Darn it I have backed myself into a corner here. The Try Everything prompt is due tonight and I have nothing so here's to a series of drabbles that I will pull out of nowhere and continue to post until midnight. How is this trying something new? Well, usually I plan out what I'm going to write and this is flat out improv. I don't know where I'm going. You don't know where I'm going. Let's see what happens :/ Goddess have mercy

Mineral Town was not a well known location, far from any major road one would need to either hike in or arrive by boat. People who did visit though would only describe it as one of the country's best kept secrets. Despite the minuscule population there was an abnormally large number of young and beautiful villagers both male and female. Other than that, there was unlikely anywhere else in the world still quite as attached to nature.

In a time long after the heart of the industrial revolution, this was one of the few rural areas untouched by factories and corporations. The water was always clean to drink and from the top of Mother's Hill even the most experienced hiker could lose himself for hours staring at the large expanse of green land and neighbouring mountains.

Anyone that visited could see that the people were truly one of a kind with unique and colourful personalities. The mayor stood out the most of course: An eccentric tiny little man who wore a bright red top hat. His decisions were always quite surprising, as only could expected of a man who snuck down the townsfolk's chimneys each Christmas to mimic the other man in red.

It was he who brought in the new farmer after the previous succumbed to his old age. Unheard of at the time, this newcomer was a woman who could not have been past twenty. A girl handling a farm all on her own!

The town was rather progressive however compared to its counterparts and its people kept their doubts to themselves.

Already, simply by being female, this person was not necessarily what one would call normal but it would soon become abundantly clear that Claire was even further from the ordinary than anticipated. In fact, some of the younger residents firmly believed that her peculiarity expanded past unusual to something possibly even… paranormal.

The older townsfolk would quickly quiet them and simply insist they had too much to drink (something Mineral Town was also known for), and too much time on their hands.

One thing was for sure though, nowhere in the world was there anyone quite like Claire.