Heavy revision here as one so cringe-worthy, I think I was really horrible than until now. Here it goes.

President Edwards couldn't get any more unhappy as she was now. These incompatible humans weren't even capable of even impressing her. Honestly, these dunderhead were provoking her now. It is a Quarter Quell, not the first annual Hunger Games. It has been ninety-nine years and the game-makers couldn't even come up with a phenomenon idea that was creative and wasn't overused.

President Edwards almost wanted to slap everyone and behead them but where would that get her? Nowhere. The Games are supposed to be phenomenon and don't get abhorred. Maybe she should host some special games that only featured her lousy, incompetent game-makers that couldn't find an idea that didn't sucked.

Maybe after last year's fiasco with the whole District 12 Victor who had beaten everyone in the arena; who is now a taboo for being the spark to ignite. She should never have survived even when the odds were staked from her; President Edwards was determined into finding a weakness but she was a wildcard in Panem. She was just like Katniss Everdeen, a taboo no one was allowed to speak. It was what she gotten, herself blown up.

An incompetent fool bauble on once more, making President Edwards wanted to kill every single one or throw them in one of those failed arenas in which the head game-makers no longer existed with those mistakes. Mistakes were for children and in Panem, mistakes were deadly especially for being a game-maker. Previous Presidents killed them in secret making sure no one found out.

"What a splendid idea, I'm sure everyone in Panem would really appreciate it," President Edwards smirked, with sarcasm laced into her tone.

"Really ma'am?" The fool asked, his green eyes sparked with glee or some other emotion in which President Embers couldn't but be disgusted for his happiness and his incompetence.

"No, William, you may go, perhaps you could find an interesting idea to add besides that graveyard idea... Ghosts... Vampires... And zombies? If I distinctly remember correctly," President Edwards clicked her tongue and dismissed William.

William walked away with dismay and President Edwards grimaced. She was running out of people to intern with, and everyone who said had a good idea sucked. The Quarter Quell had to be phenomenon, creative and one of a kind not one of these stupid ideas.

"Game-maker Eliza Havens, do you have anything that would be phenomenal to this year's Quarter Quell?" President Edwards inquired in a cold like manner.

"I have been thinking and watching every melancholy faces passed by me that they clearly failed you, Miss President... My idea is kinda like the second Quarter Quell but it will be more majestical but I'll think you'll be impressed by my idea of what the arena should be," Eliza explained, with a small smile seen on her face.

"Go on, it sounds like an intriguing idea," the president replied.

"So around the base of the cornucopia, there will trees surrounding right where the tributes stand on their platforms with the cornucopia smacked down in the middle with supplies surrounding it like always... The difference of what the trees done in previous arena as it comes alive and eats whoever is near them as they could sense the tributes thermal energy in a certain time period like the third Quarter Quell had done... There will be meadow with tons of wildflowers and plants that may look edible to eat but could kill you in less than five minutes with butterflies and insects which bites when the tributes tries to provoke them...

"There will be a river nearby the meadow that runs along the forest and to the cornucopia that has many deadly wonders to it. Water demons, mermaids and sirens lurk into those crystal blue waters designated to only hurt the tribute not kill as we still would like the entertainment the tributes create while stuck in the arena with the careers and the non-careers make," Eliza finished explaining to the president in which she said nothing. Sweat glistened on her tan skin and she felt her heart beating loudly which Eliza was sure everyone could hear it.

Finally after a few agonizing minutes the president finally said something, "It's the best I heard all today and possibly a phenomenal arena yet but maybe tweak it a little bit so the viewers could like it... Good work, that's what makes you the head-gamemaker this year is your phenomenon ideas and at least, your not a dunderhead just like the other fools that are incompetent in which I may have to start hosting Hunger Games for the game-makers," Edwards chuckled to herself a little bit making it seem like a small joke which really isn't as she was extremely disappointed in the ideas but well life goes on.

Eliza smirked at President Edwards' slight joke but at least President Edwards' makes jokes just to ease the tension but she didn't know what to think. Eliza heard from other Game-makers such like Pan and Lilith claims as it was Edwards way of making seem like a joke when it really wasn't.

"So I expect the game-makers can be done adding the last minute touches by Tuesday, the day before the reaping?"

"Of course, Ma'am... I'm prepared to make this the best arena anyone has ever seen and it will be on the future Capitol textbooks I'm sure."

She said nothing and dismissed the head game-maker who honestly actually had great ideas for once who she would keep around in future games if she kept producing phenomenal ideas and Eliza's comment was actually feasible if she put her mind to.


President Edwards stood at the Podium, anxiously wanting to know what the Quarter Quell twist would be this year. After the previous three, in which none of them was that great. These games were going to be the most extraordinary yet.

"For the Fourth Quarter Quell, districts will reap three times more for punishment for the dark days and the second rebellion."

It wasn't that good but with the arena maybe it will be superb.