The sky was very beautiful that night. The darkness was unscathed by any dull clouds, and shone like a deed blue velvet canopy, sprinkled with a dusting of tiny glitter shards that humans called the stars. Beneath this lovely blanket, two figure were standing barefooted on a yellow landing stage by a calm river.

Jenna Heap wasn't looking at the glorious night time fabric that stretched above her head, but rather at the young man who was in front of her. He has, she thought, such amazing eyes. They were such a beautiful shade of deep brown, like a melted chocolate ocean. She could never understand how she had never realised this before two and a half years, perhaps longer. But she would have more than her twenty-three years of life to stare at them, and so instead she decided to talk

"I'm so glad that I came out here tonight" she sighed "I wish that I could stay with you out here for eternity"

"I wish that we could do that too. Maybe we could one day" Beetle smiled at the thought of spending the rest of his years with the love of his life, but then felt butterflies at what he was about to ask. What if she didn't want this? He could be shunned out… but he hoped that could never happen. Whatever did happen, he still would love Jenna for eternity… and beyond. He looked at her beautiful self and thought about all those moments they had shared, like the day she was born- the day he felt that stir in his heart that he thought could maybe be love. Or the time that he saw her for the first time in years at the wizard tower, and couldn't understand how she knew his name. And on the queste, and finding her pin. Then on her coronation, and a few months after that when he had confessed to her finally he loved her, and to his amazement she felt the same. And every day since then had been amazing… her 16th birthday, the day that he got her a dragon toy because she was sick of jewellery, and some days when it had been nothing but them, together. The kaleidoscope of memories somehow made him a bit more confident

"Jenna?" he asked, still nervously, though not as much

"Yes?" she said eagerly, turning to him

"Well, I have been wanting to ask you something"

"Something big?" (I'm feel it happening and it's outta my control, pushing, pulling and it's grabbing me, feel it in my bones like, oh wo-oh oh wo-oh oh- sorry, back with the story)

"A bit big"

She waited patiently

"Well, I've loved you for as long as I can remember, and I think that you are the most amazing person I have ever met. You're kind, brave, funny, beautiful and everything amazing about the world. You're my world, and the only person I completely, wholly trust with everything, and I love you more than the air I breathe. I hope you know that I'll always feel like this, and I hope that you might feel the same"

"I do" she had tears of joy in her eyes "forever"

"So, I wanted to ask you if" he dropped to his knees and got out a simple, but stunningly lovely diamond ring. "Jenna, heap, would you marry me?"

Jenna felt joy rush through her blood, and she half-whispered, half-sobbed her answer "Yes, a thousand times yes!"

They ran into each other's arms, not needing any words but four

"I love you Jenna"

"I love you Beetle"

The End

-Ok, so this was the last chapter! You can cry now, but you also have permission to cringe and read some better stuff. As I am a giant ball of cheese, I would like to give out some mentions and stuff

1) Lady Lysithia, for giving me nice reviews and writing great fanfiction

2) Lattes, for giving me the energy to live

3) The Vamps, for being the soundtrack of my life and having awesome songs

4) The internet, for being completely useless at helping me with writing a marriage proposal

5) My amazing friends. If you read this, sorry I didn't do it at sunset and see you at school on Friday and afterwards. Also, did we have biology HW? Sorry for desperately relying on you for chocolate Sophie.

6) Angie Sage, for creating these amazing, adorable and hilarious characters, even if some have a bad taste in shoes *cough Marcia cough*

Ps, check out my quiz on buzzfeed: princessjennalie10/what-septimus-heap-character-are-you
