Chapter 1: Prologue.

-Dragon Ball Super, Planet Earth-

In a desolated world, stood 3 beings. One of which was pinned against a wall by one of his enemies, whilst the other one stood behind the being that was pinning down the other one, smirking

"So, where do I start?" asked the being that stood behind the being that was holding the other one. He had pointy rose hair which stood up, wore a black and grey gi which was tied together by a red belt, a yellow and green earring on his left ear, and had a very similar body to the being that was pinned. If you haven't guessed yet, the being was Goku Black.

"Let's see... How about starting from after you collected the Super Dragon Balls, whilst using the time ring?" asked the stabbed being. He had pale green skin, pointy ears, white hair in the style of a mohawk. He wore a violet long sleeved shirt under a grey and yellow coat, a light blue sash, dark blue baggy pants and white boots. This was Zamasu, Future Zamasu to be precise.


Zamasu stood with his hands raised in the air."Come forth, Dragon of the Gods, and grant my wish pretty please!" shouted Zamasu. Then, the 7 Super Dragon Balls began glowing, and out of them emerged a colossal golden dragon with crimson eyes and very large wings.

"Exchange my body with Son Goku's!" Wished Zamasu. After which, the dragon's eyes began glowing red, and Zamasu then began glowing yellow. When the glowing died down, he then had the body of Son Goku. "Goku?" Pondered Zamasu. "I now have the body of son Goku!" smirked the Kaioshin.


While Zamasu was wishing to exchange bodies with Son Goku, the said saiyan was plowing the fields near his house whilst his son, Goten, was sitting on a stump and drawing something on a piece of paper. "Whew, all done!" grinned the saiyan, while throwing his hoe to the side.

When suddenly, he began glowing yellow. After the glow stopped, he now had the body of Zamasu. "Huh?" said Goku, when he noticed that his hands turned pale green. "Dad!" shouted Goten, noticing the sudden change in his father's appearance.

"Don't worry dad, I'm gonna get mom!" shouted Goten, flying off towards the house in which his mother resided. Goku nodded, and began examining his body. "What... What the heck happened to be?" exclaimed Goku. "Look!" shouted Goten, pointing at his dad, whilst carrying his mother.

"Go- Goku?..." asked Chi Chi, bewildered. "I told you! He suddenly became like that!" said Goten, wearing a very worried expression on his face. He then set his mother down on the ground. She then ran up to Goku, and began examining him closer.

"Why? What happened? Are you really Goku?" asked Chi Chi, not believing in what she is seeing. "I'm Goku, I really am!" said Goku, hoping that his wife will believe him.

"You're only son Goku from the heart, to be exact." said a voice behind them. When they turned around, they saw Zamasu in Goku's body, still wearing his old clothing. "Goku!" "Dad!" said Chi Chi and Goten simultaneously.

"You! That's my face!" said a bewildered Goku. Zamasu, never dropping his smirk, raised his hand and made a ki blade.

*Flashback End*

"Then, he took your life, like this." Said Future Zamasu, when suddenly, Goku felt a large amount of pain in his stomach. He looked down, and saw that he had been stabbed by Goku Black's ki blade, which went through Future Zamasu's stomach.

Goku began screaming from the pain that he was experiencing. He then grabbed the ki blade, and looked both of his enemies straight in the eye. "You bastards, what the hell did you do to Goten and Chi Chi?!" asked Goku, in an angry and demanding demeanor.

"I'm already stabbing you, see?" coyly asked Black Goku, driving the ki blade deeper in to Goku's stomach, making the saiyan scream from the pain yet again. "I killed you, in front of your wife and child..." Explained Goku Black. "And then..." said Goku Black, tilting his head to the side and smirking.

Son Goku then felt his rage build up inside him even further. "You bastard!" cursed Goku, whilst gritting his teeth. "I WON'T FORGIVE YOU!" shouted Goku, flaring his ki. The rage that he was experiencing gave him a tremendous power boost. He effortlessly broke Goku Black's ki blade and pushed away Zamasu and Black.

"You... You stole my body... And even killed Chi Chi and Goten... I'm pissed now! I'M VERY FURIOUS NOW! I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!" Shouted Goku, while powering up. Future Zamasu was forced to shield his face with his arms, while Black Goku began wearing a happy expression on his face.

Goku then rushed at Goku Black with speed that could only match the speed that he demonstrated in the fight against hit whilst using his kaioken. He flew past Future Zamasu, who couldn't even see him move, and threw a powerful punch at Goku Black. Goku Black barely managed to raise his arms to block the punch.

After the punch connected, Goku followed up by more punches that were directed towards Goku Black. He blocked all of them and flew up in to the air. Goku saw this, and began following Goku Black. The saiyan began his barrage of attacks yet again, with Goku Black blocking all of them and counter attacking, but missing all of his thrown attacks.

When suddenly, one of Goku's punches connected, which sent Goku Black in to a building. Future Zamasu then appeared behind Goku and threw a charged up ki blast, which Goku deflected easily. He then flew behind Future Zamasu, and punched Future Zamasu's back, sending him flying down to the ground.

"Your Immortal body is nothing!" Shouted Goku. He then began to shoot many ki blasts at Zamasu, hurting the immortal Kaioshin and tearing up his clothing. Goku stopped his barrage of ki blasts when he saw Goku Black recover from his punch. The saiyan then clenched his fists, and began emitting a dark crimson aura.

Vegeta saw this, and went wide- eyed. "He's using the kaioken!" exclaimed Vegeta. "KAIOKEN… TIMES TEEEEEN!" shouted Goku. Goku Black then flew towards Goku, and threw a punch at the saiyan. Goku easily dodged the punch, and countered with a punch of his own. It connected with Goku Black's nose, breaking it upon contact.

He then followed up by throwing a powerful punch at Goku Black's torso, breaking some of his ribs after it had connected. Goku Black began smirking from the pain that he was experiencing. Goku then kneed the false saiyan in the stomach, with the sheer force forcing Goku Black to cough up blood from his mouth.

"KAA…MEEE…HAA…MEE…HA!" shouted Goku, after cupping his hands together and releasing the strongest Kamehameha wave in his life. It connected with Goku Black, and began forcing him back. 'I can't stop this!' Panicked Goku Black. He felt himself losing his Super Saiyan Rose transformation. The sheer force that the Kamehameha emitted managed to open multiple holes, which lead to other dimensions.

A dimensional rift opened behind the heavily wounded Goku Black, which he went in to. Goku stopped the Kamehameha wave, and dropped his kaioken. Future Zamasu got up on his feet, and began searching for Goku Black. 'Where did he go? Is he dead?!' thought Future Zamasu.

He looked up and saw Goku panting heavily. He then began gritting his teeth and glaring daggers at Son Goku. He rushed at Son Goku, ready to throw a kick. "You will pay for this!" Shouted Future Zamasu, which resulted in him getting backhanded by Goku…


"You still don't have the sixth element. The spark didn't work!" stated Nightmare Moon. "But it did… A different kind of spark!" began Twilight Sparkle. She then turned around to face her new friends, smiling. "I felt it the very moment I realised how happy I was to hear you… To see you… How much I care about you… The spark ignited inside me, when I realized that you all… Are my friends!" said Twilight, facing Nightmare Moon again.

When suddenly, the sixth element of harmony, magic, appeared above Twilight. After which, a portal opened not too far from the mane 6 and Nightmare Moon. Out of it came out the Kamehameha wave and Goku Black. The Kamehameha Wave broke through the ceiling, and still kept going.

Goku Black barely moved out of the Wave's epicentre, and began clutching his chest. "Not bad…" Smirked Goku Black. He then saw the portal closing, and began quickly flying towards it. The portal closed, and he couldn't make it in time. He then began examining his surroundings, and found 6 ponies who were about up to his waist, and one big pony who was almost as tall as he is.

"What in tarnation was that? And what are you?" Asked Applejack, staring and examining the wounded and scorched being in front of her. "Art thou a human?" asked Nightmare Moon, also examining Goku Black. Goku Black then glared at Nightmare moon, and made another ki blade. "You're going to pay for comparing me to FILTH!" shouted Goku Black, as he dashed towards Nightmare Moon…