Dean always prided himself on being comfortable in his own skin, but some situations just didn't allow him to do that. This was one of those situations. He slicked his hair back self-consciously and looked around at the church they had entered and gulped. This was so not his scene.

He felt Becky's hand slip into his and he relaxed the tiniest bit. They were standing at their seats, Becky singing along with the hymn while Dean had to stew in his discomfort. He wasn't a religious guy, never had been, but Becky liked to go to church on the big holidays like Christmas, or in this case, Easter. After she'd asked him to come with her to this one, he'd tried to say no, asking her why she even liked to go to them. He had never noticed her being religious before so why the change? She'd told him, through a faint blush, that it made her feel close to her family because they had always gone on Christmas and Easter. Damn it if that didn't make him cave almost immediately.

Seeing Becky in a dress, a very seldom and rare thing, was both helping and making his situation more difficult. She looked so beautiful and it made his heart do that stupid flutter thing, but at the same time, they were in a church and all he could think of doing was pulling her into the confessional and doing the most sinful things he could come up with.

Apparently seeing his distress, despite not even looking at him, he felt her squeeze his hand. He'd zoned out and they'd stopped singing. The priest with the funny collar was speaking again, asking people to come forward for something. Becky squeezed his hand again before moving in front of him to move out of the pew. He leaned back, but despite this, she still was able to brush her ass against his crotch, which was not helping his mind get out of the gutter.

He sat down as the line formed in front of the priest to get communion. He felt like he was the only one not going up, and began to fidget in his seat. He knew he was getting weird looks, but he just locked his eyes on the back of Becky's head and focused on how much he loved her. He watched her receive the blessing and get the little cookie thing before turning around and shooting him a fond smile that made the entire discomfort from before worth it.

She brushed by him again; making him think the first wasn't a coincidence before gathering her jacket and her purse and grabbing his hand so they could leave. Dean didn't need to be told twice and almost pulled her arm out, an irony if there had ever been one, on his way to the door. Once they stepped outside Dean breathed a sigh of relief, only to have his arm hugged by his girlfriend.

"Thank you." She smiled up at him, all teeth and he couldn't help but return it. "You didn't have to come with me, but I'm glad you did."

"Course. This may not be my scene, but this is a part of you, so I'm always game, especially if it puts a smile on your face."

Becky bit her lip, ducking her head with a blush. "It did. Though, I think it was a bit more than that."

He frowned, "What do you mean?"

"For someone who doesn't care what people think, you sure dressed up for this occasion." She gave him a very obvious once over and smirked. "Though, I'm not complaining."

He rolled his eyes. "It's Easter. Plus, I didn't want you to have to lug around bad looking arm candy."

Becky barked out a laugh, attracting the attention of several older ladies coming out of the church whom gave each other knowing looks before moving on. Becky was full of mirth when she turned back to Dean. "Yes, you are so good to me." She sidled up close to him and hung on his arm as they continued to walk to their car. "So, I had a thought."


"Well, I'm feeling particularly blessed and saint-like after that." She stood up to her tiptoes and pressed a kiss to his cheek before breathing huskily into his ear. "Wanna help me change that?"

Dean didn't know if it was usual to peel out of a church parking lot on Easter Sunday, but he decided he didn't care if it was unusual. It fit he and Becky perfectly.