A/N: I lied about my posting timeline. I have to go back to work tomorrow, and since that means I'm going to be busy I'm going to finish posting this today.

This is the last chapter. Thanks to everyone for reading and double thanks to those who left reviews!

"Granger!" Fred and George shouted in unison as they stood and waved their arms comically. "Granger!" they shouted again, drawing the eye of nearly everyone attending the Order of the Phoenix's Christmas party held in the expansive library of the now-spruced up Grimmauld Place, and she felt eyes following her as she darted through the crowded room to the table where the twins were standing and where Harry, Ginny, Angelina Johnson, Katie Bell, and Charlie Weasley were sitting.

"Evening, Granger," Fred said with a mischievous smile.

"Aren't we looking ravishing tonight?" George added a little too innocently.

"Thank you," she replied, to her credit keeping any hint of her growing nerves out of her voice.

"Found a place to sit yet?" Fred asked.

"We saved you a seat here," George said, motioning to the middle chair of an empty set of three.

"We heard you might be bringing a guest."

"Or two."

"We wanted to make sure we saved enough room."

"For you and your..."

"Guests," they finished together, smug smiles playing across their lips.

Hermione looked around the table to see expectant eyes looking back at her. Thus far she had kept her relationship with Ren and Hux as secret as possible. Neville knew, which wasn't a surprise, she was closest to him during the school year. McGonagall knew as well, which was why she turned a blind eye to the Muggle who often went running on the grounds very early in the morning. Other than that she hadn't told anyone and, since most of their time was spent at Hogwarts, her friends had no reason to know. But as she saw their eager expressions, and Harry's somewhat concerned one, she knew her secret wasn't so secret anymore.

"Can I ask how you found out?" she asked, taking the seat.

"Your godson might have mentioned something," Fred beamed.

"In the middle of Sunday dinner a couple weeks ago," George added.

"Excuse me?" she raised an eyebrow and looked at Harry.

"James thought it quite important to announce that he saw Aunt Hermione kissing two boys that night you were there babysitting him and Teddy," Fred announced.

"And Teddy confirmed the information," George nodded.

"Those little... tell those two I want the Chocolate Frogs I gave them to keep quiet back," she grumbled to Harry, and the rest of the table started laughing, though her best friend still looked conflicted.

"So where are your gentlemen?" Ginny asked.

"Hux stopped at the loo and Ren went to get drinks," she replied.

"Why don't you tell us a little about them? Harry seems to know, but he's not saying anything," she sighed, elbowing Harry.

"He's not saying because he's trying to be a good friend," she gave Harry a small smile. "I know this relationship is concerning to him."

"I want you happy, Hermione," Harry said softly. "But..."

"I know," she interrupted. "And I'm not going to say your concerns aren't justified because they are."

"You're sucking the fun out of the scandal, Granger," Fred frowned.

"What are you talking about?" George asked.

"Harry knows that Hux and Ren have done some horrible things in the past. He knows that what they did was bad enough to get them exiled from a galaxy..."

"Out of a galaxy?" Charlie asked. "How the ruddy hell...?"

"It is a long story, and one I'd rather not say so publicly. And the truth of the matter is I'm not going to tell you everything. The short of it is that I took them in to teach them about our world to help them survive in it. When I did that it was with the understanding that their exile had been punishment enough, but that if I thought they might go back to their old ways I would not hesitate to turn them over to law enforcement here."

"They obviously must not be doing what they did before," Angelina said. "I mean, you're more forgiving than most, Hermione, but I don't see you starting a relationship with a couple of bad men."

"It is an interesting situation," she admitted. "And I'm glad Harry cares enough to be concerned. But it was my choice to start this and I'd really rather people not make it into a bigger spectacle than it is."

"Is everything alright?" Hux's voice sounded behind her, and she involuntarily smiled as her friends' heads whipped to look at him in unison. Hux's hand came to rest protectively on her shoulder, and a moment later she felt a hand on her other shoulder and knew Ren must have arrived as well. She didn't need to see their faces, her friends' expressions were enough to know that her lovers could still present an intimidating front.

"Yes," she smiled, motioning for them to sit, and Ren handed her a glass of wine before taking the seat to her right as Hux sat to her left. For a moment the table was silent, but the twins seemed to recover first.

"Gred and Forge Weasley," they said in unison, holding out their hands. "Pleasure."

"Likewise," Hux replied with a nod. "May I inquire as to which is Gred and which Forge?"

Hermione heard Ren snicker and she elbowed him before saying, "This one is Fred, and that is George and they fancy themselves two of the funniest people on the planet."

"Come off it, Hermione," Fred laughed.

"You always did like spoiling our fun," George sighed dramatically.

"You have been running that joke since before I met you," she replied with a straight face. "Time to get some new material."

Dinner was served then, and the conversation got casual as people were more focused on eating as much food as they could. But when Hermione got up to use the restroom she found herself cornered before she could return to the library.

"Quite the turnaround, Hermione," the cool voice sounded before Severus stepped out of the shadows and blocked her way. "I do believe a half year ago you were begging me to kill them."

"Things change," she murmured, though she knew she didn't sound convincing.

"Enlighten me," he demanded. "How did they go from being so irredeemable that you, the girl with near legendary levels of compassion, wanted them dead to having them both warming your bed at night?"

"You make it sound as if this is some declaration of my undying love for them. It's not," she shot back.

"So you don't love them?" he raised an eyebrow.

"It's complicated," she replied, her voice more even now. "Kind of like it was complicated with you. Except in the somewhat opposite way. I wanted to love you, I really did, but I kept those emotions at bay as best I could because I didn't want to give my heart to someone who refused to take it. All you had to do was tell me, and I would have been yours. With Ren and Hux... I don't want to have strong emotions for them. Not yet. I'm still conflicted about their pasts. But I can't seem to help myself. I can't bottle it up like I did with you."

He raised an eyebrow. "Do you feel... influenced in any way to be in this situation?"

"No," she shook her head. "This is completely of my own desires."

"I just... advise you caution, Hermione."

"Trust me, despite certain exploits and appearances I am being quite cautious."

He looked at something over her shoulder. "Be cautious with your trust," he hissed before turning and sweeping down the hallway towards the front door.

"Is everything alright?" she heard Hux ask behind her, and she turned with as much a smile as she could muster.

"Yes," she nodded.

"You are not a very skilled liar, Hermione," he said, brushing some hair away from her face.

"Severus was just... being Severus. He's a suspicious man, and he is concerned at the speed of this relationship."

"He warned you to be cautious with your trust. Answer me honestly, Hermione," he murmured, placing a hand on either side of her face to keep her looking at him. "Do you trust us?"

She studied his face for a long moment. "Simply put? No. Not yet. Not in the way most people in our situation would normally trust each other."

"And the complex version?"

"I haven't known either of you long enough, and I don't know enough of your past to truly trust you. However, I trust Ren more than I trust you," she admitted. "Ren wears his emotions on his sleeve. It's easier to tell his motivations because it's easier to read him. You are so closed off, so guarded..."

"Good girl," he smiled. "I confess I'd be disappointed with a different answer."

"You're happy I don't trust you?" she raised an eyebrow.

"No, I said I'd be disappointed if you did. You are a beautiful woman, there is no denying that, but what drew me to you was your mind. You are intelligent, and you are logical, and those things fascinate me. You know that you are taking all the risk, you have so much to lose and we have so much to gain. It would be disappointing to find you threw those traits to the wind and trusted Ren and I so quickly knowing what you do of us."

"So you never want me to trust you?"

"Of course I want you to, eventually," he smiled. "But best make us earn it. And sex does not earn trust."

"True, though that doesn't give you an excuse to slack on that aspect," she smirked.

He chuckled once and kissed her, slowly at first, but he quickly deepened the kiss, pressing her against the wall. They got lost in the moment, and Hermione was about to ask if he wanted to go upstairs when they both felt a presence next to them and turned to see Ren, holding a drink and smirking.

"You truly are the most annoying man I've ever met," Hux grumbled.

"You're projecting," Ren replied. "I thought if we were escaping this party that I would join you, though I don't think it wise. Ron says his mother is looking for you, Hermione, and she seems the type to search the house for you."

"She'd be breaking down every door," Hermione sighed, straightening her dress and hair. She took Hux's arm and Ren's hand as they went back into the library, and she made a beeline for the Weasley matriarch.

"Happy Christmas, Mrs. Weasley," she smiled.

"There you are!" Molly spun around, immediately pulling Hermione into a hug. "Happy Christmas! It's been too long since you've come around!"

"I'm sorry," she sighed. "I've been so busy."

"So I've heard," she said, glancing at Ren and Hux.

"Call me Ren," he said with a nod.

"Armitage Hux, ma'am," Hux stepped forward and offered his hand.

"Nice to meet you," she smiled widely. "See, Bill?" she pulled her eldest seemingly out of nowhere. "You would look so nice with that haircut."

"Thanks, Mum," Bill rolled his eyes but grinned before introducing himself.

"So, this is why you called him Bill when you first met?" Ren murmured to Hermione.

"You see the resemblance, then?"she replied softly.

"No," he smirked. "Bill is nowhere near as stiff as the General."

She giggled and Hux shot them both a dark look before turning back to Bill, who was introducing Fleur.

"May I speak to you, Hermione?" Molly asked.

"Of course," she said, motioning towards a small table in a corner. Harry and Ginny appeared as if planned, starting a conversation so he couldn't follow.

"I have heard a few things," Molly said, sitting. "And I thought I'd ask the source, though I'm not sure how many questions need asking anymore."

"We haven't really been hiding it today. It's been a while, probably a good time to come clean."

"Harry seems worried."

"I'm not surprised," she sighed. "Ren and Hux are not the type of men I'm sure anyone would have wanted me to end up with. It's why we've been hiding our relationship so long."

"I trust you, Hermione," she smiled warmly. "I'm not going to chastise you. If you remember I was the one who encouraged you to pursue Severus when you were interested in him."

"I appreciate that, Molly."

"My brother, Fabian, was in a triad relationship," she said.

"Really?" she sounded surprised.

"A couple Ravenclaw girls, Carol and Rosemary. They were best friends, as close to twins as they could be without being related, and when he started dating Rosemary it somehow became a thing with Carol, too. I was wondering for the longest time if Fred and George would be in one as well, since they seem to do everything else in their lives together. Part of the reason Fabian fought so viciously when the Death Eaters came for them was because they had already killed Carol and Rosemary, so he was fighting to avenge his loves and save his brother."

Hermione glanced at Ren and Hux. "I knew magical persons occasionally form triad relationships. I had read about it when I was young, and the night Ren and I became a couple I found some information on them again in a book... but from what I can tell they've never involved a Muggle."

"Just remember that, historically, the records have been somewhat anti-Muggle. Any such relationships probably would have been scrubbed from the record. You are Hermione Granger. Do not let precedent concern you, you never have before."

She smiled. "Thank you, Molly."

The party continued on until most of the guests knew their choice was to go home while still sober enough to do so, or to stay the night. The library cleared slowly, and Hermione pulled Hux and Ren into the rest of the house.

"This place has so many memories," she said softly. "It was a lot dingier back then. And Kreacher still lived here, which didn't make it all that pleasant. He's at Hogwarts, now, and we're happy to avoid each other, though Harry has promised he'll come back in the end..." she motioned towards the wall of elf heads.

"Your grandfather's helmet suddenly doesn't seem so odd," Hux said to Ren, raising an eyebrow.

"Harry suggested we stay here tonight so we can get up with the kids tomorrow. Most of the Weasleys are staying."

"Didn't you tell us that children are often quite excited by the holiday?"

"I'm leaving their parents to get them ready tonight, but, yes, tomorrow morning Father Christmas will have come and there will be presents and they will be quite excited and probably loud. We'll just remember to put silencing charms on the room and I'll set the alarm for a reasonable time."

As if on cue there was the sound of four or five kids shrieking in excitement at a plate of Christmas cookies came down the hall.

"Let's go to bed, or they'll want us to help," she said, hurrying up the stairs. She entered the room she and Ginny had shared during the war. It had been given a remodeling since then, gone were the ancient furnishings and faded walls, replaced by a warmer, brighter room with a crackling fireplace and none of the judgmental portraits lining the walls. As soon as the door was closed Ren pushed her against it, crashing his lips into hers. He wasted no time finding the zipper on the side of her dress and roughly pulling it down, then pulled the dress down by the sleeves and letting the fabric fall to the floor, leaving her wearing nothing but a thin pair of knickers. He lifted her up, and she wrapped her legs around his waist, grinding her hips against his as her fingers dug into the fabric on his back. His hands played with her breasts as his body pushed her against the door for support, and his lips left hers to ravage her neck.

"You certainly are impatient today, Ren," Hux casually remarked after letting them carry on a bit, sitting in the center of the bed, already nude.

"You were thinking it earlier," Ren shot back, though he put Hermione down. "I just made the first move."

"Are you feeling left out?" Hermione asked, crossing to the bed and climbing on next to him, not waiting for his response to start kissing him. She slid her hand down his chest before wrapping her fingers around his cock and slowly starting to work him. Ren moved behind her, lifting her hips so she was on her knees. He slapped her arse softly, kneading the flesh after, and when she moaned her approval he tried again, a little harder, spanking her several times before leaning down to kiss the red marks he had left behind. When Ren's tongue touched her folds her lips left Hux's and she started moving down his chest, kissing, nipping, and trailing her tongue lazily over her lover. Occasionally she'd pause, just for a heartbeat, when Ren's ministrations caused her brain to go fuzzy, but soon she found herself positioned over Hux's erection. Behind her Ren moved, and when she lowered her mouth onto Hux Ren pushed into her from behind. Ren set the rhythm of the group, when he entered her she was pushed down on Hux, and when he pulled back she was lifted up. They moved slowly at first, and she had time to swirl her tongue around Hux before taking him fully into her mouth once more with each motion, but as Ren started moving faster she did her best to hallow her cheeks and use one hand to cup him and gently squeeze with each movement.

"Ren..." Hux said through clenched teeth as it became apparent he was fighting his orgasm.

Ren apparently didn't need verbal communication. He pulled out of Hermione as he pulled her up into a kneeling position, starting to kiss her neck and play with one of her breasts. Hux's mouth found her other peak, and she clung to Hux's shoulders to support herself as her legs started to feel weak. Hux's fingers slid between her legs, moving through her folds to get slick before starting to circle her nub. Ren pulled away from her for a moment, and then she felt his lubed-up finger circle her tightest hole before pressing slowly in. Her head fell back onto Ren's shoulder and she started moving her hips, pressing into Hux's touch before moving back to take Ren's finger deeper into her. She hissed when a second of Ren's finger's joined the first, and Hux moved to kiss her again.

"Ready?" Ren whispered in her ear.

"Yes," she breathed.

"Down," he ordered, waving his hand at Hux, who found himself flung onto his back.

"I hate it when you do that," Hux growled, but he pulled Hermione on top of him, reaching between them to get himself into position and push into her. He thrust several times into her before stopping as Ren positioned himself behind her. She felt him apply more lube to her, then felt him pressing against her hole.

"Relax," Ren murmured, and she took a few deep breaths and concentrated on relaxing her body before she felt him press into her. When he was fully inside he paused, waiting for her to indicate she was ready for them to move. When she nodded Ren moved first, slowly, cautiously, until she started moving herself. Hux fell into a practiced rhythm, making sure his motions were the opposite of Ren's while also kissing whatever of Hermione's skin he could reach. The men seemed to communicate wordlessly, speeding up with each other as Hermione started to show signs of nearing climax. Hux's hands tightened on her hips and his jaw tightened as she clenched around him, and he spilled into her when she let off a cry as her orgasm crashed over her. Above her Ren let off a soft growl as her climax also brought about his. The three stayed where they were, panting, for a minute before Ren pulled out of Hermione, and lifted her off Hux, pulling her down onto the bed in his arms. Hux gently kissed Hermione before settling next to her, and Hermione had just enough presence of mind to reach across him, grab her wand, and set the old alarm clock in the room before dropping the wand to the floor and falling asleep between her two lovers.


20 years later...

6 May

Tomorrow is the election, and every poll shows me with a commanding lead. Impressive for someone whose wife had to forge all the necessary documents to make me appear a legitimate citizen. I was surprised at how little caution Hermione showed when I expressed an interest in politics. Not to say that she showed no hesitation, there was some there, but in the end I won her as I appear to be winning the voters, though for different reasons. The voters are easy to read, desperate for a message of hope and unification, and that's exactly what I have been feeding them. Hermione believes in my leadership abilities, and considers the turnaround in my attitude one of her greatest triumphs. It is because of her I must be cautious in my aspirations. Too much too quickly will cause her suspicion, and she is necessary to my advancement, and not just as the woman on my arm.

One of the most difficult decisions I have had to make upon entering the political arena concerned my unusual relationship. The voters love a man dedicated to his family, especially one with such a beautiful and intelligent wife as Hermione. However, it's not possible to hide the fact that our older two children so resemble Ren. I could hardly ignore the elder two while appearing with young Leia. Hermione would never agree to hiding Ren, and it is not as though the man himself would not skulk around my events, looking murderous if I dared try. If I were to use Hermione, Ren was part of the package, and, despite the initial negative reaction, voters seem to have forgiven me my sexual exploits. It helps that my opponent also had multiple partners, though his were not aware of each other. And the voters cannot get enough of Hermione, though she is so busy with her job she is not seen as often as they would like. However I dare not ask her to cut down on her job, if I intend to rise to the highest political office at the time she is instilled as Minister of Magic I must encourage her busy schedule now, as it is imperative that we both rise to power at the same time. I wish us to be unstoppable, and I know that patience now will be rewarded in the end. Not all plans can fall into place as quickly and flawlessly as my original.

It is time to confess, to any future generations who may be reading this: I fully orchestrated the romance between Hermione, Ren, and myself. It was a calculated move on my part. Devoid of any armies or command of really anything save my own thoughts I found myself feeling powerless, and the sense was compounded by my two companions being two of the most powerful beings in this world. I lamented this shift in power at first, especially around Ren, but soon came to see how it could be used to my advantage. After all, I was in the unique position of being a 'Muggle' (as Hermione calls them) among the magical, and close enough to at least Ren (despite his continued hostility toward me) that I could see the potential in having ties to his abilities. But while his abilities are formidable they are first matched by Hermione's, then exceeded by her connections within her world. If I wished to make a name for myself anywhere on this planet I knew the best way to start would be attaching myself to the arm of someone whose name already commanded respect.

I understand this probably comes off somewhat cold and calculating when it comes to my marriage, and while I cannot deny there is some truth to that, I will admit that my feelings for Hermione are much more complicated than they appear. Before I viewed her as a political asset I did see her as a potential match. She is intelligent, caring, compassionate, and attractive; all assets that one would find desirable in their mate, though she may have been a little too emotional for my tastes. My first thoughts of courting her were not for political gain, but rather because I viewed her as a desirable partner. My plans did not start to form until I noticed Ren also had an eye for her (though he would deny any attraction, I suspect a holdover from his training, or maybe his lack of experience in talking to women who weren't either in uniform or his mother). Did I need Ren as another physical partner? No, and I still do not to this day. However it was at about this time that I came upon a book that informed me that a relationship such as ours strengthens the natural power of the magical participants. That planted the proverbial seed in my head. I may not have the ability to strengthen the magic of either of Hermione or Ren, but in being the solid foundation of their somewhat emotional, or in Ren's case dramatic, lives I gave them some strength to build from, and thus took two already strong individuals and made them each into something it would be hard to match.

Once the idea was in my head implementation was somewhat simple. Another holdout from our First Order days was Ren's hatred of seeing me happy, or seeing me with something he desired. As soon as I made my desire for Hermione known he attempted to block me while also awkwardly pursuing Hermione in his own way. Trust Ren to act like a child with a toy: he does not want it until someone else attempts to play with it, then he must have it himself and will do whatever it takes to make it his. I let him have her first, I knew that they had to have the foundation of a relationship before I could introduce myself into the mix, though I knew waiting too long would make Hermione less open to the idea of adding a second partner. Luckily Ren was more skilled at courting than I took him for, or perhaps Hermione was more willing to take the lead, and I did not have to take long to make my own move. In retrospect it was a stroke of luck that Hermione desired us both, and that Ren was so fearful of losing someone who trusted him so intimately that he was willing to indulge her. What I thought would be one of the most difficult hurdles to jump turned out to be the easiest. If one were to write a biography of my life here would be where the story turns into a basic plot, slightly complicated by a triad rather than a pairing, but not otherwise remarkable. We spent a couple years together, growing as a unit and figuring our places in the world as a whole before we decided to make the relationship official through a magical binding ceremony (in the Muggle world Hermione and I are legally bound for trivial reasons, we never made an attempt to hide Ren as a third partner), and shortly thereafter came the children, all strong in magic and intelligent. The strength of my family should serve me well, and should make it easier to implement...

"Shouldn't you be campaigning?" Hermione's voice preceded her into the room, giving Hux enough time to close the diary and pick up a folder containing the latest information pertaining to the upcoming election.

"I have three speeches this afternoon," he replied turning to her and standing up as a smile came across his face. "I thought I would take this morning to relax. Are the children back yet?"

"The Knight Bus dropped them off ten minutes ago. They're in their rooms, changing into Muggle attire," she replied as he took her into his arms. "Elena seems to have gotten this wild idea that she'll be spending at least a week of her summer at the Malfoy's."

"And why would she be doing that?" he raised an eyebrow.

"I'm pretty sure this means things are serious with Scorpius. She's having a hard time taking 'we need to talk about this' as an answer."

"That girl is too much like Ren," he sighed. "And where is he this morning?"

"Harry borrowed him for an interrogation."

"Heaven help the poor soul on the hot seat," he smiled.

"Mum," a tall, lanky boy with wavy black hair and Hermione's warm brown eyes entered the room. "Will I be back in time for Quidditch practice on Thursday? We're playing Gryffindor next week for the championship, and I can't miss too many practices."

"Yes," she nodded. "You've got exams coming up as well, so tomorrow I'll help you, Elena, and Leia set up study schedules as well."

"Mum!" he groaned.

"Henry!" Hux cut in sternly. "You will do as your mother says, understand?"

"Yes, father," he nodded.

"I'll make sure she doesn't interfere with your training schedule... or too much with Lily," he added with a conspiratorial grin.

"Armitage Hux!" Hermione groaned.

"I've seen your schedules, love," he replied. "And I know your priorities. I'm just trying to make sure our children don't wind up in the hospital ward from stress."

"Thanks, father," Henry replied with a lopsided grin as Ren entered the room.

"Dare I ask what gave you the cat that ate the canary grin?" Ren asked Henry.

"Best you don't know, dad," he replied before hurrying from the room.

"He reminds me too much of my father when he smiles like that, and it doesn't bode well for us," he looked at Hermione and Hux, who kept straight faces as they shrugged like they didn't know what was going on.

"Daddy!" a young girl with red hair came bounding into the room throwing her arms around Ren's middle.

"Hello, young one," he smiled. Hermione and Hux exchanged looks. Leia, the youngest of their three, was the one who had been obviously fathered by Hux, but she had taken a shining to Ren in the birthing room, calming only when placed into his arms, and thus earning her the name passed down from his mother.

"Can we go out with the saber?" she asked excitedly.

Ren looked up at Hermione, who shot him a look. "The wooden ones," he answered. "And not for too long, we've got to go to the General's speeches this afternoon."

Hux rolled his eyes, but Leia giggled. She gave Hux a quick hug before bounding off to her room to get dressed, leaving the adults alone for a moment.

"So, how are things looking for tomorrow?" she asked, reaching for the notes, but Hux took her hand and raised it to his lips.

"It's looking very good for me," he replied, kissing the tips of each of her fingers as Ren pulled her hair to the side and started kissing her neck. "I have champagne chilling for tomorrow in case a celebration is needed."

She let off a satisfied noise. "Why do I feel that's not the only celebration that will be happening?" she asked softly.

"Because we can't keep our hands off you," Ren replied matter of factly.

"Gross," came a noise from the doorway, and they turned to see Elena rolling her eyes.

"Yes?" Hermione asked, breaking away from Hux and Ren.

"Can you help me find my blue dress?"

Hermione nodded, smiling at her lovers before following her daughter from the room.

"Daddy! Let's go!" Leia's voice called, and Hux would swear he saw Ren smiling before leaving himself. Hux made sure the coast was clear before putting the diary in a secret compartment in his desk and striding from the room, ready to finish the campaign and start his rise to power.