A/N- So, it's a little rough around the edges, but here it is. A new story that I'm working on. Starrk is one of my favorite Bleach characters and I can't seem to find many good fanfic about him so I decided to write one myself. Might update this chapter at a later point in time. Tell me what you think.

Disclaimer- I OWN NOTHING!

Chapter 1

Coyote Starrk was dying. He had been struck down on the field of battle during the Winter War against the Soul Society. He found himself doing battle against a pair of captains as well as a couple of pseudo-arrancar. Although he was strong he eventually was cut down by the captain, Shunsui Kyoraku. But why he was fighting is much more important than who he was fighting.

Starrk was cursed with the burden of power. He was so powerful that everyone around him would die just from being near. As such it made sense that his aspect of death was solitude. All he ever wanted was friends, someone he could spend time with. In order to remedy the situation he split his soul in two. One half was him and the other half became his fraccion, Lilynette Gingerbuck. They spent the majority of their lives alone as they were still too powerful to be around others. Somewhere along the way the met Aizen, a Shinigami who had promised to grant them the wish that they desired, to have friends.

Yet here Starrk was, bleeding out on the cold hard ground of fake Karakura town without anything to show for it. His fraccion was gone, his fellow espada were dead or dying, and he was all alone again.

"Ai...zen." he barely managed to call out as he reached his hand towards his master in the sky. Only to see him cut down his fellow espada Tia Harrible. His eyes widened in shock. "Why..."

"I am quite surprised with how useless you all turned out to be. It seems I was a fool to rely on you. But you were even more of a fool for trusting me." Even from his position on the ground Starrk could hear him clearly.

"What..." Starrk may have been a tired, lazy, layabout, but he was by no means an idiot. It didn't take him long to put the pieces together and realize that Aizen had betrayed them.

"Damn..." Starrk began to close his eyes one last time, knowing that this time he would not awaken from his slumber.


Darkness, complete and total darkness surrounded him. He was confused as to where he was. Didn't he just die? Then again maybe this is what death was like for arrancar.

"Shit... alone again." he muttered to himself. At least that's what he tried to do as he currently didn't have a body, but instead was just a lone floating entity of awareness. He did not fail to find the irony of the situation, all things considered.

There was nothing for him to do as he floated about the endless ether, so he did what he always does, and decided to go to sleep. His slumber however, was short lived.

"Hmm, you poor thing." came a voice from the empty expanse. It was a distorted voice that echoed eternally through the vast expanse.

"Who's there?"

"Oh, you can hear me?" the voice asked.

"Of course I can hear you. You woke me from my nap"

"My apologies. I was just voicing my opinion of the poor misguided soul that I happened to gaze upon. You really had an unfortunate existence. Although I don't really know if what you are doing can be considered sleeping, seeing as how you don't have a body anymore."

"...That aside, can you possibly tell me where I am? I quite clearly remember dying. Is this the afterlife for arrancar?"

"Far from it. Yes, you did indeed die, but this is not the afterlife. Rather, this is a sort of empty space between worlds."

"So what, I'm on my way to the afterlife? To the Soul Society?"

"Not exactly. You see, I was watching you and I brought you here to make you an offer."

"What kind of an offer?"

"I want to grant you the wish that you so greatly desired, to have friends."

"What do you mean?"

"I wish to send you to a place where you will be able to make many friends. A place were friends are treated as family. A place where you can be happy. A place called, Fairy Tail."

"Fairy Tail?"

"So how about it? Would you like a second chance at life?"

He pondered his options for a few moments and figured that it wouldn't hurt to be given a second chance. But then something stopped him. "What about Lilynette?"

"What about her?"

"Are you giving her the same opportunity?"

"Well of course. She is after all, you as well."

"Then I will accept your proposition."

"Excellent choice. A few words of advice before you leave. The place you will be going to is another world, completely different from the world of the living, Hueco Mundo, and the soul Society. In this world the people use what is called magic. "

"Magic? Seriously?"

"Quite. And it is not hidden. It is a common part of everyday life. So if you see anything strange then you can chalk it up to that. Now good luck."

And with that he disappeared from the darkness.


"Wait, who's this guy?"

Everyone turned to where Jet was pointing and noticed the man lying motionless on the ground. The person was lying on his stomach with his face to the side and his eyes were closed. He had brown scruffy shoulder length hair and a faint goatee growing on his face. His outfit consisted of a white jacket and pants with black boots. Sheathed at his waist in a yellow scabbard was a sword.

"Is he... dead?" Natsu asked as he began poking the man with a stick.

"Zzz..." the man snored in response.

"No, just sleeping. I wonder who he is though. I don't recognize him as one of our own." Erza said as she gazed at the man's face.

"Must be one of the magic councils knights, or a member of Grimoire Heart who got left behind." said Gray.

"Hey buddy, Wake Up!" screamed Natsu as he flared his magic.

"...Urgh... too hot...trying to sleep here." the man grumbled.

"Who are you? This island is Fairy Tail property and you are trespassing, now wake up and answer us." Erza demanded as she prepared to draw her sword.


"He went back to sleep." Lucy deadpanned. The rest of the members of Fairy Tail began to form a large circle around the mysterious man, staying just out of reach should he attack. Their eyes were so focused on the man that they failed to notice the girl who was hanging in the trees above them.

"WAKE THE HELL UP YOU LAZY ASS!" screamed the girl as she dropped down from a height and landed on her feet, dead center on the man's back which caused him to recoil in pain.

"Gah!" he groaned as the young girl struck him. She appeared to be roughly twelve years of age and had short green hair. Her outfit consisted of white-colored briefs, arm-warmers, a revealing vest with a high collar and thigh-high, fur-lined boots. She wore a white helmet on her head. It had a curved horn on the right side and half a horn on the other. The helmet came down over her left eye and had a small flame design rising up from the eye-hole. However the most notable thing about her appearance was the small hole in the center of her stomach.

The girl stepped off of the man's back and then proceeded to kick him the side while screaming for him to wake up.


The man, whose name seemed to be Starrk, slowly began to rise from his slumber as a result of the girls abuse. The Fairy Tail mages just watched in silence, unsure of how to react to this sudden development. As Starrk sat up they got a better look at him. He had a bone-like jaw attached to the lower part of his neck and below it was a hole similar to the one on the girls stomach.

"Geez I'm up." he then let out a long yawn. "Now what do you want?"

"Rrgghh, can't you see that we are surrounded?!" the girl growled.

Starrk then surveyed his surrounding with his blue-grey eyes and noticed that they were indeed surrounded. "...Okay...so?"

"Arghh! What if they are hostile?! Get your ass in gear right this instant!" the girl screamed as she grabbed Starrk by the shoulders and proceeded to shake him.

Starrk let out a long sigh as he stood up. "Fine, I'm up... now who are these people? And where the hell are we? Certainly not in Hueco Mundo."

"Really? What made you think that? The utter lack of a desert landscape or was it the presence of all these humans?" the girl asked with a hint of sarcasm.

Starrk yawned as he examined the onlookers more carefully. "Mmm... are they, staring at us?"

The Fairy Tail mages continued to gaze at Starrk and the girl.

"Yeah, they're staring at us alright."

"No shit." said the girl.

"Language Lilynette..." Starrk scolded.

"English." the girl, Lilynette, said teasingly.

"That's not what I meant." Starrk then turned his attention back to his audience.


Starrk was rather confused at the recent developments. The last thing he remembered was dying in fake Karakura town, yet here he was, completely uninjured in the middle of some sort of forest surrounded by humans. What's more he could feel some sort of unnatural energy in the air that was different from spiritual energy. He then quickly turned his attention to the humans who surrounded him. They were quite the colorful bunch and some were dressed rather outlandishly. Hell, one was wearing half a suit of armor. But his confusion soon turned to concern when he noticed nearly all of them were covered in bandages and bruises. Starrk then remembered his spiritual pressure and became worried for their safety, but none of them seemed to be suffering from his presence.

"Hmm, why is it that none of you are dying?" In all honesty he could have worded that question better.

"Is that some sort of threat?!" growled a boy with pink hair as flames began to build around him. The rest of the humans became noticeably on edge. One man began to radiate electricity while another man's arm turned into a sword of some sort.

Empowered humans? Starrk thought. He was confused again. He used his pequisa to gauge the strength of the humans and only a few among them would be strong enough to withstand his presence. Although all of them had some sort of unnatural energy flowing through them that was identical to whatever was in the air.

"You think you can take us on?" goaded Lilynette as she made a 'come and get me' gesture with her hands.

Starrk then gave her a light bonk on the head. "Calm down you. We have no idea where we are so it is best not to cause any trouble. Besides, I'm too tired for a fight." he said as he scratched the back of his head.

"We will ask you one last time, who are you? Are you with the magic council, or are you with Grimiore Heart?" asked a voice. It belonged to a crimson haired girl who was now pointing a sword in Starrk's direction.

Starrk raised an eyebrow at this. Magic council? Do they refer to their powers as magic? And there's a council for it? And what the hell is a grimiore heart? Starrk pushed these questions to the back of his mind for now as he should first clear up the current misunderstanding.

"My apologies. My initial remark came out wrong. It's just that my spiritual pressure is so great that the weak simply die in my presence." Maybe the energy in the air has some sort of dampening effect on my power. But it's strange, I don't feel any weaker so maybe it just weakens the power I exude. "And for the record I don't know what a magic council or a grimiore heart is."

"Bullshit, he's lying." said a topless male with black hair.

"Wait, what does he mean by spiritual pressure?" a well endowed blonde asked.

"Yeah, is that supposed to be some sort of magic?" the pink haired boy questioned.

Starrk let out a long sigh at their ignorance which, judging from the quizzical looks he was getting from the rest of the group, was a shared sentiment. He then thought up a quick explanation since he was to tired to go into anything extensive. "I guess you could refer to it as magic... if that's what you want to call it. A bit of an archaic description but if that's what you consider your powers to be then fine."

"What do you mean? We are using magic. Everyone here is a mage."

Now it was Starrks' turn to be confused. Did they truly believe that what they are using is magic?

"Let's all calm down now. I'm sure that we can settle this peacefully." said a short old man who stepped forward. "How about we start with names. Mine is Makarov Dreyar."

"...Coyote Starrk. And this-" he started as he gestured towards Lilynette.

"I'm Lilynette Gingerbuck!" Lilynette interrupted as she jumped in front of Starrk.

"Well now that we have names we can proceed forward. Who exactly are you Coyote? And I'm rather curious as to why you and the girl have holes in your chests but are still alive." Makarov said politely, but he was still cautious in his attitude.

"Please, call me Starrk. As to who I am, I'm the Primera Espada of the Arrancar. And Lilynette here is my fraccion. As for the hole's, it's because we are Hollows. Although I doubt that holds any meaning to you."

Makarov nodded his head. "You're right. I'm unfamiliar with anything you just said."

"Hahh, as I thought."

Then suddenly Starrk grasped his head in pain as he started to remember something. A place called Fairy Tail.

"Shot in the dark here, but have you ever heard of Fairy Tail?"