Warnings: Seeker trine x Prowl, this and that. Slash.

Disclaimer: I own nothing to do with Transformers.

Prowl stared at the data pad in front of him. he had been staring at it for the last couple of joors not even reading it. Though he did have one good excuse for not paying the pad any attention. He had had one pit of a cycle. Everything hurt from his helm to the tip of his pedes and he nor any medics when he was force to go to one could find why. It didn't help that he had just found out something that hurt worst then his body.

That all started when he had chase and pulled over a silver mech name Jazz. A very irritating, pain in the neck that broke through all his barriers and became one of his few friends then became more. So, it was worrying when the mech that became his everything had just run off to Icon one orn. Prowl had told no one that he was seeing someone, not even his apprentice Smokescreen, but that didn't stop the rumor mill when he started fidgeting. Prowl does not fidget.

His commander had had enough that he told the Lieutenant that he was going on vacation. Prowl made to argue but his commander wouldn't have it and had two of his coworkers picked him up by his arms and literally dragged him out of his office and to his apartment.

He had stubbornly tried to tap into the enforcer net to keep up with everything only to have the connect cut. His commander even sent Smokescreen over to enforce his order for Prowl to take his vacation. At the time, Prowl, didn't care how awkward the younger enforcer felt of ordering his superior to do anything.

When the walls of his apartment became too much, Prowl started to wonder the city. When that became too much he finally broke down made plans and headed off to confront Jazz. Iacon was everything he had heard about and Prowl had trouble finding one mech in a city of millions. It wasn't till he found himself near the Prime palace that he found his lover. Only is seemed that only he saw them as lovers.

Standing on a platform in front of a crowd was the Prime himself but Prowl only had optics for the silver mech next to him. Happy that he found Jazz, Prowl waited for the crowd to disperse so he could talk to the mech. But the words that came out of Primes mouth shatter the black and white's world.

Jazz who had said that Prowl was the only mech for him who Prowl had consider bonding with had just announce that he and the Prime were bondmates. What happen next was a blur that Prowl had no idea how he manages to get back to the hotel he was staying at. He just stood there letting his emotions raged. He stared into his room before numbly repacking, he didn't bring much to begin with, subspacing it then he checked out.

He didn't see what time it was once he arrived back in Praxus nor did he acknowledge any of his coworkers when he slowly shuffled into the station and sat at his desk staring at nothing. It was so unlike him that Smokescreen and his commander had raced back to the station. His superior and Smokescreen gently helped him back up and took him into the Chiefs office. Prowl uncharacteristically told them everything and when he was done let go everything he had kept in.

Nothing was said when he returned to work joors later but unknown to him Prowl secret became known to every enforcer in the station. Plans were made to keep Prowl from all things or bots that might show too much interest in the tactician. Prowl didn't seem to realize that he was like the younger brother to many of the enforcers and they took none too kindly of having the stoic bot upset. Plus, should the Prime see the black and white mech a threat to Jazz's interest it paid to be ready.

Since then Prowl found himself not too far from his apprentice who hovered. While he was grateful that the young bot was trying to keep everything normal his over attentiveness was getting annoying. And the pain that had flared up in the last cycle wasn't improving his mood.

"Smokescreen," Prowl said softly so only the young bot would hear. "I appreciate the extra help but it does not require you to hover over me every klik. You have your own task see to them."

"Oh, but I figure that this was a good way to learn." The colorful young mech grinned.

Unlike Prowl who could be stern and seem to have no emotion. Smokescreen was the opposite, he was loud but quiet. His paint reflected his personality while Prowls paint was serviceable. But they did get along…for the most part.

"Sometimes the best way to learn to learn on your own," Prowl said never taking his optics off the data pad he wasn't reading. "Go through those exercises that you been ignoring."

"Aw but their boring and I am more of a defensives tactician those are for offensive type." Red and white wings flick.

"Which you will need to learn so you can do your job effectively." Black and white wings fluttered before stopping.

Smokescreen mutter something that Prowl chose to ignore. But he young mech left to do as he was told and Prowl relaxed his wings. He dropped his helm into his servos and wonder if he could make it to the med bay without being seen and if he could sneak a pain chip before the enforcer medic saw him.

So caught up in his wonderings Prowl did not notice the his office was taking on a greenish hue. When he did though it was because the dull pain he had been feeling flared to shear agony. He could compare it to losing a door wing. He couldn't keep his scream lock up and soon his office door had become crowded.

"PROWL," he heard Smokescreen yell as the younger mech pushed his way to Prowl but their coworkers held him back as light increased.

Prowl had kliks to look up to see Smokescreens scared face before green light overtook everything and when that blinding light was gone so was Prowl.

The enforcers that had come to see what had caused the tactician to scream could only gap in shock. Smokescreen wasn't faring any better. The Commander of the Praxus Enforcers stormed into the office after shoving everyone out of the way.

"What the pit happen." He growled when no one said anything. "Where is Prowl? Don't just stand there slaggers what happen."

"He was there then…he was gone," Smokescreen finally said. The Commander glared at the spot the one of his lieutenants was just at. Like it would bring the mech back.

"Send word out to everyone, check the alley ways, the docks, the underground I don't care go through every nook and cranny till you find him," when no one moved he rev his engine and hissed. "Move!"

The station came alive as comm lines fired at all patrols and officers scrambled to follow the order. Smokescreen, stayed out on the street till the next orn no one had any luck. By the end of the next orn the Commander had to let some of the enforcers rest and allow the others to return to their other duties. The young mech was not happy.

"Don't worry lad, we'll find him. no one could get out of Praxus without us knowing," the commander tried to assure the younger mech.

"Yeah, but did we consider that they took Prowl a different way?"

The Commander said nothing only clap the younger mech on the shoulder with an order for him to go recharge. Smokescreen reluctantly did as he was told. He only hopes that they would find his mentor before it was too late.


Prowl woke to almost complete darkness. He could make out shapes moving voices were muffled. He neither gave nor made any indication that he was online. He kept his systems quiet as he slowly had everything catch up to his senses. While he waited, he turned up his audios.

"—sparkmate to the Lord?"

"That's what the scanner says and the device wouldn't have teleported just anyone."

"But a Praxian and Enforcer at that," Prowl heard that mech hissed. "Better just get rid of it now before we are found."

"True, if would become bothersome if the Royal Trine found their sparkmate."

"Yeah, the Prime wouldn't be happy if Vos got more powerful. His new bondmate failed to terminate at least one of them the last couple times he went there."

"I heard that that mech even tricked an enforcer so no one would be the wiser."

Prowl didn't flinch but he felt a sharp pain. 'did Jazz really use him like that; did their time mean nothing?'

"Quit yakking let's get rid of this pit spawn before his fellows catch up to us. it won't be long before they track him all the way to Vos."

Prowl heard mummers and just as the last system finish it diagnostic. He had kliks before the light of the energon dagger came into focus. He moved his head to the side as the dagger buried itself into the ground and before the mechs above him to grab him he kick one in the chassis near the spark chamber. With one thrown back Prowl could twist yanking one arm free to punch the nearest mech. Now freed he flip up and back wings flared out gathering all data he could get.

Except for the two that he had knock down there were at least four others and all towered over him. for once his small size was going to come in handy. The four mechs slowly circle him each taking a corner boxing him in. Prowl calculated on his chances of getting out and back to Praxus. When the first mech advanced, his calculations were done and his percentage was near 70 percent. Under what he would have like but he dealt with worse.

He sidesteps the charging mech hitting the vulnerable neck cables hard enough that he heard something crack. But before that mech hit the ground two more came at him from behind. One grabbing a door wing the other locking his arms behind his back.

The one with his wing twisted and white hot agony nearly cripple him. static dance in his optics and filled his voice. The distraction earned him a punch and another violent twist before he fell to his knees. The remaining mech kept hitting in the face plate. Prowl felt the energon run into his optics over his mouth and dripping to the ground.

"Well who would have guess this mech has some bite to him."

"He is an Enforcer."

"That doesn't mean much, let's kill him already look what he did to Upturn."

"Now now let's not rush. After all, why stop at this; let's have a little more fun."

Prowl tense not liking the tone of the lead mech. Behind him he heard the laughter and his unease increased. His vision still not fully recovered but he didn't need them if at least one of his door wings was still functional.

He sagged in their grip waiting just for the right moment. He tried to fight the impulse to purge as servos touch his plating. When one got to interface equipment, he struck. He swung his arms pulling the mech holding him and throwing in into one others. He ignored another agonizing twist to his wing as he ducks a servo that would have hit his face. Bending as he dove he grab the mech holding his wings leg and pulled. The mech fell and Prowl's body followed. He made sure that all his weight fell on the mech then before any made a move he transformed and raced off pushing his engine to its limit.

He could hear them charging after him but unlike them Prowl was use to chasing those faster them him. so, it was easy for him to out run those chasing him. the effort though caused parts of his frame to spark as systems began to redline. Prowl allowed himself to slow and he shut off all sensors as he saw that he was not in his home city of Praxus. But the towering roads of Vos. The implications were not good to the Enforcers mind.

Against his wish, Prowl had to stop and transform back to root mode as he became low on energy. He hid in a nearby alleyway but could not stop his body from slumping down to the ground. He was in one of the few places in Vos that cater to ground base mechs. He was far from any of Vos's enforcer stations and low on energy. His percentage of getting home only got lower. He tried using the emergency frequency but all he got was static.

'comms must have gotten damaged.'

As non-vital systems started to shut down Prowl activated his homing beacon. It was a small chance but as of now it was all he had at his disposal. As his optics shut down a green light surrounded him and where once a mech was slump against a wall was nothing but pool energon that indicate that someone was there.

Smokescreen sat at his desk and sighed. He had been place on desk duty after being caught looking for his mentor when he should have been recharging. His commander was not please and told in no uncertain words that if he couldn't take care of himself then he wasn't going to place on patrol and become a liability to others.

He broke out of his thoughts as the lights began to flicker. Grumbling Smokescreen went to comm maintenance when his desk area was bath in green light. He had to close his optics or risk being blinded. A hard thumb and crash then the light was gone. He took him a few breems to clear his sight and to stop the ringing in his audios. When they cleared, it was the shouting of his coworkers but his whole attention was on the black gold and white mech that was laying on his desk and leaking energon.

: Medic! Officer down I repeat officer down: he shouted over the comms.

"s-smokescreen," Prowl voice laced with static as the red blue and white mech moved him from his desk to the floor.

"yeah, welcome back sir," he said: Where is that medic, Prowl needs one NOW:

: What Prowl:

: You found Prowl:

: Where are you:

: Tactical room: Smokescreen shouted as he started field repairs. There was very little he could do for the door wings but he could stop the leaking from the energon lines.

" I-I made it back; y-you found m-me?"

"Morel like you found me, don't worry Prowl a medic on the way."

Kliks from saying that Smokescreen was shoved out of the way by a red and white unknown medic. He was followed by the station medic and several Enforcers. Including the Commander.


"Sir following a blinding green light Lieutenant Prowl was found on the desk with several injuries including a torn door wing and lacerations." Smokescreen kept one optic on his mentor as he reported what he saw.

In that small room, there were no wings that weren't tense in a high V. but an order from the medic and a flying wrench had everyone ducking and running out of the room.

"Stay out till I say so or until he is stable enough to move!" the medic shouted.

The Commander sent everyone back to their stations but Smokescreen who ignored that order and one young sniper. It was a well-known fact that little sniper was close to the two tacticians. The Commander didn't have the spark to send nor reprimand the two for disobeying instead he joined them standing guard outside the room. There will be time later once his Lieutenant was online to get what he wanted to know.


In the highest tower in Vos, where the royal trine lives, a lone seeker sored up and onto the landing platform. He waited until one of the leading trine members noticed him and beckoning him forward. For the last orn information had reach them of a rebel group that was loyal to the Prime had sneaked pass the border and had attempted to kidnap someone. The lead trine was waiting on just what this group had wanted and who the kidnap bot was.

"My lords, here is the information that the interrogators had gotten out of the surviving members." The seeker said from his kneel position.

"Well hurry up before we rust," the Lord of Vos shouted. The three other seekers hid the flinch at the high volume the red, blue, and white seeker reach.

"Yes, my Lord, we found a transwarping device that was still active. Unfortunately, we could not trace its last coordinateness. However, we did get information of who was taken." He paused this part he wishes someone else was delivering. "They claimed that they found you sparkmate and was attempting to deactivate him."

"Oh, like that isn't new," the giant blue seeker drawled.

"Yeah, there have been several mechs and femmes claiming to be our sparkmate. None were and half were hire killers." The last seeker who was purple and black added.

"Who was it?" Starscream asked.

"the rebels claim it was a Praxian Enforcer, cameras in the area confirm such a mech escaping them. we have yet to locate him however."

"I see, go back and get more information," the Lord yelled.

"Yes sire," the messenger leap into the air and transform to do as told.

The leading trine was left to their thoughts. It wouldn't be the first time that there was someone claiming to be their fourth. And it most likely wouldn't be the last. Starscream watched his mates. Thundercracker and Skywarp were still recovering from the last assassination attempt and that threat hadn't lifted. Not with that same assassin now belonging to the Prime.

"I have to say, kidnapping is a new one," Skywarp broke the silence.

"And an enforcer to boot,"

Starscream hummed. He was intrigued but he would never say it in front of others. "who do we have in Praxus?"

Thundercracker lifted an optic ridge. "Curious are we."

"We have people in Praxus; isn't that place neutral?"

"Technically, but no one else knows that we do and with the troubles with Iacon I doubt that they will stay neutral for long."

"So, you're going to see who our mystery mech is?" Skywarp perked up.

"I only wish to see if there is another threat," the red and white and blue seeker huffed.

"Right sure, I believe its Barricade that's station in Praxus." Thundercracker smirked.

Starscream snarled while Skywarp laugh. "Just get him now and have him look for the enforcer. Have him send all information of him to us."

"Whatever you said Star."

"Ooo, I can't wait. Do you think it's actually our sparkmate?"

"anything possible I guess."


Chapter End.

Thank you for reading.