Disclaimer: I do not in any way own descendants. Just most of the plot for this story and additional characters I may add in.

This story will include scenes from the film, no copywrite or infringement intended.

Author's Note: I should also add that there will be a fair few OC AK's in this story. Some from my other stories and some completely new ones. So I have merged two of my ideas together I've decided to name the story 'The Catch' as it will feature that idea more then the other one. But I will be extending the second idea into a sequel to this if there is enough interest. This chapter will include the opening scene from Descendants with with some obvious differences.

Ben hated having to do this. Standing on this podium type this for hours on end to be fitted for a suit was just unnatural. Instinctively the young prince and soon to be king started twirling his signet ring around his finger. He had become so lost in his thoughts he hadn't realized he was doing it until someone spoke.

"Stop fidgetting would you!?" The other teen exclaimed. "I'm sure they will like your idea for your first proclamation." She told him. Ben couldn't help but smile at her even though he was worried about how his parents would react.

"I hope so." Ben said to the brunette opposite him. He looked to his sister and saw her shoulder length hair was in a side plait. Noticing as usual some of her hair had escaped and fell at the side of her face in loose ringlets. She had the same hair and eye colour of their mom but she was tall like their dad. "Do you think I'm making a mistake with this, Bree?" He asked. He was beyond nervous about telling his parents what he had decided.

Bree couldn't help but sigh at this. Her brother was so worried about becoming King he second guessed himself constantly. She couldn't help but worry about how he would cope after his coronation. This is why she had scheduled her dress fitting for earlier in the day while Ben was attending to some paperwork so she could help her brother to keep calm. "Not at all, Ben." She stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "What you're proposing is amazing. Even if they disagree to start with, I'll back you up." The prince smiled at his sister. He could always count on her to back him up.

The pair would have continued talking but where interrupted when their parents walked into the room. "How is it possible you're going to be crowned king next month?" King Adam asked as he and Queen Belle walked into the room and towards their children.

"Hi Dad." Ben and Bree answered in unison.

"They're turning sixteen dear." Queen Belle told her husband as she moved to pick up a discarded piece of clothing. She hated her childen leaving their clothes lying around.

"Sixteen!? That's far too young to be crowned King. I didn't make a good decision until I was at least 42." Adam told his family and the tailor working on measuring Ben for his suits. This statement caused Belle to scoff at her husband.

"Um... You decided to marry me at 28." The Queen informed him.

"Well it was either you or the tea pot." Adam said earning him a playful slap from his wife, while the two teens chuckled at their parents antics. Their parents had been married for 27 years now and still joked around like a set of teenagers.

Ben glanced at his sister, who gave an encouraging nod, before looked back at his parents. This was th epart he had been dreading but he knew it had to be done and he knew his sister would support him no matter what. "Mom? Dad?" He called to them, gaining both their attentions. "I've decided on my first official proclamation." He told them. The older couple shared a smile with each other but Ben wasn't paying attention. As they turned back to him he carried on talking. "I've decided the children of the Isle of the Lost should be given a chance... To live here in Auradon."

Ben and Bree watched as disbelief fell on their dad's face while their mom gasped, dropping the item of clothing she held in her hands. "Everytime I look out to the Isle I feel like they've been abandoned."The young prince and soon-to-be king stated. As he stepped down off the podium, much to the annoyance of the tailor, Ben shared an encouraging smile with his twin sister.

"The children of our enemies? Living amoung us?" King Adam asked his son. Pointing out the window in the direction of the Isle. Ben couldn't help but let out a small relieved sigh. He had thought his father would have a worse reaction then this.

Both Ben and Bree watched as their mom turned to face their dad. "I gave you a second chance." She stated shocking the two children. Neither could believe their mom was supporting Ben like this. Especially when it came to do with something about the Isle. They saw their dad's facial expression soften a little bit. "Who are their parents?" She asked her son, turning back to face him.

"Cruella De'Vil, Jafar, Evil Queen..." Ben began to list before stopping for a breath and standing a little taller, he knew this one wouldn't go down very well. "and Maleficent." He stated. A whimper came from behind him as the tailor jumped at the name and quickly left the room. The two teens watched at their parents faces fell. Ben had known this would take some convincing but he was drawn to Maleficent's daughters name for an unknown reason.

"Maleficent!?" Adam shouted causing both teens to flinch slightly. Neither had ever heard their dad shout like that. Even Belle jumped slightly. She hadn't heard Adam like this since he had been a beast. "She is the worst villain in the land." He stated like his children didn't know who Maleficent was.

"Their children are innocent!" Ben shouted back to his dad, shocking his mother and sister. Letting his own 'beastly' anger out slightly. "They deserve a shot at a normal life!" He told his father. Both staring at each other. Bree knew this wouldn't end well and Belle placed a hand on her husbands arm in an attempt to calm him.

Thankfully her plan worked a little bit. "I will not hear of it." Adam told his son, his voice a little calmer.

"Ben's right though dad." Bree said, noticing her older twin brother was close to loosing his temper competely. She watched as Ben threw her a grateful look while her dad looked at her like she had grown an extra head. "How would you feel if we were blamed for what you did when you were tramsformed into a beast?" She asked her father. She was hoping to have him see reason but she knew by the look on his face it wasn't working.

"That is completely besides the point." Adam said.

Bree let out a frustrated sigh. "No. That's exactly the point." She told her father. Trying her hardest to keep her own anger at bay. "They have done nothing wrong to anyone yet they are trapped on the Isle like villains. How can you justify keeping them their when they have done nothing wrong!? Yes, their parents commited horrible crimes but that was before they were born." She passionately explained, hoping her dad would come to his senses as she moved to stand next to her brother.

The two teens watched as their dad seemed to wrestle with his decision. After a few minutes he turned to Belle next to him, who was nodding. The two semed to be having a conversation with their eyes before Adam turned back to face his two teens. "Okay but I have one condition." He told the teens. Ben and Bree nodded for him to continue after exchanging a glance. "The four teenagers you plan on bringing over from the Isle must work for the families their paretns wronged."

Ben shared a look worried look with his sister. Neither teen liked the idea of the children coming here to basically act like slaves but it was that or their dad would reject the idea all together. "Fine." Ben told their dad. The teens watched as Adam held his hand out to his wife and escourted her out of the room. "I don't like that idea." Ben told his twin sister once the door was closed behind their parents. He turned to face her and saw she looked as happy about it as he felt.

"I know but after your coronation you can always change it." Bree said, causing Ben to nod to her. As always his sister was right. She was like the voice of reason he carried with him. The pair couldn't help but look out of the window towards the Isle. The two just hoped the four Isle children would accept their invitation and would fit in well.

Author's Note: As you can see this story will mostly be The Catch but will contain parts of my other idea where I have merged them together. I hope you guys like this chapter. Please review and let me know what you think x