Hey guys welcome to another fanfiction of mine, I do not own any of the Spongebob Squarepants characters but I do own my oc's, anyways I hope that you like this new story.

Spongebob and Squidward walked through the doors of the Krusty Krab, Spongebob was laughing at something Squidward said, "Come on, it wasn't even that funny!" Squidward growled, Spongebob busted out laughing, "No, it was hilarious!" Spongebob shouted, Squidward groaned, "You need to grow up, get a life, get a wife, for crying out loud." Squidward said, Spongebob calmed down, he wiped away a tear, "Ok, jokes over, time for work." Spongebob said as he walked through the doors.

Hours and hundreds of customers went by, the day was getting slower now that the big lunch rush swept by, a few drifters would come in and eat and chat with whomever they we with, if they were with someone.

Spongebob sighed as he walked out of the kitchen, he leaned against the lifeboat, "Few, what a work out." he said as he wiped the sweat off his forehead with a damp rag, "It was fun wasn't Squid." he said, Squidward sighed, "Yeah.. fun.." he said with much sarcasm, which Spongebob failed to notice.

Squidward pointed to a table where a family of three sat, "Oh look, more fun… another mess for you to clean up.. Get moving.." Squidward ordered, Spongebob smiled, he ran to the janitor's closet and closed the door behind him, not long after, he jumped out, the mop between his legs, as if it were a seahorse, the broom as if it were a sword, the wet floor sign hung over his shoulders as if it were armor, the mop bucket as if it were a helmet, "Here comes sir Spongebob, I am the protector of these floors and tables, here I am! Ready to clean up that mess!" he shouted as he charged to the table.

The entire restaurant stared at the weird fry cook as he landed just before the vomit on the floor, "Vomit! Be prepared to be 'Mopped'" the sponge said as he threatened the non-living pile of chewed up Krabby Patty and fries.

The kid smiled and laughed at the sponge, as if he were some hero, while his parents sat back in shock as the sponge stood up, the floor now sparkly clean, "There ya go.. And here you go." Spongebob said as he wiped the kid mouth clean with the clean rag, "You're safe kid! The evil-doer is gone.. No need to thank me kind sir, just doing my job." he winked at the kid who jumped down and began to hug and play with the sponge.

Krabs walked out of the office, seeing his employee playing with some kid instead of working, "Spongebob!" he shouted, Spongebob dropped the act for a second, he turned to look at his boss, "Yes Krabs?" Spongebob questioned, Krabs just pointed to the floor in front of him, Spongebob nodded before turning to the kid, "Sorry Billy, I've got to go.. But remember.." "Squarepants!" Krabs shouted, "Gotta go.." he waved before he walked over to the angry crab.

"Yes sir?" Spongebob questioned, Krabs points over to the family of three, "What was that?" he asked, Spongebob smiled, "The kid made a big mess, and I had to clean it.." Spongebob said, Krabs nodded, "Then why weren't you cleaning it, instead of playing with the little freeloader?" Krabs questioned, "Oh, I already cleaned it.." he answered, "Then why weren't you in the kitchen?" Krabs asked, "No one ordered…" he answered, "Well surely there was something you should have been doing.." Krabs said, "but, I already did it all." Spongebob raised his hands up to his chest, Krabs growled, "Fine, just.. Don't let me catch you doing 'that' again, I don't pay you to be kind to me customers." Krabs said, "But if I wasn't kind to them, you wouldn't have customers." Spongebob said, "Oh, right.." Krabs said, "Well, just do it on your own time." Krabs said, "Yes sir!" Spongebob saluted as his boss walked back in his office.

"Spongebob, get back in the kitchen, looks like we're gonna be busy again," Squidward said as a crowd of fish walked into the restaurant, "Oh boy." he says as he runs into the kitchen and starts grilling some pattys.

"Table 3.. Table 7.. table 2.. And table 4." he says as he picks up the orders and brings them all to their individual tables, "Here you go, A Krabby Patty with extra onions, and a side of onion rings." he says as he hands the order to table 3.

"A single patty with extra cheese, light mayo, and a side of fries.." he says as he hands the order to table 4, "Well, thank you." says the kind woman, who happened to be another sponge, (figures) light brown hair, bangs held back by a hair tie, she had pale ice blue eyes, much lighter than his sapphire eyes, she wore a white tank top and blue jeans, "Oh, you're welcome, um.. Say you're new here aren't you?" Spongebob questions her, the woman nods, "How'd you guess?" she asked, Spongebob rubbed the back of his head, "Well isn't it obvious? We've never met before." he smiled, "So, what's your name?" he asks her, the woman blushes and looks away, "Janet." Spongebob smiles as he looks at her, he could feel himself blushing, how embarrassing, Spongebob blushing, "Janet? Wow, that's a pretty name.. Well my names Spongebob…" he introduces himself, Janet giggles, "Well, thank you, Spongebob.." she says with a hint of blush on her own cheeks.

Spongebob sighs, "Well Janet, *giggles* enjoy your meal, I've got to get back to work." he says as he points his thumb to the kitchen door, "It was very nice meeting you..' he says before he began his journey to the kitchen.

Squidward stops the yellow sponge before he enters the kitchen, "Who was that?" he asks, "Who?" Spongebob asks, Squidward gestures to the woman at the table, "You know who I'm talking about, her, who is she?" Squidward asked, "Oh, her.. Says her names Janet.. She's new to town." Spongebob answers, "New?" Squidward questions before he looks at the girl, "Well, how'd you get her to talk to you?" Squidward asked, "What do you mean?" Spongebob asked, "I mean, just look at her, she's beautiful, how'd you get something like 'that' to talk to you." Squidward asked, Spongebob shrugged, "I just said hello.." Spongebob answered, "Hello? That's it? Move." Squidward says as he pushes past the little yellow sponge.

Squidward approaches the woman, "Hello there." Squidward says, the woman puts her sandwich down, "Um.. h, hello?" she says, "I couldn't help but to wonder, why is such a beauty such as yourself, doing here?" Squidward asks, the girl looks down at her food, "Eating" she says, Squidward chuckles, "Well aren't you funny, no, I mean, out of all the places in this town, you choose to come to the worst restaurant in town, and alone, why?" he asked her, she looked around her, her gaze caught onto the yellow sponge who stared cluelessly at them before turning back to the big nosed octopus.

"Um.. this place isn't bad, and I'm just trying to eat, is that a problem?" she asked, Squidward turned to Spongebob who stood back at the boat, "wait, are you.. Are you with him?" Squidward asked her, "W, with who?" she asked, "Guess not, that's a relief, I mean, just look at em, he's disgusting." Squidward cringed, "I mean, he's a fry cook for crying out loud, who makes those disgusting grease balls," Squidward said, Janet cocked her eyebrow, "He made this?" she asked him as she looked at her half eaten Krabby Patty.

Squidward nodded, "It's horrible, isn't it?" Janet shook her head, "No, it's amazing, I honestly never had anything like it." she said, Squidward looked at her, "You've got to be kidding, oh no, she's already lost it," Squidward shook his head, Spongebob tapped Squidward on his shoulder, Squidward turns around and screams in his face, "What!" Spongebob jumps back, "I, I think that you should get back to the register, there is a line ya know, and I think that you should also let her eat.." Spongebob said, "and do you know what I think?" Squidward questioned, Spongebob smiled, "That, I'm a devilishly handsome sponge, who happens to be your co-worker slash neighbor, who cooks delicious patties," Spongebob answered, Squidward cocked his eyebrow, "Right.." he said before he walked towards his boat, "Come on, Fry Cook." Squidward said, Spongebob smiled, "Coming!" he shouted before turning to the woman, "Sorry about that." he said before running off to the kitchen.

By the end of the day everyone had left, table four was empty, Spongebob hung his spatula next to the grill, everything in the kitchen was locked and secure, he let out a sigh of relief as he looked at the clean kitchen, "Good, time to lock up the rest of the shop." Spongebob said as he walked out to the dining room, Squidward had went on ahead of him, leaving the sponge behind to close up.

Spongebob turned the key just before he turned to walk down to the road, just before he left he stopped, "Who's there?" he whispered, he looked all around him but seen nothing, "It's probably nothing, probably all in my head, there is no way someone would be talking to me this late." he shook his head as he dismissed the strange sound.

"Pst.. Spongebob." Spongebob stopped again, "There it is again.. Alright! Show yourself! I know Karate and I'm not afraid to use it, come on out before this gets ugly." he shouted as he raised his fists, just as he did, someone walked out from behind the Krusty Krab pole, "W, wait!" the mystery person said, Spongebob stepped back, "Who are you?" he asked just as the person stepped into the light, "Y, you.." he said, it was Janet.

Janet smiled, her arms were crossed, "Hey.." she said, "Sorry if I scared you." she apologized, Spongebob looked over her, "What are you doing here this late? It's closed." Spongebob said, Janet nodded, "I know, I didn't come here for that." she said as she stood a foot in front of him, "Than, what did you come here for?" he asked her, Janet threw her head to the side to hide a blush, "Call me crazy, but.. I came here for you." she said, Spongebob cocked his eyebrow, "You did?" he asked her, she just nodded.

"Why?" he asked, Janet looked at him, "I wanted to see you again, I actually waited here ever since we met, I would've stayed inside but, your co-worker creeped me out." she said, Spongebob just smiled, "You wanted to see me?" he asked, Janet nodded as they began walking.

The two made it to a two way intersection, "Well, Janet, it was nice seeing you again." Spongebob said, Janet just looked to the ground and blushed, "You too, good night, Spongebob." she said just before he turned down conch street, but was stopped with a hand on his shoulder.

Spongebob turned to look at her, "Sorry, I just got one more question." she said, Spongebob smiled, "Ask away." he said, Janet shrugged, "This is going to sound weird, since, we just met and all, but.. Do you mind going on a date with me tomorrow?" she asked him, Spongebob looked shocked, "A, a date?" he asked, Janet nodded, "I, I mean, you don't have to, I just.." "I'd love to," he said, Janet smiled, "Great!" "So, Janet, where would you like to go?" he asked her, "You know, I never really thought about it, do you have anything in mind?" she asked, "I can think of something, so, what time?" he asked, "Well, how bout seven?" she asked, Spongebob nodded, "Sounds like a plan," "Great, here's my number and address." she said as she slipped him a piece of paper, "thanks, I'll keep this safe.. See you tomorrow Janet." he said just as he hugged her.

Janet watched as the sponge vanished into the darkness, she sighed, "Seven." she whispered to herself before she walked off in the other direction.

Ok guys, this is it for this little chapter here, I hoped that you all like it, so far.