Polar Star Dorm

I don't own SnS :(

AN: This is in a world where central didn't happen.

The PSD was different than what Erina thought it would be like. Rumours had it that the Polar Star Dorm was haunted, and that Fumio had been alive for over 200 years. To Erina, it certainly looked that way from the outside. However, it was, the first polar opposite in the interior(see what I did there?). It was pretty normal and orthodox. Everything looked clean and tidy. The floors were so well cleaned that you could see your reflection. The kitchen was spotless, and it looked as if it had never been used before, when obviously, it had been. "Erina, you there?" A voice next to her said.

"I'm fine!" Erina quickly retorted. She looked at the state-of-the-art technology in the fridge. "Why's that there?"

"Alice brought some of her stuff here because she visits pretty often," Soma replied. "But, none of us know how to use it." He laughed. "Basically, it just sits there-"

"Hello!" A cheery voice interrupted. Erina looked up to around to see who spoke. She couldn't see anyone so she looked up. There he was, Isshiki Satoshi, smiling down at them through the roof. Needless to say, Erina shrieked from horror and surprise. He jumped down, half-naked, which scared the living daylights out of her. She stumbled back in to Soma.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" She screamed. Then, somewhere upstairs, she heard someone yelling.

"Nooo! I won't let you smoke Mr. Mister!" Erina heard a childish voice yell. She looked around to see Ibusaki Shun(Hisako had told her about Soma's friends) trying to get past said girl while holding a half dead salmon. "Mr. Mister is mine! I wanna cook him!" Erina wondered how Soma and Hisako could even be near these people for over half an hour.

Seeing Erika's confused face, Soma smiled. "Don't worry, they're the best once you get to know them." It didn't seem like it to her. They seemed like a huge nuisance. Just then, the door opened behind her.

"Erina-sama?" A voice said from behind her.

Sorry for the short chapter, I just felt like I had to put out a chapter. The length will be longer from now on, but there will be less chapters. Anyways, till next time.