Hi, this is the chapter where I explain why Chapter 9 was technically the last chapter for P.H.S.R. I felt like that N.T.R. could not be able to regroup after the full attack on Kanto, they lost too many grunts in the attack. I mean, they were spread thin as it was but with having most of their forces in Kanto for the counter attack, N.T.R. just couldn't repel the rebel groups in the other Regions from taking cities and ground. The only way they could have done that was using guns, but most of the N.T.R. gun factories were in Kanto, that is why P.M.R. had rifles. But P.M.R. soldiers were only to use the Rifles if they were stationed at a prison and the Prisoners revolted and tried to break out. So yeah, the Rifles were for major emergencies only. Also, when the P.M.R. captured Phillip, N.T.R. commanders tried to take command of their subordinates, but they failed and N.T.R. was in a state of shambles. That's why Chapter 9 was technically the final chapter for Pokemon High School Rebellion. Please leave reviews about what you think of the story. See you guys in another story.