Welcome fellow SVTFOE readers and writers and a Happy Holidays fellow Starco trash! If you didn't know by now, I've recently fallen yet into another fandom. And how crazy it is to somehow land in here?! The likes of me right?!

I'm here with you today to bring you a story inspired by Areablog's comic "Between Friends". If you haven't seen it yet, go check it out on her Tumblr. Her aesthetic is almost as identical of that with the original show so it's totally worth your interest (NSFW so tread carefully)

Buuut you're here now so why not read mine? So this story's events takes place after Season 2 Sleepover. And you all know what that means!~ UwU Gonna rate this to M when things get a little...Naughty. But for now let's start building it up to that shall we? LETS GO!

Chapter 1: Jackie Woes

The morning before...

"See you in school Marco!" waved Jackie in a perked up manner as she head off home riding her skateboard.




The morning after...

Inside the halls of Echo Creek Academy, Marco was speeding up ahead in hopes of making it to the usual spot where he gets to greet Jackie. Luckily he came in early, just in the knick of time before Jackie arrives at 7:56 am.

*Pant* *Pant* *Pant*

"Phew...Made it." exhausted Marco catches his breath for awhile; resting himself over by the lockers behind him.

(Just in time) he inwardly said to himself but then panicked when he realized (Oh wait! How do I look?! Am I sweating? Do I smell?)

He groomed himself posthaste just before the last minute strikes. Putting on a suave facade, he gets to position by resting his elbow on the surface of the locker. However his facade suddenly faltered as he brooded about the way things happened before; Reminding himself that now should be the time to do something different.

Concerned about his bold confession that night; In retrospect he didn't know what came over him. Admittedly, All he knew was that it was more or less a step closer to winning Jackie's affection.

Since when he'd witnessed Jackie's change of mind about her crush; Her solid answer of 'I don't know anymore' raised a few flags on Marco's interpretation. He felt like he was the sole reason for it. Hence, this galvanized him to do something for a change. Something different rather than the 'nods' they've been giving to each other for so long.

(Okay deep breaths) "Phew..." (You can do this Marco! You've practiced this to the mirror countless of times I know you can do this!)

Stifling his excitement, his watch strikes at 7:56. His lips broadened to a dorky grin as he looked over the direction to where Jackie arrives.

Finally, there she was, skateboarding her way to class. However, Marco was struck frozen just by looking at her. Like a moron he was fixated like it was love at first sight.

He was physically unable to do anything, but in the back of his mind screamed...(DON'T JUST STAND THERE! DO SOMETHING!)


Jackie was only moments away before she flies past him. Fortunately she was able to catch Marco in her sights. But when she opts to beam him a smile and greet him herself, all of a sudden she flipped her skateboard inadvertently without even knowing it, hence tripping herself in the mishap.

The students sauntering nearby gasped in unison as they witness the shocking incident before them.

Meanwhile, Marco snapped himself out to reality as he saw his crush about to fall and immediately went for Jackie's aid. He dived ahead and had caught her just before she'd fallen face first onto the floor.

As he picks her up he asks "Y-you...Okay?"

With a slight effusive expression, Jackie replies "Yeah Marco, It was all thanks to you."

(Now this is your chance Marco! Talk TO HER!)



Marco just unexpectedly choked. He couldn't handle this much pressure before.

Sheepishly, Jackie starts asking "So that sleepover huh? Craazy~."

Just like Marco, Jackie wanted to talk to him as well but she had noticed that Marco was apparently unable to speak at the moment.

(She's talking about that night before!? There's your chance!)

"I...Uhhhh...I..." Marco just continued to stammer.

In response to Marco's catatonic behavior though, Jackie calmly shrugged it off as she picked up her board then carried on ahead to her class. But just before going, she turned her head over to him as she waved over goodbye "Well see you again Marco."

Still deadpanned, Marco sluggishly waved back "Yeah...S-see you."

Marco stared himself down in defeat berating at himself inwardly (You blew it Marco! You'll never be able to talk to her again! Nooooooooo...)




Later afternoon In the Diaz's residence...

Heavy sounds of muffled groaning could be heard in the dim lit living room. The TV was the only light source shining in the area.

On the couch, Marco was laying his back over it, covering himself with a pillow he despondently cries out the words "Stupid, stupid STUPID!" then he continues groaning out his frustrations through the pillow.

As Marco was bemoaning about his fiasco earlier that day, Star was creeping up from behind the couch looking pretty exuberant and jittery. Holding her face with bated anticipation wearing her sea green dress outfit.

With excitement by the cusp of her breath she asks "So how did it go? Did you actually talk with her?"

"Awful! Just awful!" replied Marco albeit muffled still, due to the pillow resting on his face.

"Awww you can do better next time!" said Star with a reassuring tone "You'll definitely get another chance. Besides miss Skullnick just announced the new pairings for the next field trip!"

Suddenly, Marco sat upright, agitated upon hearing the news "You're right I almost forgot..."

"Yeah I got paired up with Janna and you get to go with~...Jackie Lynn Thomas! If that's not lucky I don't know what is!" Beamed Star.

"This is even worse!" exclaimed Marco, throwing his hands up in the air as he reclined himself back on the couch.

Star gave off a confused look on her face but immediately shifted to a mien like she's about to laugh "Pfft Don't worry, you'll be fine!"

Marco glared at her to let her know he was serious which prompted star to elucidate "It can't go that bad. You just go up and talk to her, piece of cake." Star then sits over besides Marco.

"It's not that simple."

Clasping his hands, Marco leaned his head down staring at the floor with a worried expression on his face.

As he exhales he explains his qualms "I just couldn't bring myself to talk to her again, let alone even start a conversation with her. That time, when we accidentally froze time and had to turn the wheel of progress back? That moment with Jackie was just...I didn't even know what came over me. I just suddenly happened to blurt it out you know?"

"Awww...Look Marco." Star places her hands on Marco's shoulder. Still smiling, she leaned her head down to get herself a clear view of Marco's gloomy eyes "Your lucky that your besties here."

She retracted back up and pointed to herself with the wand and said "And as they always say, Best friends never leave each other down! So you can definitely count on me Marco! Besides I'm a girl too silly."

Marco waved his hands in protest, holding a fake smile he attempts to dissuade "No offense Star but this is different. I don't think you can help me on this."

Star gave off a pout as she crossed her arms. She bitterly replies "Marco, you saying you don't trust me is that it?"

Marco sheepishly retorts "No I didn't mean that. Of course I trust you."

Upon hearing that, Star jumped joyously on the couch "Theeeen come on come on come ohhn! Tell me what you want to know! Tell me tell me tell meee!"

Marco rubbed the back of his nape "Ehh I don't know..."

Star lavishly threw her puppy eyes right to Marco's very eyes as she persists "Please please please pretty pleeaaase!"


"Yay!" Star deliriously jumped in celebration as she then moved in closer to listen intently at what Marco has to say.

"Star I...I don't know really."

"Hmmmm..." Star goes back to sit again. Crossing her arms she began to think of something. "Aha!" With her eyes shaped like stars she placed down her wand as she grabs marco by the hands then trills in a singing voice "Let's roleplayy!~"

Marco leans back with a hint of anxiety "Star...Where you're going with this?"

"Listen I'm going to help you...Just as you helped me with my mother issues." She flashes her eyebrows to him and nudges her elbows at his arm and teases "Dr. Marco PHD~

Star stands up from the couch and playfully points at Marco "You're going to be Marco, pfft obviously. And me? Imagine I'm Jackie!"

Marco rolls his eyes in doubt *sighs* "Oh boy."

"Ahem." Star attempts to try her best intonation to that of Jackie's. In a sassy tone she says "Hey Marco...You looking pretty cool today."

Raising an eyebrow Marco interjects her reproving "Star, That's not how she talks-"

"Shhh!" breaking character, star shifts back to her normal voice and whispers "Just deal with it."

Star sits beside Marco as she reverts back to her own version of Jackie's voice and says "You know speaking of which Marco, I'm feeling rather cold." Star nudges Marco's arms with her elbow as a way of telling him to play along.

Marco sighs in defeat as he concedes ans begrudgingly takes off his Jacket as he wraps it around Star.

With the warmth of Marco's hands around her shoulders, Star just couldn't control herself as she grabbed both Marco's hands that were holding the Jacket and held it closer to her.

Star moves in closer and snuggled in Marco's borderline embrace as she sighed deeply which allowes a small red blush to creep up on both her cheeks.

However Marco wasn't taking this seriously as he should. Noticing this, Star huffed and began to lay down on Marco's lap to catch his attention.

"Woah! Okay Star cut it out...You can give me back my jacket now, Wait a minute..." Marco all of a sudden grew worried "Your face looks swollen and red Star. Are you Sick?"

With this distance and the way Marco looks right now, caused Star's red beet face to illuminate even more. She gazed ahead with narrow eyes onto Marco's bemused eyes.

Curling up her hands to her chest she mumbles the words sensually "Oh Marcoo~"

*ba bum*

*Ba bum*


Her heart beat sped up as it continues to inwardly resonate even louder.

"I think you might be having a fever. Maybe we got an ice pack somewhere in the kitch-"

And all of a sudden, Star couldn't handle this much tension anymore and began reaching over her hands to grab Marco's cheeks. Squishing them, it pursed Marco's lips as she pulled him in towards hers.

"Woah!" Marco exudes a blush at the abrupt contact of her uncanny touch.





Unfortunately, Star inadvertently hits Marco's nose instead.

"Ow!" Both cried in unison as they held their noses to alleviate the pain.

Marco was left hard pressed while his jacket fell over during the incident "Huh? Wha...How...Did you just..."

However Star would not respond as she started sulking over on the far left side of the couch. She then Curled herself up in a ball as she tucked her head in, followed by a long yet muffled scream of regret on her side.

Meanwhile On the far right side of the couch, Marco was sitting there. All glum with an abashed face of confusion as he ponders over to what had happened awhile ago.

Seeing the jacket that fell over, he picked it up and wears it back again. He then continued to mull over the implications around Star's advances.

A few minutes had passed, with Star still in the same sullen position, Marco opted to break the silence "Star...Did you try...To kiss me?"

"I...I..." Popping her head back up, she blurts out "I was curious okay?!"

"Curious?" said Marco, questioning himself about it.

Star puts on her best facade thinking of the best excuse she can say. Holding a deep breath she then exclaims "A Surprise! It-it was a surprise test! Yeah thats...Thats right and...And it was about kissing a girl under pressure but y-your nose was in the way!" with the explanation over, Star then exhales it out of her system.

As a response...Marco does not have one. Instead he stared into Star's eyes as his pupils began to dilate in awe. With the same expression on his face, he shimmies himself closer and closer towards Star.

"Marco?..." said Star as she grew more nervous by the minute and the hearts on her cheeks began to illuminate to a pinkish glow.

*ba bum*

*Ba bum*


Marco's heart beat started speeding up as it continues to resonate loudly from within.

Marco proceeds to lean in forward while Star on the other hand leans back in response.

Marco gets even closer with his eyes almost shut in a half lidded stare and a face in a trance-ish state. Star on the other hand, started breathing even faster. They were almost so close that she could feel his heart beating at the same rapid pace as hers. Even her hearts on her cheeks began to animate in a way that it was beating in sync with hers.

Both wildly blushing with their faces about an inch apart. Star froze as she was gripped with a dilemma. She didn't know what choice she has as her mind was telling her not to but her heart tells her otherwise.

But with Marco's profound advances she was left with no other choice but to completely give in. She began Mirroring Marco's expression, as she leaned in without anymore hesitation.





But Instead of having their lips make contact however, they accidentally bumped their noses again by mistake.

In unison, both Star and Marco started saying simultaneously:


"My Nose!"

"Hey, stop that!"

"Stop copying me!...Pfft hahahaha!" The two can't help but break into an uncontrollable laughing fit.

Marco's laugh falters to a controllable giggle "How did we get here?"

"I don't know!~" said Star, laughing in the same way.

After laughing for minutes end. The hysterics finally died down followed by silence filling the air as the sounds on TV begin to normalize as if it was muted beforehand.

Wiping the tear off his eye Marco says "Let's just forget about what happened and watch some TV."

"Heh yeah suree~..."

A few minutes later of awkward silence Star faces Marco and calls his name "...Marco?"

"Yeah Star?"

Star shimmies herself comfortably near Marco, She giggles then hums as she rests her two arms onto both of Marco's shoulders. Surprisingly, Marco wasn't at all fazed by this.

Star nuzzles her forehead to his as they stared deep into each other's eyes. Star begins leaning in but stops midway "You know...Marco...It's just practice." Looking back into Marco's eyes she gave him a tender smile as she coaxes "Maybe we could...You know...Try again?..."

Marco returns a small smile back "O-okay...Maybe just a quick one...Heh."

ANNND CUT that's a wrap! Fortunately for you folks this won't end here just yet. This has been deliberately set up in order for me to split this to more chapters since this is my own version so I have more surprises in store for you my dear folks!

Also I know I it's a dick move but please bear with me as next chapter would...Well it's already been a given so I don't see no other reason to keep it a secret. UNLESS if you had read the comic then you'll probably know what would transpire. But If not, then be patient my fellow SVTFOE readers :3

So feel free to leave any opinions whether it may be a question, critique, complaint or whatever you can think of. I love reading them regardless! Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year! See you next chapter!