Absolute Justice or not

AN: Yeah so I kinda forgot to publish this hehe. It's been on my laptop for awhile and so I decided to publish it now. It's pretty much the last chapter, cause I honestly don't feel like delving into all the other future arcs of the series. Anyways, please enjoy and review!

Oh and by the way, I don't own anything. Nada.

Yup. Peace.

Chapter VIII: Pretty awesome right?

How were they still moving?!

Fujitora let out a growl as he once again applied literal tons of gravity on the men before him. But as seemed the norm in this fight, they simply dispersed, only to reappear not ten feet away from him, preparing to envelop him in a mixture of fire and lightning. Of course, he was prepared for this, they had been doing this since the start in the hopes that he would eventually slow down and die.

But I won't, he thought, I'll live through this and I'll capture them. Though he himself was starting to doubt that, after all he was indeed on his last legs and it had been well over an hour ago that he'd seen Borsalino and he was starting to worry. After all, the man was maybe the Fastest Man Alive, but he often got overconfident in his fights and relied all too much on his Devil Fruit.

Well it's not like I can say anything against that, he thought with a humourless chuckle. Indeed he had been relying on his Devil Fruit for what seemed like forever ever since that damn Uchiha brat planted a spear of lightning through his right thigh. As it was, he could barely move and had been focusing his Devil Fruit to create a gravitational barrier every time they attacked. It was the only thing protecting him at the moment.

With another wave of his sword, a crushing force applied itself on the spawn of Roger, who barely managed to escape it quick enough.

Though, it's not like I'm the only one here that's half dead, he thought looking at the two kids before him. The Uchiha had been fighting the longest out of the two and it certainly showed. His right arm was beyond recognition, a bunch of mangled bones barely holding together the result of him being crushed by a building courtesy of Fujitora, and a deep gash coming from his forehead, covering the left side of his face in blood. Not to mention the myriad of wounds covering his form. It hurt to look at the kid.

Compared to him, Portgas D. Ace looked in tip-toe shape and was definitely the one that looked the best out of the three of them. He didn't seem to have anything broken, and only had a couple of minor wounds on his body. Though to be fair, he was the freshest out of the three of them, having arrived a while after the battle had started.

"Just give up old man! It's over!" The youth shouted, his signature fist covered in flames, prepared to dish out another brutal attack.

But Fujitora was not an admiral of the Marines for nothing. He shook off his wariness and began preparing his final attack. Hopefully it would be enough. "Who do you think I am, boy? I am an Admiral of the Marine Corps, and I will not give up until you are detained or I am dead!" he shouted, giving out one final roar as he prepared to bring down one of the biggest meteorites the world would ever see.

That is until Kizaru came crashing into the area through a building. He slid for a moment before stopping, unmoving. Fujitora blinked in shock, the yellow Admiral looked like he was on death's doors, his entire body seemed broken, and there was so much blood pouring out of him. Not to mention the fact that he had several holes in his stomach, where his innards seemed to be burnt to a crisp. Amazingly he was still breathing, though the Admiral didn't think that he was going to last long without any proper treatment.

"Ha! Piece of cake." Came a loud obnoxious voice from where Borsalino had flown in. And there he was, in all his bloody glory, Uzumaki D. Fucking Naruto, with a grin that threatened to split his face in half. And there to his left was none other than the Number Two of the Revolutionary Army, Sabo.

Covered in blood, that Issho doubted belonged entirely to him, Naruto smacked his bloodied fist against palm with a smack. If possible, his grin grew even further. "Even though he's the Fastest Man in the World, I didn't think he would go down so quickly."

Fujitora growled. "No matter, I was planning on ending this now anyway." Ears perked up at this, and their focus was centred solely on him.

"Oh," Portgas perked up. "And how were you planning on doing that, eh? You looked like you were about to fall over a couple seconds ago." He chuckled, though Issho could see that the brat's eyes had gained an even more dangerous edge to them.

He waited for the four of them to gather together, which didn't take as long as he thought it would. He then proceeded to point to the sky, where a giant, and he did mean giant, meteor the likes of which he had never produced in his life. Though to be honest, none had ever pushed him this much at his current level.

He took in the looks of shock from the criminals before him and smiled. "With this." And with that he let his arm fall back down and the meteor started falling down at impressive speeds. "Now," he said, his smile growing as he faced them. "Die!"


Well fuck me sideways, I thought as I stared up at the massive ball of rock coming down at us. Wait, could that even still be considered as a ball? Ya know, seeing it was round and shit? Or does a ball have to be small? Eh, I don't know. Though it would be good if someone could release an official statement one day about it. Who knows, maybe it'll be me?! Now wouldn't that be the day, Mom would be so proud. Wonder how she's doing anyway, seeing as Dad's gone. Talking about Dad, how dare that yellow monkey call himself the fastest man alive?! That was my Dad's title for crying out loud. I swear to God if I ever survive this I'm gonna-

"Die!" The Admiral shouted, and I could see that the meteor was actually plummeting to the ground more so than previously. Huh, how about that.

I heard Sasuke growling and I turned to look at him. He was seething, holding his broken arm, with sparks flying out widely around him. Some of them even landed on me- hey!

"I fucking never should have come with you, asshole." He growled. Hey! No need to be so mean, it wasn't like we were going to die...right?

Sasuke's grip on his sword tightened, to the point that I thought he was going to break it. Wait, when did he even get his sword back?

Lighting coursed around his body even more so, striking at anything too close to him. Me and the other guys ( I really needed to get their names) jumped out of the way quickly as Sasuke suddenly exploded in blue light.

"Fuck you, Naruto," he spat, and he turned to glare at Fujitora, who just cocked his brow. Well it wasn't like he was in a state to do anything else at this point.

"Fuck this shit!" And then, he moved.

He flew over the ground, flickering between man and lightning. Fujitora didn't even have time to dodge as Sasuke was upon him, man turned pure unbridled bolt of furious energy.

"AND." He pulled back his sword. "FUCK." And then swung, slicing through the man's neck. "YOU!"

WOW! Who knew Sasuke had it in him?! It must be all that pent up frustration from all this 'shit' as he put it, whatever that was. I'll probably have to tell him to go and see a psychiatrist or something, it's not good keeping all that frustration bottled up inside oneself.

Suddenly he turned towards me and gave me a chilling glare just as Fujitora's body -sans head- crashed to the floor. "Are you seriously the one telling me to go so a psychiatrist? You, Uzumaki D. Naruto, the craziest guy I know?!"

Wait, he heard that? Was I speaking out loud again? Nah that can't be it, I'm not that stupid. I paused, narrowing my eyes at Sasuke. Is he a mind-reader? Holy fuck that would explain a lot.

As if hearing me, he spoke up. "No. I can just read you easily. Idiot." I could of sworn his eyes flashed red for a second before turning back to their normal steely black. Huh. Weird.

"Hey assholes! Would you mind shutting the fuck up and concentrating on the fact that there's a meteor the size of the entire island coming down on us!" One of the guys shouted from the right. It was the guy with the shorts that had the Fire logia.

I looked at him as if he was an idiot. "Dude. You do know Doflamingo's still got his Bird Cage up, right?"

"Uh Naruto...no he hasn't." Sasuke spoke up from my left. I nearly jumped out of my skin. How does he keep doing that without me sensing him?! Fucking Uchihas….wait what did he say?

Looking up I saw that yes, the Uchiha was right. The Bird Cage had disappeared. But how was that possible? Does that mean that the Strawhat beat the pink prick?

"We've gotta do something about it! The entire island is gonna be destroyed!" At this point Shorts Guy was panicking, looking back and forth between his Top-hat friend, Sasuke and myself.

"Don't worry Ace, I've got this." said Top-hat Guy with a smirk as he stepped in front of us. "Behold the power of the Quake Quake Fruit!" And then he shot his fist forward and the air cracked!

The crack continued until reaching the falling meteorite before hitting it. For a while nothing happened, before cracks started appearing on the surface of the giant ball of rock. It then split apart into four – still pretty big – pieces, that were still plummeting towards us!

The three of us (Sasuke, Shorts Guy and myself) turned to stare at Top-hat Guy, who was sheepishly looking at us whilst rubbing his neck. "Sorry..." he said lamely.

And then Shorts Guy was back to panicking. "Well now what the fuck are we supposed to do?!" He shouted, visibly paling by the second.

I stepped forward confidently like the awesome boss that I am and struck a finger forward, pointing at the closest of the falling masses of rock. "I call dibs on that one, you guys can handle the others." And without further a due, I shot forward packing every single bit of energy that I had left into my right fist, before unloading a massive ball of magma that easily dwarfed the falling meteorite.

"Eat this!" And with that the two forces clashed against each other.

To be honest, I thought I was going to struggle against it or something but all that ended up happening was me ploughing through the thing with relative ease. Oh well. So much for the epic final confrontation battle scene.

I heard a crack of lightning, followed by a blinding flash of white coming down from the skies. Ah that was surely Sasuke taking care of business. To my right I saw a flash of orange as a huge pillar of fire tore through my vision, reducing the meteorite to ash. And then finally I heard the crack of the air, as the final meteor was reduced to nothing by the Top-hat Guy. Huh. Why didn't he just do that at the start?

Anyway, I'm starting to feel sleepy now so I'm gonna sleep for a while. Oh, I'm still up in the air. Eh who cares I'm half dead anyway, falling from this high up won't make that much of a difference.

I yawned one final time before closing my eyes and nodding off. And I didn't even feel the fall.

Pretty awesome if I do say so myself.

Uzumaki D. Naruto, out.