Life is Strange: My Unusual Journey

Final chapter of my Life is Strange novelization, a short epilogue to give things a nice finish, enjoy.


Boris Yeltsin: Thanks, yeah, it was a terrible choice to have to make.
Marina Ka-Fai: Indeed, glad you enjoyed it :)
Wolfgirl2013: Thanks; yeah.

Now onto the story.

Disclaimer: I don't own Life is Strange or its characters.

Epilogue – The Storm Passes

I let out a soft sigh as I stood before the grave, I bit my lip, looking over the writing on it, particularly the name, and the dates:

Chloe Elizabeth Price

March 11th 1994

October 7th 2013

I smiled softly. 'Hard to believe it's been five years now...exactly five years.'

I stepped closer and gently touched the grave.

"Hey Chloe." I whispered softly. "Can't believe it's been so long. I...I've been doing well. It was hard at first but I managed, I'm, I'm now well-known, my work is already starting to get recognition for my photos."

After a small pause I shook my head. "But, perhaps it would be better to talk about some more personal stuff. I; I'm now Maxine Graham, Warren and I married six months ago, he's been a big help. I, I told him the truth at last, one his seventeenth birthday, you should've seen his face..."

I laughed at that before moving a hand to my swollen stomach. "We have a baby on the way now, got pregnant on the wedding night. We've been talking and, we've not checked yet, but, if it's a girl...We're gonna name her after you...and Rachel."

It was like a balm, after so long, finally, coming to see Chloe's grave and, monologuing about this stuff, it was closure, it helped me finally come to terms proper with everything that had happened in that incident.

I hadn't dared used my rewind powers since that day, so I had no idea if they still worked, but it didn't matter to me.

It was time to focus on the future anyway.

Still smiling I leaned into Warren as he stepped up next to me, his arm going around my waist. Warren didn't say anything, didn't push, he simply waited until I was ready. I nodded and took his hand, letting him know that was the case.

Together we turned and left, ready to face our future, together, that was the gift of Chloe's sacrifice and we would live it to the fullest, that was the best we could do, to honor Chloe. We were looking forward to the next major event in our lives, the upcoming birth of our child.

End of chapter and of story, hope you enjoyed it, read and review please.