It started out as a Friendly Match between Yuuri's Best Man, Phichit Chulanot, and the Flower Girls, the Nishigori Triplets. Or conversely; phichit+chu and sukeota3sisters. The four had been mutual followers for a long time now because of their unlikely bond to take pictures of Yuuri in his natural habitat on and off the ice.
The Friendly Match was simple, the competitors must take as much as pictures as they can and should choose their most favourite shot of all, the photo which they deem worthy to win a "Gold Medal." The person with the most liked picture wins the match and gets to give any kind of pictorial request for the newly married couple to do (Victor agreed to this arrangement, Yuuri vehemently tried to discourage them—which of course had simply encouraged the competitors to give their best). And so, the friendly match started.
Of course Phichit did not rig all of those "Wedding Pranks" for nothing, it was all for this little game. The numerous jump scares, the leaked Stag Night Pictures, the Cake Chris Surprise, and lastly his operation to "cool down Yuuri in the pool." But he has to admit that the Triplets made it into a tough competition.
The Triplets had taken very good shots of the couple too. There was this nicely shot picture of Victor and Yuuri along with the whole entourage goofing around, another shot before the wedding where Victor and Yuuri were crying happily, a beautiful shot of Yuuri walking down the aisle, and a ridiculous picture of the cake-fight which commenced after Chris playfully threw a piece of cake into Victor's face. He had the same shot on that one, but he agrees that the Triplets managed to take a better shot at a good angle. It must be because there's three of them taking pictures of the same scene. Still, that doesn't mean that the King of Selfies would lose this fight.
So there it was, minutes before 12:00 AM. The deadline. Phichit and the Triplets were lounging at the couch in the suite Victor and Yuuri acquired. The newly-wedded couple, tired and groggy from their wedding that transpired on that day (exhausted from all those crying, marriage rituals, tiring company that kept them busy, and definitely not because of Victor's old age). Their eyes trained on the number of likes their chosen pictures are garnering; Phichit chose one of the Stag Night pictures where the drunk couple were half-naked and amusingly kissing each other senseless (plus the recently iconic "Phichit (photobombing) on the side"), the Triplets chose a breath-taking shot of the couple, crying happily on the aisle. When the grandfather clock on the side chimed 12, Phichit and Axel took a screenshot at the same time.
All of them groaned when they saw the results. It was a TIE. Then all four competitors cheered when they realized they could all win the prize.
"What's with all the noise..." Yuuri groans as he and Victor leans over the four.
"WE ALL WON THE GAME!" Phichit, Axel, Lutz, and Loop beamed at them,
"What game?" Victor inquires,
"Don't you dare
"Victor Nikiforov-Katsuki
The four of them menacingly glared,
"Are you talking about that Instagram thing?" Yuuri asks, fiddling through his phone,
"Yes!" The four of them happily replied,
"Oh, that one." Victor smiles, "Yurio won actually."
Yuuri shows them the picture with the tags #FamilyPic #Victuri #VicturiWedding #FakeAdoption #ForTheGame #Win
Its a picture of Victor and Yuuri hugging Yurio in the middle of them, everyone smiling, and then there's Yurio holding up some legally-looking documents.
"And oh yeah, don't tell Yurio that those Adoption Papers were legit. Just not yet." Victor winks, Yuuri smiles sheepishly.
The four gape at them.