Beastboy walked down the hallway, intending on heading to the common room to relax and play some games. Robin hadn't assigned any mandatory training today, so Beastboy could be as lazy as he was, until he picked up on the scent of sweat in the hallway, just outside Raven's room.

His animal senses would sometimes affect his human senses, so that meant that his eyesight, hearing, and sense of smell were slightly above average (even if it didn't matter much to him). Even though the sweat wasn't overpowering, he had no idea why it was coming from Raven's room. She didn't typically work out in her room, at least not that he'd noticed. Normally she would meditate or read, so why it smelled like sweat Beastboy had no idea.

As he continued walking down the hall, the scent continued. It didn't stop at the shower like he expected it to, but instead it went further on down the hall. "Weird…" Curious, Beastboy kept walking. He passed the door to the common room and when it opened, saw that Cyborg was sitting on the couch, reading from a magazine.

He almost walked through the door, but then his refined hearing picked up groaning, and it sounded like it was coming from Starfire's room. Raising an eyebrow, Beastboy let the door close and headed down to Starfire's room.

"Starfire, harder!" Was that Robin?

"Forgive me friend, I've never -hrggh- done this before."

What were they doing? Beastboy was standing just outside of Starfire's door, where she was most certainly… groaning with Robin.

"Here Starfire, hold it by the top part, and I'll grab it by the base." What was Raven doing in there with them?! "Okay good, now maybe we can get it off."


There was more grunting and Robin inhaled sharply, loud enough for Beastboy to hear it through the door.

"Did you feel that?"

"It moved!" Starfire cried out in glee.

"About time." Raven said, a little out of breath.

"But were not done yet. We have to go all the way." Robin said. "Starfire, do this… okay, and Raven you- yes, alright and I'll put my foot there…"

Starfire giggled. "Robin, that tickles!"

"Sorry. Alright, I'm going to move on the count of three." Robin counted down, and Beastboy could hear Raven groan and Starfire gasp. "I'm almost there!" Robin cried out.

"Please, do not stop your movements!" Starfire said.

"Wait wait wait. I have an idea." Raven said. "Robin, trade me places."

"But I have the most comfortable position."

"I didn't ask about your comfortable position." There was some shuffling, and Raven said, "Alright Robin, you do what I was doing with my hands just a moment ago."

"Like this?"

Starfire squeaked, and Beastboy blushed straight through to his toes.

"Alright… Starfire, get a good grip on him." Raven said, and Beastboy fell to the floor in mortification. There was a mixture of grunting and groaning, and a moment later Beastboy heard Robin moan in satisfaction, while Starfire and Raven groaned.

"Damn it Robin, you got it on my face!" Raven said.

"I, too, am covered in this fluid." Starfire whined.

"Sorry ladies, I didn't think it would explode like that. I'll get you some paper towels." A moment later the door swished open and Robin stepped through, tucking in his shirt and adjusting his utility belt. "Beastboy? What are you doing on the floor?" He asked.

"What am I doing? What are you doing?" Beastboy shot up, pointing a finger at Robin. "How long have you three been doing this?"

Robin looked utterly confused. "Uh… a few minutes? I mean I went to Raven first, but then we had to get Starfire because-"

"Atatat! I don't want to know what kind of nasty business you three are up to; just keep it in your tights when there are others in the tower!" Beastboy walked off, trying to forget what he had just heard.

Robin looked back through the door to Starfire and Raven, who both shrugged at him.

At least the pickle jar was open now.