelling but not as loud as before. This time it was directed at me and like I thought his voice was full of worry and concern now that I could concentrate on things other than pain. I wondered if it was the pull which caused it and I pushed myself away from the floor and slowly leaned my back against the wall carefully. The fit had tired me out and I felt bad if it was the pull causing him such anxiety. It also made me worry that I might act like that if he was suddenly sick or in pain and I had no idea what was wrong with him.
"...Not sick so stop yelling..." I answered my voice still breathy. I reopened my eyes and looked for where the liquor went during my fit deciding I needed more. I avoided his gaze.
"You lost weight and you telling me you're not sick," he spat. I could only imagine what his face looked like.
"I said I'm not sick I think I know it" I muttered in irritation wishing it was an illness if it was I could easily cure it. I reached for the bottle which contents had all but spilled out leaving very little for me to continue drinking my misery away.
"How often," he asked his voice growing quieter each time he spoke. It sounded like he was complimenting over something in his head.
"More often than not, I don't want to talk about it," I said able to roll the bottle towards me which sloshed more of the booze out.
"Do they know about it," he asked.
"Some...but drop it," I said grabbing the bottle with my hand when it rolled closer towards me. It was pointless to pour the liquor so I began drinking from the bottle which there wasn't much left anyway.
"Now tell me the real reason why you are down here and don't tell me so you could irritate me"
"Irritate you a little yes and I told you enough questions..." I sighed bitterly and stared up at the ceiling, I couldn't believe what I was thinking about saying to him. "Stupid idea I was sick of feeling it so I thought the pain would be better being near you since you were..."
"Guess I was wrong...Doesn't matter now," I said closing my eyes. I was tired but the pain wouldn't allow me to rest.
"Come here," he ordered.
"Still hurts doesn't it"
"I'll take that as a yes shitty brat" he spat, he was back to calling me names.
"Not tricking me" I eyed him suspiciously. 'Was he trying to take me a fool, thinking he could...' Whatever he is in a cage and can't do much through bars and that's how easily tempted I was when he hinted the promise of relief from the pain I lived with the past ten years. I justified my decision further he was my prisoner, I fed him, provided him a comfortable place during his visit, gave him access to personal hygiene tools, and talked to him all for free. He didn't even need to earn his keep either. My thoughts were crazy but I wanted the relief he offered so willingly without anything in return.
"Stop it with your shitty-" I got up on shaky limbs making him stop mid sentence his eyes widening for a split second before narrowing when I began approaching him. Walking over to where his cell was located was difficult proving how much worse the pain was this time. It was still a dull painful throb right now but I might have to experience that pain I felt earlier and if he could relieve it then shouldn't I at least let him a try.
I stood in front of his cell just out of his reach, my legs continuing to shake. This was the closest I been to him and his cell the entire time I had him captive. "Well," I said looking at him. "Closer, I have to touch you brat, in order for this to work. Look you probably are afraid I might succeed with whatever you thought of in your head so if you think that's the case can you live with the pain or the chance I might succeed. I'm certainly not in any pain..." he said casually sitting down on the floor. 'Didn't he think the floor was dirty' but my thought didn't last long as I walked closer and sat down with my back an inch from his cell.
I grunted in pain when I sat uttering an irritated, "no" as a response. "Well?" I asked again my tone and voice full of irritation, I couldn't believe I was actually sitting this close to him and was actually going to let him touch me on top of it. 'You're playing with fire' my mind whispered and I could care less right now as long as the pain would disappear briefly.
I wasn't sure what he was thinking because I wasn't looking at his face but even then I couldn't really tell what he was truly feeling because he always looked like a piss ant. I felt his hand on my back and I growled lowly in warning flinching away from him at the same time. I felt vulnerable but I regretted the movement because it caused a sharp pain to radiate through my body stealing my breath away.
"Easy brat, I don't know what's made you so afraid, but I have no intention to hurt you or do something right now you don't like so let me help you," he said.
"Fine but remember I'll fuck you up if you do one thing I don't like," I growled. "Yes, I am well aware what you are capable of," he said sounding pissed probably remembering when I beat the shit out of him. "So can I touch you without losing a fucking finger," he asked snottily.
"Yes," I said snapping without meaning to, I was trying to control myself. "Fucking touchy brat" he spat and then I felt his hands on my back. At first, I could barely feel them on my back relaxing a bit that there was nothing to be worried about but I also became annoyed that I walked over here for nothing. I could feel the warmth of hands through the fabric as he moved them over my back starting with gentle caresses beginning at my lower back then my shoulders but he always avoided in between my shoulders were the pain originating from. The places where he touched were beginning to feel good but he wasn't touching the area I wanted him too, the place that ached.
"In between my shoulders," I barked out.
"..." He said nothing, showing no indication he had heard me but then he pressed the knuckles of his fingers in between my shoulders making me produce a soft moan caused from a mixture of pleasure and pain. My body arched slightly away from his hands enjoying the small bit of relief.
"Relax," he ordered probably because my back had tensed from the short burst of pain but I wasn't listening to him only focused on that brief bit of relief his hands had given me. I quickly rolled my back against his knuckles, "there," I moaned and he continued massaging in between my shoulders. He was silent for the most part but I would hear him mutter a few things under his breath which I didn't quite catch because I was more focused on the sensation of his hands on my back. The feeling was lulling me to sleep.
"Can I touch your bare back," he asked jolting me awake after he stopped and I responded quickly, "yes, just don't stop. It feels good." His hands slide under my top immediately after my response and I attempted to pull away from his hands growling when I felt the tiny sparks of electricity again. They ran along my skin causing goose bumps to rise. "Get your fucking-Ahh" I moaned unable to finish my sentence when his fingers slide in between my shoulders. It hurt slightly but the relief it gave was better because the pain now came from the surface of my skin where I sliced up my back with my nails. So much better than the pain from beneath the skin.
"You scratched your backup, can feel the scratches brat," he muttered stopping the massage tracing the long scratches that were only between my shoulders instead. The sparks of electricity continued sending ripples of pleasure and warmth where his fingers touched me.
"They'll heal," I growled, "Do what you were doing before," I ordered my voice sounding desperate.
"Why do you hurt here?" he asked pressing his thumbs in between my shoulder blades before rubbing circles on my skin. I couldn't help but moan softly each time he hit a spot and I was glad the cellar was soundproof.
"Ahh-" I moaned refusing to answer him, I probably couldn't even if I wanted to. I was just concentrating on feeling good.
"Tch. Know whatever secrets you have now, know when I get out this filthy hamster cage I will not permit them," he growled. 'Permit' I thought, he wasn't my master, I had no master and wound up getting irritated.
"Permit?...Some secrets...Ah" I moaned "are better secrets" I finished but I ended up moaning throughout my sentence whenever he rubbed a particularly good spot making my voice lost all its bark and irritation. It felt good his hands on my back, the pain was beginning to feel like a distant memory.
"Can you let me out," he asked after awhile. "Mmmhhh" I responded more to the feeling of his hand on my back so not answering his question because I couldn't really understand what he was asking. "Yes or no brat because I can make you feel better if I was out of this cage you have me in," he continued. Something wasn't right, his voice sounded too nice, he was up to something I thought.
His words took a while to sink in, I was just so drowsy, "No" I mumbled. 'Fucking bastard' I thought lazily after realizing what he wanted. I knew he was going to try something but unfortunately for him, I was still fully conscious of my actions right now unlike before.
"Tch" was his only reply. He was probably pissed but he continued to massage my back and I sunk to the floor so I was lying on it. "Hey you can't sleep there, it's dirty," he said panicking trying to nudge me to get up.
"Don't care. Slept...worse conditions, most comfortable I been...in-in ages... Thank you Levi" I muttered the last part my eyelids closing over my tired eyes, feeling comfort and relief at. It was the first time I called him by name too, it felt good but it just proved the bond caused by the pull was getting stronger which was dangerous because next time what would I do because of the bond. He continued to rub my back and my last conscious thought before falling asleep, 'I need to stop before it's too late'
A loud and rumbling growl woke me and I did my best to ignore the noise trying to go back to sleep but the sound kept growing louder and louder. "Children, I'll get up in a bit," I mumbled yawning slightly adjusting myself trying to get comfortable again. The kids must have woken up from their nap and they wanted me to play and I still wanted to sleep some more. My back was cold and I flipped onto my back yet I immediately regretted it was so "Cold" I yelped jolting myself in a sitting position.
I looked around wildly trying to figure out where I was before it dawned on me I had fallen asleep right outside the cell Levi was in from him massaging my back. 'Fuck' I screamed at myself inside my head scrambling to get to my feet when I heard the footsteps of someone coming down the stairs. I did not want to be caught with him like this, they would figure it out. Then I realized why my back was cold, it was because my turtle neck was pulled up leaving my back bare so I struggled to get the shirt down before whoever it was seen me. 'Where was my bra' when I figured out what was out of place about me.
I looked behind me to where the loud rumbling growl was coming from, "My bra, where is it" I hissed quietly. His lips were pulled back in a sneer and the loud rumbling was slowly dissipating. Was he growling because I was half naked and he heard someone coming? He rolled his eyes at me, the last of his growling subsiding, "If you want it you have to come in or give me something in return so what will it be shitty brat?" he said playing with my bra a smirk gracing his features knowing I was running out of time and I couldn't leave him with my bra. They would see him playing with it and wonder how he got it, I had to do something quick.
"What do you want?" I hissed quietly trying to keep my voice as low as possible. "Just a kiss, that's all brat," he said innocently staring at my bra. While he waited for my answer he stopped playing with it.
"Fine," I said grabbing the metal bars while bringing my face to his level, a little confused how to go about it because of the bars. I guess it wasn't too bad because all I had to do was give him a peck on the lips like I did with the children and it would be done and over with but his smirked widened and I knew I had made a mistake. He was quick and brought his face close to the bar stopping to stare into my eyes. His hot breath fanning across my lips making me go still and I felt my face become heated, 'what the hell was he doing,' I thought feeling anxious from him staring at me like this and so close. I felt like a doll unable to more just being able to see.
He leaned towards me tilting his head while one of his hands cupped my face adjusting it before pulling me closer. Before our lips touched he breathed out, "Your breathe reeks of booze, brat." My face grew hotter and I was about to tell him to forget it my mouth opening to say it but he smirked again before closing the distance between us dipping his tongue into my open mouth. 'The bastard planned it the whole time so he could stick his tongue' I thought angrily but the thought vanished as his other hand grabbed one of my hands entangling his fingers with mine keeping it trapped to the metal bar. I went to bite down on his tongue but he squeezed my cheeks instantly his nails digging into my skin as if he knew my intentions mumbling into the kiss, "Don't... you dare".
He loosened his hold on my cheeks slightly but made sure if I tried to bite him I would still bite the inside of my cheeks before I could bite his tongue. Knowing he had the advantage he ran his tongue over my teeth making me flinch while he cursed unintelligibly into the kiss displeased by my reaction. Remembering my reaction from the last time we had kiss he dragged his tongue along the roof of my mouth making my jaw go slack and forcing my eyes shut. It tickled making me want to squirm but he kept my head in place. He dragged his tongue over the roof my mouth a couple more times before pulling away allowing me to take a couple gulps of air.
He looked at me for a few seconds sporting a triumph smirk before deciding to speak. "So you can't always use your magic," he said huskily his tongue taking a final swipe of my lips before moving away from me for good, "Good to know and here's your bra," he said still smirking. I snatched it from his open hand when he released my hand from his but making sure to do it slowly to make his touch linger.
"I'm going to fucking kill you," I snapped my face still beat red but I noticed he was looking at something other than me which halted my anger and he seemed to be way to pleased too. My eyes followed where he was looking, my eyes widening, how could I have forgotten that someone was coming. I no longer heard their footsteps because they had most likely witnessed a good portion of our kiss. I heard his voice recognizing who it was before my mind was able to tell me who I was staring at.
"Heard we had prisoners when I got in but he appears more than a simple prisoner unless you do that with all male prisoners? Care to explain Kaida?" Pixis said giving me a disapproving look.
"No, nothing to say here" I snapped stuffing my bra in my pocket, I even forgot it was in my hand just dangling. I felt so ashamed he caught me like that.
"The others deserve to know." he said still giving me that disapproving look.
"So they can tell me to forgive and forget? I will not forget and I will never forgive because nothing will even if he is my one I have all but a grim reminder I carry with me and I can't run or hide from it. Proves what they are capable of and what they will do again. Nothing will change it, nothing," I snapped my voice raising from my anger trying to hide my shame and also exacting my rage caused by Levi. I also grew anger because I couldn't believe he was telling me to consider such a possibility.
"What about-" he said about to bring her up. How dare he.
"Don't you dare, she was different...And she is dead because of me," I continued forgetting how much information I was spitting out in front of Levi, the very enemy responsible for all my grief.
"He could be like-" he tried to reason. 'Who side was he on?' I thought enraged.
"Enough Pixis," I screamed, I couldn't believe it. How could he side with him after what they did to me, what they did to us? Did he forget how I saved them from that fate, I gave up what it meant to be one of us.
"You were just a child that day you had not idea what you were giving up, you're still just a mere child trying to grieve the loss of them and your family. We are here to help you so please accept our help just this once. No one will ever think you are weak or disgusting because of it," he said.
"I said enough I knew exactly what I gave up that day, no one knows that better than me, it was a small price to pay for everyone and I would do it all over again even now knowing what it's like..." I growled marching over to him so I was nose to nose with him before uttering my next sentence, "Do you forget who you are talking to?" I spoke my voice dripping with pure anger. Did he not think I couldn't understand my loss because I was still a child, it hurt that he thought that. It made me doubt myself because he probably thought I failing as a leader. Well, I didn't want to be the leader in the first place put I had no choice ten years ago to become one.
"Drop it and never speak of it again, we have unwanted ears and eyes right now that have already learned enough. Don't you agree?" I spoke calmly and evenly the rage still present in my voice. My eyes drifted to Levi who was watching and listening to our argument with his damn usual intensity which just proved my point. Who knows what he already knows about us or me right now, could prove to be dangerous.
My eyes traveled back to Pixis awaiting his answer, "...Yes, Kaida-sama" he said closing his eyes. I could still tell he disagreed with my choices, he carried burdens from the past too but they could not compare to mine. I was relieved when I heard his answer too, I didn't want to push my control when I wanted them to follow me freely.
"Good, glad we are on the same page" I spoke leaving him in the cellar and when I descended the stairs I felt eyes boring holes in my back and I had not doubt who it was.
"Levi~" sang Hange who was then abruptly thrown in the cell with Levi after he was pinned to the wall with magic only being released after the door slammed shut. He hated their magic, he was going to make sure when he was out she would be unable to use her dreadful magic on him.
"Did you miss me while I was gone ~" she sang again.
"No...Did you learn anything new while you were up there."
"I think you did, you face says happy and grumpy what an odd mix so what happened while I was gone ~"
"She came down" he muttered.
"Ohh! How unusual, yes yes, any juicy details you want to share with your best friend ~" continuing to sing her words much to his annoyance.
"She had a fit of pain but apparently the fit she had was not the first one."
"Interesting" Hange speaking seriously for a moment thinking about something.
"I agree...A man named Pixis found out I was her One, she wasn't happy about it.." he grumbled scrunching up the sheets of the bed he was sitting on.
"Go on"
"Found out she lost her family and something else..."
"Really and what else..." Hange asked.
"Nothing else trying to understand it all still missing pieces .." he grumbled. "Tch. Did you learn anything" he continued his grumble resting his head on his hand while he stared out the window waiting to catch a glimpse of her like he's been doing the past month.
"No nothing we don't know already know from looking out the window but"
"Spit it our shitty glasses"
"I spread the seeds of destruction"
"Ha?" he turned his head to look at her in confusion
"Exactly what it sounds like-Ha hahah" she laughed diabolically.
"English Shitty Glasses" he spat.
"Yes, well shorty you'll find out soon enough"