My Note: Sorry this has taken so long. I've had to deal with end of the year school stuff and adjusting to new medication for ADD since summer started. Not much of an excuse but oh well. I am glad to see you guys generally like my interpretation of fire magic though. Anyways, please leave a review telling me what you think of this chapter and anything you think I may be able to improve on. It would really help. Thank you!

Edit: Oh, also, I noticed that whenever I upload a chapter on this website, random words seem to get cut out for no apparent reason. It's been a while so I don't know if it's still happening or if it's been fixed, but I just thought I should let you know.

Disclaimer: I do not own Undertale or Prototype

Alex and Dana walked down a long passage way as they made their way out of the ruins. Eventually, it opened up into a large room eerily similar to the one in which the first met both Flowey and Toriel. The first thing he noticed upon entering the room was a patch of grass in the center, illuminated by a hole in the ceiling of the cave. In the middle of the grass stood that very same flower creature, smiling up at them smugly in sadistic amusement.

Without even a microsecond of hesitation, Alex morphed into his armored form with his claws out and was about to stab the ground to make another bulletproof shell around Dana before pouncing. However, it appeared Flowey was just as prepared for this encounter as he was. "Ah ah ah." he chided mockingly. Before Alex could do anything his and Dana's souls appeared in front of them and nearly a dozen spinning white pellets formed a ring around Dana's head, just inches from her skull.

"Craaaap..." Dana groaned in a mix of fear and frustration as she did her best not to move.

Seeing this terror bolted through Alex, he froze in place before morphing back to his base form and slowly raising his hands into the air to show he was unarmed and wouldn't attack. "What do you want, you GOD DAMN WEED?!" Alex spat hatefully, unable to keep himself from shouting in rage. He was loud enough that Dana could feel the force of the sound as if she was standing next to a loud speaker at a heavy metal concert, causing her to cringe in pain as it hurt her ears.

"Golly, now is that any way to treat a friend?" Flowey said pretending to look hurt by Alex's words. "Don't worry. I'm not here to hurt either of you. I just want to talk a bit." He chuckled in amusement. Looking at Dana he said, "That was veeeery clever. I bet you feel really great. You didn't kill anybody this time, but what will you do when you meet a relentless killer? You'll die, and you'll die, and you'll die, until you tire of trying. What will you do then, will you kill out of frustration, or perhaps let your older brother kill for you, or will you give up entirely on this world... and let me inherit the power to control it?"

"What do you...?" Dana started but Flowey cut her off.

Looking at Alex he began to laugh hysterically. "You on the other hand, you're not even human are you? As if your soul and abilities weren't a dead give away from the start, now that I examine you, I can't see your name or even what you are, but you have waaay more EXP then even I do! I can't even imagine how much you've killed..." He stated, seemingly impressed. "Well, you certainly aren't a monster either, no monster has a soul as strong as yours or that looks like yours. The only thing I can think of to describe you would be a demon, I mean with that much EXP you must be from Hell right?" Flowey grinned mockingly.

"Fuck you! If I'm a 'demon', how about I drag you to hell right after I tear you to shreds, you bastard!?" Alex hissed furiously.

Ignoring him Flowey continued. "Well, Mr. Demon, I'm even more eager to see what you do then what your sister does. Will you be able to restrain your self, will you kill just to protect your sister, or after seeing her die over and over, will you finally just break and wipe out the entire underground? I mean just seeing her die once seemed to drive you mad. After killing that ghost I'm almost certain you would have kept killing everything had she not reset. I'm almost tempted to kill her now just to see what you would do, but no. This is sooo much more interesting."

With that Flowey disappeared into the ground, and the pellets around Dana's head disappeared, causing her to sigh in relief. Alex lowered his arms, and his tendrils began thrashing around him violently. He was practically shaking from frustration and rage as he stared at the spot where Flowey had been.

"How did he know I could reset time, let alone remember what happened before I did?" Dana thought to her self. "And wait, did he say you killed Napstablook?! What the...? How can you...? Is it even possible to kill a ghost?!"

"I don't remember, but apparently so." Alex shook his head. "I told you we have to be careful with your ability. If he can remember you're resets it only makes sense that others would be able to as well." He growled. "Arg... For now, let's just keep moving."

As he and Dana crossed the room the temperature dropped significantly. Alex pushed open the door leading out of the ruins. Stepping outside they both noticed they were inside an absolutely gigantic cavern. The ground was pure white with snow, and they were surrounded by a dense forest. Everything was illuminated by dozens upon dozens of massive brightly glowing stones on the roof of the cavern which was high enough to let Alex jump with his full strength and still have plenty of room to spare.

"Whoa..." Dana said in awe of the sight as she looked around.

Alex mainly focused on the landscape, trying to figure out the best ways to use the environment to their advantage in a fight. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed something small and shiny in a nearby bush. Curious, he moved to investigate. Pushing a few branches out of the way he saw what looked like a surveillance camera, he must have been standing in just the right position and noticed light reflecting off of it's lens.

"What are you looking at?" Dana asked, walking over to see for her self. Her expression became confused when she saw the camera.

The lens adjusted it's self as the camera focused on them. Alex scowled darkly, grabbing the camera he tore it off the metal stand it had been attached to, causing several electrical wires connecting them to snap and spark as they broke apart. He crushed the camera in his hand and threw the ruined device to the ground.

"A surveillance camera." He growled in annoyance. "We should keep our guard up, these things are probably scattered around everywhere and that means were going to constantly be watched from here on out. They'll know exactly where we are at all times, and they'll probably send soldiers to ambush us." He explained grimly, scanning the area with his thermal vision.

"If we get separated somehow, be on the look out for cameras, try to find a safe place to hide and I'll come find you. If you get attacked by monsters that you can't reason with before I can find you, just remember to use your knife and aim for vital organs or major arteries and veins, if you can find them, to kill them as quickly as possible. Only use your reset ability as an absolute last resort, understand? The less we have to use it, the better."

Dana sighed in resignation. "I understand. Seriously though, we took this trip to help you learn to relax, but since we fell down here you seem more paranoid then ever. I'm really starting to regret my decision to visit this mountain."

Alex berated himself mentally, scratching the back of his head through his hood uncertainly. "Sorry, Dana... Right now I just want to keep you safe. I promise once we get out of here and find a way to turn you back into an adult, we can go on another vacation at some point. I know you've always wanted to visit the beach, so why don't we go there this summer or something? Ever since I consumed some fish from the Aquarium the water doesn't hurt me anymore, after all. I'll try to let my guard down a little then."

Dana smiled at him, "Thanks, Alex..." With that she started down the snowy path ahead. Alex stayed where he was, looking down at the ground, pieces of the shattered camera strewn about haphazardly beneath him. Finally he followed after her, quickly catching up.

Suddenly they heard a loud snap from behind them, turning they saw a large hefty looking stick they had passed completely snapped in half. It would have taken more then a bit of force to break a stick that large. "What the..." Dana muttered to her self while Alex immediately activated his thermal vision and began scanning the trees around them but was unable to find anything.

On edge they continued forward. Suddenly Alex heard an extra set of footsteps and out of the corner of his eye saw a strange silhouette move behind a tree. Morphing his arm into his whip fist he threw it at the tree as hard as he could, piercing right through it and smashing it in half as he tried to grab whatever was hiding on the other side. However as his claw gripped down where it was supposed to be, Alex was shocked to discover that there was nothing there. He retracted his arm as the tree started to fall over into the forest.

Continuing on Alex's senses were on high alert, and he began to utilize a series of high pitched clicks that were inaudible to everything but him to monitor the surrounding area, similar to how a bat uses echolocation to navigate in the dark. It was one of the many new abilities he had gained from killing and consuming Pariah, while many of his others had been greatly enhanced and he had gained the ability to freely alter and control his cells as he desired where as in the past he was limited to only a few set transformations.

He was unable to detect anything around them except for a few stray rodents or insects until they finally came across a bridge, with what looked to be a horribly designed gate with gaps large enough to walk through in the middle of it. Suddenly he and Dana heard footsteps behind them and his echolocation detected a strangely shaped being about the size of Dana walking up to them, which had appeared out of no where. Finally once the being was right behind them, Alex spun around and grabbed at it faster then the human eye could follow. Somehow he missed even though his hand was in the exact spot where the creature had been standing a split second ago. All he had caught was empty air.

"hey now. is that any way to greet a new pal?" Said a strange looking skeleton monster with a huge smile on it's face standing behind them, it's hands in the pockets of it's jacket.

"New pal?" Alex rolled his eyes. "Don't make me laugh. Why were you sneaking up on us? If you were planning to ambush us and take us by surprise, you failed miserably."

"nah. you two are human right? i am supposed to be on watch for humans right now, but... y'know... i don't really care about capturing anybody. now my brother papyrus, he's a human-hunting FANATIC, though he's pretty harmless. i was actually planing to surprise you so i could play a prank on you two... but you don't exactly seem to have the best sense of humor so i'll hold off."

"Wow, are you a skeleton?" asked Dana in amazement. She remembered meeting Napstablook so she wasn't surprised to learn there were other undead monsters, but she hadn't expected to meet another one so soon.

"yup. the name's sans, nice to meet ya." He casually held out his hand to Dana for a handshake.

Trying to be polite she returned the gesture, grasping his hand. As soon as she did there was a loud farting noise. Sans chuckled retracting his hand and putting it back in the pocket of his jacket. "the old whoopee cushion in the hand trick. it's ALWAYS funny. anyways, you seem to have a much better since of humor then this guy." He said motioning towards Alex.

"Yeah, sorry about him. He's way too serious some times." Dana stated.

"don't worry about it, my brother's pretty much the same. he doesn't have much of a funny-bone either." Sans looked behind them. "hey, actually, i think that's him over there. hey, i have an idea. go through this gate thingy. yeah, go right through. my bro made the bars too wide to stop anyone."

Dana shrugged and began walking across the bridge before Alex could object, leaving him no choice but to follow her.

"quick, behind that conveniently-shaped lamp." Sans told Dana pointing her to a strange lamp that matched her outline almost exactly next to a strange booth like structure. "you hide somewhere too." He told Alex.

Dana went and hid behind the lamp without a moment's hesitation while Alex reluctantly went and hid behind a tree, ready to spring into action at a moment's notice if necessary.

Suddenly a very tall skeleton wearing a strange costume came hurrying into the clearing. "sup, bro?" Sans asked nonchalantly.

"You Know What 'Sup,' Brother!" The tall skeleton declared loudly. "It's Been Days And You Still Haven't Re-calibrated. You're. Puzzles! You Just Hang Around Outside Your Station! What Are You Even Doing?!"

"staring at this lamp. it's really cool. do you wanna look?" Sans asked.

Alex's tendrils thrashed internally. He knew they shouldn't have trusted the skeleton. He released tendrils into the ground in preparation to impale the two skeletons should Papyrus whom Sans had designated as a "human-hunting fanatic" discover Dana.

"NO!" Papyrus shouted. "I Don't Have Time For That! What If A Human Comes Through Here!? I Want To Be Ready! I Will Be The One! I Must Be The One! I Will Capture A Human! Then, I, The Great Papyrus Will Get All The Things I Utterly Deserve! Respect... Recognition... I Will Finally Be Able To Join The Royal Guard! People Will Ask, To, Be My, 'Friend?' I Will Bath In A Shower Of Kisses Every Morning."

"hmm... maybe this lamp will help you." Sans suggested. Alex had a thin sharp tendril poke up out of the ground behind Sans and poke him in the back of the skull threateningly. "...or maybe not..." Sans muttered, the odd lights in his eyes going out, leaving only empty black eye sockets.

Papyrus didn't seem to notice instead he started stomping the ground furiously like a child throwing a temper tantrum. "Sans! Not Helping! You Lazybones! All You Do Is Sit And Boondoggle! You Get Lazier And Lazier Every Day!"

The light's in Sans' eye sockets reappeared. "hey, take it easy." He paused and looked in Alex's direction. Alex slowly retracted the tendril, getting the message. Sans looked back at Papyrus. "i've gotten a ton of work done today. a skele-ton." He winked.

"Sans!" Papyrus shouted indignantly.

"come on. you're smiling." Sans stated.

"I Am And I Hate It!" Papyrus sighed. "Why Does Someone As Great As Me Have To Do So Much Just To Get Some Recognition..."

"Wow, it really sounds like you're working yourself... down to the bone." Sans winked

"Ugh! I Will Attend To My Puzzles... As For Your Work? Put A Little More 'Back Bone' into it!" With that Papyrus began to laugh proudly before walking away. Turning around he came back and let out one more laugh before actually leaving.

"okay, you can come out now." Sans stated.

"Thanks for hiding us, Sans, even though you almost gave me away a couple of times there." Dana stated.

"no prob... you oughta get going. he might come back. and if he does... you'll have to sit through more of my hilarious jokes." Sans chuckled winking at Dana.

"Alright, see yeah later, Sans!" Dana waved as she and Alex walked away.

"actually, hey... hate to bother ya, but can you do me a favor?" Sans called out. "I was thinking... my brother's been kind of down lately... he's never seen a human before. and seeing you might just make his day. don't worry, like I said, he's not dangerous. even if he tries to be."

"Sure, we'll try talking to him a bit if we run into him, and don't worry, I'll keep my older brother under control." Dana told him.

"thanks a million. i'll be up ahead." Sans stated before walking off back towards the bridge.