A/N: If my last short fic was any indication, I freakin love Nanu from Sun and Moon, he's great so why not xover?

Overall Notes: Nanu is OOC and OP, All the Pokemon cries are their game cries, not the anime cries, Kamisama gives Nanu Pokemon Cards ! Also there are loose Okami referances, and what is explained in the fic are slightly vague and parts are missing because Nanu would be pretty vague and this is told in his third person pov most of the time, he also wouldn't stick with the FT gang because he doesn't really care that much, except for Wendy because Wendy is the Acerola of FT

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon or Fairy Tail, all rights to their respective owners


It had been a normal day, all the chaos after the UB incident had died down, Sun and Moon had run off with Hau to deal with whatever they wanted- the two siblings had both ended up champion in their own right, but Moon decided that she wanted to explore and train with Hau while Sun took up Position of champion instead.

Or maybe it was the other way around?


He didn't care.

It wasn't his business anyways. He was a Kahuna, and a shitty one at that. Less and less trainers were doing the island challenge, even though the idea of being champion wasn't all too bad, but once again, he hardly cared as long as he could stay indoors and watch whatever arbitrary news or TV program was on the first channel he flipped to. Or he could go for a walk in the rain if he wanted to, but whatever.

Nanu Kuchinashi, a former member of the International Police, Island Kahuna, and police officer, sat up from where he was laying down on his couch as a knock sounded at the door of the once police station, now his home. One of the many Meowth raised its head and meowed to alert him, to which he grumbled in response as he stood from his spot and trudged over. Strange, few people actually knocked at the door- the Professor was one of them, and the other Kahunas- because they thought it was a regular police station. Sun, Moon, and Hau would walk in if they wanted to talk to him and he hadn't seen that blonde boy from Aether in a while, so he doubted it was him either. Team reSkull also just burst in, either using the door or the windows, which irritated him to no end.

Glass was expensive and windows were hard to fix, more so with at least eight meowth always hanging around his feet.

Opening the doors, he frowned more so than normal, his slumped posture slumping a bit more as he gazed around. No one was there. He scowled before he made a move to go back inside, only for his eye to catch on a worn, cardboard box. He picked it up, looking around again before stepping back inside his house. The box wasn't too heavy, nor was it too light, about the same weight of a book or something, maybe food? It didn't matter to him, it was his now.

He trudged back over to his couch and sat, setting the box down after clearing a spot on the table in front of him. His home had become cluttered recently now that Acerola, Sun, and Moon kept bringing him things- Acerola had always done that, but since Moon had started going around and exploring, she sometimes dropped random things off that she thought he would like. Troublesome, if he ever thought so, but he did have to hold a bit of appreciation for the girl that Acerola had basically adopted as a sister. Sun normally didn't drop by, but sometimes he had one of his Pokemon send something to him.

If anything, all those trinkets or items tended to pile up around the house. Though the Pokeballs did go to good use, he had used them to try and catch other types of Pokemon- just so he could say that he had done so. Not to mention the multitude of Meowth he had added in.

Absol released himself from his Pokeball, along with his Persian, the two jumping up next to him and settling. Absol had been an accident, well more like he was walking around and decided to catch it when it jumped out at him. Nonetheless, the male Absol was here and part of his team now, along with the Honchkrow he had acquired.

Leaning back as he pat Absol's side, he sighed, staring at the box. Should he open it now? Or wait? It was a bit suspicious that someone dropped something off and left. He knew that he wasn't TOO likable but if someone wanted to deliver something they were usually there. Unless it happened to be delivered by Hala's Bewear, at least the Melemele Island Kahuna got it through his head that he hated his fucking pink bear Pokemon after the incident when the demon-bear had sent the dark kahuna up into a tree when it decided that it would be a great idea to attack him for no reason.

Something about the box, however, pulled him to it, like something was calling him. That was stupid, spirits and ghosts were Acerola's forte, not his. He returned Absol and Persian to their pokeballs before he picked up a pair of scissors, cutting the tape on the cardboard box off. Setting the scissors aside, he opened the box, only to raise a brow at the content inside.

A book? Old-looking as well, and leather. Last he checked the books around Alola weren't made from leather, unless they had been since he had been to that library in Malie city. His hand ghosted over the cover, the title was in a completely different language than what he knew, none of the other regions dialects either. No, it was most definitely foreign to the world, or a dead language. This only made the red-eyed island Kahuna frown more at that, he couldn't recall any dead languages that looked like the characters on the cover of the book in the box.

Huh. Was it a different language inside too? Most likely.

He took it out of the box and set it on the table in front of him. It still seemed more like Acerola's forte than his own, which was starting to piss him off. It was radiating a sort of dark power, akin to the UB, but not as strong or dangerous, more like a soft thrum of dark power, nonetheless- against his better judgment- he opened the book.

At first, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Other than the fact that the pages were blank. NO writing, nothing. Just blank and empty. That was until black hand prints started appearing all over the page.

"What in the-" the officer moved back from the book, his senses screaming at him to get the hell out of the building, but the sharp tug at the pit of his gut wouldn't allow him to leave. He stood frozen where he was, staring as the book started defying every single law of physics in the world he knew- it started to float. The books started turning rapidly before ghostly black hands shot out and grabbed Nanu before pulling him into the book.

The book snapped shut and fell back onto the table.