Hi everyone!

I absolutely adore this movie and all the wonderful characters inside it, especially Pym. It makes me sad that there are so few fanfics about the family dynamics between these guys, and so I wrote one of my own!

Thanks for reading and I hope you all enjoy! :D

This takes place when Pym is around 7 or 8 years old.


Pym was the youngest of all the children. It was glaringly obvious, both in his height and his mannerisms and his overall personality. If anyone were there to see, they would be able to tell in mere instants who was the youngest out of the group, and that someone was Pym.

He was brilliant though. Brilliant in with his mind and his mental capacities. Set him in front of a machine, he would figure it out its mechanisms and its secrets within minutes. Set him in front of a test, he would probably do better than your average high school professor. He would have excelled in a schooling system beyond any teacher's wildest imaginations, if only he had a chance.

But, you see, Pym was not in a school of any sorts. He was living in a dome in the middle of the Arctic along with his surrogate brothers and sister, and in such a place your academic excellence was not what made you the best or the greatest. Your powers, your prowess in battle, did.

And Pym was the youngest, and, being in the youngest, had yet to develop powers of any sort. And, being the youngest, was much, much smaller than any of his older siblings, who towered above him with ease.

"Pym! Duck!"

With a yell, Pym dropped to the ground and flattened himself against it, feeling the tell-tale swoosh of air as Torunn threw her sword at him. The weapon landed with a resounding thunk in the tree right behind him, burying itself to its hilt.

Pym shuddered.

"Hey! Watch where you throw that thing! Someone might get hurt, you know!"

He might have continued his tirade, but suddenly a gloved hand grabbed his and he was being whooshed away with alarming speed. He tried to keep up, but it was rather difficult with his shorter legs to get by without many, many stumbles.

"James, could you slow down a bit?"

The redhead glanced at him, eyes sparking with that strange twinkle that always got caught there whenever they were playing this kind of game, and placed his finger to his lips, a silent command for quiet.

Obediently, Pym snapped his jaw shut. James was always the best when it came to strategy games like Capture the Flag, and he was bound to know what to do. There was no way that Azari and Torunn could defeat them, not when they worked together! Who needed powers anyway? They had intellect!

"Alright, here's the plan; I'm going to go down the right flank and distract them, and you're going to go down the left flank and get the flag. Then you go and run back to base, and don't stop for anything. Azari is probably guarding the flag, and he's fast, but you're small. Use it to your advantage, don't be afraid to hide or crawl through a small space where he can't follow if you think he's trailing you. Got it?"

Pym blinked, because that was a whole lot of words in a very short period of time, but then he nodded and grinned brilliantly. This was going to be so awesome!

"Yes! James, we're so gunna win this! I can't wait to see there faces-"


He snapped his hands to his mouth at the hushing noise and then smiled sheepishly, repeating his last phrase in a much quieter voice.

"Oops, sorry. We're so gunna win this!"

And James gave him a smile that was more of a quirk of the lips and offered him a fist, which Pym eagerly accepted, and then disappeared into the foliage without a sound.

Sometimes, it felt as if James really did have superpowers.

Humming to himself, Pym headed in the opposite direction. He dashed to and fro from tree to tree, and pretended to be a spy from that one movie Tony had showed them the other day…

No way Azari would be able to find him! He was far too sneaky…

Just as the thought entered his mind, however, he realized that there was a shadow lurking over him. Frowning, he glanced upwards, only to jump to the side with a startled cry.

Azari dropped to the forest floor right where he had been standing but moments before and smirked at him, tattoos lighting up with blue energy.

Not good! Not good, not good, DEFINITELY not good!

Now, Pym knew how to fight, despite his apparent lack of powers. He did training like all the others, and he knew common self defense and attacks. However, Azari took all those classes as well, and was much, much more efficient at them. There was also the little fact that the prince could channel freaking electricity.

And so Pym did the most sensible, honorable thing that he could do in such a dire situation as this:

He turned tail and ran.

Azari blinked at the sudden loss of his quarry, but then a smile crept onto his face as he recognized the challenge. Capture the Flag had become a game of Cat and Mouse, and that was one game he just so happened to be very good at.

"Hey! Get back here!"

Pym dashed through the thick forest, wishing that he had superspeed as the ominous sound of running feet grew louder and louder behind him. He couldn't get caught! James was counting on him!

Hide! He needed to hide!

Pym glanced desperately around for a good hiding spot. He didn't have much time before Azari caught up with him and made him a prisoner. If he was going to vanish, he needed to do it now.

Where? Where? Where? THERE!

Just ahead, there was a large tree swarmed in branches and foliage. If he could just reach it, he would have the perfect hiding spot.

With a grunt of effort, Pym took a flying leap. But he miscalculated, and his course was destined instead for the trunk of the tree. He didn't have time to crash! He needed to hide now!

But his trajectory had no sudden miraculous change, and he stuck true to his doomed course. The tree hollow that had formed in the trunk grew closer and closer, and Pym desperately wished that he could suddenly shrink as to avoid the crash.

And to his surprise something happened.

Time seemed to slow down, and tingling sensations traveled up and down his spine in a strange whirling pattern. Everything else suddenly seemed to get big while he himself felt as if someone was trying to squish him into a tiny glass bottle that was way too small.

He didn't hit the tree trunk, instead flying right through the hollow with room to spare.

Huh. Weird.

He had no more time to think of it, however, because just then his head slammed into the back of the hollow, hard, and the world erupted in blinding painful white before everything went black... and Pym knew no more.

Hours later, Pym woke up to a dizzying headache and a great amount of confusion.

Where was he? And when did it get so dark?

Stumbling, he managed to get himself into a standing position. He rested a hand on a wall for support, blearily blinking at it, when suddenly he jumped back.

His hand. His hand was glowing.

Curious, the boy brought his fingers closer to his face, eyes wide at this miraculous discovery. He was glowing. Like, actually glowing! It didn't get any cooler than that!

But it did.

In his excitement, Pym hadn't realized there were new appendages attached to his back. He didn't even notice when said appendages started to flutter and flit, at least, not until he was rather high in the air…

And once he did realize just what was happening, he crashed back down to the ground, making his still pounding head protest violently and his stomach start to swirl in the most unsatisfactory way.

Slowly, as to not further aggravate his head, Pym glanced over his shoulder. He was unable to stop the excited squeal that escaped his lips when he spotted just what had enabled him to fly.

Wings. He had wings!

Just wait until he told the others!

Eager to tell his family about the new development, Pym started off with wavering steps, only to stop quite suddenly in confusion.

Where was he, even? He certainly didn't remember this part of the dome…

His apprehension grew when he realized that the only source of light there was came from himself, and that otherwise there was complete darkness.

But wait, not complete darkness. There was some sort of large, open door up ahead where a faint light was shining through. The only problem was that the door was rather high in the air…

But he had wings now! He could handle it!

Pym bit his lip and focused, letting loose a cry of excitement when the appendages started to flutter and bring him into the air with only a single thought. When he arrived on the door's ledge with a stumbled landing, however, the beaming smile on his face quickly vanished. For the world outside was very, very, different from the one he remembered.

Everything… Everything was huge.

Each leaf was a full sized double bed. Each flower was a towering tree. Every twig was as wide as a road, and every rock was easily the size of his bungalow. It was also far darker outside then he remembered it to be, making the suddenly ginormous objects ominous and vague.

Pym gulped, and looked this way and that, and realized that the view of a tiny person such as him and the view of a normal person was very, very different.

But then he realized that it would be an easy endeavor after all, because all he had to do was reach the ground and then transform back to his normal size. He'd then go out and find the others, show them his awesome new powers, and everyone would be super impressed. Easy Peasy, nothing to worry about.

It didn't turn out so simple.

He got to the ground okay, but once there everything went downhill.

He couldn't turn back.

He tried thinking about it and saying it out loud and waving his hands and imagining his normal size, but it didn't work.

He was stuck.

Pym bit his lip, his powers no longer seeming like such a fun adventure, and fluttered once more into the air. His head really did hurt, and all the flying really was not helping, but what other choice did he have? He would have to navigate the forest while he was small and find Tony. Tony would fix it, he was sure of it.

He took off in a random direction, eyes peeled in search of a familiar landmark, but found none. Everything was alien with it's overly large size, and he couldn't make heads or tails of it.

And then it began to rain.

Great thick drops poured from the sky. At first, they had been easy to dodge, but then they became thicker and thicker and came down faster and faster and soon enough Pym was hit.

It was as if someone had poured an entire tank of water on him, and he was forced down under it's weight. The wetness did something to his wings, and his flight got slower and slower while the rain came down heavier and heavier, and soon enough raindrops were hitting him every other second.

And with every raindrop came a drop in his altitude and with every raindrop fluttering his wings became more and more difficult. And then one particularly large raindrop hit him straight on and he was falling, falling from the sky, into the mushy earth below.

He almost drowned in the mud, the squishy dirt pulling his small form deeper into its depths at an alarming rate. He managed to grab a twig, though, and pull himself out of harm's way.

By now, Pym was absolutely freezing and his headache was only getting worse. He was wet and miserable, and when he tried to flap his wings they only gave a vague shudder and nothing else. They looked wrinkled and unhealthy, and he quickly gave up trying to use them.

Exhausted, the small boy trudged on to a relatively dry space under a large mushroom like thing. He plopped down under the extended roof with a quiet thump and tiredly closed his eyes, his brain going into hyper awareness.

He'd try again, he decided, to become big. It would be easy, he assured himself. He just had to find the right way.

And he tried. He tried very hard. But nothing worked and his panic was starting to rise, because what if he was stuck small like this forever? What if James and Azari and Torunn and Tony never found him? What if the rising river in front of him got big enough to drag him away? What if he was drowned or eaten or smushed?

What if he couldn't turn back?

A shuddering sob escaped his throat, and he wanted to sleep and to be normal and to never have to worry about anything ever again. He had quite enough of this adventure, now, and was far past ready to go home.

It was then that something large and heavy shook the earth. Pym scrambled up, yelping, and hugged the base of the mushroom tight, clenching his eyes shut. Was it an earthquake? Was it a monster coming to eat him?

"Pym!? Pym, where are you!? Pym, please, if you can hear, answer me!"

Pym blinked; that wasn't a monster. The voice was louder than Pym was used to, and it almost felt as if it was moving at a slower rate, but he knew who it belonged to.

Tentatively, Pym stepped out from his mushroom, stumbling when a large raindrop hit him on the head. He looked up and gaped at the ginormous form of one James Rogers.

One James Rogers who was taking very, very large steps and was disappearing from view fast.

"Wa-Wait! James! James! I'm down h-here!"

His teeth were chattering, and he was cold and his head was hurting, and he was terrified that he would be small forever, but James was here and James would make everything better. James always had a plan.

"James! Please! I'm here! JAMES!"

Finally, the redhead seemed to have heard him. The older boy pulled to a stop and looked around, eyebrows furrowed in concentration.

"Pym? You there?'


His body protested, but Pym forced his muscles to move and jumped up and down, waving his arms around in an effort to get attention.

And then James spotted him, and Pym had never felt so relieved in his entire life.

The older boy dashed to his side, cursing under his breath when his hasty movements caused a wave of water to splash onto the tiny child, who came up spluttering and coughing. Gently, ever so gently, James reached out and swooped the kid up into the palm of his hand, marveling at his overall... tininess.

"Are you okay? We've been searching for hours! What happened to you? How'd you get so… small?"

He was expecting many possible answers, but he was not expecting for Pym to burst into tears.

"I d-don't know. I woke up and it was dark but I was glowing and I had wings and I was really, really small and it was super cool but now I can't turn b-back."

The small figure curled into a ball and placed his head in his knees, and despite his minuscule size James was able to tell that his shoulders were shaking.

James was not very good at comforting. It was just a fact of life. The sky was blue, the sun was warm, and James Rogers could not comfort someone to save his life. But Pym was crying and obviously distressed, and he couldn't just ignore that and pretend it wasn't happening. The big brother inside of him refused.

And so he did his best.

Gently, he cupped a hand over Pym to provide a little bit of shelter from the rain and spoke in soft, soothing tones, trying to imitate Tony when the man used to comfort him after a night terror when he was younger.

"Hey, hey, Pym. Listen. It's going to be okay, yeah? I'm going to take you to my Bungalow, and were going to get you dry, and then we'll sleep. Tomorrow, we'll get Tony and he'll fix everything, yeah?"

And the younger boy nodded wearily, a hand coming up to scrub at his still wet eyes, and scooched further back against James' hand so that he could rest against the elder boy's fingers.

"Alright, let's go."

And James made his careful, careful way back to his bungalow, making extra sure that he didn't make any jarring movements of any sort. Pym fell asleep in the palm of his hand before they were even halfway there, and James wasn't sure if he should have been relieved or worried.

Once there, the redhead made a small nest-like bed out of a bunch of clean clothes and put Pym down inside of it. The younger boy murmured something and rolled over, but stayed asleep.

James slipped out the door and went to inform the others that he had located their missing family member before rushing to Torunn's bungalow and borrowing a few of the girl's old doll clothes that she never used anymore. From there, he dashed back to his own room and gently woke Pym up, helping the half asleep boy pull on the make do clothing- which wasn't a perfect fit but it was dry and that was the most important part- and tucked him back into his makeshift bed.

And later, Tony would scrutinize the large bump on the back of Pym's head and proclaim that the boy had a slight concussion, which was the reason he was unable to transform back to his normal size. And later, James would work tirelessly with Pym in order to master the technique of shrinking and growing and shrinking and growing again so the younger could get past his fear of being stuck. And later, a very triumphant James and Pym would exit the forest with the enemy's flag in hand, cackling at the others' faces with glee.

But that would happen later, and in the quiet of James' bungalow no such things occurred. Instead, a small Pym slept the night away buried in the folds of his nest while his older brother sat besides him, keeping watch.

And perhaps young Pym learned a lesson that day. That what made you the best or the greatest was not so much your powers or your size or your prowess of battle, but the effort you are willing to reach out for others and the bonds that make the team strong. Not as individuals, but as a whole.


So? How was it? Tell me what you think! :)

Thank you in advance for every review, favorite, and follower; these kind of things mean the world to me!

I should update in the next couple of days or so.

Until next time!

-The Mashpotatoe Queen