Newt sat in silence for a while, then turned and started packing. He didn't turn around when Queenie entered the room.
"What are you doing?"
"I have to go, Queenie."
"What? Why?"
"I need to help Leta get ready for the wedding. She needs me."
"Tina needs you more! I don't know how to help her if she falls ill again."
"I'm sorry. I have to go," Newt said, still not looking at her.
"I don't believe it!" Queenie glared at him. "After everything Tina has done for you, you're just leaving her?"
"Look, if I stay, the wedding's off!" Newt frowned at her.
"Is that such a bad thing?" Queenie spat.
Newt stared at her. Queenie blushed. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean- it's just- look, you love her and I know it!"
"Not this again!" Newt said in exasperation. "Tina's my friend! Nothing else."
"I know that's true!"
"Really? How?" Newt snorted, and then realized that was a stupid question because duh, Queeie could read his mind.
"She loves you and it hurts her so much to see you following Leta around everywhere! She wishes you would just notice her but you have eyes only for Leta, and Tina doesn't say anything but I know she just wants to be with you-"
"I LOVE HER, OKAY?" Newt whirled around to face Queenie. His voice broke. "I... I love her. But I'm marrying Leta, and that's not changing. I wish I could be with Tina. But..." he shook his head and turned away.
"Stay. Just for one more day. Please?" Queenie begged him.
"...Fine. I'll tell Leta."
A day had passed, and although Tina was awake, she definitely wasn't walking yet. Newt grabbed his suitcase and walked out the door without looking back. He was adjusting his case to the thestral when he heard a noise behind him. He turned around and his heart nearly stopped. Tina was standing on the front porch, looking like she was about to fall over.
In a flash, Newt was there, grabbing her as she collapsed into his arms.
"Tina?! What in the world are you doing out here, you're supposed to be resting!"
"I wanted to say goodbye to you," Tina murmured, looking into his eyes. Newt was suddenly very aware of his arms embracing her to keep her steady, and he looked away.
"I hope I'll see you soon," she continued. Hearing her voice almost made Newt's heart break. He wanted her so bad...
"Newt? Is everything oka-"
"No," Newt mumbled before pressing her lips against his. Tina stiffened in shock, but as the kiss continued she relaxed. Newt finally broke away and stared into her eyes.
"You shouldn't have done that," Tina whispered.
"I know," Newt murmured back, and then kissed her again. Their hearts were beating in sync and Newt gasped slightly as the kiss continued. Tina would moan occasionally as Newt dug his fingers into her hair and every so often their noses would brush. They opened and closed their mouthes to deepen the kiss, breathing with each other. It ended when Tina's body shuddered slightly, and with a jolt Newt remembered that she was still injured.
"Come on, let's get you back inside," he told her.
After he had laid her on the couch, he turned back to the door. He hesitated, then shook himself and left.
Several weeks later, at Newt and Leta's wedding
"We are joined here today..." the priest started, but Newt was't even listening. He was busy watching Tina, who was sitting in one of the middle pews. She looked back at him, then broke eye contact and directed her focus to the priest. Newt's heart ached. Tina, still slightly pale but alive and well, determinedly ignored him. Their kiss was still fresh in Newt's mind, and nothing seemed to soothe the pain of their lips separating.
"Do you, Leta Lestrange, take Newton Scamander to be your husband?"
"I do," Leta said expressionlessly.
"And do you, Newton Scamander, take Leta Lestrange, to be your wife?"
Newt opened his mouth, but at that moment Tina met his eyes and the words dried on his tongue. The crowd watched expectantly. When it became clear that Newt wasn't going to answer, the priest cleared his throat. "Mr Scamander?"
"...No," Newt whispered.
"What?!" Leta hissed.
"I can't marry her," Newt said firmly. "She is a fine woman and I'm sure she'd be a fine wife, but I know I would not be a good husband... for I am in love with another woman."
The crowd gasped. The priest did not seem to know what to do. Newt walked down the altar steps and straight up to the row that Tina was sitting in. He kneeled down.
"Porpentina Esther Goldstein, will you marry me?" he asked solemnly. The crowd gasped again. Tina burst into tears and threw her arms around Newt. "Yes," she sobbed. Newt gently swept away her tears and kissed her forehead. With everybody still gaping at them, Newt and Tina, holding hands, walked out of the chapel together.
The end!
So yeah, hoped you liked it. Please review! See ya later