A/N: Thank you all so much! For those of my older readers who are happy this story is back…so am I and I am so glad that you're all still around! For my new readers I hope I can make this story something you'll all enjoy! Thank you to everyone who has followed and favorited and to those who have left reviews—you're all amazing, I seriously wasn't expecting this kind of reception!

Apologies for the wait! I was surprised with a trip to New York and when we got back I went to sleep and woke up super sick…couldn't even keep my head up, but I'm better now and back to writing!

So I hope I get to address everyone who commented but I feel like that would be a story all on its own so I'll just say this…

One: I'm leaning towards keeping Rowan human because I do agree that some writers, and its completely okay, I'm not judging, they take their characters completely over the top when they make them supernatural and I like the idea of her being human. I wouldn't mind having Derek Hale protecting me all the time, would you?

Two: Yes they are mates and yes Derek is feeling everything that Rowan is but he has better control than she does—this will be seen when some parts of the story strictly focus on Derek and his thoughts.

A warning in advance: there is some solo Rowan smut towards the end of the chapter.

Rowan knew she should have stayed home, locked herself inside and try to clear her mind some other way, but running had always been her stress reliever; and all she had been feeling lately—especially once those dreams had started—was stress.

Her feet pounded against the dirt path as she ran the wooded trail she always did. Music blared in her ears as she asked herself internally question after question—the same questions she had been asking herself for the past few weeks. Rowan didn't know what was wrong with her and all she wanted was answers but she didn't know where to find them.

Okay…so she had an idea of who could give her the answers she sought but she didn't know just how to get them. Just the idea of him tormented her. Every time she thought of him…every time he was close her mind turned hazy and her body was set ablaze.

Rowan kept running, hoping that the lust coursing through her would wane, pushing herself harder and harder until she was gasping for breath. Finally she stopped in the middle of the woods, shut off her iPod and shoved it into her pocket before bending at the waist and situating her hands on her knees, taking in deep breaths.

She heard the snap of a branch from behind her and whipped around.

It was him. Again.

Whatever little good her run had done her, his carnal presence ruined as her senses were once again assaulted.

"The sun's about to set. You shouldn't be out here alone at night. It's dangerous." Derek told her, taking a step closer, causing her to take two back.

"I always run this trail."

She tried to keep her voice steady but she had no such luck.

Rowan kept stepping back as Derek kept coming forward until she mistakenly backed herself up against a tree.

Derek walked closer until he was pressed right up against her.

Rowan was praying that he couldn't feel her skin heat up and hear her heart thumping erratically.

As he looked down at her, his lascivious green eyes held so much intensity that it made a shiver tear down her spine.

Her mossy eyes fluttered shut as she inhaled his scent.

It was explosive…addictive…seductive.

She shuddered a gasp as Derek's hand trailed up her arm until it lightly grasped her slender neck, the coarse print of his thumb stroking over her pulse; his warm breath fanned across her flushed cheeks as his lips ghosted over her plump ones.

And then, suddenly, his touch disappeared.

Rowan opened her eyes and looked around.

Derek was gone.


Rowan had decided yesterday that she was going to spend the night at Stiles' house. And there she was, waking up at 4:43 a.m. to Stiles snoring in her ear. Again.

"Stiles!" She whispered harshly, rolling over and trying to push the boy back to the other side of the bed.

When he didn't budge, she turned around and decided to use her feet. She gave him a hard shove and snickered as she watched Stiles roll off the bed and onto the floor.

"Huh? What?" Stiles asked disoriented as his head peeked up over the edge of the bed.

Rowan glared at him.

"Will you stop snoring? This is the fifth time you've woken me up tonight! I'm trying to get some sleep over here."

She turned her pillow over to the cold side and laid her head back down, closing her eyes as Stiles climbed back in the bed.

"Hmm? Yeah."

They both drifted off back to sleep, not knowing that there was a man standing just at the end of the driveway of the Stilinski house.

Derek's jaw was clenched and a low growl was threatening to emit from his throat.

He knew he shouldn't be here. He knew he couldn't afford to get involved with her—especially at a time like this.

But everything about her drew him in…like she was a siren and he a sailor at sea.

She was his mate.

She was his.

And for once in his life, Derek was going to take what he wanted; and what he wanted…was her.

"So, let me get this straight. You, Scott McCall, have a date with Allison Argent?"

Rowan was walking with Scott out to the lacrosse field after school had finished.

"And I didn't even find out from you! Allison told me!" She exclaimed, her green eyes wide.

"It's not a date! I'm just taking her to the party." Scott explained to her.

Rowan just gave him a knowing look.

"Well good, I'm glad it's not a date. That way, I don't feel bad about crashing."

She took a few steps towards the bleachers to where Lydia and Allison were sitting, but stopped when Scott called out to her.

"What do you mean crash?"

Rowan gave him a wide a smile.

"Allison asked me to get ready with her at her place for the party." She teased as she walked up the bleachers, hearing Scott say her name in frustration. "See you later alligator!"

"Hey Row!" Allison and Lydia greeted.

Rowan gave them a smile in response, flopping down onto the bench and sighing in exhaustion.

"What's wrong with you? Rough night?" Lydia questioned suggestively as she watched her friend rest her chin in her hand.

"You could say that," Rowan groaned. "You try having someone keep snoring in your ear all night and then let me know how tired you are!"

Allison looked at Rowan confused.

"I slept at Stiles last night." She explained.

The dark haired girl looked surprised.

"Oh, I didn't know that you guys were together."

Rowan burst into a fit of giggles.

"Me and Stiles! Stiles and me?" She asked rhetorically once she had calmed down enough to speak. "Stiles is my best friend. I always sleep over his house, or even Scott's. My dad's away on business a lot, so when I'm lonely I go to them to keep me company. Besides, Stiles only has eyes for one girl."

When Rowan said this she shot her eyes to Lydia to show Allison who she was talking about.

Allison nodded her head in understanding and went to speak before Stiles, who was at the bottom of the bleachers with Scott, cut her off, waving frantically for Rowan to come to him.

"Duty calls." Rowan huffed standing from her seat. "I'll meet you after try outs, Allison?"

Once Allison gave a nod of acknowledgement, the sharp featured girl hastily made her way down to the players' bench where Scott and Stiles were standing, although she could tell Scott was frustrated. Before she could make it over to the duo, Scott turned his back on his friend, running out to the field.

"What's going on?" Rowan asked once she had reached Stiles, seeing the put off look on his face.

"The lab results came back from those hairs they found on the body in the woods." He told her. "It was a wolf, Row!"

"But you said—"

"I know what I said! But what if I'm right? About the lycanthropy thing?"

"Stiles! Seriously! How much Adderall have you taken today? Werewolves aren't real!"

"I'm serious Rowan!"

Seeing the look of desperation on Stiles face, she nodded her head.

"Okay so let's just believe, for one second, that Scott's a werewolf. Where is the proof in that? Huh? And did you tell Scott about what's going on in that crazy little head of yours?"

Stiles waved his hands around telling her to just listen to him.

"You said that something took you down that night in the woods. That it scratched your leg! What if that's all it takes? A scratch like yours or a bite? Like Scott's? What if…"

She clenched her jaw, closing her eyes and rubbing her temples with her fingers.

"Stiles! Just listen to yourself! I haven't been experiencing supersonic hearing powers or…"

Rowan trailed off, gripping Stiles arm. He followed her line of vision and his gaze landed on Scott. Stiles stood up and grabbed Rowan's hand, walking down the sidelines, keeping his eyes on Scott.

The two friends watched as Scott flipped over a group of defensemen and tossed the ball right past the goalie and into the net. The people in the stands jumped to their feet, cheering loudly.

Rowan and Stiles just watched.

Rowan was astonished and Stiles was worried.

He turned Rowan to face him.

"Do you believe me now?"

"You know, I could be with Allison right now, having a good time, getting all dressed up and ready for the party—"

"But no, instead you're here with me. Yada, yada, yada." Stiles droned, cutting her off, eyes never leaving the computer monitor. "I know. You don't have to keep repeating yourself."

Rowan huffed, throwing herself back on his bed and in a move that only a toddler throwing a tantrum would make, she kicked all the books on lycanthropy Stiles had taken from the library onto the floor.

"Really?" Stiles scolded in exasperation.

Rowan just rolled her eyes and pouted.

"Stiles, for the last time, Scott is not a werewolf." Rowan groaned in frustration. "Why was I even needed here? You seem to have it all handled."

While the Stilinski boy had been researching rampantly all night for any information he could find, Rowan had barely lifted a finger; the most she had done was turn a few pages—each page accompanied by a huff or a groan, hoping that Stiles would get annoyed and dismiss her.

Luck obviously wasn't on her side.

A knock on the bedroom door startled Rowan and Stiles both. The latter rushing to open the door revealing a smiling Scott.

Poor Scott. The boy had a date with the girl of his dreams and made first line, something he's always wanted and now Stiles was going to spring this on him.

How quickly the joy was going to be wiped from his face.

"Get in," Stiles ordered, hurrying the shaggy haired boy into the room. "You gotta see this. We've been up all night reading—websites, books. All this information."

Scott tossed Rowan a look but the girl only rolled her eyes and brought a finger to her head, rotating it in circles.

"He's lost his mind." She 'whispered' to Scott.

The McCall boy let out a chuckle at Rowan's actions.

"How much Adderall have you had today?" He inquired to Stiles, his tone curious.

"A lot," Stiles responded, although not even he himself was certain of the answer. "Doesn't matter, okay? Just listen."

"Oh? Is this about the body?" Scott asked, throwing his bag down and taking a seat beside Rowan on the bed. "Did they find out who did it?"

"You're gonna wish that's what this was about…" Rowan mumbled, crossing her arms in irritation.

"No," Stiles tossed Rowan a scornful look. "They're still questioning people, even Derek Hale."

The name perked the teenage girl up and she rose to her knees, crawling to the end of the bed next to Scott with furrowed brows.

"Wait, what?"

"It's not important right now." Stiles whined, wanting to get to the point. "Remember the joke in the woods the other day? Not a joke anymore. The wolf—the bite in the woods—"

Rowan let out a sigh, walking around Stiles who sat in the computer chair, grumbling about how she was hungry and left to the kitchen.

She so did not want to be around for this foolish conversation.

Rowan knew that she hadn't been gone long, only long enough to grab a box of cereal from the cabinet, but apparently it was enough time for Stiles to tell Scott that he thought he was a werewolf and warp his mood because he came thundering down the stairs, face grim and shouldered roughly past the brunette going up them.

He barely muttered an apology as she collided harshly with the wall and fled the house like a bat out of hell.

Rowan stared at the closed front door before rushing the rest of the way to Stiles room.

"Stiles! What the hell was that about?"

She rubbed her aching shoulder and saw a shaken up Stiles leaning against his bedroom wall, causing Rowan's irritated expression to morph into one of concern.

"Hey, what happened?" She soothed, placing a gentle hand on Stiles trembling arm.

Stiles' amber eyes looked haunted and he shook his head moving to wrap Rowan in a hug, which the girl quickly returned. She could feel the tension his body held and rubbed her hand down his back and over his buzzed head, holding him close. They both found comfort quickly in each other's arms.

When they finally parted Rowan finally took notice of the upturned computer chair, and she looked towards her best friend for some explanation.

Stiles only lifted the chair to its upright position, spinning it around until both could see three distinct tears going down the back.

"Oh God," Rowan breathed out, voice quivering.

Her jaw slightly dropped in shock, eyes widened in fear-tinged disbelief.

The tears resembled claw marks.

Stiles had been right…something happened to Scott that night…he was turned into a werewolf.

The two friends had argued for what seemed like hours, Stiles trying to order Rowan to stay away from the party for her safety but the girl knew that Lydia would kill her if she missed even though the strawberry blonde would no doubt have her tongue shoved down Jackson's throat the whole night and wouldn't even notice that Rowan was there.

When they finally arrived at the party, Rowan darted away from Stiles in order to find Scott and once she intercepted him she tugged on his arm until he stepped off to the side with her; all the while shaking his head, already knowing what was going to come out of the teenage girl's mouth.

"Please Row! Not now. Look I'm sorry about earlier, I just want to enjoy the night with Allison. Can you give me that?" He pleaded with his puppy dog brown eyes.

Oh did Rowan want to be so mad at him for how he had acted earlier but she could only look at him with sympathy, slowly nodding her head.

'How bad could things get?' She thought. 'They'd only be here for a few hours.'

"I'm sorry, I know how much you like her and if it makes you feel any better she likes you just as much. But, I'm just worried about you Scott."

"I know you are, and I'm grateful, really I am. But can we just talk about this later?"

"Yeah. Now go, I see your pretty little date over there waiting for you." She told him looking over his shoulder.

He gave her a smile and pulled her into a tight hug before letting go and making his way towards Allison.

Rowan walked to the back of the house and hurriedly grabbed a red cup, downing its contents.

Her head was pounding with everything that Stiles had found out and she decided to look for him.

When she couldn't find him, she made her way to where the bodies of teenagers were dancing when something off in the distance caught her attention.

"Derek," Rowan whispered, eyes locked on his stealth form.

Derek's head snapped to look at her, and she felt as if she was going to melt from the heat of his stare.

He could hear her heart rate increase. He could hear her swallow and the shallow breaths she was expelling. She was a vision. And she was all his.

If his face could have turned any harder, it did when a boy came up behind her, grabbing her arm.

Rowan spun around and gave a bright smile at the boy before her.


Said boy could always put a smile on her face no matter how she was feeling.

"You didn't come say 'hi' when you got here!" He exclaimed. "Come dance with me!"

She nodded her head as he grabbed her hand, spinning her around.

Rowan peeked over Danny's shoulder, hoping to spot Derek. But he was gone.

'What is this guy? Houdini?' she thought to herself.

She and Danny laughed as they danced with each other and Rowan was glad she could finally have a few moments of peace, but her good time was soon interrupted when she saw Allison storming after Scott.

"Sorry Danny." She told him with a frown. "I need to go check on Allison."

She leaned up and pecked him on the cheek before running as fast as she could in heels after the couple.

When she made it to the front of the house, Scott was speeding away, leaving Allison staring after him.

"Hey," Rowan whispered as she stepped forward and grabbed Allison's arm. "What's going on?"

Allison turned to Rowan, her mouth opening and closing. She couldn't find any words.

"I don't know, he just started acting strange and then he just bolted."

Rowan knew she needed to make up an excuse for Scott. On one hand, she was being a good friend to Scott since she didn't want this to ruin his chances with Allison. But on the other, Allison could get hurt.

Her thoughts warred for only a moment before Scott won out and she acted like she remembered something, snapping her fingers.

"It's probably his mom. She's working tonight and she needed the car. That's what it is." She lied easily, hoping that Allison believed it. "Scott can be forgetful at times. I'm sure he didn't mean to just leave you stranded."

Allison nodded her head.

"I'll just go search for Stiles again and he can take us to my car and I'll drop you off at home. Yeah?"

Rowan took a step back and spun around, bumping into a muscular firm chest. She started falling backwards until the person caught a hold of her forearms. And when she opened her eyes, they locked with his.

As much as it pained her to do so, Rowan pulled from his grip and stepped back next to Allison, glancing at her and repeating herself.

"I'll go find Stiles. To get that ride."

"Allison, Rowan. Right?" Derek finally spoke. "If you girls need a ride home, I'd be happy to drive you."

"Umm…okay." Allison stammered unsurely.

Derek turned to look at Rowan, waiting for her speak.

"Sorry, but I don't take rides from strangers." She declared haughtily.

He couldn't just keep popping up and cause her to feel this way only to disappear without a trace.

"But I'm not a stranger am I?"

Allison looks at Rowan confused.

As attractive as Derek was, and as much as she felt a pull towards him, Rowan still didn't know anything about him, therefore, she wouldn't be going anywhere with him. Not to mention the fact that he was being questioned about the body in the woods.

"C'mon Allison, let's go find Stiles."

Rowan went to walk past Derek but his hand shot out, gripping her wrist.

She took a deep breath, pushing the feelings he invoked down and looked up at him raising an eyebrow.

"Please. I insist."

"It's fine Row." Allison spoke.

Rowan just nodded her head and motioned for Derek to lead the way.

When they reached his car, Rowan climbed in the back, allowing Allison to sit in front.

Along the way to the Argent house, it was uncomfortably silent. The only sounds coming from Allison giving Derek directions.

When they pulled up to Allison's house, she thanked Derek for the ride, Rowan stepping out of the backseat and giving her a soft smile.

"I'll tell Scott to call you, yeah?"

Allison nodded her head, telling her friend goodnight and Rowan waited until she was in the house before she got into the passenger's seat of Derek's car.

To say Rowan was uncomfortable was an understatement. Her body was on fire and she felt as if she would jump Derek any minute. And it didn't help that she could feel his gaze burning holes into her.

She leaned her head back on the headrest, staring out the window in hopes that the ride would be over soon and she could breathe again.

Rowan clenched her fists and took a deep breath hoping that would calm her, but then he spoke and that made it that much worse.

"You okay?" Derek asked her knowingly.

He could take a guess at what her problem was. He could hear her heart beat pitter pattering quickly in her chest; he could smell the excitement that was washing over her.

"I'm fine." She told him shortly. "You can take a left up here. I need to get my car from Stiles anyways."

Instead Derek took a right.

"I said left."

She squirmed in the passenger seat, the heat in the car becoming too much for her.

For a moment, Derek pitied her; he knew exactly what she was feeling, and every moment he had to fight for control over his wolf who only wanted to claim its mate.

Derek craved her.

The constant urge to be near her, to feel her soft skin against his own even if it was just a stroke of his hand against hers.

Her smell surrounded him; it was warm and floral…sensual…intense…it was hypnotizing…it was her.

He wanted to drown in her.

He wanted to consume her and be consumed.

Derek clenched his jaw, trying to will away the thoughts that flooded his brain and Rowan's next move did all the work for him as the thoughts of what he'd like to do to her were overtaken by rage.

She had removed her heavy cardigan and a fresh bruise could be seen at the front of her shoulder.

He saw red.

The car swerved and skidded to a stop at the road's edge, Derek turning in his seat to face a suddenly perturbed Rowan.

Derek snarled, teeth bared and nostrils flaring. His rigid body was quaking with an all-consuming fury. His seafoam green eyes narrowed into slits and he tried to control his shift.

Anger was his anchor and yet, at the thought of someone harming Rowan, at just the idea of someone marring her smooth, unblemished skin...

He had to calm down, he had to before he snapped and did something he would regret…namely harming his mate himself. Derek couldn't allow that to happen…he wouldn't.

His eyes clenched shut and he took a deep breath, taking in her scent that was now tinged with fear and part of him felt guilty at causing her to feel that emotion in connection to him.

But he was justified in his rage…was he not?

She was his mate; someone had physically hurt her and it was his job to protect her.

"Who did that to you?" Derek glowered through gritted teeth.

Rowan's mossy green eyes were wide and she hesitated in answering; if looks could kill she surely would have dropped dead by now.

The teenage girl had never witnessed such an expression of animosity and although she knew…she just knew that it was not directed towards her personally, it still caused a shiver of panic to tear down her spine.

She shouldn't have accepted his ride…she should have just ignored Allison and went to find Stiles like she wanted to.

His look faltered and he reached out; Rowan gasped as his warm, rough hand made contact with her bare thigh, squeezing it gently and stroking the inner skin with calloused fingertips.

Derek's touch was scalding, burning through her like a raging fire, licking at her every nerve.

Rowan looked down at her lap before she covered his hand with one of her own and squeezed her thighs together, Derek's fingers getting trapped between.

Her almond eyes slid shut and her plump mouth released a sigh of agonized bliss.

Derek's touch was like heaven and hell all at the same time.

How could her emotions could do a complete 180? One moment of complete panic, the next sheer bliss?

When she finally opened her eyes to look at him, her pupils blew wide, skin flushing as her chest tightened in arousal and the brunette found it difficult to catch her breath.

"Please," Rowan lamented, her core throbbing. "Just take me home."

With a firm squeeze of her thigh, Derek nodded his head; it seemed as though all his ire had melted from his form at just her touch.

Her eyes stayed on Derek's frame as he drove, her dainty hand over his much larger paw that was still clasped onto her bare thigh. As much as she should have wanted him to remove it, she couldn't bear the thought of his touch being gone.

Who was Derek Hale and why did he make her feel this way?

Rowan finally turned her attention back to the road, noticing that they were close to her house.

She was puzzled. How did he know where she lived?

"How do you know where I live?" She questioned in perplexity, voicing her thoughts.

"Beacon Hills is a small town," He told her, he wasn't exactly lying.

As he was pulling into her driveway, Rowan removed her hand from over his and unbuckled her seatbelt.

Finally, Derek moved his hand from her thigh but instead grasped her hand before she could open the door.

She turned and looked at him questioningly.


Derek only let go of her hand and lifted his own to graze his fingers against her jaw line and down her slim neck.

Rowan swallowed at his touch and his close proximity.

She could see the lust in his eyes. She could only imagine that they mirrored her own.

"I'll be seeing you." He told her, moving away and staring out the windshield.

Rowan's mouth was agape and she hurriedly got out of the car, only looking back once to see Derek staring at her as she made her way to the front door of her house.

She quickly unlocked the door, slamming it shut once she was inside and pressing her back up against it.

Tossing her bag and sweater to the floor, Rowan reached down to bunch up her skirt around her hips in a frenzy.

She couldn't wait.

Her breathing was rough and ragged. Her body was aflame with desire that needed to be sated.

Rowan pulled her cotton panties to the side with one hand, the other immediately ghosted over the small patch of dark, coarse hair at her mound before her middle and ring finger ghosted over her clit and dove into her silken folds, already moist with arousal.

She teased her lips apart, gathering the nectar from her weeping core before carrying out a tender assault on the tiny bud at the apex. Her fingers swirled, alternating pressure.

Rowan slid down the door, thighs spreading wide as she sat, her hips grinding down and thrusting towards her fingers for more purchase.

Her head fell back, thumping against the door as her green eyes slid shut in ecstasy and she released a guttural moan. She saw Derek in her mind; felt his mouth ghosting over her skin, his touch replacing her own. Rowan imagined it was his calloused fingers rubbing her sensitive pearl.

She trailed her fingers down her slit once again and to her entrance, first sheathing one and then another finger into her pussy. Her first few thrusts were tentative, stretching her open before her fingers plunged deeply inside; she was ripe and swollen.

Rowan could only fantasize about how it would feel if instead of her fingers, they were Derek's…or better yet, his cock.

Oh, how he had corrupted her thoughts.

Each of her thrusts were harder than the last, her fingers curled, pressing harshly into a fleshy spot deep within, her thumb took its place at her clit, flicking back and forth in time with her plunging fingers.

Rowan could feel herself tightening around her unrelenting fingers, body wounding like a rubber band ready to snap at any moment.

Her back arched, hips baring down as a sharp, keening cry tore from her plump lips, signifying her release. Pleasure rippled through her, blood humming through her veins as she collapsed back against the door. Shattered from her climax, Rowan slowly drew her fingers from her core, her thighs still quivering and now damp with her juices.

Green eyes fluttered open, lids hooded in satisfaction and skin flush from the elevated heat her body held. She looked at her fingers, coated in her arousal and she wondered what Derek would have done in this moment.

She could see him in her head, taking her fingers into his mouth, his tongue twisting and sucking them clean. Would she have done the same if it had been his fingers that had made her come to rapture? Would he have brought his head between her legs—

She could feel his mouth on her…his tongue…his warm breath a caress…

"Oh, God." Rowan groaned; already she could feel that familiar heat pooling at her core again.

But before she could act on it, her phone buzzed and the shrill ring that told her it was Stiles blared through the silence, startling her from her impure thoughts.

She wiped her still damp fingers across her shirt before reaching across the floor and into her bag, pulling out her cell phone.

"Hello?" She answered breathlessly, dazed and mellowed as she was slumped up against the front door.

"Scott just went all werewolf!" Stiles exclaimed.

Rowan's brows furrowed, her arousal dissipating drastically.

"What do you mean he just went all werewolf?"

"I told him how I saw you and Allison get in the car with Derek and he flipped! He completely wolfed out and jumped from the window!"

"Come get me and we'll go out and look for him!" She told him, hanging up the phone and rushing upstairs to clean up and change into something more warm and comfortable.

Hopefully she had enough time to gather her wits and compose herself before Stiles arrived.

Stiles and Rowan were driving around all night looking for Scott. They both let out a relieved sigh when they finally spotted him walking alongside the road just as daylight broke.

Stiles pulled up next to him as Rowan rolled down the window.

"C'mon, get in."

She crawled in back as Scott opened the passenger side door and climbed in.

Rowan was sprawled out in back, half asleep.

"I covered for you." She told Scott. "With Allison. Even though I shouldn't have. I told her you forgot your mom needed the car. I know it wasn't the best excuse but it was all I could think of at the moment."

"Thanks Row." He mumbled.

All three of the teenagers were clearly exhausted. Rowan could barely even hold her eyes open.

"Let's just go home, and get some sleep. We can talk about Scott's little werewolf adventures in the afternoon. Yeah?" The dark haired girl muttered, already half asleep.

After they had dropped Scott off, Stiles drove to Rowan's.

"You know, you can always just come sleep at mine?"

Rowan declined telling him she wanted to sleep in her own bed as well as complaining about his snoring. After the night she just had, she wanted some time to herself.

"I'll pick you up later?" Stiles asked her as he pulled into her driveway.

"Yeah, I still need to get my car too." She told him, climbing out of the jeep and giving a sleepy smile. "I'll see you later, pumpkin."

They bid each other goodbye and Rowan made her way into the house, making sure all the doors were locked and checking to see if there were any messages or missed calls.

When everything seemed to be as she liked, Rowan lugged herself up the stairs and when she reached her room, she was dead asleep before her head even reached the pillow.

A/N: So this is the end of chapter two. It's not much (at least not to me) but I promise next chapter there is a lot more Derek/Rowan action! Next chapter begins with Derek's POV. It's turning out to be quite long so I may split it into two chapters. And it contains some solo Derek smut so prepare yourselves!

I apologize for any spelling/grammatical errors.

Also, would anyone be interested in a Twilight story (I swear I hate this saga…I read it years ago and only watched the first two movies and loathe Bella Swan's character but I've been thinking about it a lot lately, I don't know why)? I'm just itching to write something alongside this story that way I can turn to either one if I get a little stuck on the other…if that made any sense. Or a The Vampire Diaries story. Maybe something polyamorous. I'm even thinking about a Deucalion story that would be much darker or a Scott and Female!Stiles pairing. I don't know, I like me some smutty, alpha male mate romances…I'll put up a poll of ideas and let you all decide!

Irrelevant to this story…Do any of you watch Bob's Burgers? That show is my life! I've been rewatching season after season on repeat and I never get sick of it!