
By Tanith Bri


Summary: When Goku learns that you can control a person while they're asleep and has a crush on Sanzo, what trouble can he cause??

Rating: PG.for now.

Genre: Humor and Romance

Pairings: Goku x Sanzo, Sanzo x Goku


" Mm.pork dumplings." he muttered sleepily as drool dribbled down his chin and he reached out his hands to grasp his dream meal and stuff it down his mouth. He lurched forward, about to hug and devour the meal in his mind when he lost balance and hit his against the back of Hakkai's seat.

" YOW!!!!" he exclaimed as he shot right back up. He whimpered as he felt the pain surge through his body. He rubbed the red spot on his nose. He winced as he felt it throb and hurt under his touch. " That hurt." he whined like a baby as he sucked his thumb.

He sucked his thumb as he looked around his environment, shrouded in darkness at the dead of night. He continued staring at nothing, and finally let out a deep sigh. He couldn't sleep anymore courtesy of the pain in his nose. He looked at his companions envious as he turned green at the sight of them with looks of peace on their faces as they slumbered.

" Hakkai looks happy.." he mumbled quietly as he looked his bespectacled green clad smiling friend. The tiny white dragon with him slept quietly letting out squeaky snores as he rested on Hakkai's lap. " Even horny cockroach head water monster looks happy." he added turning to Gojyo, sleeping with a half-burnt cigarette dangling from his mouth.

He then turned to Sanzo, and blushed at the sight of him. The moon's reflection bounced off Sanzo's agile body, making look even more beautiful than ever. Goku slowly crept over to Sanzo's side, making sure he made not a single noise, knowing of Sanzo's sharp ears. He seated himself at Sanzo's side and took in a deep breath as he admired the monk.

He smiled to himself, as he brushed away the soft blonde bangs from his face, and revealed the fine, subtle and feminine features underneath his outward coldness. Goku let out a smitten sigh as he clasped his hand around Sanzo's. He used his finger to trace Sanzo's cheek, and esteem the smooth skin, like that of a baby's. He then took notice of Sanzo's lips, oh such gorgeous lips..good enough to lay a kiss on.

Goku tightened his hold on Sanzo's hand, and leaned forward for a kiss.

He snapped back into reality and retracted backwards. " What am I doing?!?!" he asked himself. Sure, he loved the man, despite the fact that he almost always whacked him with a deadly paper fan everyday for his immaturity. But, hey, he was gorgeous!! But he reminded himself that he had a big mouth and couldn't keep a secret if his life depended on it. He began to visualize the aftermath of his kiss.

" Hey Sanzo!!!!"

" What is it foolish monkey??"

" I kissed you last night!!!"

" WHAT!!!!! GRRR...''


He shuddered at the thought of the powerful and deadly piece of paper coming down on him, ever so painfully. He gave up the idea of a smooch. He let go of Sanzo's hand, disappointedly and scooted back to his part of the jeep. He drew his knees to his chest and fumed. He wanted to kiss Sanzo.. but if he did, he would suffer a fate worse than death. He let out a defeated sigh and scratched his auburn hair.

He then decided to bore himself to sleep with one of Hakkai's books, to forget the thought of Sanzo.

He grabbed Hakkai's worn and torn traveling bag and immediately tore it open. He pushed aside the rest of Hakkai's things, dragon chow, some scrolls, a quill, a blanket, a clock and a bottle of liquor and smiled eagerly when he saw a thick book poking out. He took the book out of it's case and shoved Hakkai's bag unto Gojyo's lap.

He flipped through some pages, and stopped when he saw something of interest. " The human mind??" he muttered reading the glossy letters that shone under the moon. He snuck over to Gojyo, and took, stealthily out of his pocket his lighter. He went back to the book. Flicking the lighter a couple of times, he gained light and soon found himself reading about the human brain.

" When subconscious, the human brain is easy to in, when the person is sleeping..." he read out softly as he scanned the pages. He stopped at this, and did some thinking.

Sleeping?? Easy to control??



He placed his hand on his chin, as he turned his head over to Sanzo.

Should I??

No.Sanzo would definitely kill me.

But...maybe he'll forget....


A smile, a wicked smile formed on Goku's face. He had a brilliant, to him, idea.

He carefully scooted over to Sanzo, and moved his face close to Sanzo's ear when he reached him.

" Sanzo??" he whispered. Sanzo, replied with a soft snore. Goku's grin widened.

" Sanzo..can you hear me??" he hissed into the ear. Sanzo replied in a soft and sleepy mumble: " Hm,.yes.." " Can you pay attention to what I'll say??" he asked. " Yeah..whatever." came the slurred voice.

" Sanzo, tomorrow, you will be as sweet as Hakkai and sugar combined and as friendly as Gojyo is horny." He commanded gently.

" Sweet.....friendly...." Sanzo muttered, almost inaudibly.

" You will be as innocent as a puppy, and as sweet as one too."

" Inno.cent..sweeeetttt.."

" You will be my uke! You will follow my every command tomorrow. I am your master. Son Goku. Your one and only master!" he snickered covering his mouth.

" Ukeeeeeeee...Masterr.youuuoyuououo..."

" And, as a final touch, tomorrow, you will be our maid, you will serve and slave over us. You will also wear a pink, frilly maid uniform for the occasion."

" Pink...maid.."

Goku smiled in satisfaction as Sanzo's head lolled on his shoulders and he snored softly. " Perfect." Goku congratulated himself as he went back to his part of the jeep, and closed his eyes for slumber, awaiting for the morning with a happy and sinister grin.