Dean actually loved hotel rooms. They were different yet similar and he never had to clean them. Though he liked them a little more now because he always shared with Becky and she was fun to share a room with. She always wanted to put a television show on or a movie so they could have some background noise as she wrote in her journal and Dean had a beer. Dean had shared with people who just shut the lights off, didn't talk, and snored. Becky only snored, so it was a good system and Dean really didn't expect much tonight just because it was New Years Eve.

The date had snuck up on them and Dean had to go out to the gas station and grab them some sparkling cider and a six-pack of beers. Becky closed her journal and looked up at Dean entering the room. She looked at the bag he carried in his hands and grinned. "Thank God. I thought you'd do something stupid like buy me Guinness."

Dean chuckled, "Thought about it, but it's a holiday and I thought I'd give you a pass on Irish jokes. I'll make up for them on St. Patrick's Day."

Becky gave him a playful glare and looked back to the television that had the New Year's Ball Drop on. She caught the beer he threw her and cracked it open. They drank and chatted, only going silent when a band that Becky liked appeared to play.

As the ball dropped, Dean sat his beer down and picked up the sparkling cider and poured him and Becky a glass each. They counted down, Becky much more enthusiastically than Dean, and cheered when the ball hit the bottom of the poll. They hugged one another; Becky was one of the few people that Dean didn't mind hugging. They pressed a small, friendly kiss to the other's lips, as is the New Year's tradition, and then tossed back their cider.

Becky chuckled at him, "I can't believe we made it through this year. What a rollercoaster ride."

He couldn't help but agree with her. It had been a crazy year of them both winning titles and losing them. Losing friends and gaining them. "Yeah, Irish. Least we became best friends around this time last year."

Becky grinned, "Best thing to ever happen to either of us, if you ask me."

Dean chuckled and took a swig of his beer. "Yeah, we can agree on that."

He felt her stare for a few seconds before he turned to her, "What?"

"My family has this tradition. Was wondering if you wanted to do it with me?"

Dean felt his eyebrows go up. He wasn't gonna lie, being considered family, or even important enough to take part in a family tradition meant a lot. "Sure. What is it?"

"We state our New Year's Resolutions to one another after midnight."

He felt himself pause. He always sucked at these kinds of things. "Um, sure. As long as you go first."

Becky grinned, "Deal. Mine is going to continue to be a good friend, no matter who might try to turn on me this year. But, I'm not going to be a pushover. Never again. One strike and you're out."

Dean felt some worry creep into his chest. Becky deserved so much better than anyone could give. "Well I have about seven strikes on me at this point, Irish."

Becky flushed, taking a drink to collect her thoughts before turning to Dean. "You… You're different. I don't think I could ever hate you."

Dean gave her a tight smile, leaning over and laying his head on Becky's shoulder. "Yeah, same for you, Irish. I don't see us hating each other ever."

He felt her grin and press her head against his on her shoulder. "Yeah. Okay, your turn now."

Dean took a deep breath, letting the first thing that came to mind to be his New Year's Resolution. "I'm gonna be a better friend and be there for you. I know I try to do that now, but I know I can do better."

"You're doing fine you big goof. Stop being so hard on yourself. I've never had a better friend in my entire life. You make me a happy lass, Mox."

Dean felt himself grin, as they sat in comfortable silence. "I think it's gonna be our year, Irish." The hopeful grin he was met with meant everything to him.