Author's note: We're finally at the end! I have had a blast writing this story for you all; I hope you've enjoyed it just as much. Captain Duckling is one of my favorite things. I'm sure I'll revisit the trope in the future. Many thanks for all the reviews and subscriptions!

Disclaimer: Hell and no.


Three Months Later

Emma frowned when she realized she was alone. She rolled over in the narrow bunk, wondered where her husband had gone. The Jolly Roger and her crew were recovering from a storm that came up suddenly. Rain and winds and high seas battered the ancient ship; Killian's expert seamanship got them into a nearby alcove to ride out the worst of it. They'd only recently left their last port of call, Wolfwater, preparing for another long stretch at sea. It had been frightening, sails snapping in the winds as sailors struggled to tie them down, the sea frothing around them. She felt helpless, especially after Killian insisted she go below while he remained at the helm.

Not even magic could harness the elements.

Her relief when he appeared in their cabin, soaked to the skin and shivering, was palpable.

That had been two days ago. Killian ran himself too hard, trying to be everywhere at once. Emma helped where she could, repairing rigging with her magic, healing the crew's minor cuts and scrapes. It felt good to actually be doing something, despite how worried she was about Killian. He'd come to their bed exhausted, hence her surprise that he was up before her.

The creaking hatch caught her attention. She breathed easier when she saw Killian's boots on the ladder. A basket hung from his hook as he climbed down. "Ah, you're awake."

"And you're up very early."

Killian's smile was tired and sheepish. "Duty called, love."

Emma swung her legs over the edge of the bunk, her borrowed shirt covering her. "Is everything okay?"

"Getting there. We'll be able to get underway in another day or so."

"Can I help?"

"Later, I think. It's early yet."

"That's not stopping you."

"Ah, but I'm not a princess."

She gave him a withering look and hopped down, the wood cool under her feet. "No, you're my husband and I think you're working too hard."

Killian set the basket on the desk and approached cautiously. "I am the captain, sweetling."

She lifted her eyes to his. "That doesn't mean you shouldn't take care of yourself." She laid her hand over his heart. "You need to rest." If he insisted on taking care of her, then she would do the same for him. Whether he liked it or not.

He would forever be in awe of her care for him. He'd seen more storms than he could count in his three centuries. The one they'd endured was mild compared to some. Objectively, he knew that. But this was the first with his bride aboard his ship; Emma was right, he was probably doing too much. He couldn't help it; he felt it was his duty to look after her. But Emma was stubborn and could take care of herself. "I will try, my princess."

"That's all I'm asking."

"Let us break our fast, then we can return to bed."

Emma smiled softly, happy that he was taking her concerns seriously. There remained only one chair for the desk; Killian sat and held out his arms for her. She joined him, settling in his lap, wrapping her arm around his neck. "What did you bring me?"

"Some fruit and cheese. We don't want to it go bad."

"Hmm, thank you." She kissed his cheek, leaning forward to pluck out ripe strawberry. She fed him first, a calm settling over her. Fear and worry seemed far away when she was in his arms. Killian speared an apple on his hook, encouraging her to take a bite. Sharing meals was second nature now, something borne of both necessity and a desire for closeness. It still felt like they were making up for the time they'd lost during those long separations. Sometimes, Emma half expected to wake up in her room in her parent's castle, alone and unloved.

"What are you thinking?"

Emma leaned her temple against his. "I'm just happy you're here."

Killian drew random patterns over her thigh, enjoying her warm softness. "I've been neglecting you, my love."

"You didn't create the storm, Killian."

"No, but I've missed you."

Emma cupped his cheek, gently turning his head so she could kiss him. His lips were dry from sea salt, but she wasn't repulsed. She pressed more firmly, sighing as he tightened his grip on her. "Missed you too."

Tired as he was, he couldn't resist her touch. Chasing her lips, Killian coaxed her to straddle his thighs, his hand slid up under her shirt. "I can feel how much you missed me, princess."

She shivered, her breath hitching as he squeezed her ass. "Is this okay?"

"I would have to be truly mad not to want you," he growled, kissing her harder. She writhed in his lap, her fingers threaded through his hair. "Gods, you're beautiful."

Arousal pooled in her belly, his hand rough on her skin. She could feel him between her legs, straining against tight leather. She peeled her shirt off, leaving her nude in her lover's lap. Killian groaned, ducking his head to suckle her breast. Emma keened, her hand drifting between her legs. "Gods yes."

Killian growled dangerously, his eyes drawn to where she was touching herself. "Show me, darling. Show me how much you need this."

Emma nodded, bracing her left hand on the desk. She rubbed her clit in slow circles, occasionally dipping her fingers into her wet hole. She couldn't stop watching him watch her, her desire for him mounting higher and higher. Killian made her feel loved and wanted, allowing her to embrace the needs of her body. "I…gods, Killian," she panted, riding her fingers quickly. "I'm gonna…fuck, so close."

"Come, sweetling," he murmured in a low voice, cupping her ass. "Come for me."

Emma cried out as she gave into her high, trusting her pirate to keep her steady. Killian covered her trembling belly with kisses, desperate for her. He wrapped his arms around her and plopped her hard on the desk, reveling in her happy giggle. Killian yanked hard on the laces of his trousers, clumsy as he was too busy kissing his amazing wife. He groaned into her mouth as his cock was freed, her nimble hands wrapped around him. "Need you," she whimpered, stroking his hardness. "Please."

He shoved roughly at the leather, then pushed her flat on the desk. Emma seemed to crave his roughness, something he was all too eager to give her. Her walls were still fluttering from her first orgasm as he pushed into her, making them both moan loudly. It felt like weeks since he'd had her, even though it had only been a few days. She was tight and wet and hot, hips meeting his stroke for stroke. She pulled him close, curling her tongue around his, swallowing her moans of pleasure. He felt so good inside her, stretching her just right, filling her up. "More," she begged breathlessly, fingers gripping his shirt tightly. "So good."

Killian growled, sliding her arms under her back and lifting her effortlessly. He held her as she locked her ankles behind his back, giving her leverage to bounce on his cock. They kissed sloppily, the chair screeching over the wood as Killian maneuvered them to the nearest wall, which turned out to be the tall door to his cabin. Emma hung on to his neck, moaning as he fucked her hard and fast. Her ass smacked against the wood over and over, which only fueled her lust. She missed this, missed him; she craved the things he did to her.

"Close," he bit out, pounding into her. "So fucking close."

Emma reached down and stroked her clit quickly, feeling her lover begin to pulse inside her. They climaxed together, their cries of pleasure echoing in the cabin. Killian buried his face in her neck, shivering even as he continued to move inside her. She clung to him, her lips on his neck, shaking in his arms, so soft and perfect. As the pleasure receded, they found each other's lips, kissing slowly and thoroughly, need giving way to tenderness.

"I love you," Emma murmured against his lips. "I love you."

Killian leaned his forehead against hers, allowing her love to surround him. "As I love you, Princess."

Emma kissed him sweetly, happy. "Now will you rest?"

He laughed lightly. "Aye, love. I think I will sleep quite well. Stay with me?"

"Of course." Her legs shook as he let her down; she was a bit unsteady on her feet. She moved to clean up while Killian stripped to get ready for bed. It was midmorning, but he could feel sleep creeping up on him. A very naked Emma joined him in the narrow bunk, snuggling against him and resting her head on his chest. "Better?"

He kissed the crown of her head. "Much."

"Sleep, love," she whispered, resting her hand on his belly. "I'm right here." She was so used to him taking care of her like this; she was determined to do the same for him. She listened to his heart beat, steady and strong, lingering herself until she was sure he was asleep.

An insistent knocking roused them from sleep. "Cap't! Princess! A message!"

Killian groaned, annoyed. Emma stirred in his arms; he cursed Smee's timing. It felt like he'd just gone to sleep, tiredness still felt deep in his bones. He wanted to stay right here, wrapped around his love, enjoying the peace. "A little softer, Mr. Smee," he complained. "Is it important?"

"You want me to read it?"

Killian rolled his eyes. "Is there a seal?"

"Aye, sir. One of the Princess's realm!"

Bloody hell, he swore silently. That could be important. It had been some weeks since they heard from Emma's family. That in and of itself wasn't concerning, but given their situation, it was possible they'd heard about the storm and were worried for Emma's safety. He struggled for a few agonizing moments, debating whether or not to wake her. "Emma," he whispered, giving her a gentle shake. "Wake up, lass."

"What's wrong?" she asked sleepily.

"Smee says there's a message from your family."

"Oh." She was so worried about Killian that she forgot all about getting word to her family that she was well. "Okay." Reluctantly, she moved to get up, shivering the cool room as she searched for her borrowed shirt. Beside her, Killian dressed too, yanking on his trousers, grumbling the whole time. He gave her a quick glance to ensure she was sufficiently covered, then pulled open the door. Smee seemed a bit nonplussed to see his captain bare chested, but he managed to hand over the letter and retreat. Sure enough, the letter did bear the seal of Emma's kingdom.

"I'm sure everything's fine," he said gently, handing the scroll to her.

Emma nodded, breaking open the seal. She felt calmer as he wrapped his arms around her; no matter what the letter said, Killian was there for her.

Dearest Emma,

I hope this finds you well. Your father and I miss you terribly, but I know you are enjoying your new adventure. This should be a happy joyous time for you and your husband. Knowing you as I do, I am certain you are blissfully happy.

I loathe to impose a burden on you at such a time, child, but we have received word of distress from my friend Ariel and her husband, Eric. Their kingdom has been hit with a frightful storm. A coastal land, much of it is now flooded and people are homeless. They are doing all they can, but have asked for aid. I'm not sure where this letter will find you, but I believe you may be in a better position to help. We have sent an expedition, but your magic may be more helpful than anything we can do.

Say hello to Killian for us.



Emma breathed a sigh of relief. Her family was safe. Was the storm that struck Ariel's kingdom the same one they encountered? It was possible. Killian had told her that—as bad as it was—they'd only been on the edge of it. It would be much worse elsewhere. All those people homeless? Her heart broke for them. "Killian?"

He kissed her cheek. "I'll get us underway, love."

She frowned, her brow knitting. "Shouldn't we talk about this first?"

He tilted her chin up. "Isn't this what we're meant to do? Represent your kingdom? You've always said that you wanted to use your magic to help people."

She knew he was right, but there was a tiny selfish part of her that was sad to see their honeymoon come to an end. "I know but…"

He pressed a kiss to her forehead. "We can resume our journey after, my love. There are still so many places I want to show you."

She hugged him close, thankful for his understanding. "I can't wait."

He stroked her hair. "I'll be back soon."

"I want to help."

"Ah, but you need your rest," he argued gently. "Those people need you and your magic. When we're ready, you and I will man the helm. How's that?"

She nodded. "Okay."

Killian let her go and went to finish dressing. The ship was very close to being ready when he'd brought their breakfast earlier; he could prod the crew to finish a little more quickly. A sense of urgency fueled his steps; he knew Emma wouldn't truly rest while people were suffering. Her kind heart was one of the things he loved best about her. He was certain she could help; he'd seen her do extraordinary things with her powers. Killian himself felt a measure of trepidation; as a pirate, he'd raided a few of the coastal kingdoms and their fleets. It was entirely possible he'd attacked the kingdom of this Ariel and her prince. That was something he would simply have to deal with when they arrived.

Emma covered her mouth in shock as the coast came into view. The Jolly had been sailing at full speed for three days, a few of her sails roughly patched and frayed, but sailing nonetheless. She and Killian took their turn at the watches, always together, Emma drawing strength from his presence. She couldn't forget what Tinkerbelle had told her about her magic: born of True Love, her love for Killian made her stronger. There were times when she could feel it under her skin, humming and sparking, always stronger when her lover was close. Killian encouraged her, allowing her to practice on him as of old. It made them closer, this connection they shared. Late one night, he confided his fears about their mission, how his past might come back to haunt them. She reassured him as best she could; if anyone was hostile to her husband, she would defend him with her last breath. He was not the man she'd first met almost a year ago.

The coast they found was ravaged. Trees were split and broken, the dock wrenched from its moorings and adrift. The castle itself seemed intact, but many of the windows were broken.

Killian wrapped his arm around her waist, rocking gently as she turned and buried her face in his chest. He'd seen many such sights in his long life; this was entirely new for his princess. She'd never been witness to such suffering; his heart broke for her. "We're going to help, sweetling," he reminded her. "I know you can."

Emma sniffed, getting a hold of herself. "I know."

He kissed the crown of her head before turning back to the wheel. He barked a few orders; they would need to be careful when they approached. With the dock gone, they would need to anchor some distance away. He, Emma, and a handful of sailors could row into the shore and find their way to the castle from there. He watched as Emma moved below to fetch a bag filled with some of the magical items she'd acquired on their travels. She was learning about her powers all the time; Killian was proud of her.

The coast they approached wasn't familiar, but three hundred years was a long time. He maneuvered them as close as he dared, ordering Smee to drop anchor. The Jolly Roger slowly came to a stop, men scurried around to prepare the small boat that would take he and Emma to shore.

Emma appeared, hair pulled back in a simple braid, her men's clothing far more flattering than it should be. A heavy bag hung from her shoulder, Killian took it from her and lifted it over his head. "Got your sword?"

Emma patted the pommel of her specially made cutlass. "Do you think we'll need them?"

"I sincerely hope not."

"Me too."

"Do you know this Ariel?"

"Yeah, she's a friend of my mother. Another victim of the Evil Queen, actually."


Emma explained briefly about Ariel and Regina and the ancient sea goddess, Ursula. Killian shook his head in disbelief; even he knew better than to anger a goddess, especially one of the sea. "So a friend of your mother's, eh?"

"You know…one of Ariel and Eric's sons was at the ball where we met."

Killian cocked a brow at her. "Seems the lad didn't make much of an impression."

"Hard to see anyone else when the most handsome man in the room asks you to dance."

He grinned. "I think you'll find that I was the lucky one in that encounter, Princess."

"We'll just have to agree to disagree, Captain." She let the memory wash over, the way she felt the very first time they danced together, the night her life changed. Everything they'd been through brought them to this moment. She held out her hand. "Ready?"

"Aye." He slipped his hand into hers, giving it a squeeze before they climbed down to the main deck and the waiting boat. Emma climbed in first, not waiting for Killian to help her. She'd truly found her sea legs on this journey. She'd taken to the sea life like a duck to water, like she was born for it. A fit wife for a pirate.

Leaving Smee in charge of the Jolly, they set off for the shore. A pair of strong young men Emma's age were at the oars, part of the handful of new crew that joined them from the village nestled beside her home. The Jolly Roger didn't need a full compliment of crew, but she was pleased that a few people were willing to see past Killian's reputation and try something new. They were becoming family as they sailed the broad ocean together.

"Storms like this come out of nowhere," Killian said quietly, following her concerned gaze. "Only thing to do is find high ground and wait it out."

"Have you ever seen anything like this?"

He nodded. "A few times. When I was fourteen or fifteen, Captain Silver tried to sail through one."

"But you could have been killed!"

"Bloody nearly was. Liam led a mutiny, trying to force the Captain to see sense. He and I were the only survivors."

Emma stared at him, stunned. He'd told her much about his past, but given how long he'd lived, there was so much she still didn't know. Instinctively, she squeezed his hand, both furious on his behalf and silently thanking whatever god was responsible for his survival. They'd brought him to her and she was so grateful.

"It was long ago."

"Killian, the things you've been through…you can tell me anything. Anything. I'm only sorry I can't thank Liam for helping you on your way to me."

Her words touched his heart. His biggest regret was that Liam could never know her. "He would have liked you, I think." He lightly kissed her temple. "Let's see what's ahead, yeah?"

A few minutes later the little boat struck land. Killian helped her out, water splashing over her boots. They pulled the boat higher up the battered shore, Emma conjuring a wooden post to tie it to. "That should hold it."

"Good thinking, lass." He gave orders for the others to guard the boat; they were in unknown territory and would need it to return to the ship. Emma found a path that appeared to lead toward the castle; with all the debris, it was difficult to tell. No one seemed to be about. Sharing a look with his princess, Killian led the way, using his hook to tear down stray branches and windblown vines. Trees uprooted, broken, the ground loose beneath their feet, a strong scent of smoke and fire permeated the air. Emma followed closely, not wanting them to get separated in the strange place.

It was eerie, destruction all around them. The stillness was unnerving, the only sound their own footfalls. If Ariel had asked for help, where was everyone?

"Fucking hell," Killian swore softly, stunned by the scene below them.

Emma peered around him, her jaw dropping. "Gods. What happened?"

Killian looked around. "It looks like a dam broke and flooded the village. See all those smooth logs? Remnants of the dam, most likely."

"Where is everyone?" The village, about the same size as the one back home, was completely under water; a few of the homes submerged completely. Others stuck out comically, the pointed thatch roofs the only part visible.

"On higher ground, I hope. Or in the castle." It sat up on a rocky cliff, looming high over the scene.

"Let's go find out." Water rushed under the arching bridge, but they held hands tightly as they crossed. Emma knew the main gate faced the sea; she hoped this was an alternate entrance.

"Halt! Who goes there?"

They were about three quarters of the way across; Emma noticed the boy who stopped them couldn't have been more than thirteen. The sword he carried looked far too big for him, but Emma didn't want to frighten him into trying something rash. She stepped forward slowly, her hands well away from her weapons. "Princess Emma of Misthaven and Captain Killian Jones," she replied calmly. "Your queen knows me. We're here to help."

The boy shook a dark lock of hair out his face, clearly skeptical. "Really? How do I know you're not making it up?"

Emma produced the letter from her mother. "Take this to Ariel. She'll know."

The boy still looked doubtful, but he allowed Emma to cross the last few steps so she could hand him the letter. Emma noticed that the boy wasn't alone; a little girl huddled nearby. She stared at Emma with huge green eyes, her face smudged with mud and bright red curls tangled a little. One of Ariel's children? A child from the village? As the boy ran off, Emma knelt down. "Hello. My name's Emma."

The girl inched closer, still hugging the stone. "Are you really a princess?"

Emma smiled softly. "I am. I'm from a far away land though. What's your name, little one?"

"Thetis. I'm a princess too. Why are you dressed like that?"

Emma could see the child's curiosity would not be deterred. "I'm not very fond of gowns, Thetis. I'm on a very special trip with my husband. See him?" She pointed over her shoulder to Killian, who squirmed uncomfortably. "He's a pirate."

"Princesses can't marry pirates!"

"Yes, they can. See?" She held out her hand, her wedding rings glinting in the sun.

Again, Thetis' eyes went comically wide. "Father says pirates are a scorage," Thetis said, glancing warily at Killian.

"A scourge?" Emma nodded. "Some are. But mine's not. Would you like to meet him?"

"Lass, let's leave me out of this, eh?"

Emma laughed. "Come here, Captain. She won't bite." It occurred to her that she'd never seen Killian with a child. Thetis couldn't be more than seven. She moved over a bit so Killian could kneel beside her. He did so, clearly reluctant. But Emma just smiled. "Killian, meet my new friend, Thetis. Thetis, this is my husband, Captain Killian Jones."

Thetis looked Killian over; Emma noticed he kept his hook hidden in his coat. Probably a good idea for the moment. "Where's your eye patch? And your parrot?"

Killian looked affronted. "No self respecting pirate has a bloody parrot," he muttered. "I swear, the tales they tell little ones…"

"Thetis! There you are!" A tall older man appeared, his dark hair just beginning to show flecks of gray. Emma had met Eric several times over the years; he was very handsome for a man her father's age. His blue eyes were apologetic as he took in Emma and Killian. "My apologies, this little nymph keeps getting away." He paused, really taking Emma in. "Emma? Is that you?"

Emma stood, nodding. "I wish I was here under better circumstances, Eric."

"Papa? Do you know her?" Thetis cried, jumping up. "She says she's a princess!"

Eric smiled wanly, the tiredness tugging at his features. He picked the child up, despite how big she was. "Why yes, my love. Do you remember your mother telling you all about Snow White and her prince?" Thetis nodded. "This is their daughter, Emma." Emma started to reply, but something caught Eric's eye. His welcoming but tired smile vanished and he put Thetis down and pushed her behind him. He glared at Killian. "Emma, get behind me! If you are who I think you are, you'll find nothing here to steal. Move along, pirate!"

Killian tried not to take offense, he thought something like this might happen. His hook gave him away. He stepped back, his hand and hook up. "This isn't what you think, mate."

"So you're not Captain Hook? I know the stories, pirate. And I will defend my family." He glanced at Emma. "Emma, move! Now!"

She stood between the men. "Eric, this is my husband. Killian and I are here to help, I promise."

Eric scoffed. "He's got you under his thrall, Emma. Ariel and I will protect you, just come over here."

She tried not to roll her eyes. Men. "Gods, you sound just like my father. Killian was Captain Hook. He's not anymore. Moreover, he's the official ambassador of Misthaven. Ask Ariel, she'll tell you."

"Eric! Thetis!" Ariel's musical voice called out from the dark hallway. She emerged on the landing out of breath, a sheet of parchment in her fist. Her blue eyes took in the scene, alighting on Emma. "It is you, Emma! Snow promised you'd come!" The Queen marched past her husband and hugged Emma tightly. "Eddy said you were here but I didn't believe him."

"It's me," Emma promised. Letting go of her mother's friend, she gestured toward Killian. "Ariel, this is my husband, Killian Jones."

Ariel showed none of the wariness and fear of her husband. She seemed to welcome Killian with open arms. "Yes! Snow said you'd gotten married! I'm so happy for you. Welcome, Killian."

Killian blushed, still trying to hide his hook. "As Emma said earlier, I wish it was under better circumstances."

"Ariel! This man is Captain Hook. The notorious pirate!" Eric snapped angrily.

"Honestly, Eric, you should read your own correspondence more often," Ariel said, mildly exasperated. But she looked at her husband fondly. "We got an invitation to the wedding, remember?" She turned back to Emma. "I was heartbroken when I realized we would miss it. But it coincided with my father's visit. He gets to see the children so rarely…"

Ariel was a mermaid, given legs via a magical bracelet so she could be with her prince, Emma recalled. Her father, King Triton, still lived under the sea. "You don't have to apologize," Emma assured her. "Family comes first."

"Ariel, you can't be serious."

"Thetis, what do you think? Do you think we should let Emma and her husband visit?"

The little girl was no longer clinging to her father's legs; she was staring at Emma and Killian, clearly enthralled. "Yes!"

"Outvoted, my dear," Ariel said sweetly. Eric looked like he was going to argue again, but shut his mouth. He turned and marched off, hopefully to read the letters Ariel referred to. Emma hoped so. This visit would go very badly if Eric suspected Killian at every turn. Ariel watched him go. "He'll come around. His family's been sailing the seas for centuries." She looked at Killian. "Don't take his attitude personally, Captain."

"Killian," he said, wanting to avoid any association with his moniker. "I don't blame him for being cautious. I would probably be the same with my family." His eyes flickered to Emma.

Ariel saw the way the couple looked at each other, the love and devotion plain on their faces. She understood Eric's aversion to pirates; mermaids didn't have a better history with them. But Snow's words were playing out right in front of her. Whatever this man's past, Emma believed he was worthy of love and respect. That was enough for her. "Come, let's get you inside!"

Emma slipped her hand into Killian's and followed Ariel into the castle. "Ariel, Mama told us about the storm," she said quietly. "How can we help?"

Ariel looked sad. "It was so vicious. I've lived through a lot of storms but this…this was my first on land. I wasn't prepared for how scary it was. And when the dam broke…not everyone made it inside. I tried…I took off my bracelet, trying to find survivors…" She trailed off, still traumatized. "I didn't find many."

Emma let go of Killian and hugged the older woman. She could only imagine how heartbreaking it was to want to help and being unable to do anything. "We're here to help, Ariel. I don't know if Mama told you, but I've got magic. I'm sure we can do something."

Ariel sniffed, nodding. "They've already begun to shore up the dam. Hopefully, once it's rebuilt the waters can recede. We've been taking care of as many as we can here in the castle but it's crowded."

"Perhaps we can help with that then."

Ariel insisted on welcoming them properly with some food and drink. Emma saw scores of men, women and children around the castle, clearly trying to make the best of a bad situation. During lunch, she got up and conjured some toys for a group of children, including Thetis. They were all in awe of her, her magic shining a light in an otherwise dark place.

"Snow said, but I didn't quite believe it," Ariel said softly. "She truly is magical."

"In more ways than one," Killian agreed. "She can help you."

"I think you can too, Killian."

He held up his hook. "That might be a tad difficult."

She smiled. "You strike me as the resourceful type."

Killian followed the women out to the small skiff that would take them to the construction site. The surrounding valley was underwater; it was the only way to get there. Poles twice as tall as Killian moved them against the current, out to where almost two dozen men toiled. He saw Eric among them, his eyes wary as they approached.

"What do you think, love?" Killian asked. "Can you help?"

Emma considered. The storm taught her the futility of trying to magically alter nature, but she could give the workers a helping hand. "I think so? Let me try something." She held her hands toward the half built and leaking dam, willing it to straighten. The concave shape slowly shifted, wood creaking as she forced it back into place. The men watched in awe, the wood seeming to glow. "I'm not sure how long that will hold. But it should buy us some time to rebuild it."

Eric looked surprised, stepping up to test the magically repaired dam. "Thank you," he said honestly, gratitude evident in his eyes.

Emma flushed. "It won't hold long. The river wants to get out. But I think I can speed up the process?" She looked to the nearby woods, focusing on what they needed. Thick sturdy logs to build with. Reaching out with her magic, she realized the forest was filled with them! She snapped her fingers; in a flash over two dozen hewn logs lay stacked up by riverside. "It's a start."

"We'll need something to seal them," Killian said seriously. "Lest all our work be for naught."

"I know how to build a dam," Eric grumbled.

"Why don't we let the men sort that out," Ariel said, linking her arm with Emma's.


"Sometimes men need to bond," she whispered back. "Eric won't hurt him."

Emma glanced back at Killian, apologetic. I love you, she mouthed silently.

I love you too, he replied.

Killian thought he understood what Ariel was trying to do, but he privately believed it to be a losing cause. He honestly didn't blame the King for his attitude; he knew that most people would never be able to see past the man he'd once been. Hell, he still had trouble seeing the good man Emma saw. So he stayed out of the King's way, shucking his coat and vest to help the others saw the logs into usable lengths.

Fall had arrived, the days shorter than they had been at the height of summer. Still, the group toiled until near dark. Few spoke to him, his hook putting men off. He didn't need their friendship, he told himself. Or their respect. He simply wanted to help and move on. As long as Emma loved him, he would be content.


Reluctantly, Killian paused his task. "Your Majesty?"

"What's your game?"


"You're a pirate."

"Have been for centuries, mate. Emma seems to see past all that."

"Does she know? The stories everyone tells?" The books in the castle's library were filled with sea stories of pirates; some of them included this man. It never occurred to him that the infamous Captain Hook had a real name, but that didn't matter. Eric couldn't shake the feeling that the man in front of him was dangerous.

"She knows the truth. I've never kept secrets from her. She knows who and what I am."

"It's a wonder David didn't take your other hand for touching his daughter."

"I think he wanted to. But Emma's quite handy with a sword herself. Does this interrogation have a point?"

"I'm trying to figure you out. Ariel's always been trusting. I found the letters from Snow, but I'm still having trouble wrapping my head around this. Why are you helping us?"

Killian grabbed a water skin and took a long pull. "Because it's the kind of man I want to be."

"And what about the man you were?"

"I struggle with him every day."

"Ariel would want me to give you a chance…"

"Your's is a seafaring kingdom, Majesty. It's entirely possible I plundered one of your ancestors. I don't know. Three hundred years is a long time. But if I did, then I'm sorry." He turned his back, just wanting to get back to work. Unfortunately, his apology only seemed to enrage the King.

"Is that all you've got to say? You rob and plunder for centuries and you're sorry?"

Killian clenched his jaw. He was tired, both mentally and physically; the King was trying his patience. All he wanted was to curl up with his wife and sleep. "Don't start something you don't intend to finish, Your Majesty."

"Do you think I'm a coward?"

"No. I think you're a king who is exhausted and worried about his people. Let's just forget this happened and start over in the morning, yeah?" He moved to get his coat and sword, hoping to catch the skiff before it headed back to the castle. But the King wouldn't let him go.

"We're ending this. Now."

"There's nothing to end," Killian snapped. "I've changed."

"I don't believe you." Killian had no warning; a hard fist struck him in the stomach. He grunted and doubled over, taking another across his jaw. Enraged, he sucked in a breath and lunged at the King, tackling him to the ground. Eric might have been older, but he was strong. They wrestled, Killian's hook getting caught in pieces of clothing, tearing it in places. Both men kicked and punched; Killian was at a slight disadvantage with his lone hand. The dark was creeping ever closer, making it hard to see. The remaining men circled around them, sometimes looking like they would intervene, but all were afraid of Killian's hook.

"I'm…not…your…enemy…mate," Killian snarled, still short of breath. He wrenched Eric's arm up behind his back, or tried to, but the older man was more agile than he expected. Eric twisted away, rolling on the still damp ground, his lip cut and bleeding. But he was moving too fast, his momentum carrying him toward the too high river. Killian lunged forward, his hook catching on Eric's belt, wrenching him to a stop. Eric cried out, but managed to get a handhold to pull himself up. He panted hard, looking at Killian with a mixture of dislike and disbelief.


But Killian didn't bother to answer. Perhaps it was his lot; the world at large would never truly accept that he'd changed. It was depressing, but he'd find a way to accept it. As long as Emma believed in him, he was content. He turned to leave, just as their respective wives came running.

"Killian! Gods, what happened to you?"

"Eric! Were you fighting?" Ariel exclaimed, shocked and appalled.

Emma touched Killian's face, her green eyes assessing his injuries. He'd been too distracted to register pain, but his wife's fingers came away bloody. She tsked softly, her magic flaring to life and skimming over his skin. A quick flash and his body was healed. His wounded sense of self was another matter.

Ariel looked between the men, her arms crossed over her chest. She'd never seen Eric so…irrational. "What were you thinking?"

Eric wilted a little under his wife's gaze, regret twinging in his gut. The pirate had saved him (not that he'd been in any mortal danger, but still) even after the way Eric treated him. Was he wrong? As a young man, he'd encountered pirates on his voyages occasionally; the experience left him wary and rightly so. Seeing this man, the most notorious pirate to ever sail, just set him on edge. Men didn't change, not in his experience. Nothing about Killian Jones made sense to him and he didn't like things that didn't make sense. "I thought I was protecting our kingdom," he said softly, unable to look at Ariel.

"They came to help us!" Ariel cried. "How could you?"

"He's a pirate!" Eric snapped.

"And I'm a mermaid," Ariel shot back. "My people have attacked ships too; are you going to fight me?"

Eric's jaw dropped, flabbergasted. "Of course not! That's different!"

"But it's not different," Ariel said, looking profoundly sad. "You know how frightened I was to tell you the truth about me. But I chose to be brave. How is that different from this? Killian's done nothing to you and you tried to throw him in the river!"

Emma held Killian's hand, uncomfortable seeing the couple argue, but quietly agreeing with Ariel. It had seemed so simple when she and Killian agreed to be Misthaven's ambassadors. However, Killian's past was something that might always hang over them. She hated it, but it was something they would need to deal with. Together.

Eric sagged, the weight of how badly he'd hurt Ariel heavy on his shoulders. "I'm sorry," he said sincerely. "I didn't think of it like that."

"I'm not the one you should apologize to." Ariel blinked back tears and left; she needed some space, she needed to hug her children.

Eric opened his mouth but closed it, knowing there was nothing he could say to fix it. He'd hurt her, the last thing he ever wanted. Instead, he forced himself to face Killian. "Perhaps I was wrong about you, Captain," he said grudgingly, holding out his hand. "I'm sorry."

Killian thought about ignoring the peace offering, but that would just prove Eric's point. He nodded and gave him a firm shake. "Apology accepted, mate."

Emma and Killian hung back as Eric left. Twilight settled around them, the sound of the river filling the silence. "Are you okay?" she said quietly.

"Physically, aye. Thanks to you."

Ignoring the dirt on his clothes, she hugged him tight. "I'm sorry."

"I can't exactly blame him," he replied, breathing in her sunflower scent. She also smelled faintly of soap and flowers. "For all I know, I might have done something to his family in centuries past."

"That doesn't make it right. You're not that man anymore."

"Perhaps, but I can see where it would be difficult for others to just…accept. Patience isn't your strong suit, darling."

Emma sighed; he was right. She saw the good man in him from the beginning; even her parents took some convincing. She hated seeing Killian doubt himself. "Do you want to leave?"

Part of him was tempted, but he knew they couldn't abandon their duty. "No. We promised to help and help we shall."

Emma smiled, standing up on her toes to kiss him gently. "I love you."

The pride in her eyes cut through his tiredness. "I love you too, Princess."

Emma and Killian ate breakfast with the royal family the next morning. It was simple fare, porridge and bread, but no one complained. Emma wondered how long they'd been subsisting on such food. Much of the surrounding country was covered in water; the only way for supplies to come in was via water. They needed to get the dam repaired so the land could drain properly.

The previous night's strain between Ariel and Eric seemed to have thawed a bit; Emma saw them smile gently at each other. When their little daughter Thetis asked Eric for a ride on his shoulders, he obliged her, Ariel watching. Emma hoped they'd made up; she knew how much it hurt to fight with the one you loved.

After the meal, Eric came up to them, looking a bit unsure. "Joining the work party?"

Killian stood, his hand outstretched. "Aye."

Eric relaxed, shaking firmly. "Be at the skiff in five minutes."

Killian chuckled as the King walked away. "Well, he didn't punch me."

Emma didn't think it was funny, but didn't want to say so. "Work hard, okay?"

He bent down to kiss her forehead. "We'll be back before you know it."

Emma watched him go, then returned to her breakfast. She wondered just how she would spend her time this day; there was so much that needed to be done. Deep in thought, she didn't notice Ariel slide into the bench next to her. "Is Killian okay?"

Emma nodded. "Yeah."

"I'm sorry for the way Eric acted. If I had any idea he'd attack him, I would have never left them alone."

"It's not your fault. But it does make me worry about our role as ambassadors. What if everyone reacts the way Eric did?"

Ariel looked pensive. "I like to believe that people are better than that. Eric knows what he did was wrong. It's not an excuse, but I think he's more frightened about the storm than he lets on. We've never had anything like this here and he's afraid of failing his people and his family. Which is silly! And I told him as much."

"Thank you."

Ariel smiled at her fondly. "You're so much like your mother. Snow believes in people too. She believed in me."

"We just want to help. What can I do?"

"I thought we might check on our guests," she replied. "Make sure people have enough food and clothing. We've got quite a few families in need."

Emma nodded, already thinking about the things her magic could conjure. Ariel wrangled Thetis, who was delighted to spend more time with Emma. Emma was fond of the little girl; everything excited her. She was constantly begging Emma to do magic or to play. It tugged at her heartstrings, making her think even more seriously about being a mother herself. In the future. But picturing a little boy or girl with her pirate's dark hair or blue eyes wasn't a hardship at all.

The ladies spent most of the morning and early afternoon moving through the castle, greeting people, seeing to their needs. Clothing was in dangerously short supply; Emma used her powers to make shirts and blankets, while she repaired others. Ariel always had a kind word for everyone they met, regardless of station. Emma got the feeling that wasn't as important in this kingdom, something she appreciated.

"Where are Jon and Drew?" Emma asked, as they moved toward the east wing. Jon was the son who'd attended the ball so long ago, Ariel's eldest, who was of an age with Emma.

"Apprenticed out on our flagship," Ariel replied, looking both relieved and sad. "I've written but Eric says we can't expect them to drop everything and come home. In a way, I'm glad. But I miss them."

"I miss my family too."

"But you're enjoying your honeymoon?" Ariel said with a sly grin.

Emma flushed. "I am."

Ariel squeezed her hand. "I'm truly happy for you, Emma. After we finish here, we'll go check on our men, okay?"

Thetis was very disappointed when Ariel forbade her from joining them. The river was calmer now, but still deep and therefore dangerous. Emma conjured a toy to keep her occupied until they returned. The small crew of the skiff poled them across the artificial bay, Emma and Ariel chatting quietly. Until they turned the corner. Emma's jaw dropped, her hand reaching out to poke Ariel in the side.

"What…oh." Ariel swallowed, staring just as avidly. "Oh wow."

"Um, yeah." Emma instinctively wet her lips, unable to tear her eyes away. Nearly all the men who worked on the dam were barechested, stripped to the waist. Both Killian and Eric had their backs to them, skin glistening in the sun, covered in sweat. Muscles bulged and flexed as they pulled steadily on the rope, Killian had his hook twisted artfully around it, not impaired in any way.

Eric yelled something they couldn't make out, directing others to lay the log at the correct angle. The dozen or so men worked as a team, a single unit, such a difference from the fight they'd encountered the day before.

"You think they made up?" Emma asked.

"Looks that way?" Ariel replied, an almost giddy smile curving her lips. "I like this much better."

"Me too." The skiff arrived moments later, Emma jumping off first then helping Ariel to shore. They moved over to the pile of logs, taking a seat as the men worked. Emma felt a little voyeuristic as they took it all in, but could anyone blame her? Her pirate was stunning, virile and strong; she wanted to lick every inch of him.

Killian was relieved when Eric called a temporary halt; he was parched. He grabbed the nearest water skin and took several large gulps. He got the oddest feeling he was being watched; when he turned, he found his wife sitting on a log with their host, smiling at him. He cocked a brow at her, giving her a cheeky smirk. She blew him a kiss, making him laugh. It felt good to laugh. He wanted to talk to her, but he heard Eric calling them back. Killian went with an extra spring in his step; this would be fun.

Emma felt herself getting warm, even though it was cool for early fall. It might have been rude to stare, but she couldn't help herself. Worse, Killian knew she was watching and teased her on purpose, working just a little but harder than was strictly necessary and winking when he caught her looking. She squirmed, silently wishing she could just whisk them off to their room so she could have her way with him. Selfish, perhaps, but time with her pirate could only be a good thing, right?

The next time the men took a break, Emma stood, making her way over to her husband. "Having fun?"

"Not as much as I am now," he teased. "Enjoy the show?"

She nodded, not shy at all about ogling him. "Very much."

"And what did you do today, Princess?"

"Nothing nearly as interesting as this." She looked him up and down, again cursing the fact that they weren't alone. "Good day?"

Killian glanced toward Eric, who was being given a similar greeting by his wife. "He's not so bad. But I can think of better things to do."

"Can you?"

He tilted his head at her. "Can't you?"

She lightly skimmed her hands over his belly. "Maybe." She had some very specific thoughts, a way for her to continue to enjoy his toned body. One she hoped he would enjoy as well. She looked hopeful. "Maybe we could play later?"

His eyes lit up, clearly intrigued. "What kind of play?"

"It's been a while since the Princess enjoyed time with her Captain."

"That is something I would very much enjoy, darling." Given how long she'd been staring, he was sure she had a plan. She always did, his Princess.

Emma stood up on her toes and kissed him, his arms wrapping firmly around her, holding her up as her knees weakened. A few low whistles echoed in the valley, but the couple ignored them. Emma clung to his neck, the dampness on his skin soaking into her clothes. "Gods, you smell good," she mumbled, a frisson of lust going through her. She couldn't help it; everything about him was pure sex.

"We're not alone," he warned, still holding her close.

"I can fix that." She pulled away long enough to glance at their hosts. Later was too long for her to wait. "We'll see you in the morning." Without another word, Emma summoned her magic and teleported them off the bank in a cloud of white smoke.

Killian swayed slightly when they materialized in their guest room. "Bloody hell. Impatient, Princess?"

"Are you complaining?" She grinned and gave him a light shove; with her magic, she summoned one of the cushioned chairs for him to fall into. He landed with an oomph, eyeing her as she climbed into his lap. "I decided I wanted my pirate all to myself."

"Far be it for me to deny the Princess," he murmured as she slanted her lips over his. He relaxed as they kissed, the simple joy of being with her radiating through him. She couldn't stop touching him, her hands skimming over his chest and shoulders. "May I?"

Emma hummed in reply, her eyes heavy lidded as she watched him unhook her vest and slide it down her arms. She peeled off the white linen shirt herself, rising up to coax his mouth to her breast. He suckled her eagerly, his hand skimming up her back. She threaded her fingers into his hair, gripping it firmly as he tasted her. The little tugs and jerks went straight to his cock, his pants growing ever more uncomfortable. "Fuck."

"Don't stop."

Killian grunted in agreement, moving to the other breast. Emma keened as he lashed the pert nipple with his tongue, more wetness pooling in her belly. It was so good, she almost forgot her plan. "More," she demanded. "More."

Killian hastily yanked at the string holding her trousers up, his hook settling on her ass as his hand dipped into her pants. She was soaked, the heat radiating from her flesh. Her nails dug into his skin as he touched her, long fingers stroking her the way he knew she liked. His princess sighed happily, grinding herself into his touch. "Oh yes," she whispered. "Just like that, Captain."

The use of his rank made his cock throb with need; he loved when Emma asserted her control. They'd played this game several times since their marriage; she was getting so good at giving him what he needed. "Tell me," he pleaded. "Tell me what you need, Princess."

Emma shifted her hips a little, allowing his long fingers inside her. Her moan filled the room; she kissed him hard as she rode him. "I need…you to beg for me," she panted, her own climax building. "I need everything." She wanted his complete surrender, body and soul, utterly hers.

"Take it," he whispered back, curling his fingers, feeling her shudder as he stroked her secret spot. "Please."

Emma bounced faster, chasing her high. The wave crested abruptly, making her cry out, her walls fluttering over those deliciously long fingers. She was still trembling as he pulled his hand away; Emma caught it and wrapped her lips around the wet digits. Killian groaned piteously, cock aching in the tight leather of his pants. When she finished, she stood on slightly shaky legs, quickly bending to divest herself of pants and boots. Nude, she grabbed his hook and forced him to stand. "Strip, Captain. Now."

Killian obeyed quickly, relieved to get his clothes off. Out of the corner of his eye he caught another hint of smoke and Emma kneeling beside it. What had she done? "Oh bloody hell." She must have summoned the lock box from the Jolly.

Emma snapped the little box shut, turning the paddle over and over in her hands. Killian took great joy in her sexual education, introducing her to new and exciting things. On the course of their travels they acquired several exotic sex toys, things Emma had never dreamed existed. It felt like a lifetime ago that she spanked her lover with her own hairbrush. Now she could do it properly, the wood smooth in her hand. "Problem, Captain?"

Slowly, he shook his head. "Have I offended you, Princess?"

"Oh yes," she replied with a teasing smirk. "You let others see what's mine."

It took him a minute to figure out what she was talking about. His shirt! The view she so admired was coming back to bite him. In the very best way. "It was hot?"

Emma shrugged. "Doesn't matter. This," she said, gesturing to his naked form with the paddle, "is mine."

The way she said it made his blood run hot and his breathing got shallow. "I want to make it up to you, Princess. Punish me however you see fit."

"I thought you might say that." She pointed at the bed. "Stand at the foot of the bed. Legs apart, arms over your head."

He moved to obey, wondering what she had in mind. He didn't have to wait long, wisps of magic skimming over his wrist and ankles. He looked up, sturdy silken rope bound him hand and foot, spread eagled to the tall posts. His hook was tied with thicker rope, coarse, magic helping to hold it in place. He tugged experimentally; there was very little give. He was utterly at her mercy.

Emma moved up behind him, tossing the paddle on the bed where he could see it. She touched him, fingers kneading his muscles, reveling in the way they coiled and flexed as he squirmed. She pressed her chest against his back, letting him feel how much this turned her on. Her arousal was slick between her thighs; she couldn't wait to feel him inside her. "My gorgeous naughty boy," she whispered into his skin. When her hands came around to grasp his erection, he whimpered, unable to do anything while she played with him. "If you're good, I'll let you inside me. Love coming on this cock, so thick and long."

Killian shut his eyes, trying to clear his head, to think of something, anything else. She was a vixen, a tease, embracing her dominant role with aplomb. He thought he'd never find anyone who could give him what he needed, but he'd been so wrong. Emma was perfect and she only got more creative the longer they were together. "Please, Princess. Please."

Emma kissed the center of his broad back, reaching down for the paddle. She didn't want him to wait any longer for the thing he needed so much. Her arm came down in a graceful arc, wood connecting with flesh, Killian moaning in pleasure as the pain blossomed. Trussed up as he was, there was nothing he could do but take it. This wasn't the sting of the lash, hard and cruel. This was pain lovingly applied, purely for his pleasure. His cock ached painfully by the time she was finished; he couldn't recall the last time he was so aroused. Emma soothed his stinging flesh with tender hands and lips, telling him how wet she was, how good he was for her.

"Show me?" he pleaded.

Emma grinned, more than happy to give him a little show. It wasn't like he could do anything about it and she did love tormenting him. She went back to their box and extracted one of her favorite toys. Killian surprised her with it in Agrabah, a gift to commemorate the day they met. Made of jade, it was a realistically shaped phallus, slightly smaller than her lover, but she enjoyed using it as he watched. She climbed up on the bed, licking her lips as she looked him over. Muscles strained under his skin, hair hung adorably in his eyes. Naked and vulnerable, those bottomless blue eyes pleading with her…he'd never been more beautiful to her. She pressed a sweet kiss to his lips, sliding the tip of the phallus down his chest. "Watch."

Killian shivered as the cold stone moved over his skin; he knew she was using him to warm it up. She paused long enough to arrange the pillows behind her, allowing her to recline comfortably. Killian was forced to watch as she pleasured herself, hands cupping and massaging her breasts, dipping between her thighs. Her sex glistened with arousal, the phallus laying on the mattress, so near yet so far. Emma sighed and moaned, lost in her own pleasure. When she finally picked up her toy, Killian was straining against the ropes, desperate to taste her, to take her hard and fast until she begged him to stop. Still, she went slowly, widening her legs and leaning back as she eased the phallus inside.

"Oh," she breathed, biting her lip as she stretched around it. It was smooth and hard, not the same as her lover's cock, but enough. "Oh yes, yes."

Precum leaked from his cock; he wondered if he could climax simply from watching her. As interesting as that would be, he hoped not. He wanted to enjoy her tight lithe body as she clearly enjoyed his. He drank her in like a man starved, enjoying the way she pleasured herself. Hips rocking faster, she pumped the fake cock quickly, deeply, riding it until she orgasmed once more. His wife was gorgeous as she climaxed, skin flushed, eyes rolled back in her head. "Fuck, fuck," she gasped, trembling.

Killian whimpered, his will broken. "Please," he begged. "Let me have you, Princess. Untie me. Please."

Emma tossed the toy aside and waved her hand, breaking the spell holding him. Killian staggered for a moment, off balance, but he moved quickly, the bed dipping as he joined her at last. She melted into his needy kiss, her legs falling open for him. "Hurry, hurry," she demanded, hitching her leg over his hip.

He pressed her into the pillows, her back arching as he slid home. He groaned into her neck, needing a moment to collect himself. She was so wet and hot and tight around him, a perfect fit. She'd given him something precious, he wanted this to be an amazing experience for her as well. He kissed her again, long slow kisses, enjoying her softness as he began to move slowly. Emma didn't seem to mind, moving with him in a rhythm they knew well. The pirate and the princess fell away until it was simply two people who loved each other more life itself. They fed off each other, Killian's desperation melting into a need to please her.

He rolled them slightly so she was on top, draped over his chest as she rode his cock. He cupped her ass, guiding her, kissing her. Emma felt like she was floating, nothing mattered except this moment, the feeling of being one with the man she loved. "Together," she whispered, riding him faster. "Together."

Killian nodded, reaching between them to stroke her. "Close, darling. Faster. Please."

She did as he asked, moving faster, hands braced on his chest, his fingers frantically rubbing her clit. Her orgasm seized her suddenly, Killian spasming inside her at the same moment, her name on his lips. She cried out, ecstasy suffusing every inch of her.

Killian caught her as she fell, his arms tight around her waist. Not a sound could be heard aside from their harsh breathing, Killian felt his heart pounding in his chest. "Love you," he whispered.

"Love you."

They dozed in the late afternoon sun, wrapped up in each other's arms. Emma woke sometime later, feeling content and happy. But hungry too. Her belly protested lightly and she groaned in complaint. "What's the matter, love?"

"Do you think Ariel and Eric would think any worse of us if we asked to take our meal here?"

He chuckled, his hand skimming up and down her back. "Why would they think worse of us?"

"We did disappear when we're supposed to be helping them."

"True, but it wasn't life and death, sweetling. Our hosts were once young and in love as well."

"You're not young."

He feigned offense. "I've retrained my youthful glow, Princess. Or do you need another demonstration?"

"Hmm, maybe later."

He gave her ass a firm swat, just for her cheek. "You've already helped them immensely, lass. And we know your magic isn't infinite. I'd just as soon have you rest."

She smiled into his chest. "I don't know, it feels pretty good right now."

"Minx. This kingdom's troubles will be there in the morning. And we'll help until the job is done."

She kissed his chest. "Thank you."

"For what?"

"For interrupting our honeymoon to come here. I know it's not ideal."

"We made a commitment to your parents, love. And to each other. You would never be happy if you knew you could help someone else and didn't. This is a small inconvenience, nothing more. Besides," he finished with a smirk, "it's just another adventure."

"Hmm, you did look good out there all half naked and sweaty."

"I'm glad you approve."

"Just don't do it too much. Don't want anyone around here getting the wrong idea."

"I am very much spoken for, darling. Happily so." He kissed her. "But I'll not complain the next time you want to whisk me off so you can ravish me."

"Careful, I might take you up on that."

"I would despair if you didn't."

They were quiet again for some time, each lost in thought. Emma still sometimes had trouble believing that this was her life. That she'd found someone who truly loved her for herself. Killian just wanted her happiness. She was so, so lucky. "Killian?"

"Yes, love?"

"When we're finished here…where do you want to go next?"

He smiled that happy dimpled grin, warming her all the way to her toes. "Wherever the wind takes us, Princess."