Was not going to put this up til the Saturday. But I'm going to be really busy starting tomorrow and throughout the weekend.

This is the first for me to really really get sad over one of my creations. I think I put this together really good, and I kept crying at the right time too. I really hope you guys do too.


"This is too creepy." Avril said. "Even for me." She, and the Rangers watched the mummy. Rose, still holding the Jewels, took a step closer and held them out.

"Be careful Rose." Mack warned. The mummy held out his hand, revealing a large box. She took it from him and handed it over to Mack, who didn't look away from Rose as she backed away from the mummy.

"Nothing, there's no Jewel reading!" Tyzonn said as he scanned it with his Tracker.

"Try just opening the box." Avril said reaching for the box.

"No, don't open it!" Dax cried with panic, snatching the box from her.

"Here, let me!" Will snatched the box from the panicked Ranger, then opened the box. Immediately their Trackers reacted loudly, making them jump, and both Dax and Tea let out a shriek in fear. Will lifted a Jewel from the box, as they all gathered around again.

"A Pink Emerald! The fifth Jewel!" He laughed, and they all cheered loudly.

"The box must be lined with something that blocked our Trackers." Tea smiled. "That explains why, it was here the entire time and we never knew!"

"Thank you." Rose smiled to the mummy, who nodded, before suddenly exploding in a powerful wind. The team was knocked off their feet again, and the Jewels fell from Rose's hands. They looked up in time to see Chillers fill the room. And with a laugh, Flurious walked through the smoke and dust that was left from the destroyed mummy. The Rangers grabbed for the Jewels, and got to their feet.

"Thank you, Mr. Hartford, for without you I may never have found all the Jewels." Flurious smirked.

Avril grabbed her uncle, and pushed him behind her. "Stay away from my uncle, you frozen ice cub freak!" She threatened.

"Get them!" Flurious ordered. Surging forward, the Chillers divided the team into seperate rooms.

Avril held back using her magic, she did however raise a shield in order to protect her uncle as he stood behind her. "Get out of here, Andrew!" She instructed. "Get Aunt Zoey, and Spencer!" She ordered, sending a fireball into a few Chillers as they approached.

Tea was thrown backwards, and landed at their feet. "Dad, get out of here!" She cried, standing up. "Call To The Beast Inside!" She called moving her arms. "Unleash the Snow Leopard!" The spirit flew out of her and roared at the Chillers who charged forward, only for the Animal to strike them down. She ran back, and disappeared into the chaos.

Avril spun around and cast a spell, a Mystic Spell Seal appeared in the empty hallway. "You'll be safer at Rootcore!" She grabbed Hartford, and shoved him towards the seal, and with a startled cry he stumbled and fell before he disappeared inside the Seal.

Spencer hurried over to it, as Zoey hold onto his arm. The two looked at the Mystic Seal, before turning to look at Avril.

"GO!" She demanded, just before a Chiller slammed it's arm into her stomach and she thrown backwards, crashing into Will, and the two crashed to the floor. Zoey looked with terror at the whole scene before her, tears in her eyes. Scared for both her children, her niece, and the others.

"We have to go." Spencer urged her gently. "The Mystic Force are waiting for us."

Nodding, Zoey turned to him. "Ok." Together they hurried into the Mystic Spell Seal, and it quickly disappeared.

Ronny and Will dove towards the doors, Ronny opened the left door and swung it hard into the face of a Chiller, knocking it backwards into the wall. Will jumped over his girlfriend, rolled and kicked the legs out from another Chiller.

Mack, and Dax were having trouble in Hartford's office. Dax had been cornered behind the desk, after using the chair to his advantage and rolling it into several Chillers, knocking them down the steps back into the game room, he had given the rest of his opponents access to him.

"Dax, look out!" Mack shouted grabbing a Chiller by the shoulder, and using his super strength, tossed it across the room. It hit its comrades and knocked them away from Dax and threw the high arched window behind him.

"Nice throw!" Dax said, jumping up onto the desk and climbing down beside Mack. He quickly shoved his leader down as a Chiller swung his sword at them, and kicked the same Chiller in the chest, knocking it into a bookcase.

Rose flipped over and quickly swept the feet out from under a set of Chillers that surronded her. She jumped up and landed on the back of a sofa, kicking away a sword and leaping forward onto the shoulders of the foot soldiers. She jumped down, landing behind a few soldiers, and pushed them forward into the sofas. They doubled over the back and landed with a crunch on the other side.

"Grandpa!" Tea cried, when a Chiller knocked down an urn that sat on top of the fireplace mantel. She ran as fast as she could towards the falling urn, thankfully she was close enough to lunge forwards and catching the urn before it could hit and shatter on the floor. "I have you Grandpa!" She smiled as she rubbed the urn.

Suddenly, a solid stone bookcase exploded, and Tea let out a startled scream as she hugged tightly to the urn, as several Chillers had fallen through when the pillar broke and fell forwards.

"Whoa! Sorry Tea!" Tyzonn called from the behind the debris, he climbed over them, stumbling as he walked over to stand beside her.

"It's ok." Tea smiled. "Are you ok?"

"Never better." He grinned as Avril ran up to the two.

"Are you alright, Avril?" Tyzonn asked her.

"Yeah." Avril nodded. "What are you doing with Grandpa Max?" She asked, looking at the urn.

"The urn was going to break." Tea answered, as both she and Tyzonn looked at the urn in her arms. "I didn't want to lose Grandpa again."

Avril smiled, whipping away a tear. "How about we do this?" She waved her hand above the urn, casting a spell, the urn turned into a cross necklace. "Now we don't have to mourn Grandpa all over again."

Tea smiled, letting out a few tears. "Ty, help me." She instructed as she moved the necklace to her throat, then quickly moved her hair out of the way, and Tyzonn clasped the necklace. Chillers suddenly attacked the three, quickly surrounding them, and the three teamed up against them.

"Let's Ranger up!" Mack yelled, after he was shoved back. And one-by-one the Operation Overdrive team morphed.


Once morphed, they continued fighting, adding to more and more of destruction and a few more hours. The Rangers easily overpowering the huge amount of Chillers that Flurious had brought.

"IT IS OVER!" Flurious roared suddenly.

The Rangers looked up, and stopped abruptly as they saw Arielle, in Flurious' grasp as she tried to struggle her way free.

"No! Arielle!" Dax cried, he took a step forward, and Will caught him before he could make another move. They all demorphed, and stood together.

"Give me the Jewels, or I'll finish what I've started!" Flurious demanded.

"Guys!" Arielle cried, as she tried to reach out to the Rangers, as she continued to struggle.

"It's a shame, that I have to hurt such a pretty face." Flurious taunted the Rangers, and Arielle kicked the frozen monster in the leg. "Was that suppose to hurt?" He asked her dryly. He turned back to the Rangers. "A pity." He used his free hand to move towards Arielle's face.

"Don't!" Dax stepped forward. "Don't hurt her." He handed over one of the Jewels.

"Touching." Flurious growled, and the other Rangers looked at each other. "I want them all!" Flurious ordered. Mack walked over and gave up a Jewel, followed by the other Rangers.

"Fools!" Flurious laughed, he shoved Arielle into the closest Ranger, Tyzonn, before disappearing in a blast of snow.


After a little bit, the Rangers each took a room to clean up the main floor, but Tea had quickly left the main floor as she hurried upstairs hoping nobody saw, but Avril had quickly followed her.

"You shouldn't have given him the Jewels." Arielle said as she helped Dax clean up one part of the main floor.

"You're too important to me." Dax told her, looking at her. "The others know that. And they care about you too."

Tears glittered in her eyes. "You guys fought all year to find those Jewels, and keep them safe. And now you just gave them all up!"

Dax walked over to her. "We'll get them back." He tried to reassure her. "The Power Rangers don't stop until its safe for everyone."

She turned away from him as twin tears rolled down her cheeks. "And it's because of me, that the Jewels are in the enemies hands." She tried to not break down, but it was clear that she was on the verge.

"We'll still get them back!" Dax still tried to reassure her. "Just watch! It's still not over!" Gently placing his hands on her shoulders, he turned her around, but she wouldn't look at him. "Look at me." He said gently, and she finally did.

"Don't worry about feeling guilty." He told her. "It is not your fault." He gathered her into his arms and held her tightly as she shook, clinging to him for dear life, her eyes closed tightly, as her tears continued to slid down her cheeks.


"Is this really happening?" Tea asked as she paced her bedroom, and Avril was sitting Indian Style on the bed. "Can the final battle really be here?" She stopped and turned to face her cousin.

"Yes." Avril nodded. "It's ok to be scared."

"I'm not just scared." Tea walked over to the bed and plopped down. "I'm terrifed!"

Avril gently pulled her cousin into a tight hug. "You're going to do fine tomorrow." She promised. "Like you always have."

"You'll help us too?" Tea asked, not able to keep the shake out of her voice, clinging to her more tighter.

"I will." Avril nodded.


Back downstairs, Rose was picking up some broken things in a hallway. Mack walked around the corner, and leaned on the doorway.

"Knock, knock."

She looked up, and turned to see him walking into the hallway. "Hi." She greeted.

"I, um." He started, almost hesitating. "Wanted to talk about what we shared, you know, when you all left after the older Rangers temporary took over our job."

Rose blushed. "I thought we settled that when we came back."

"Not really." Mack rubbed the back of his neck, with a little smile.

Rose gave him a worried look. "I think it's a little late to take it back, but if you want to take it back." She trailed off with a shrug. "We can pretend it never happened."

"I wanted to do that again." Mack revealed, walking up to her. "I know tomorrow's a big day, and all. But if."-

He didn't get to finish as Rose quickly leaned up, and kissed him.

Mack wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close, and after a long moment he pulled away.

"You call that talking?" She teased.

He gave her a look. "I'll take what I can get." He teased back, and leaned down, kissing her.


"Am I the only one who can't stop shaking?" Ronny asked as she paced the game room. "Cause I'm freaking out here!"

"We're going to do just fine." Will promised, walking up to her. "After all of this is done, the only thing you'll be worried about is, who you're going race against."

Ronny had to laugh. "Yeah, I'll be looking forward to that!" She grinned, turning to him. "Thanks Will!" The two hugged.


"You are amazing Rangers." Hartford smiled as the team stood together in a line before him, the following morning. "I could not have chosen a better team. But what now?" He asked, his smile disappearing.

"Find Flurious!" Tyzonn yelled.

"And we kick his frozen butt!" Rose grinned.

"And we take back the Crown!" Mack yelled.

"And we save the world!" Ronny smiled.

"And then, we celebrate!" Dax suggested, and they all cheered loudly.

"And I'm picking up a massive Jewel signature!" Spencer alerted them. "Flurious is on the move!"

"Let's go team!" Will yelled.

"Let's finish this once and for all!" Avril cried. "Let's bring home the Jewels and crown!" The team headed for the SHARC.

Tea stopped, she turned and ran back. Launching herself at Hartford, hugging him tight, she then moved to hug Spencer, then her mother. Tea then turned and hurried over to the SHARC bay, she paused again and stopped, she turned back around to face the three of them, and backed away still looking at them as she walked backwards, then turned and ran for the SHARC.


Flurious cheered loudly as he placed the Jewels into the Corona Aurora and lifted it into the air. As he celebrated his victory, a blast behind him took out multiple Chillers. Cheering as they flew through the air on their bikes, Ronny, Will, and Tea blasted the Chillers around them with lasers. Dax whooped as he did the same on his ATV. Mack, Rose, Avril, and Tyzonn raced the Jeep through the quarry, taking out even more Chillers.

"Not so fast, Frosty!" Mack yelled as they skidded to a stop and leapt out of the Jeep.

"Nice of you to show up to see the destruction. But I have some bad news. You won't be here to see it." Flurious told them firmly.





They all morphed as Flurious cast a huge wave of ice and snow. Freezing the Rangers, as well as the entire city.

"Goodbye San Angeles! Welcome to the new Ice Age!" Flurious declared. Suddenly the ice around Avril shattered and she magically finished morphing.

"Nice try freezer face!" She yelled, now fully morphed. "Power of the sun, right back at you!" Avril turned and tapped Will's iced shoulder, and all the ice around the Rangers shattered, and they finished morphing, and Flurious let out an alarmed yell. The Chillers around them shattered.

"Let's raise the stakes!" Flurious let out a laugh as he placed the Corona Aurora on his head. Power exploded from him, destroying the rest of the Chillers, and completely transforming him into even more of a monstrous creature.

"Oh, he just got even more ugly!" Avril made a face behind her helmet. "If that's even possible!"

"Some makeover!" Mack yelled. "Let's do it!" The Rangers drew their swords and began to fight, but Flurious was even more powerful, cutting through them easily. Ronny, and Rose blasted him, but he knocked the attacks aside and threw them to the ground. Dax and Mack struck him, before Will, Tea, and Tyzonn blasted him, but nothing was strong enough for Flurious.

"Drive Slammer!" Will struck him, making Flurious scream in pain.

"Magi Staff!" Avril called, pulling it out from her waist. "Power of the Shinning And Blazing Sun!" The tip of her staff glowed brightly before she hurled it at Flurious, and Flurious let out another scream of pain.

Flurious stood and let out an angry roar as he stumbled to his feet. But his distraction gave the other Rangers the opportunity to get close.

"Come on Rangers!" Mack yelled, before each of the Rangers went in turns to strike down Flurious, and he collapsed. "We did it!" Mack cheered, but Flurious got back to his feet.

"Mere humans can't ever defet me!" He declared. "I have the Corona Aurora and I am powerful! Big and powerful!" He began to glow until he towered over them.

"This is it dad! Send the big stuff!" Mack yelled. Avril stayed on the ground, as the Rangers called on their Zords, and the Battlefleet sped towards Flurious as the DriveMax landed on top of it.

"Ready!" The Rangers called. "Battlefleet Megazord, go!" They leapt at Flurious, who caught them and tossed the Megazord to the ground. He blasted them all, and the Rangers were ejected, demorphing as they hit the ground, and Avril raced towards them, demorphing in the process.

"Rangers!" She cried as she slid to her knees next to Dax, helping him up as they all stumbled to get to their feet. Flurious shrunk down, as he laughed.

"So much for your Megazords!" He mocked. "Chillers!" He summoned the last of his remaining army, and the Rangers looked at all the Chillers. "Like I said Rangers, no human could ever defeat me! As long as I have the Crown!" Flurious declared as the Chillers appeared everywhere.

"You will be destroyed!" Mack promised. "I'm not going to let you win!"

Avril looked at him. "Mack." She breathed.

Mack walked forward, he pulled out his Tracker, opened it and ran it down his chest, instantly morphing. He turned around to face them. "You guys take the Chillers, I'll go after the Crown!"

Avril felt something bad in her gut, a bad feeling she had all day, her lower lip trembled.

"Power Rangers forever!" Red Ranger yelled.

"Power Rangers forever!" The other Rangers, including Avril shouted.

"Get them!" Flurious ordered. The Chillers raced towards the Rangers, who morphed as they met the monsters and began to fight.

It was a whirlwind for Avril, looking back and forth between Mack's fight with Flurious, and the other Rangers.

Finally, she growled, when a group of Chillers ran at her, she took them out in a huge blast of energy. Then ran for Mack.

"Mack!" Avril cried, running to Red Ranger. "What are you doing!?" She demanded, grabbing his arm. "The Sentinel Knight's powers are too strong, my dad's spell is no more!"

"I have to try!" Mack told her. "I'm giving it everything I've got!" He rushed at Flurious, battling him with furious and strength.

"Mack!" Avril cried. "The Sentinal Kinght's powers are going to kill you!" She rushed forward, magically morphing. She quickly jumped into battle, giving a very strong and powerful kick into Flurious' chest, sending him flying backwards and hitting the ground with a roll, but Flurious was able to get back to his feet.

"Mack, what are you doing?!" Sentinel Knight cried, feeling his magic flow into the human.

"Giving it everything I have!" Mack answered, running at Flurious as he held the Sentinal Sword.

Locking his sword with Flurious, the two enemies fought long and hard. Until Mack had Flurious kneeling.

"What have you done?" He demanded.

"Not enough!" Mack responded, behind him Avril was running towards him.

"Mack!" She cried. "No!" She grabbed his shoulder, almost yanking him backwards.

"Help me!" He told her.

"Magi Staff!" Avril called on her weapon, pulling it out. And together the two jumped into the air, when they came down, they slammed their respective weapons into Flurious, who screamed out. And suddenly an explosion erupted.

The wave of the explosion took out the remaining Chillers. Will, Ronny, Rose, Dax, Tyzonn, and Tea all still morphed, looked around when suddenly the Corona Aurora flew through the air, and landed on the ground in front of them, they looked at each other, before looking back at the crown, then walked towards it happily, but quickly stopped when the crown suddenly exploded when the dust cleared, the crown was no more, the Jewels each cracked one-by-one before shattering and turning to dust one-by-one.

"The crown!" Rose gasped. And the six demorphed.

"The Jewels!" Ronny gasped.

"Mack! Avril!" Tea cried in panic, looking around. "Where's my brother and cousin!?"

Will darted forward as something small and something long fell towards the ground, he caught them before they hit the ground. It was a Tracker, and a Mystic Force wand. "Oh no." He shook his head.

The huge cloud of dust and smoke up ahead, finally settled and the team looked towards it.

"NO!" Both Tea and Rose cried, Tyzonn trying to hold Tea upright, and Ronny trying to hold Rose from running forward.

Mack laid face down, and Avril also laid face down, her head resting up against her outstretched right arm, her long hair hiding her face.

"MACK!" Rose screamed, finally breaking from Ronny, and running forward, the sky darkened as the rest of the Overdrive Rangers ran toward Mack, Rose in the lead. Tyzonn looked up and over to Avril, who laid alone, He slowly got to his feet and walked over to her, he fell to his knees next to her.

The remaining Rangers looked up at the sky turning to dark.

"What's happening?" Tyzonn asked, pulling Avril into his arms.

"It looks like an eclipse." Will answered, his arm wrapped around a crying Tea as they looked towards the sky.

Something appeared through the eclipse, it revealed to be a figure, then it revealed itself to be a woman.


Daggeron walked up a beaten path to meet with Udonna, and Leanbow. Both looking sorrowful as Udonna said something and Daggeron looked fearful, and he shook his head.


The strange woman slowly touched the ground, she looked around before her eyes landed on each of the Rangers "Power Rangers Operation Overdrive." She addressed. "You have won." Her eyes landed on Mack. "But at a price." She turned to Avril, and walked over to her, and Tyzonn tightened his hold on her. "Please." She told him. "I need to take her." Slowly, Tyzonn let go of Avril. And the woman raised her arms, and the unconsious Avril magically lifted off the ground.


The voice had everyone turning around to find the Mystic Force rushing forward.

"Power Rangers Mystic Force." The woman greeted them. "I am sorry, Hotaru must come with me."

"No." Daggeron shook his head. "Please."

Twin tears rolled down Maddie's cheeks as she shook her head and turned, barring her face into Nick's chest, he held her as she cried.

"Please don't take her." Clare begged, clinging to Xander's arm tightly.

"I'm sorry." The woman repeated. "Hotaru has to come with me." And with that, she turned, with Avril. The two started to fade until they both disappeared through the eclipse.


The strange woman walked into a room, with Avril still in her arms. Walking up to a table, she gently laid Avril down. "Rest now Hotaru." She said gently, as she backed up. Raising her arms, she spread them out as she cast a spell and a Mystic Force seal appeared, surrounding the table that Avril rested on.

From the doorway Reina and Rita rushed into the room, and gasped when they saw Avril resting on the table.

"Hotaru." Rita choked.

"You're." Reina gasped, staring at the woman. "You're." She trailed off, as the woman smiled a little at them.

"That's right."

Rita suddenly gasped. "The original Eclipse Ranger!"


Chip slowly walked into the room, he looked around to find the twins in a corner. Reina notices him and motions to the table that Avril rested on.

Slowly walking over to the table, Chip pauses when the Mystic shield shimmers in the sunlight. Straightening his shoulders, he walks through the shield and kneels down by the table. "Avril." He whispered. "I'm sorry. I'm truly sorry, I didn't come home sooner." Slowly getting back to his feet, he gently slides her off the table, and gathers her into his arms. "Please wake up, please, please." He begged as he gently rocked her back and forth. "I'm not ready to say goodbye. Not to you." He gently kissed her forehead.

Avril's Mystic necklace began to glow, like a small dimming light at first, then it burst into a bright light.


At the Hartford mansion, it was quiet. Andrew Hartford sat in his office, leaning heavily backwards in his chair. Zoey Hartford was sitting in the kitchen, just sitting at the Island and looking down at her untouch and now cold hot tea, Spencer sat next to her as he tried to console her, he too was upset.

Upstairs, in Mack's bedroom, Mack laid on his bed, a blanket had been pulled up to his neck. When suddenly the same bright light shown through Mack's bedroom from the windows ... and Mack's eyes opened.

Downstairs, the Overdrive Rangers were sitting around in the game room. The whole room was quiet, no noise at all.

Rose was sitting on a sofa, hugging a pillow tightly, her face tearstained. Tea was sitting next to her, with her head resting on Tyzonn's shoulder, and Tyzonn was sitting on the other side of Tea, and holding her hand. Ronny was sitting in Will's lap, leaning against him, his arms wrapped around her. Dax was sitting on the floor, with his knees pulled up to his chest as he hugged his legs. And Arielle sat next to him, her head on his shoulder as she hugged his arm.

Suddenly, Mack walked into the room, holding his head with both hands. "Does anybody want to explain to me what happened?" He asked, really dazed. Startling his friends. "And why is it so quiet in here? It's eerie."

"MACK!" They cried, jumping up. Rose rushed towards him and launched herself into his arms, he stumbled backwards as he held her.

"What's going on?" Mack asked, really confused. "My head really hurts."

"You scared all of us, big brother." Tea cried, with tears still rolling down her cheeks. Rose finally let him go, so the others could hug him.

Zoey, Spencer, and Hartford rushed into the room from hearing the cheering and laughing. "MACK!" Zoey cried, she ran to her son, grabbing him into a tight hug.

"It's a miricle." Spencer smiled brightly.

A light appeared in the room and Sentinel Knight appeared. "You have saved the world, and I have returned to my original form."

"But the Crown." Ronny said. "We ... it's." She trialed off.

"It shattered." Mack explained. "We're sorry."

"The fate of the world holds their deepest thanks." Sentinel Knight replied. "The Corona Aurora was powerful enough to make mankind tremble at its mere name, powerful enough to destroy all life on Earth." He looked around. "It was a sacrifice that had to be done for the crown and the world to be saved." He paused. "At least no one will come looking for it now." He, along with the whole room turned to look at Andrew Hartford.

"I get it." Hartford said dryly and with a roll of his eyes.

"So ... what happened to Chip?" Tea had to ask. "Where is he?" She asked as Will placed a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"Right here!"

Tea gasped as she, Mack and everyone else turned to the door to see the whole Mystic Force walking in.

"CHIP!" Tea cried, running up and launching into his arms, and he stumbled backwards a little. "You're ok!"

"I'm better then ok." Chip beamed as Tea let go, and moved aside to let Mack give the red head a hug. "I'm back to normal!"


"Thanks to you Mr. Hartford, I learned that being smart, it's something to be proud of." Rose admitted as they all stood together in front of the Hartford mansion. "I'm going back to teaching." She decided, and they all smiled.

"Not too far I hope." Mack grinned, reaching out and taking her hand. She blushed furiously and nodded as their fingers laced together.

"It's back to the track for me." Ronny grinned. "I've still got the need for speed." They all laughed.

"I've learned the importance of we, not I." Will admitted, and they grinned at him. "I'm training a group of artifact recovery specialists, to help with my work."

"Dax, I think I know what you want. Starring role in a movie?" Hartford asked.

"Yesterday's news Mr. H!" Dax surprised him with his words. "I'm gonna help Arielle find the rest of her answers."

"Avril?" Mack asked his cousin. "What are you going do?"

"Back to Briarwood for me." Avril folded her arms with a smile. "That's my home, and my search is finally over. I'm not leaving." She looked towards the trees to see Chip, who was smiling and standing by a tree.

"And I'm gonna search the galaxy for Vella." Tyzonn told them. "I know she's out there somewhere." He said firmly.

Tea suddenly gasped, making everyone turn in the direction she was looking in.

"Is that?" Ronny trailed off as they watched as a young woman walk towards the Hartford mansion, followed by Norg.

"Vella?" Tyzonn took off in a run, nearly knocking her down as he grabbed her in tight hug. "You're here ... you're alive." He breathed as tears stung his eyes.

"Yes, thanks to Norg." Vella, the real Vella, smiled as they hugged tightly.

"It seems this uh ... this." Spencer trailed off, looking at Norg.

"Yeti." Norg finished for him as they walked over.

"Yeti." Spencer nodded. "Fought off half a dozen Chillers to save her, and brought her straight here. After eating all my geraniums." He added, shooting Norg a stern look as the Yeti giggled.

"They were good!" Norg smiled.

"Not a problem, I'll buy you an entire field of geraniums." Hartford told the Yeti.

"Oh, thank you sir!" Spencer smiled.

"Not you Spencer, the Yeti." Hartford replied.

"I see that life has returned to normal." Spencer sighed, making them all laugh. Mack wrapped his arm around Rose with a big smile and bright smile, and she returned the smile as she rested the side of her head on his chest.

"But wait, Mr. Hartford, what are you and Mack gonna do?" Ronny asked. Father and son looked at each other, and grinned.


I have played with this for months, and I've been making a LOT of adjustments to this. Now I think I finally got it! I hope you enjoyed this! I'm sad for this to end. Avril might return in Jungle Fury to help Tea and the other Jungle Fury Rangers, or she might not.