Ash's POV

I inhaled in the scent of the theater. It smelt like melting vanilla bubbling in a pot on the stove. I sighed to myself my life was pretty rough right now, and this is the one place I can go to get away from my problems, I heard screaming off in the distance, Well at least most of them.

I directed my eyes over to Gunter and Mike yelling at each other yet again, and probably over the dumbest thing to. Then I noticed Rosita in the corner of the stage banging her head on one of the beams. I giggled to myself and walked onto the stage maybe accidentally shoving mike with my foot.

"Careful Rosita there's a moody teenager coming your way" Mike smirked in my direction. I turned to glare which probably didn't help my case but I don't care.

"Oh hi sweetie is Mike giving you hard time again, I'll go and give him a stern talking to-" she rambled on but I stopped her "no no everything is fine I could care less what mike says anyways" I growl the last part out slightly glancing over at him.

Rosita sighs looking over at the argument still going on between the two "I wish Gunter would take some advice from you, they've been going at it for thirty minutes now."

Ash laughed as Rosita spoke up again "but really if you need me to go knock some sense into him for you Ash I'll-" she sighed interrupted again

"Wait someone's bothering you Ash, is it Lance again I'll go knock some sense into him. He better stay away from you or I'll-" Ash stopped his rambling by setting her hand on his elbow causing Johnny to look down at her. His features softened as he noticed she was laughing. He smiled taking in her appearance, she looked so confident with her stellar smile and piercing eyes altogether she was utterly beautiful.

"Hey Get a room you two"they heard mike snap. Both of them snapped there heads down towards the mouse a slight blush creeping up there cheeks as they ignored each others gaze. He's just a friend Ash kept reminding herself, but if he's just a friend then why do you look at him like that a voice inside her said. She shook her head ignoring the voice and focused on what was going on in front of her.

"O my gosh Mike is it that time the month or what" Gunter teased. Everyone started laughing uncontrollably, and for once Mike seemed at a loss for words.

It's not that we don't like Mike; in fact ever since the live performance we've all been like one tightly wound family, and families fight ecspecially when the family has a 6 am rehersal.

Ash was pulled out her thoughts by Meena clearing her throat as an attempt to get the group to settle down. " Mr. Moon would like all of us to come up to his office" she said qiuetly. They all nodded there heads in silence almost like they were saddened to leave the the stage.

Ash walked to the front of the stage with Johnny right next to her she was trying her best to ignore his eyes hazel eyes, but she couldn't help but look up when he offered her his hand to let her off the stage. She smiled and took his hand he's such a good friend she thought ignoring the flips her stomach was doing at his touch. Besides he would never feel the same for me if I liked him; which I don't.

"there they are the most talented singers this world has ever seen" Buster Moon said enthusiastically.

"Infact we have another performance coming up tommorrow it's a fundraiser at the local hospital" he said still smiling with joy. As everyone wondered how he had so much energy in the morning.

"What's the fundraiser for" Meena asked quietly.

"Well good question infact it's for autism awareness" Buster said smiling even more. Ash stepped back tripping over Johnny from the shock. He lifted her up by her arms carefully setting her back on the ground and They both had to force themselves from not sighing at the touch.

Everyone stared at her awkwardly as she was stood back on her feet, but she was still shaking slightly. She almost forgot that she didn't tell any of them that her brother had autism been diagnosed with autism. Of course it was slightly before the auditions for the show, so she didn't feel like telling anyone. Especially after Lance met Caleb and took it upon himself to point out everything that seemed to be wrong with.

Of course her mother didn't know that, nor would she believe her. She thought Lance was some god that was going to protect Ash forever. In fact if it was up to her mother Ash and Lance would probably be married by now.

she snapped out of her daydream by Rosita shaking her slightly cooing softly " honey are you alright? Do you need to talk?"

She looked around nervously now was not the time or place to tell them about her brother, so she just shook her head no, and tried to focus on what was going on in front of her.

"Great now that we are all good Mike you'll be singing Winter Wonderland I really think it fits your voice" Moon said handing him the score. "You got it boss" Mike saluted walking back down the stairs.

I tried her best to focus on what Buster was saying, but all that I could think about was what if my mom and brother came to the fundraiser, what if everyone hated him; or worse judged him. What if her mom didn't like the fact that she wasn't singing Lance anymore, what if Caleb pulled one of his crazy stunts like spitting on people, cussing, peeing on plants, or had one of his nightmares again.

She must of looked worried because Johnny knelt down next to her and whispered "really tell me what's wrong you look like you're about to pass out."

"I'll tell you later it's a long story" she sighed looking down. "Ok got it just try not to worry about it" he whispered again hoisting himself up, but keeping his hand on her shoulder to attempt to keep her calm. She smiled to herself maybe she could trust him with her secret.

"Meena you'll be performing hallelujah, and it needs to be full of soul" he said while searching his desk for the music. She smiled really big as he handed her the music "got it thanks Mr. Moon."

"And Rosita and Gunter you have rockin around the Christmas tree and it needs to be spicy no" Moon laughed.

"Oh it'll be spicy" Gunter said full of seriousness, and Moon just chuckled.

Moon turned his attention towards me, and his smile is so big I think his face is going to pop. "And you malady are going to sing have yourself a merry little Christmas" I open my mouth to protest, but he interrupts me "and no protesting" he states. I close my mouth and force a smile. "That's more like it" he says as I turn around.

I look down at my score to see that it says duet on it. I inwardly groan and turn back around. "Uh Moon why does my cheesy Christmas song say duet on it" I say flatly.

"Excellent question and it's because you'll be performing it with Johnny" he says directing his arms towards Johnny. I gulp nervously its not because I don't want to perform with Johnny it's because I don't want to screw this up. I mean it's a fundraiser to raise awareness for autism. I mean that could help my brother, and I've never been good at performing with someone. Then again that someone was Lance, so maybe it will be different.

I feel like I'm going to hyperventilate when suddenly I look up to see Johnny and how excited he looks, and I immediately calm down because I know Johnny isn't Lance, and he won't hurt me like Lance did.

"Well then we better get to practicing" I say sitting down at the piano. He slides next me and my stomach does somersaults at the closeness.

"Hey Ash you know you can trust me right" he said looking down with a slight blush. "Of course I know that you're one of the few people I do trust" she whispered looking down probably blushing now to. They both smiled at each other and started working on their song.