The missing day

Chapter 28

Hermione jerked awake on the bed, as the mauled face of Rodolphus Lestrange flashed in front of her eyes.

"No." Her hoarse cries echoed in the room, as her eyes tried to adjust to the light flooding into the room. She looked to the chair by the side of her bed and the blond sitting in it. His anxious eyes sought hers, while his fingers tried to reach her hand.

"Welcome back." He gave a troubled smile.

"Where are we? Where is everyone? What happened at the Ministry?" She tried to get down from what seemed to be like her own mattress. The familiarity of her own home gave her a sense of comfort along with the concern in his grey gaze.

"I suggest a little caution. You've been under a lot of stress. You might want to take it a little slow."

She took a steadying breath and nodded her head. She took the glass of water he offered and sipped, soothing her parched throat. "Thank you." She offered slowly leaning back into the bed, the image of the impostor still blaring in her mind. Now in the comfort of her own home, she gained a semblance on her swirling thoughts. Even after seeing the physical manifestation of Rodolphus Lestrange, there was something that seemed out of place.

Her step faltered as she got down from the bed. Looking at Draco she spoke in a trembling voice. "I think we committed a terrible crime. I can't really place my finger on it but something says that wasn't Rodolphus."

"Granger," Draco started slowly taking her hand. "I know everything sounds muddled now. You need to take rest."

Taking notice of his stoic pose, Hermione narrowed her eyes at him as she moved out of his proximity. Narcissa's words echoed in her mind. "It was your plan."

"Yes, projecting your memories and showing Kingsley's true colors to everyone, was indeed my plan."

A wave of silence passed over the pair as Hermione tried to understand what was happening around her. "I'm sick of people hiding things from me. This was your original plan, isn't it? To finish off Kingsley. Answer me, Draco." Her voice resounded in the room. "I'm starting to believe the projection of my memories was just a distraction to bide some time."

"Minister Shacklebolt had been dead for a long time, Granger. Didn't you pay attention to what happened back there?"

"Don't try to manipulate me, like you did others. That's your plan, right? Killing Kingsley was your plan from the beginning."

"I don't know what you're talking about. That was Rodolphus, Hermione." Draco said in a stoic voice, folding his hands at her accusations.

But the calmness in his voice made Hermione flare. "Where is your partner in crime. And no, I'm not talking about your mother." Draco raised an eyebrow. "The boy-who-lived? Where the hell is Harry?"

"Potter dislocated his shoulder and broke his arm. The Weasleys are tending to him at Grimmauld Place. I believe Longbottom's there too." Hermione's face paled as she remembered the way Kingsley threw Harry with such an enormous force and a heavy weight settled on her chest. "Even though you didn't ask, my parents are safe and currently being taken care of at Nott's place along with Theo and Pansy."

"How long has it been?"

"It's the morning after."

"Did anyone else…?" She trailed off.

"No, just minor injuries. Everyone else is fine."

"I've been working on the files of death eaters for two years, Draco. Do you think you can fool me? Lestrange's body may not have been found, but I can with conviction say, if Theo and I haven't found any details on him, he's dead for good." Draco raised an eyebrow at her words, that only intensified Hermione's anger. "I should've suspected when your mother turned up in her sister's place. It's easy to convince the Weasleys with your lies as they are already in pain. You convinced Harry to be a part of it because he's the chosen one who had defeated Voldemort and no one would question his actions. Do you deny any of it?"

"I'm curious to know up to what extent you'll go with your explanations. So, instead of blaming me for all that, try explaining things if you are so sure." Draco sat on the bed Hermione had just vacated a few moments ago.

Hermione gritted her teeth at his reactions or precisely lack of them. "Fine. You want to hear it from me, then so be it." She prepared herself to give him a good lashing but when Draco remained unfazed, an unexplained exhaustion took over Hermione and she slumped to the floor. But instead of hitting the harsh floor, her body landed into him. "Everything's so confusing," she said looking at his hands that were holding her.

"Granger," his soft voice dragged her eyes to meet his. "It's going to be okay."

Hermione let out a chuckle, averting his piercing eyes. "I don't understand why you felt the need to hide it from me. You trusted Harry with this, but not me." When Draco tried to open his mouth, she quickly stopped him. "Don't you even try to convince me, Draco. I may be tired but I'm not stupid."

"There never was any doubt about the abilities of the brightest witch of our age," Draco said as his hands slowly left her. "But you've got to understand Rodolphus was a madman. I wouldn't put past him that he would seek revenge on every surviving Death Eater. He wasn't any different from Crouch Jr."

"Please. Enough of this nonsense." Hermione's voice trembled. "I should've known or at least I should've wagered a guess when your mother took her sister's form. Andromeda's the only person who was with Kingsley since he started these mindless actions. As one of the victims of this war, the conclave people connect more with her than they do with Kingsley. They trusted Kingsley because Andromeda trusted him. You both knew that fact very well and you used it to your advantage."

Draco clicked his tongue at her words and looked with a bored expression. "I expected better from you, Hermione. If that's all the proof you've, I must say you're mistaken. You're not even close Granger."

"I'm not done, Malfoy," Hermione hissed. "First of all, if it was a death eater under the disguise of Kingsley, the shield erected would've barricaded him from coming into the inner circle and if he tried it would've caused him enormous amounts of pain. Since that didn't happen, I can say he wasn't a death eater as you claim."

Draco let out an amusing chuckle. "The shield works on the physical attributes of a person, Granger. I'd argue that Rodolphus was already in Kingsley's form, so the shield's effects on him would be none." Sensing her discomfort Draco scooted closer. "Anything else?"

"Polyjuice Potion. You may be a potion expert, but how can you forget that I've always bested you at school."

"We're not in school anymore, Granger. You've got busy with your project and I've got busy with mine. Fortunately, the field I chose gives me the upper hand in the divine art of potion making."

"Polyjuice doesn't work with dead people, Draco." Hermione shot her answer and for the first time, Draco's brow creased in contemplation. "Yes. You have had Harry and your mother declare, Lestrange killed Kingsley and assumed his place. But in order to use Kingsley's appearance, they need to have access to some form of his physical essence, like hair or toenails, which is impossible if Kingsley was already dead." Draco's mouth opened, but one look at her, he remained silent. "That's the reason Crouch Jr, kept Moody alive when he impersonated him."

"That's an interesting lesson, Professor Granger, but for some other time. I'm sorry to say but you're a little misguided in your explanations. Polyjuice works fine with dead people. But, it's effects vary according to the Lunar cycle." Hermione's retort died on her lips as something stirred in the depths of her brain. "Anything tickles your brain?"

"Advanced Potion-making," Hermione mumbled as a smudged side-note from the infamous Half-blood prince's book, flashed in her brain.

Draco's gaze shot towards her. "Wizard Phineas Fulcher who, upon falling hopelessly in love with a love-struck young witch, took on the identity of her lover, killing him with a large cauldron. Fortunately, enough, during the month he took on the form of the deceased wizard…"

"She fell deeply in love with him and the two eventually moved to a small village in Basildon," Hermione completed the sentence for him. "Where did you learn that little fact?"

"Professor Snape, in a rather private lesson." Draco folded his hands. "Although, I have my doubts about your knowledge about them."

"Not important, at least for now." Her shoulders slumped. How can that be true? "It's not possible. I still can't believe it was Lestrange. According to my research, Rodolphus was never the brightest of the lot. To impersonate the Minister of Magic himself is something beyond his abilities."

"Then who am I to argue with you, my brilliant witch," Draco said with a resigned smile.

Hermione chucked in a sharp breath. "Do I look like I'm in a position to enjoy your riddles, Malfoy? Pushing aside your facts about death and Polyjuice, I still can prove it was Kingsley."

"You've my attention."

Hermione shot from the bed and started pacing. Ignoring Draco's concerned look she huffed. "You think I'm some kind of an idiot."

"That thought never crossed my mind, Granger. I'm not foolish to think so."

"Since you stated oh so clearly, that Polyjuice works fine with dead people, I say you've somehow forced Kingsley to take it and turn him into Rodolphus Lestrange." Her eyes suddenly flashed brightly. "Yes, of course. That traitor of my best friend had to do something with that."


"Who else. One of these days, I'm going to snap him out of his reckless attitude. See, everything falls into place." She shot up from the bed. "Now I can see everything clearly. Rodolphus was related to you. It's not difficult to find some of his physical evidence. Your elves could've easily dug it out for you."

Draco's expression tightened, but Hermione was not in a position to contemplate his reactions. Her overworking brain had finally kicked in and everything started to fall into place.

"As long as Kingsley's alive, you are in danger. We all are in danger. Even though the minister lost the love and support of the Wizarding populace with that little trick of memory projections, he still had the undying support of the conclave people who were bound to him by an unbreakable vow."

She registered the look of appreciation on Draco's face and her confidence seemed to have renewed further.

"It was important to break their trust." Hermione worried her lip. "They all are broken souls, finding comfort with each other." Her voice lowered as her thoughts went out to Dennis, Hannah, Lavender's dad and many others, who lost their loved ones in the war. "So, there was only one way to make them snap out of the haze Kingsley had created." She reached for the glass of water Draco gave her a few minutes ago and drained it down her throat.

"Go on."

"So you convinced all the Weasleys, Neville and everyone else that he is indeed Rodolphus. I can even bet, you said your father was kidnapped because he knew about his identity." Hermione suddenly stopped in her rant as her thoughts ran into a block. Fiddling with the empty glass in her hand, she spoke. "There is only one thing I cannot explain. How did you manage to transform him? That too in the middle of Atrium with so many people watching."

Draco's gaze was predatory as he approached Hermione. "Your best friend helped."

The glass in Hermione's hand suddenly exploded. Wincing her eyes went wide. "So, it's true?"

He took her hand into hers and vanished the shards of glass that got embedded into her skin. He spoke after muttering a healing spell. "Who am I to argue with the brightest witch of our age."

"I can't believe it," Hermione muttered clutching her hand. Her previous waves of anger dissipated with his sudden admission. She tried to look into his eyes, but they seemed to be fixed on a spot on the floor. "Harry helped?"

Draco nodded. "Some muggle technique to directly inject into the blood. He transformed the vial containing Polyjuice potion with Rodolphus Lestrange's hair, into some sort of needle."

Hermione didn't need any further explanation. "When Kingsley attacked Harry, he plunged the needle into Kingsley. Harry was purposefully goading Kingsley to attack him to create that opportunity."

The pair of them sat on the bed silently, for the next few minutes. Hermione overwhelmed by the sudden revelations and at the same acknowledging the fact that the danger looming over them for the past few months, had been whisked away.

"For the record, I wasn't the one who wanted to get you out of that place." Draco broke the silence. "Nor did I force Potter. He volunteered."

"Of course he did," Hermione muttered and turned to Draco."You lied to me Draco. I don't deny you had your reasons, but you hid everything from me. I did nothing but help you since the beginning and you didn't extend the same courtesy to me."

"That's slightly exaggerating, don't you think? Do I need to remind you that you followed me to my home under that cloak?" Draco tried to chuckle, but Hermione's glare stopped him immediately. "That man destroyed my family, Granger," Draco said in a low voice, desperation overtaking his eyes. "I don't deny my father served the dark lord, and we've suffered enough punishment for our sins." Sensing his tense voice, Hermione reached for his hand. He harshly pushed her hand away. "Seeing my father in that condition, quivering on the cold floor in front of our home, with just one name on his lips, was just unacceptable. "

"Draco, I understand what you're saying, but…"

"But what Granger? Haven't you seen the atrocities he'd committed? Fortunately, all of them have been futile and no one was harmed. But no one deserves that kind of treatment. He's a monster and had been given justice like he deserved."

"For the past two years, I've been fighting with the roots of this issue. People shouldn't be given any punishment until they have been given a fair trial."

"And you ask me why didn't I share these plans with you?" Draco rolled his eyes with a snort.

"Will you let me finish?" Hermione shot a sharp glare. "Yes, if it was up to me I would've fought even for Kingsley to at least him a chance to explain why he'd committed such atrocities."

Draco gritted his teeth. "What good would come from that Hermione. Until Kingsley's alive he'll control those conclave people. He's gone beyond reason. He didn't hesitate to kill you or Weasley. Besides, this is even a better solution."

"Enlighten me, please. I beg you. How killing Kingsley is the better solution." Hermione folded her hands. "Merlin Forbid, if in the future everything comes out, you know how much danger you're going to be in."

"You're worried about me, Granger? I'm flattered," Draco smiled. "That's why I've taken required the precautions. Rodolphus had been dead since the war. Since his body was never found, we didn't shed any light on that fact. The glimpses of Rodolphus, people caught were very minimal. I didn't want to leave anything to chance, so our friends started the assault, and they just let everyone join in. Some conclave members even assorted to physical violence. It also helps to have the aid of the chosen one. I hate to admit, but despite his physical injuries, he took the responsibility of transferring the minister's body to a secluded location before the potion wore off. He said something about transfiguring it into some object."

Hermione found no words to say. He had answers for everything, but were they enough? Though her integrity probed her, telling what they did was wrong, she couldn't find a strong argument to counteract Draco's.

"With this act, the name of Kingsley is also preserved. Though I thoroughly disagree that pathetic excuse of a person deserved such fame, I cannot fathom to destroy the sense of security he brought to this world."

"But your act proved that we still have to pay caution to the word, Death Eater." Hermione stepped forward and rested her head on his shoulder, understanding how much pain he had undergone all these days. Before everything, she didn't pay much attention to the Malfoys, but she couldn't help but wonder about those many layers of emotions they tried to cloak themselves in.

"Then I guess we all just have to prove, that word doesn't define us anymore." He turned his head towards her and met her concerning gaze.

It seemed so long ago, that she tasted those lips. So much has happened in such a short period of time. The unusual bond she had formed with the man in front of her eyes was strengthened by the struggles they have faced. They may have fought different wars, but both of them wanted the same thing at the end of the day.

She raised herself on her toes and brushed her lips against his. His arm automatically sought hers as his lips deepened the kiss, she initiated. Hermione felt alive once again as she gave into the sense of existence and the fire he generated with his kiss, that ran to the tips of her fingers.

They separated with a sharp gasp, as their lungs filled with the much-needed air. "What are we going to do now? There are so many things to be taken care of. With Percy free of the Imperius, more things will come to light." She spoke staring into the distance, her fingers tightly grasped in his.

"Though discussing Wizarding politics sounds like a wonderful idea. I've got an interesting proposal." Hermione quirked up an eyebrow at him. "You owe me a date." He said reaching inside his pockets. Extracting a purple potion, he said, "How would you like to go and visit your missing day?"

"The potion that reverts the effect of your memory potion." Hermione reverently took it into her hands. "You finished it."

"Yes," Draco said with a tensed brow. "I promised you a solution and here it is."

Hermione bit her lip. All her dreams flashed in front of her eyes and a particular one made her heart thud louder. The handsome face of the blond covered in blood wasn't something she wanted to see as of now. "Thank you, I appreciate it. But I don't think I'm ready to relive that entire day again. At least not now."

"Are you sure?" Draco said meeting her eyes.

"Yes, I'm. As for our date, I think I have something far more interesting," she winked at him. Reaching for his arm, she tugged him forward, as they landed on her soft mattress. Her missing day might've brought them together, but she needed new memories with the man who was kissing her so ardently and she's determined to give them both the same.

A/N: And here we are at the end of 'The missing day'. I'm immensely grateful for the love and support you've given to this little effort. It started as an idea in my brain a year ago. I'll agree, it was a challenge to me to even attempt a story in the mystery genre, but I'm glad I did it. It could've been a lot better but I'm very happy that I was able to write an ending to this story. I want to dedicate this to all my readers who've shared their love to this little tale.

My special thanks to Lucky Mascot and White Bishop, two amazing people who grace me with their kindness despite being subjected to all my idiosyncrasies. You guys are the best.

I know there are little threads that were left ambiguous, so please don't hesitate to reach me for any unanswered questions. I intend to add few more chapters at a later time, like their journey to their missing day or any interesting future events, but I'm officially marking this as complete.

Regarding the usage of Polyjuice, I did my research through Wikia and some Reddit threads. So, I can't guarantee it's authenticity. But since it's fanfiction, I believe we're given that tiny amount of liberty.

If you liked this story, please feel free to check out another Dramione WIP 'Of Matches and Malfoy' on my profile. It's a collaboration with White Bishop and one of my favorite stories.