Happy New Year everyone! New Year means new stories for me. I really hope you all like this one. I've been fantasizing and one other for around, oh, threeish months probably. Speaking of which, you may have noticed that my updates aren't all that frequent anymore. I'm really stressed and busy as of lately, and fanfiction just isn't my top priority. If you could please pray for me and my family, that would be nice. This story is sort of inspired from an episode in a show I watch with my parents called Grimm in season two, but it's really a stretch considering the plot. Enjoy!

"Do you love me?" she demanded as she pressed him between her and the wall. He felt the space between them closing in like one of those stupid trash compactors at the factory he worked at. Always rancid like all of this was, "I said, do you love me?!"

He closed his eyes. He did, he was sure of it, but there was still that one tiny memory in him that said otherwise. A little girl. A woman. He knew he had once loved that woman, that little girl. They used to be his everything but no longer. He nodded his head... Yes.

"Good," she smirked, "then fight him!"

Out of the shadows another man emerged. "She is mine."

She leaned against the wall as the two men fought until the death, until they killed each other. She left the warehouse room, the clicks of her high heels echoing in the almost empty darkness. She was heading home unaware of what was heading her way.

The next day the bodies were found. His wife and daughter never saw it coming.

"Jay are you done in there yet?" Cole yelled and banged against the door, "I need to take a shower too ya know!"

Jay straightened his collar as he looked in the mirror, "Just give me two minutes Cole. I'm almost done getting ready, besides, didn't you already take a shower today?"

Jay was certain Cole was uncomfortable on the other side of that door. Cole definitely had taken a shower today. Twice. Maybe even more. Ever since becoming human again, Cole had taken every opportunity to get wet. He'd even laughed and asked her to do it again when Nya "accidentally" sprayed him in the face during a way too competitive game of Apples to apples.

"That's beside the point," Cole mumbled, "I was helping outside and got sweaty."

"Sure," Jay chuckled and flung open the door.

Cole raised his eyebrows in astonishment, "Wow, looking good! Where are you and Nya going?"

"Mega Monster Amusement Park. It's our one year anniversary since getting back together, so we decided to go back to where we had our first date." Jay explained.

"Oh, I didn't realise that was today. Congrats buddy!" Cole exclaimed. As confused as he still was about how they'd randomly gotten back together on the hospital rooftop, he was still happy for them.

"Thanks. Uh, I've got to go. Have fun taking another shower."

"Alright, I will. Later bro!" Cole replied.

"Later!" Jay walked with a skip in his step towards Nya's room and knocked promptly on her door. Four forty five just like they'd agreed on. Together they left the temple.

They had no idea what was going on at Mega Monster Amusement Park. Nor did they no just who was behind it. If only they had known...

Maybe then they would've stayed away.

So what'd you think? I'm going to try to update every other week, if not that then hopefully once a month. I'm trying not to overcoming myself. It's gotten overwhelming. So, until next update, God bless!

#God's Not Dead!