Marinettes point of view
"Marinette, wake up! You are going to be late for school!" Tikki, the ladybug kwami exclaimed! Marinette grumbled and rolled onto her side. Being Ladybug was simply hard. She had went to bed tired last night after she and Chat Noir had battled a very lusty akuma. On top of that, today was a physics quiz and Marinette had forgot to study.
"Arghh, Tikki! Why is being Ladybug so impossible!?"Marinette sat up and looked at her kwami. "Come on Marinette! You've saved Paris a billion times, a physics test wont be the end of the world!" the encouraging kwami said. "Besides, today inst your teacher putting you into groups for a language assignment? You know you could always end up with Adrien!"Tikki giggled as Marinette swooned. Marinette heaved herself up and ran into the bathroom.
Adriens point of view
Adrien sighed as he finished his breakfast alone...again. Nathalie was helping his father today out and had only passed by Adrien once. She hadn't even acknowledged him! Lately Adrien had a lot on his mind. Christmas had passed a week ago and school had started last week. Being Chat Noir was getting tougher and tougher. But he didn't mind being the cat. He would see his bugaboo, and that was enough encouragement for him! Adrien smiled to himself as he thought of his lady. One day she would see that they were meant to be! Adrien snapped out of his thoughts as he heard a snuffling sound. He rolled his eyes and glared at Plagg.
"Got anymore Camembert, lover boy?" Plagg asked. Adrien sighed and addressed his kwami. "You've already finished your breakfast, lunch and dinner, you arent getting anymore! Besides, I've got to get to school, I can't be late again!". And with that Adrien grabbed a tub of Camembert stuffed it down his bag, and ran out.
Marinettes point of view
Marinette ran to school as fast as her legs could carry her. She heard Alya call her name. "Hey girl! Over here!". Marinette smiled and ran over to Alya. Alya grinned and nudged Marinette. "Finally made it to school on time, huh! Anyway I just realized something big about Ladybug!" Marinette turned red and looked over at Alya who whipped out her phone. "You, see I've noticed that every time Ladybug's transformation is about to wear off, she jumps off in this direction". Alya pointed to Marinette's bakery, which Marinette could make out in a distance. "Umm. A-Alya dont you think she could umm be trying to throw people off, by going the other way so she could double back?" Marinette gave the best smile she could muster but Alya wasn't buying it.
"Nuh, ah girl. I think I'm onto something. Speaking of something, there goes Adrien!". Marinette whipped around and saw the gorgeous model walking towards Nino who was waving him over. Marinette sighed. If she and Adrien could end up in the same group, she'd be the happiest person alive. "Come on Marinette, let's go talk to Nino and Adrien. And try not to stammer, girl! If you want him you need to be able to talk to the guy!". Marinette blinked. In a way Alya was right. But she hadn't expected Alya to be so straightforward.
Adrien's point of view
Out of the corner of his green eyes, Adrien saw Marinette and Alya whispering while walking towards them. He wondered what they were talking about. As Nino babbled on about the new game he had gotten at Christmas, Adrien felt a sense of discomfort. He couldn't quite grasp why, but he felt like he'd forgotten to do something.
"Hey guys!" Adrien's thoughts were once again interrupted, as Alya and Marinette stomped up to them. "Hey" Nino and Adrien said in unison, which for some reason made Marinettes cheeks go all red. Alya pulled out her phone, and she smacked her forehead. "Whats wrong?" Nino asked curiously. "Today's the physics quiz! ARGHH. I'm probably going to fail, even though I studied my butt off." Nino smiled and put his arm around Alya's shoulder. "You'll do fine! Just.. review the notes before we do it?"
Adrien suppressed a sigh. That is what he had forgotten! He had spent his weekend battling akumas and watching anime, and he knew he had forgotten something. Marinette groaned and Adrien looked at her. "I totally forgot to study! I was so busy this weekend. What about you Adrien?". Adrien was quite shocked, the bluenette had actually said a sentence without stammering or turning into a tomato. Adrien quickly regained his posture and smiled at her "Guilty as charged. I lost track of time too!"
He held out a hand for her to high-five it but then he felt like a total dummy. A high-five for not studying? JEEZ ADRIEN! Marinette turned slightly red and gave him the high-five and for some reason Adrien's heart when badaump . Adrien kept his hand touching hers for a few seconds and he felt heat rising up to his cheeks. What was going on? Why do I feel so weird?
Marinettes point of view
Marinette was internally screaming. She had actually smiled and had talked to Adrien! AND THEY HAD TOUCHED HANDS! Squeal! Alya and Nino were too busy arguing over the physic definitions. But Marinette was thrilled. Maybe she shouldn't be nervous around Adrien. After all, he ate and slept like everyone else. Adrien had reached over and had pulled his hat over his ears more and Marinette smiled. HE looked really nice in that green hat. Marinette decided to test her luck even more.
She looked up at Adrien "So, how do you think your going to do on the test?" Adrien smiled and Marinette saw some red on his cheeks. Was he blushing because of her? OH MY GOD! "To be complete honest, I'll probably fail." Marinette was about to reply when the bell rang signaling that classes were about to begin. She walked inside a warm feeling settling over her stomach. Maybe chances with the blonde model weren't lost at all!
As everyone walked into the classroom, they all glanced up at the black board. Marinette's heart leaped out of her chest. The physics test was cancelled! She looked at Adrien and found that he was looking at her too. She smiled at him shyly and said "Yes! it got cancelled! WOOP DE DOO!"
Marinette cringed. Had she actually said WOOP DE DO? Argghh. But to her relief Adrien laughed and said "Yes, WOOP DE DOO!". Nino and Alya were now sending each other mischievous glances. Oh, no. Marinette thought. What were they up to this time? Alya sizzled right up to Adrien and narrowed her eyes at him. "Adrien, I seem to bad eyesight for the past couple of minutes. Would it be okay if you and I switched seats for today?" Adrien looked at Marinette who had turned crimson and without hesitation said "Yea, sure Alya".
Marinette smiled as she and Adrien took their places. How could this day get any better?