Saturday morning arrived with an early phone call that dragged them from slumber while it was still dark outside. A body was discovered in the underbrush of a nearby park and their weekend was swept away by the investigation. The two women shared fleeting moments, mostly surrounding the case.
Thursday morning Jane had a moment to catch her breath. While Korsak was stuck on the phone, she offered to follow up with the lab. Her eagerness was barely contained and he waved her off with a smirk.
As Jane neared Maura's office, she slowed her steps. Outside the door she lingered out of sight, observing. Maura's attention shifted between an open file and her laptop. A pair of reading glasses slipped down her nose and she nudged them up with a fingertip. Jane's stomach fluttered and she couldn't stop herself from smiling. "Hey."
Maura looked up and grinned. The detective took a few steps inside and closed the door, before resting against the frame. She wondered what revelations about the case required a private meeting and her brow furrowed. "Hi. Everything okay?"
"Yeah. Why?"
The doctor raised an eyebrow. "Closed door?"
"Oh, um…yeah." Her face heated up, too embarrassed to confess her true intentions. "Thought a few minutes of quiet would be nice."
Maura removed her glasses and set them in the open eyeglass container. She stood up and walked around her desk, folder in hand. Unsure how to greet Jane, she stopped several inches away and held out the file. "I was going to call you. Toxicology reports are complete on your victim."
Jane accepted the folder, but didn't open it. "Thanks."
Her disinterest in the results were concerning and Maura studied her carefully. Jane's hair was pulled back in a tight ponytail and her rumpled shirt was coming untucked on one side. "Have you slept?"
"Not much. I'm running on coffee and powdered donuts." As soon as the words left her mouth, Jane stiffened, preparing for a lecture.
Maura frowned, "I should've brought you something."
Caught in the blonde's orbit, Jane leaned forward. Her voice was soft, "You don't have to do that."
"I know. I also know that despite your protests, you function better on non-processed foods."
"Brain food?" Jane teased.
Maura chuckled. "Something like that. If you're not here to pester me about the labs, to what do I owe the honor?"
"We've barely seen each other since…" She broke eye contact but the shy grin hinted at what she meant.
The sweet confession made Maura dizzy, but she couldn't resist prodding the detective. "We often go days without much interaction during a case."
"That was before I had your tongue in my mouth."
Jane's boldness surprised her and she gasped. Images of their night together flashed through her mind. "I've missed you too."
Jane angled closer and whispered, "Do you have any idea the things I imagine when you're dressed like that?"
Maura suppressed a groan. She clutched at Jane's hips, steadying herself. "I've worn this dress several times, Jane. I don't recall you acting out of character on any of those occasions."
"Just because I never acted on impulse, doesn't mean I wasn't daydreaming." She waggled her eyebrows and grinned. "Each time I wanted to pull you over to the couch and…" Unable to vocalize her thoughts, she threw her head back and sighed. "God, Maur. A few days away from you and you've reduced me to a fourteen year old boy."
Maura slid her arms around Jane's waist and drew her closer. "You certainly don't kiss like one."
Those words were enough to propel Jane into action. She leaned down and captured Maura's lips, causing her to moan. Rather than deepen it, Jane shifted to the corner of her mouth. The trail continued along her jaw, alternating a faint nip followed by an open kiss. She nuzzled Maura's neck and breathed deeply, becoming drunk on Maura's perfume. "God you smell amazing."
As she lost herself in Jane's touch, Maura felt exhilarated. It reminded her of the weightlessness she experienced the first time she rode a rollercoaster. She turned her head, inviting Jane to continue her exploration. "Mmm."
"When this case is finished, we're taking vacation. I don't intend to come up for air for at least a week."
Maura chuckled and tangled her fingers in dark, wavy hair. "I'll be impressed if you can stay out more than two days."
"There's plenty to keep me occupied." She moved closer, kissing lower until her mouth lingered over Maura's chest. Lips dusted across the constellation of freckles, teasing the skin and causing the blonde to tighten her hold.
Each sensation caused her body to tingle with excitement. With reluctance, she pushed Jane away, but kept a hand on her shoulder. "You make it very difficult to focus on work."
Jane grinned. "That's the idea."
Maura slid her palm down so it rested against Jane's chest. The rapid beat was steady against her and she imagined it mimicked her own. She gave Jane a quick kiss and sighed. "I'm all yours the minute we finish this case."
"I'm gonna hold you to that."
Unable to resist a little torment, she gave Jane a sultry smirk. "You can hold me wherever you like, detective."
Jane's lips parted, but she couldn't speak. She swallowed hard.
Pleased by the response, Maura decided they should return to the matter at hand. She lifted Jane's arm, reminding her of the file she still clutched. "Did I mention lab results? I'm not sure they'll facilitate an arrest."
Every part of her wanted to remain with Maura, but the job never waited. With reluctance she nodded. "Alright. Back to business."
Maura sat on the edge of her desk, pleased when Jane sat next to her, their arms brushing. "No signs of alcohol in his bloodstream."
Jane flipped open the report, confirming the results herself. "None?" She glanced up to Maura, puzzled by the revelation.
"No." Maura pointed to another area of the report. "An examination of his organs showed no sign of liver damage either."
"So not a reckless alcoholic?" Jane suspected the answer, but wanted to hear Maura's definitive explanation.
"I understand he was presented as a chronic drinker and was allegedly drunk the night he died." Maura took the file from Jane, waving it between them. "These results show not only were there no signs of an alcohol problem, but at most he was a casual drinker."
"And definitely wasn't driving drunk that night."
"Certainly not."
"Are there other things…" Jane paused, trying to come up with a way to ask her question. "I know there are medical reasons why someone might appear drunk to an outside observer."
"True. There were no signs of any drug, legal or otherwise, in his system. Nor did I detect any health problems that would exhibit as drunken behavior."
"Which means his roommate lied to me," her jaw tightened.
Watching Jane shift to detective mode was oddly arousing. It always amazed her how she was tender one moment and detached the next. "You'll be questioning the roommate I gather?"
For a moment, Jane's mind was drawn away from solving her case. Maura's eyes were twinkling as she stared back wishing she didn't have to leave. "I believe I'll be reserving one of our fine interrogation rooms for him."
The doctor chuckled and reached out to brush her fingers over Jane's. "Go get your man," she teased. "Lunch?"
Jane frowned. "I'm gonna be tied up with this for at least the next few hours." Watching Maura's expression falter brought an unexpected hatred for her job in that moment. "What about dinner?"
Maura brightened. "I'd love to have dinner." She paused and crinkled her nose. "Wait. Have I just agreed to a meal that's delivered through a window?"
"To think I was gonna cook for you." Jane dropped her gaze, pretending to be disappointed.
"Mmm…I'll believe it when I see it." She caressed Jane's cheek with her thumb. "You're exhausted. What about a raincheck on cooking? We'll pick something up on the way home?"
"You're perfect." She bent over to kiss Maura's cheek before walking to the door.
Already a step into the hall, she paused to look back. "Yeah?"
"I…" she hesitated. The silence made her feel foolish, but instead of mocking Jane beamed.
"I know," she whispered. "Me too."
With that, Maura watched Jane disappear from view. She dropped into her chair with a heavy sigh. Dinner was a long way off.
After Jane left the morgue, she returned to the bullpen to update Korsak on the findings. They reread witness statements and compared the timetable outlined in Maura's report with the one provided by the victim's roommate.
It took hours to organize everything, but that afternoon a twenty-something man with shaggy hair sat shaking in the interrogation room. Jane knew without question he was guilty and applied steady pressure until he finally cracked.
The usual rush she felt when a case was brought to resolution was absent. His tear-filled confession left her disappointed and sad. Jane sat at her desk in silence after he was escorted to booking. Her attention was on the paperwork and she said little the remainder of the day.
"Everything okay over there?"
Jane lifted her head to find Korsak staring at her with concern. "I don't know," she shrugged. "I guess I don't get it."
He gave a nod of understanding. "People kill for less."
"Jealousy is such a shitty motive. They were friends for years. Then they both like the same girl and bam. He flips out and stages a car wreck to eliminate the competition."
"Men have been doing crazy things over women since the beginning of time."
Jane considered how often she drove herself crazy over Maura. Despite the pangs of jealousy she'd felt in the past, she never attacked someone to gain Maura's affections. "And I will never understand it."
Korsak tossed his pen onto a stack of papers. "I need a real cup of coffee. You want something?"
"Nah. If I have another cup, I might start vibrating. Don't tell Maura."
He laughed as he stood up. "Wouldn't dream of it."
Alone, Jane returned to her report, struggling to complete the final pages. Caught up in the work, she missed the steady click-clack of heels approaching.
Maura tsked when she saw Jane slumped over her desk. "That's terrible for your back."
The voice startled her, but Jane smiled at the interruption. "Maybe, but it saves my ass."
Maura tipped her head to the side. "I can't imagine how that's true."
"I meant it literally. This chair is awful. Leaning over saves my tailbone." She watched hazel eyes brighten and held up a hand. "I know what you're thinking and no."
"Jane," she huffed.
Her petulance caused Jane to smirk but she wouldn't cave. "Maura. You cannot buy me a chair. If the guys didn't steal it the first day then they'd just make fun of me."
"I…" she began to protest.
Maura frowned. "Fine."
"That pout doesn't have the effect on me that you believe it does."
She sat on the corner of Jane's desk and swung her legs into Jane's personal space. Once she had the detective's full attention she inched closer. Her warm breath tickled Jane's neck and she felt the other woman shiver. "Are you sure?"
Jane's eyes widened and she watched Maura sit up, a lecherous grin on her face. "You…I…" Her fumbling only served to further the blonde's amusement. "You're bad."
"Yes," she said and brushed her leg against Jane's. "But I'm very, very good at it."
The air rushed from her lungs in a silent whoosh. Unable to come up with a witty response, Jane could only blink. Her cheeks grew hot and she scooted backwards in her chair. She turned her attention to the loose papers scattered in front of her. After stacking them neatly she slipped them into the bottom drawer and turned the lock. As she stood up, she pocketed the keys.
Though pleased by Jane's nonverbal response, Maura was disappointed when the taller woman pulled away. Her lips tightened as she crossed her arms and glared at Jane.
Jane finished straightening her desk and tucked in her chair. She gave a surprised gasp when she noticed Maura's expression. "Are you really mad about the chair?"
The innocent expression on Jane's face created doubt and forced Maura to rethink her suspicions. She chastised herself for acting rash. It was possible Jane was rushing through her closing time routine so they could leave. "No." With concentrated effort she relaxed and managed a smile. Her knuckles brushed down the inside of Jane's arm. "I'm hoping we're still on for dinner."
Her shoulders slumped and she looked away. "I'm not sure I can."
It felt like Jane was brushing her off. Whenever they touched, the brunette was quick to put space between them. Maura's stomach churned at the nervousness Jane was exhibiting. Earlier, she seemed unconcerned with anyone seeing them together. However, that was on Maura's turf, not Jane's. The mismatched response made her bristle.
Jane watched Maura's smile fade and her body go rigid. It was as though Maura was closing herself off and Jane couldn't figure out why. "What's wrong?"
It was the first time in their friendship that Jane appeared embarrassed by their relationship. The way the detective's eyes darted around the room, scanning for possible spies, made her nauseous. "Really Jane?"
Her attention was still on the area around them so Jane missed Maura's growing irritation. "Yeah, really." She stepped closer, but was surprised when the blonde moved away. Jane looked at her, puzzled.
Maura didn't try to keep the edge out of her voice. "If my presence causes you discomfort, I can leave."
Jane chortled, caught between concern and amusement. "What?"
The burn of tears threatened her, but Maura took a deep breath to steady herself. When she felt settled enough to respond, her words were clipped. "You're searching the room like you're afraid someone will see us together."
Unsure how to respond, Jane stood frozen as Maura put more space between them. "I wasn't…" Her excuse was interrupted.
"I came to ask if you were ready to leave but I've lost my appetite." Maura rummaged through her purse until she pulled out her keys.
Though she felt guilty, Jane couldn't help ribbing her. "For someone that doesn't guess, you've got an impressive imagination." She couldn't tell if Maura wanted to cry or scream, but knew she had to act quickly. "I was looking for Korsak and he just walked in. Will you wait a minute? I gotta talk to him and then we're gonna come back to this."
If a clear exit was available, Maura would've fled the minute Jane turned. Worried she'd appear more foolish, she conceded. "Fine." She settled against Jane's desk and watched her approach the older detective.
Korsak shoved the pile of folders to one side to make room for his coffee. He'd noticed the exchange between the women and decided it best to appear busy. Jane ground the tip of her shoe against the floor. "Hey, um…"
He glanced up to catch Jane fidgeting and tried to remember the last time he'd seen her like that. No memories came to mind and he shifted his gaze to Maura. The doctor was ready to bolt and he covered his amusement with a cough. Nodding towards the blonde, he scrutinized Jane. "Whadja do this time?"
Aware he was teasing she responded with a slight smile. "Misunderstanding."
"Mmm…I have three failed marriages full of those."
"Um... I said I'd finish the paperwork tonight, but could it wait until morning?"
It was hard to cover his surprise but he managed a casual shrug. "I don't think I've ever witnessed you ask to leave work, but yeah. Get out of here."
Relief flooded her body and she visibly relaxed. "Thanks Korsak."
He settled into his chair and inched closer to his desk. Without looking up he managed one last poke. "Word of advice? Apologize now. It's quicker."
Jane chuckled and nodded. She took a deep breath and turned her attention to Maura. Though it appeared some of the anger faded, she was greeted with a wall of cool detachment. Jane reached for her jacket and slipped it on as she prepared to leave. Maura still hadn't spoken and she steeled herself against possible rejection. "Baby? You ready?"
Only Jane could shock the anger and disappointment out of her. Unable to hide her shock, Maura regarded her with confusion. Korsak was looking down at the work in front of him, but she noticed a faint smile. "Jane?"
Relieved that Maura was talking, Jane continued. "We're gonna miss getting a good table if we don't get a move on." She held out a hand and waited until Maura's fingers slipped between her own. They maneuvered toward the exit and paused at the elevators. "I'm driving."
The declaration snapped Maura from her fog. "Wait? Why?"
"I thought we'd go out to celebrate and I wanna eat before midnight. If I drive then you can call and get us a reservation somewhere."
She'd expected a belligerent response, but when Jane offered a logical explanation, Maura had no argument. "Oh."
Jane laughed and squeezed her hand. "Yeah. Oh." Without looking back, she called out as the doors opened. "Night, Korsak."
"Night ladies."
Without deliberation, Jane's hand slid around Maura's waist as she led them into the empty elevator. They waited in silence for the doors to close. Jane rocked forward on her feet and then slowly backwards. Her touch never wavered, but she was too nervous to face Maura.
Once the doors shut, the car began to move down. Maura stepped out of Jane's hold only to throw her arms around the taller woman's neck. Their lips crashed together and Jane stumbled, bracing herself against the wall as she wrapped her arms around Maura.
They continued the passionate embrace until their ride came to an abrupt stop. Jane broke away, gasping for breath. She rested her forehead against Maura's and reached up to stroke her hair. "I…wow. What um…What was that for?"
"I've reconsidered my feelings regarding a grand gesture."
Jane laughed and tugged her in for another kiss. The doors started to close and she thrust out an arm to keep them open for Maura to exit. Jane wrapped an arm around her shoulders, allowing the blonde to lead them through the garage.
They walked in stride to Maura's car. Outside the driver's door, Maura whirled around, chagrined. "I'm sorry for before. I thought you were embarrassed to be close to me."
She tipped her head to the side, softening when she noticed fear reflected in Maura's expression. "I'd never…" The rush of emotions formed a lump in her throat and she paused to calm herself. "You are incredible and I'm grateful you're in my life. If I let a few little rumors keep us apart then I'd be an idiot."
"You're really okay with all this." It wasn't a question, but her tone held a certain wonderment at Jane's sense of calm.
As words didn't come easily to her, Jane let actions speak instead. She leaned in and brushed her lips against Maura's. It was meant to be a light reassurance, but a spark of desire coursed through her. She pinned Maura to the car with her own body and groaned against her mouth.
When she pulled away, Jane gave her a tender smile and watched how Maura swayed slightly, eyes closed. "Satisfied? I mean we can do it in front of my mother. It'll make the rounds by morning."
Maura giggled and grabbed the edges of Jane's blazer to pull her closer. "That won't be necessary."
"Good," Jane showed clear relief. "Not that I wouldn't, but Ma's in my business enough already. What are you thinking about food?"
Maura gave a sly look and didn't try hiding her lascivious expression. Eyes trailed leisurely over Jane's body. "Well," she paused to ensure she had Jane's attention. "What about breakfast in bed? At your place."
Jane missed the suggestive tone and started to protest. "That's fine for tomorrow but what about ton…" The blonde stared at her with disbelief until she figured out what she meant. "Oh!" Without another word, she rushed to the other side of the car and slipped into the passenger seat without protest.
Her laughter echoed through the parking garage and she shook her head with amusement at Jane's response. "Take that friend zone."
A/N: It's the end of the road. Hope you enjoyed the story and how it wrapped up. Thank you so much for the follows, favorites, reviews. I've appreciated them so much. Until next time...