Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson. :) It's just a short (like SUPPER SHORT!) story that I wrote after panicking that it was almost 2017 and realizing I didn't write a story for it yet. So yeah, here it is! Hope you enjoy it! Just so ya'll know, I've never been to Times Square. So that's why it's so vague. And sorry if I got anything wrong. It'll be weird if this whole story was just one FAT LIE! Skinny, maybe, because of how short it is. Alright, I'm getting off topic. Nobody probably reads the bolded crap. And if I continue, this is gonna be longer than the actual story thing yeah. HAPPY NEW YEARS! AND HOPE 2017 IS BETTER THAN 2016! Oh yeah, and I probably have lots and lots of mistakes . . . but that's fine! I hope! I think! I wish!

"Five . . ."

The flurry of noise deafens in her ears, resounding like an echo. Colors swirl above her, flash in her eyes. Blinding, neon, and bright. Dotted with shivering dots and circles. Annabeth squints against it, her hand reaching up to shield her eyes.

She had never really understood what the big deal was.

"Four . . . "

People press in on all sides, a crowd of bodies. Steam curls in the air, from breath, from cups. It's a massive body of beings. Their arms swing in the air, and they squeeze into each other like a world-wide embrace. Elbows and coats, hats and fists, knocking into each other in painful jabs and sharp nudges.

"Three . . ."

She hugs herself. Stares at the countdown that blinks in and out. The numbers descend in beat with thousands upon thousands of voices. Annabeth squirms a little, adjusting her position between a stranger and another. So many faces, visages that she has never seen. They all tilt up, gazing at one common thing.

"Two . . . "

There is a hand in hers, warm, covered in gray fleece. The wearer looks down. His smile flares. His sea-green eyes seem to glow. It's almost as dazzling as the lights.

"One . . . "

She feels dizzy, small amidst everything. Annabeth wonders if she could ever build something like this. Something so extremely large yet so incredibly simple, moving through time, catching every glimpse. She glances up at the sky, the crackling illumination, then finally to him. Eye to eye.


She reaches up. He reaches down. It's almost as if it was a synchronized dance they had done over and over again. Through thick and thin. Through every single thing possible.


The ground rumbles with anticipation, the energy lashing through every single molecule. Her body shakes in giggles, and Annabeth pulls him closer. And she smiles against him.

Another year passes.

Another one begins.

A chance to change the world again.