Author's Note: In this chapter, Dipper and Mabel, along with their cousins and friends are finally reunited with what remains of their family and friends in the Mystery Shack. However, emotions and stakes run high as they need to rescue not only the rest of the Pines family and friends, but reclaim the town and save the universe as they know it. No pressure. Well, a lot of pressure rests on their shoulders. And one will make the ultimate sacrifice to end the madness once and for all here in Chapter 79: Weirdmagedon 3: Take Back the Falls AU!
Family Tree:
Stanley and Carla - James and Jessie Pines
Stanford and Addi - Shauna, Shannon Pines and Shifty Pines
James Pines and Tara Grayson - Cormac (19), Arya, Aria, and Anais Pines (15)
Jessie Pines and Lillian Prescott - Tanya (21), Stanley Jr aka Junior, (16) and Tyrone Pines (14)
Shauna Pines and Marcus "Spriggs" Valdez - Quincy Pines (7)
Shifty Pines and Tate McGucket - Isaac McGucket (14)
Shannon Pines and Clyde Bone (dating) - Drake Bone (5)
Tanya Pines, Frederick "Fred" Palovich, and Kyle Harper - Cadence Pines (unborn)
Enjoy Fellow Gravity Fallers!
Inside the Mystery Shack….
Everyone stops where they were to see that the intruders are actually the very kids they've hoped would return safe and sound. And they did, mostly. Dipper and Mabel, along with their cousins are more than happy to see some familiar, friendly, disheveled faces they too hoped made it out of the mess uncaptured. They all may appear rough and not having a good bath for days, but they held on up to this point and don't plan to stop now.
"Family!" cry out Dipper, Mabel and the cousins in unison, running up to the adults with tears welling in their eyes. All of them were so done and eager to be in the arms of their present family members.
Tara whining in relief to see her daughters alright, licking each of their muzzles and vigorously wagging her tail. Cormac joined in to greet his sisters and cousins. The triplets make audible cries as if they're crying in joy and streaming tears from their eyes.
"Kids!" responded Stan and Carla, bringing in all the kids in a joint hug with the rest of the adults.
"I can't believe it!" says Stan with much relief in his expression. He couldn't put into words how much he, along with the rest of the family, how much they missed the kids.
"We thought we lost all of you," says Carla, tears streaming from her face.
Soos runs up to hug Stan and Carla in a tight grip, catching up on the moment. "Mr. and Mrs. Pines! It's really you! I've been hugging strangers to practice for this moment."
Wendy follows suit as she slams into Stan and Carla for a joint bear hug. "We missed you, you old codgers!" She looks to the rest of the family with a smile. "And everyone else here!"
Stan chuckles happily when everyone lets go of him and his wife, looking at his grandkids, great-nephews and niece as well as Soos and Wendy. "We've missed you knuckleheads, too. It's good to have you back."
Dipper looks around to see that most of the people and creatures he's come to know over the summer have remained in the shack. "So… almost everyone's here?" Dipper wonders, then gasping as some Lilliputtians run past him when he is caught off guard.
"Wow! Monsters and gnomes are here, too!" remarked Mabel, gasping as she spotted her best girl friends here, too, along with David holding a sleep mode Taro in his arms and Kevin happy to see her and Dipper again. "Guys! You're here!"
"Mabel!" cheer Grenda and Candy, running up to give her a big hug in missing her. The two girls appear not in their usual wear, but in makeshift wear they stitched together and made do from the lack of clean clothes to change into. Same goes for David and Kevin as well.
Mabel looks over Candy's shoulder to see Pacifica and Patricia as well, wondering why they're dressed as they are. "Paz, why are you wearing a potato sack?" she asks while giving her a hug, too.
Pacifica almost takes offense to her worse for wear outfit, but she takes a deep breath and speaks while petting Patricia's head for comfort. "Things haven't been easy on us. Without my expensive extensive wardrobe at home, some of us had to make due with what's around here." Pacifica flips her hair, smiling back at Mabel and Dipper. "But, it's good to have you guys back."
"Good seeing you safe, too, Paz." Dipper brightly smiles back at Pacifica before he turns to Kevin and David. "Dudes! Glad you made it, too!"
Kevin chuckles, giving Dipper a good shoulder hug with his other hand carrying his own axe. "Well, we all stuck together. Though our dad got taken with many of the adults in town. There's a lot of kids here." He thumbs over to the direction of Gorney and several other kids, who are doing the best they can despite how scared and shaken they are from everything going on.
"Bros!" says Wendy, gathering up all three of her brothers in a big hug. "You goobers are okay!"
"Wendy!" say Gus, Kevin and Marcus in unison.
"Gus!" says Quincy.
"Quincy!" responds Gus happily.
Dipper then turns to David, the alien boy appearing distressed, scared and in his true form while looking at Taro in their sphere form during sleep mode to conserve what little power they have left, holding them close against his chest. Dipper goes up to his friend and asks in concern, "Hey, dude, what's going on?"
"Taro used a lot of power a few days ago to get us here and fight off those demons outside. I have no viable power source to recharge them on me. And we can't go back to get it," sighs David, having not found an alternative source since coming to the Mystery Shack with the rest of the refugees.
Ty walks up to David, having overheard him and Dipper. "I can help." He touches Taro's form and sends out a pulse of electrical current towards the port to convert the energy that quickly gives Taro all the power they need to get out of sleep mode and be active again.
David gasps to see Ty without his right arm, but he dares not question it. Not right now. "Ty…"
Taro's robotic dog body lights up to life and switches to their active mode, getting back on all four feet and emoting their delight to see everyone. "Hello! The sudden surge has recharged me in full!"
"Yes!" says David and Dipper.
"Thanks, Ty. Carrie is in the other room with the others, if you're wondering if she's here," says David, thumbing behind him. "She's been missing you, too."
Ty shows a soft smile. "No problem, David. Thanks for letting me know."
Multi-Bear frowns over Dipper, seeing that Ford, Adeline and their grown children are absent. "I see Ford, Addi and their children are not with you, Dipper. Have they… met their demise?"
Dipper shakes his head somberly. "No…. At least I hope not. They got captured by Bill and he turned Grauntie Addi into a doe for some reason instead of stone and gold like the others. And Bill destroyed the journals. But with or without them, we're gonna do something."
Stan clutches his hands tightly, looking away with Carla placing a soft hand on his shoulder, she too is distraught over the news. Stan knew something terrible would happen to them the moment they didn't promise him they'd return. He and everyone else knew, too, that shouldn't surprise them. But it was still painful to hear it all the same. Stan and Carla are now more determined to get Ford and everyone else back from Bill's grasp. Or die trying.
Suddenly, coming from the vents in the house, the living wax head of Larry King makes himself known. "Hey, is anyone gonna feed me? Larry King's disembodied wax head wants num-nums," expresses the head, even though he doesn't need to eat at all.
"We're trying to ration our food, remember?" tersed Grenda as Wax Larry King chews on her hair like before the moment she looks away from him. Grenda retracting and clearly uncomfortable with the hair chewing. "'s happening again."
Multi-bear closes the vents, preventing Wax Larry King from chewing any further. He pleasantly smiles at Isaac, being glad he made it, too.
The reunion was disrupted abruptly when one of the manotaurs, Pituitaur, alarms everyone in the house of the large red eye-bat flying outside scanning for potential victims, pointing at the door.
"Hey, everyone! Eye-bat!"
Everyone gasps, knowing what to do next.
"Evasive maneuvers!" urges a gnome, ducking under the stairway.
Stan slams the door and urges Dipper and Mabel and the cousins to huddle down with the others. "Shhh, keep it down," hushes Stan and lowers himself on the floor with everyone else.
The refugees scatter and hide wherever in the house they can fit into, some into smaller spaces than others in desperation for safety.
"Hit the lights!" says one gnome as the second puts out the light in the lanturn. Everything in the house now dark and seemingly lifeless in disguise.
Outside, the eye-bat scans around the house, finding nothing it could claim. It turns a scampering raccoon into stone and flies off with it. The danger has passed. For now.
Soon when they know it's clear, Stan and the others show the kids the rest of the refugees in the larger room who managed to make it to the shack thanks to Fiddleford leading them. Stan lights a match and throws it into a metal bin with cinder blocks around it, some of the people huddling around it for warmth since the power is out in the house.
"Welcome to what's left of normal around here. Home base," sighs Stan, tired from him and Carla doing what they could to take care of their remaining family and the refugees of Gravity Falls.
There were a lot of people, creatures and animals tending to their injuries they sustained from escaping from the carnage outside; such as those who were almost turned fully to stone. Their homes have been lost to the consuming flames and demons.
Among them were all the boys from Sev'ral Timez; Dani huddled by her friends, Jack, Jill, and Kylie with her young magical bird Fei cradled in her arms and chirping; Cassidy Lucas and all six of her older and younger siblings, revealing to be werewolves themselves as they sadly whimper on the floor; Liam watching his younger brother Sebastian among his equally young friends; Arthur Jones and his older brother Nigel by the fire with blankets draped over their shoulders; Blitzaur tending to his four children: Thunder, Ginger, Riggs and Silver along with the young child gnome, Ben and young fawn, Poppy; Chilly, Blanche and Faye staying the in the dark corner away from the fire to keep themselves cold right by Blitzaur, the three fairies thinking home and their own family back at the seasonal tree. And Sheriff Blubs forlornly looks at a picture of Deputy Durland and himself in a photograph in his hand, longing to be reunited with his boyfriend again and get him back home alive.
Greggy C breaks the silence. "We have…" the rest of the boy band singing, "Several injuries!" Immediately after, they clutch their injuries, wincing in pain. "Oh, ow…"
"Ow, my liver, girl!" says Chubby Z. Their singing fails to lighten the mood.
Quincy runs up to Dani and his friends, "Dani! Jack and Jill! Kylie! And Sebastian!" he cheerfully exclaims, knowing they're the real deal.
Dani wastes little time to tackle-hug Quincy after she settles Fei down gently, him letting out an "Ooof!" before Dani expresses how elated she is to know he made it back alive. "Quincy! Quincy! Quincy! I had hoped you'd get here, too!" the girl cheers.
"We almost thought you got taken, but Torchy here never lost hope," says Kylie with a small grin.
Ty walks up to Carrie, her in her true alien appearance, trying to do what she can to fix her mechanical leg while levitating off the ground with her telekinetic power as her horns give off a purple glow, but without the necessary parts, it couldn't be as functional as she needs it to be. Carrie letting out frustrated swears in her native language.
"Hey, Carrie," Ty greets, raising his to her with a tired smile.
"Ty?" says Carrie, focusing her attention to him and then to his stump where his right arm used to be. She doesn't need to question what had happened to him when it was pretty telling what occurred. He'd been through so much as the others have in trying to survive, she can tell. "I'm glad you made it here alive," she says, setting her leg down and bending down to give him an embracing hug.
"Same," Ty whispers quietly, thankful Carrie didn't bother to know what'd happened to his arm. He wasn't ready to tell what really happened, yet. And that it was his own doing.
Dipper is surprised to see Rumble McSkirmish inside the shack as well. "Ah! Rumble McSkirmish?" he wonders and hopes he's not gonna try to challenge him to fight again. But to his surprise, Rumble appears not aiming to fight him at all and seems much more depressed, a side never seen by anyone.
Rumble sulks, having been defeated by forces he couldn't face on his own like he has all his existence. "Do not be afraid. Weirdmageddon has taught me, there are some battles I cannot win. I am now Humble McSkirmish," says Rumble as a digital "-50 despair" pops up next to him.
The triplets slowly walk up to the other werewolves. All of them instantly start smelling each other, the triplets recognizing them as Cassidy and all her brothers and sisters with her. The triplets being caught by surprise by their friend's true identity she kept hidden from them, but there was no doubt why. Cassidy knew the triplets were werewolves before when she recognized Tara, their mother, in her werewolf form from her scent and how she spoke to her.
Dipper turns to Stan and the other adults, wondering if a plan has been set in motion to stop Bill and his chaotic forces. "Grunkle Stan, have you and the others thought of a plan throughout these days?" asks Dipper with hopefulness in his eyes, really needing to hear what's possibly been thought out.
"Actually… yeah," says Stan while giving food to the kids and pregnant women first before everyone else. "We aren't gonna just stay here and eat what all we have until we resort to eating each other, are we? Hell no! There's a town and its people we need to save - and our family. We have something in mind, but we wanted to wait until you kids and everyone else in the family came back… now that at least you kids are here, we can go ahead with it," grins Stan, assuring Dipper that they're on the right track to getting things back to the way they were.
When Ty touches the tv, his electrical shock brought the tv to life with power to make it turn on. The tv screen showing Shandra Jimenez still around and having infiltrated the Fearamid in order to capture footage of the happenings on camera. Everyone gathers to watch the news they haven't heard for awhile.
From what everyone's watching, Shandra Jimenez hides behind a pillar, speaking in a hush tone while broadcasting live from the Fearamid with a fearful expression, clearly terrified by all around her. "This is Shandra Jimenez reporting live from the inside of Bill's castle. Here for the first time are images of what's happened to the captured townsfolk. Viewers are advised to look away if they don't want to see their friends turned into a twisted throne of human agony." The camera zooms in on the giant throne made of the petrified townsfolk stacked together to form the shape. There are also some animals and magical creatures inside it as well; such as Lemon-Punch and Mimzy.
The children seeing the images of their parents and friends among the throne greatly distressed them as some of them began to cry in sorrow. Some of the adults also shed tears as it was horrible for everyone to witness.
"Daddy! Uncle Li!" screams Dani, seeing her father and uncle - in his dragon form - among them, turned to stone with fearful expressions frozen in place; though Li appeared more wrathful in his face. She recalls the first day when the eye-bats came to the restaurant and started taking people. Li changed his form to that of a great chinese dragon and began fighting off the monsters, and Dante using his hand-to-hand combat to use what was around him to help fight. Dani, however, ran away when Dante urged her to get to safety while he and Li fought. Dani now knows what had happened to them. She pulls her red hood over her head, beginning to cry in her tucked in legs. She wasn't alone when her friends sat with her and shared her pain.
"Mom and Dad?" acknowledges Pacifica.
"Dad?!" Wendy and her brothers scream.
"Deputy Durland!" Sheriff Blubs cries, getting in front of the tv.
"Is there no one who will save the people of this town?" questions Shandra when an eye-bat's red beam hits her upon being spotted. Shandra shares some parting words before being petrified like the others. "I'm Shandra Jimenez and I'm being turned into stone by a flying eyeball." The TV turns to static as the final broadcast ends. The tv shuts off.
Everyone gasps and is left with brief silence.
"Oh, no. My parents are bad but even they don't deserve to be turned to stone," says Pacifica. Isaac and the Pines would protest that, but they won't voice it at this moment.
Sheriff Blubs drops down on his knees in great, dramatic grief for his boyfriend. "Curse you, Bill! Why must you take everything we love?" he laments, ripping his shirt open and crying.
All the refugees were beginning to lose what hope they clung to for everything to be well. Some sulking in the corner, some crying with those nearby, and the rest shedding no tears. Their heads hang low, believing all is lost.
However, the Pines family weren't going to give in to despair. Not yet. Not when they have family and friends needing rescuing. Not when they need to end Bill's reign of weird horror for good. And not when they have more than enough fight left in their hearts, minds and bodies to carry that into hell itself. Mabel being the first to act when she climbs up top Multi-Bear's main talking head and raises her voice for everyone to hear her, aiming to raise everyone's morale. Everyone will be needed in order to win the battle. And everything was at stake.
"Guys, don't you see? Our friends and families need us, but we can only save them if we fight back," speaks Mabel. She looks down to Dipper and pulls him up after her and holds his hand in hers. Dipper has words to share as well.
"Mabel is right. Bill wants us to run and hide. He wants us to think he's invincible. But Grunkle Ford told me before he was captured that he knows Bill's secret weakness," Dipper shares.
The refugees perk up and start muttering among each other. That glimmer of hope sparking back into their moods, raising their heads up and focusing their attention on the twins.
"Weakness?" wonders Wendy aloud.
Dipper continues, improvising a motivational speech. "Now, if we band together, if we combine all of our strength, our smarts, our…"
"Bravery…" adds Quincy in light expression.
"The girls say, Determination…" speaks Isaac for the triplets. "Boldness..." Isaac voices his own input.
"Love…" smiles Junior.
"Ingenuity…" says Ty.
"Heart and confidence," voices Tanya and Cormac in unison, giving each other fist-bumps.
Dipper and Mabel brighten in expression seeing their cousins contributing to the speech. "...Then we just might be able to rescue the rest of our family, learn Bill's weakness, and save Gravity Falls!" finishes Dipper with a raise of his fist.
Everyone cheers for the twins, igniting renewed purpose and motivation in their hearts to fight back. Now, they'll even follow them into hell itself if it meant to save their people, home and the universe itself. The Pines adults cheer for their grandkids, nieces and nephews.
"Ha ha! Now that's what I'm talking about!" says Stan proudly, bringing back that jovial demeanor of his. He points over to Fiddleford, who is on his laptop, and gets everyone's attention to him. "Alright, everyone! Give your attention to Fidds over here. He's the main brains here who's come up with a way to take this shack to Bill himself."
Fiddleford grins and gets excited. "Wha-Whoa! Holy hootenany! Flapjack and fiddlebanjos!" He clears his throat and simmers down. "Sorry, Sorry. Got a little excited." He habitly thumps his foot and slaps his knee, much like he's done in the past. "What I meant to say is I think I figured out a way to fight Bill and rescue Ford, Addi and their children and my own son. But we're all gonna have to work together." He snaps his fingers, signalling a gnome nearby to put his glasses on him. Fidds then beckons Isaac, David, Ty, Marcus C and Carrie to join in with Dipper and Mabel and the others. "Now. You just…"
Fiddleford and the rest of the group began their discussion as to how they're going to make it all happen and in a way they'll be mostly protected from Bill and his minions.
"Don't worry, family! We're coming for you!" exclaims Soos in determination.
Soon, the discussion concludes and everyone takes a bit of time to get reacquainted and rest before they proceed to get ready to exact the plan.
Junior and Ty walk up to their parents and sister, having missed them and the rest of the family so. Everything they've been through during Weirdmagedon tired them down and still have no idea why the weirdness waves have made them feel off from the inside and out in terms of power and energy. There was a change happening and they don't know why. For now, the teen boys wanted to be with their family.
Maurice shows his bright smile at his sons, going up to gather them up in a hug. "Stanley Junior! Tyrone! I can finally hug ya both. Come 'ere!" the dad chuckles.
"Wait… that means you're alive again?" asks Junior with a half smile.
"You're not a ghost anymore?" adds Ty.
"Seems that weirdness wave from days ago brought him back to life. And thankfully not as a zombie!" expresses Lillian. "And he's been getting used to what comes with having a body that needs nourishment again."
"Let me tell you," Maurice leans in to whisper, "I did not miss going to the bathroom every some hours." He lets out an amused chuckle, to which the rest join in on the laugh.
The six laugh together almost as if nothing was wrong in the world. A laugh was what they needed to break the tension.
"Man, I'm glad to have this back," sighs Jessie.
"Same, Ma," agrees Tanya.
Mabel needed some time with everyone to talk about what happened to have caused Weirdmagedon in the first place. She felt she had to get it off her chest and feeling immense guilt over it having happened to her and everyone she knows and loves dearly.
Meanwhile inside the Fearamid….
Ford was taken to the tip top of the Fearamid, where Bill personally dubs as his 'penthouse suite' and no one else is allowed in but him and… the invited. It was a spacious dark room with a demonic grandfather clock; long rug lying in front of a burning fireplace; cushioned chair with a lamp and table; sofa; and finally a large portrait of Bill with a golden crown and scepter, replacing his black top hat and cane, having his foot on the globe in a victorious pose. Exactly was an egotistical being like Bill would have. The gold encasing Ford fades away and frees him wholly, but tight blue chains around his leg created by Bill keep him from making an escape.
Ford angrily demanded Bill to free him and his family. "Let me and my family go, you insane three-sided-!" Ford pauses to take a good look at the change of scenery around him, no longer being out in Gravity Falls or in the throne room. "Wha-What is this place?" wonders Ford, taking a step forward, only to notice the chain clamped around his leg as it jingles from the tug.
Then out of nowhere, Ford hears Bill singing to the tune, 'We'll meet again' while playing a black piano. Bill rising from the floor with said piano as he finishes the song. "~WE'LL MEET AGAIN. DON'T KNOW WHERE, DON'T KNOW WHEN. OH, I KNOW WE'LL MEET AGAIN SOME SUNNY DAY.~"
"Wh-where am I?" questioned Ford.
Bill faces Ford and nonchalantly tells him. "YOU'RE IN THE PENTHOUSE SUITE, KID! THE TIP OF THE PYRAMID. HAVE A DRINK." He snaps his fingers and a purple martini glass appears in Ford's hand. "MAKE YOURSELF COMFORTABLE." The demon triangle takes a sip of his drink using his eye like a mouth as Ford sits down. "YOU KNOW THAT COUCH IS MADE FROM LIVING HUMAN SKIN?" points out Bill.
The couch and chair groans as eyes, a nose, and a mouth appear to reveal they were alive, making Ford jump up in astonishment and drop his martini glass. Ford was having none of Bill's playful facade, knowing he wanted something from him if he hadn't killed him off yet.
"Quit the games, Cipher! If I'm still alive you must want something from me," acknowledges Ford, angrily pointing at him.
"AH, SHARP AS EVER, FORDSY. AS YOU MAY HAVE NOTICED…" his voice begins to echo, I'VE RECENTLY HAD A MULTIDIMENSIONAL MAKEOVER." Bill was eager to demonstrate his powers and rearrange the room's furniture without touching anything, making them and Ford float in mid-air. His voice ceases echoing when he continues. "I CONTROL SPACE, MATTER, AND NOW THAT THAT DUMB BABY'S OUT OF THE WAY, TIME ITSELF! BUT I WASN'T ALWAYS THIS WAY." He makes everything and Ford in the room falls without care.
Ford landing with an, "Ooph!" chest first, but he gets back up as he has to listen to Bill explain his origins, but goes into only enough detail where one could fill in the gaps of how it all happened.
"YOU THINK THOSE CHAINS ARE TIGHT?" Bill's eye shows his former home planet on a two-dimensional plane, which is engulfed in flames right before Ford's eyes. "IMAGINE LIVING IN THE SECOND DIMENSION, FLAT MINDS IN A FLAT WORLD WITH FLAT DREAMS. I LIBERATED MY DIMENSION, STANFORD, AND I'M HERE TO LIBERATE YOURS. THERE'S JUST ONE HITCH." Bill stops staring at his drink to project a moving hologram from his eye, showing the Weirdness Magnetism dome around Gravity Falls and himself unable to escape from it. "AS IT TURNS OUT, MY WEIRDNESS CAN'T ESCAPE THE MAGICAL CONFINES OF THIS TOWN. ONE OF MY MINIONS TOLD ME THERE'S A WEIRDNESS MAGNETISM KEEPING ME IN."
"Incredible!" gasps Ford, adjusting his glasses. "Gravity Falls natural law of weirdness magnetism. I studied this years ago!"
"AND DID YOU FIND A WAY TO UNDO IT?" asks Bill, having a feeling he would definitely know.
"Of course," affirms Ford, matter of factly. "There's a simple equation that could collapse the barrier. But I'd never tell you!"
"LISTEN, FORD, IF YOU TELL ME THAT EQUATION, FINALLY YOUR DIMENSION WILL BE FREE." Bill projects himself growing so gigantic, he's the size of the whole planet Earth as he proceeds to draw a smiley face in the midwest United States, the people below running and screaming for dear life, then takes a bite out of the planet. Bill showing he's flying up further in the galaxy passes his 'friends', who are destroying other planets as if they were mere toys. Ford appeared in the middle of the galaxy as if he were a higher being. Listen, Ford, if you just tell me that equation, finally your dimension will be free. "ANYTHING WILL BE POSSIBLE. I'LL REMAKE A FUN WORLD - A BETTER WORLD! A PARTY THAT NEVER ENDS WITH A HOST THAT NEVER DIES! NO MORE RESTRICTIONS! NO MORE LAWS! yOU'D BE ONE OF US. ALL-POWERFUL. GREATER THAN ANYTHING YOU'VE IMAGINED AND ALL I NEED IS YOUR HELP." Bill ceases the projection, his eye creases, wanting Ford to just eagerly accept the offer.
No matter how much Bill claims he'll give, Ford was not the naive man he once was. "You're insane if you think I'll help you," growls Ford, insisting he absolutely will never help Bill destroy everything he holds most dear and the world.
Bill laughs as he floats down to sit his flat ass on his flesh couch. "HA HA HA! I'M INSANE EITHER WAY, BRAINIAC. BUT HAVE IT YOUR WAY. I'LL JUST FISH AROUND AND GET THAT EQUATION DIRECTLY OUT OF YOUR MIND!" Bill leaves his physical body, turning it to stone as he enters the mental realm with his transparent self.
Ford displays a knowing grin when he calls out. "Not so fast! You know the rules, Bill. You may be able to haunt my dreams but you can't enter my mind unless I shake your hand and let you in," Ford tells off.
Bill enters back into the physical realm and inside his own body and sighs, seeing he'll be doing it the hard way. Bill conjures more chains that clamp around Ford's legs and neck, suspending him in mid-air as he struggles in his new uncomfortable position. "YOU'RE MAKING THIS SO MUCH HARDER THAN IT NEEDS TO BE. EVERYONE HAS A WEAKNESS, TOUGH GUY! I'LL MAKE YOU TALK! IT'S ONLY A MATTER OF TIME." Bill snaps his fingers, making the petrified statues of Shifty, Shauna, Shannon appear, along with Adeline, still as a deer behind him and in chains as she bleats distressfully upon seeing Ford in chains himself. Bill unfreezes Shifty, Shauna and Shannon and chains them against the wall as they too struggle in vain.
"NO!" Ford screams, eyes widened to see what Bill intends to use to torture him for the equation, no matter what it took. Even if it meant making his family suffer as well with him. Ford rightfully glares at Bill, his hands clutching tightly into fists, wishing he could punch Bill right in his giant eye then and there. "You can poke and prod me all you want, but don't you fucking dare hurt them! LET THEM GO NOW!" yells Ford.
Bill pauses, glancing over to Adeline and the three grown children. "NOT A CHANCE! YOU CARE FOR THEM A GREAT DEAL, DON'T YOU?" His voice loudly echoes. "I GROW BORED OF MY DEER PET, NOW, SO LET ME JUST DO THIS." With a snap of his fingers, he reverts Adeline back to her human self. Adeline on her hands and knees, finally after days of being stuck as a deer she can stand up on her two feet as she attempts to get up, but stumbles forward to fall over. Bill eying Adeline's direction near him. "PERHAPS YOU AND YOUR KIDS COULD GET HIM TO TALK, BLONDIE."
"Go to hell, Bill!" hisses Shannon, trying to fight her chains, but they do not break from her struggling. "We won't make him say a damn thing, you scalene fu - AAAAHHHHHH!" Shannon painfully wails, the scar over where her eye once was begins to burn and emit sizzling sounds again as does for Shauna at Bill's commencing fingersnap. It wasn't going to kill them, but Bill's going to make them wish it did.
Then Shifty was forced to morph into different shapes against his will at the snap of Bill's finger, but he couldn't cry or scream in agony like his sisters, for the forms had no mouth.
Ford lets out a painful scream when Bill begins to send electric shocks against him through the current of his chains, Bill's twisted attempt to get him to tell him the code, or else he'll end up killing him slowly and painfully while his wife and grown children reluctantly watch. Bill has equally awful plans for Ford's family as well. It was all too horrifying for Adeline to watch helplessly as her family is being tortured before her eyes and chains appear on both her legs and arms like the others.
Back at the Mystery Shack….
The plan was being set in motion with Fiddleford McGucket showing everyone the blueprints he lays on the table, displaying mechanical parts taken from vehicles, and other machinery such as from his mechanical Gobblewonker, that would act as limbs and weapons to attach to the house in order to make it a walking fortress that would possibly even the playing field against Bill and his henchmen. The robot is dubbed, 'The Shacktron'. "Alright. I've made some thingamadiculous robomajigs in my day, but this is the first one that won't be used for evil," says Fiddleford in confidence.
"Whoa! These blueprints are incredible, McGucket," remarks Dipper in amazement. Mabel and the other kids share his enthusiasm.
"This is your most amazing invention yet," says Mabel.
"This is awesome, Grandpappy!" comments Isaac.
Soos brings up a valid question. "Question, does it have any gun-swords? I watch a lot of anime and, uh, trust me, you're gonna want some gun-swords." Soos can only imagine how incredibly cool that would be to include among the arsenal of weapons for the creation.
"What's an 'anime'?" asks Fiddleford.
Isaac, Cormac and Soos glance to one another with small grins on their faces.
"We have much to discuss," says Soos, opting to show the older man mecha themed anime to give him inspiration for design and function.
"And…" speaks up David, "may I make some technological suggestions me, Carrie and Taro have in mind."
"Sure!" affirms Fiddleford. "By all means, help this ole' kook out here! Let's make somethin' that really packs a wallop."
Stan, Carla and the other adults look over the design plans, making agreeing nods and grunts. They really hope it will work. They have only one chance to succeed.
Stan takes one more look around the room in front of him. So many memories made in the home he and his whole family shared through the best and worst of times over the thirty-plus-years since that fateful summer. Where his children, nephew and nieces grew up. Where his grandkids, great-niece and nephews visit and play. Where he and his family faced against all odds like they're doing now.
"Alright," says Stan, placing down the blueprints, "where do we start with this crazy plan?"
"Leave that to us," says Mabel.
Everyone around them cheers, more than ready to get started with fighting back and taking back their friends, family and homes back, too.
Over the next few days, Fiddleford McGucket takes charge over leading the Pines and the rest of the refugees to building the robot. With him pointing out the locations of the parts they needed: the junkyard and abandoned mines, everyone under his guidance proceed to raid each location, while also using what's around in the Mystery Shack and making the necessary changes to the house. They were all careful not to be spotted by any of Bill's henchmen and eye-bats in the process.
Outside the house, those more physically capable train and spar to sharpen their fighting skills such as Wendy, Junior, the triplets and other creatures such as the manotaurs and Rumble. Candy, Dipper, Fiddleford and Grenda testing the functions of the giant mechanical arm to be used in the fight.
Soos, Cormac and Isaac show Fiddleford the mecha anime episodes, letting him write down notes for inspiration as he intently watches the show.
In the meantime, David and Taro get to work creating technological control panels to engineer and install a mainframe in the area where the main controls for the Shacktron will be located. David was in the zone, grinning all the while with creating code and with adding a few modifications to the weapons of the Shacktron.
Taro processes the highly probable scenarios in their mind, coming to the conclusion they may not all survive the battle. Without David or anyone else knowing, Taro sneaks in a code that may just save everyone should the worst happen, the percent going from zero to a hundred in their visor dubbed 'Last Resort Protocol' and 'Override Prohibited Protocol'.
Carrie managed to snag some pieces of old tech from the junkyard, thinking of Ty to see if she could create a temporary, makeshift prosthetic right arm for him. From catching glimpses of his depressed demeanor, Carrie wanted to help him in any way she could. She'd make something better if she had her other prosthetics to take apart and rebuild into an arm, but what she has on hand will have to do for now.
Before long, with all the parts and weapons functioning as they should, everyone brings all the parts together to the house, completing the Shacktron in all its glory. It wasn't the prettiest or flashiest robot, but it makes up for it in how it'll help them fight Bill and his henchmen.
Dipper and Mabel put the finishing touches on the flag that reads, 'Take Back the Falls' with a shooting star, axe and pickaxe, the six-fingered hand, red question mark, and pine trees to complete the design. The twins raise up the flag with proud smiles on their faces.
Everyone decided to take a break outside the Shack by a campfire, most of them wearing Mabel's colorful sweaters and beanies she knitted for them each to have as it was a cold night. Each sweater matched everyone's personal taste; like being embraced in soft hugs of comfort.
"Thanks for these apocalypse sweaters, Mabel. The end of the world has never been so comfortable," thanked Soos, wearing a yellow sweater with a pink tiger face stitched on it.
Some of the refugees nod and hum in agreement, feeling quite comfortable in the sweaters given to them.
Pacifica sweetly smiles in the blonde llama wool sweater Mabel gave her. "Mabel, whatever you put into this sweater, this… is one of the best I've ever worn. I have some sweaters from expensive brands, but none of them compare to this one here," compliments Pacifica as she hugs herself, feeling warm all over.
"That's real llama wool, Paz. I'm glad you love it!" says Mabel as she gets up and walks around to add. "This is the best day of the end of the world. I think we actually have a chance to beat Bill and win back our future."
Dipper nods to his sister. "Yeah. Getting to actually live to see our 13th birthday party is the only birthday present I want right now," he sighs.
"Hey, if we're lucky enough to get there, I guarantee this whole town is gonna throw you the best birthday party you've ever seen," spoke Soos to reassure the twins, something he and everyone else want to make possible.
"Thanks, Soos," responds Dipper, wanting to have faith in that goal. He notices Stan and the other adults coming back from inside the Mystery Shack, "Hey there!"
"Hey, Dipper," greets Stan, then clapping his hands to get everyone's attention. "Alright, everyone, tomorrow we have a big day ahead of us as you obviously know."
Carla clears her throat. "Now would be the best time to make any preparations before we enter the thick of things. Anyone needing anything to talk about or get off your chest?" she asks.
Everyone looks to each other and mutters until it is Mabel who raises her hand, having something to say to everyone. "I do." Mabel stands up from where she sat, her smile turns to a frown from what she wanted to get off her chest. "It's that I'm… sorry. It was my fault all this happened because I got tricked by Bill when he possessed someone I thought I could trust." Everyone gasps, but allows her to continue in her remorse for what she did. "I handed over the Rift to Blendin Blandin after he said he would take care of it and the problems it could have caused. And… I wanted a bit more summer." Mabel chokes up, tearings pooling in her brown eyes. "And I want to make things right! I was selfish… I didn't know this would all happen. Ty lost his arm and… and…"
Dipper hugs Mabel close to himself, letting her weep into his orange shirt as Stan and Carla go up to her and try to console her.
Everyone watching could only feel sympathy for her after all that has happened. It didn't matter how it happened, but at least they know now. They can't bring themselves to be mad at Mabel at all for it. She's been doing all she can to help stop the hell they're living in right now, and to deny her would be pointless and uncalled for.
"Ah, hambone…" says Soos, voicing his thoughts and wanting to help his friend not be guilt ridden over it, "it ain't your fault. Things like this… may not happen every day, but when they do, you still have all of us. We're taking it on together. Like… a great family with any problem to face. And you have a great one with you now." Soos gently smiles, meaning every word.
"Yeah!" says Ty as he speaks up, showing his stub. "I did this to myself out of panic, never you, Mabel. It was really, really stupid I did it and I can never get it back… but that's not gonna stop me by a long shoot."
"It's… it's not your fault, Mabel," chokes up Dipper as well, still hugging his sister. "Yeah, you tend to be selfish, but at the same time, you learned from your mistakes and grew better as a person over this summer. And… I got better, too."
"Very much, true, Mabel!" supports Candy.
Mabel sniffled, lifting up her head to see everyone softly smiling her way, no one mad at her in the slightest. Her eyes stream tears, but she too brightly smiles and Stan and Carla wiping her face with a tissue. "Aw, guys…!" cries Mabel.
"Yeah!" cheers Chutzpar, but the flexes were too strong for the sweater to handle and it rips apart at the seams like the last two sweaters. "Augh! It happened again!"
Mabel chuckles, being more than happy to knit him another one, this time with stronger wool. "Don't worry! I'll make you a stronger one. Just give me a moment here and I'll get to it."
"Ah take your time, Leader Mabel. It can wait," says Chutzpar.
Everyone, especially Dipper and the rest of the family, were relieved to see Mabel beginning to be more at ease with having told everyone, and the positive feedback she received.
Soon in the attic room….
Dipper was making a checklist of the items he'll bring with him for when they get inside the Fearamid to rescue the family and the townsfolk tomorrow; one of them being the flashlight that grows and shrinks anything among them. He had no doubts he was scared of what could go wrong. So much could go wrong, yet there is the hope it'll turn out decent at best, but he was counting on it. His sister worried him most.
Knock! Knock!
Dipper jolts up, losing his train of thought as he hears the audible knock of the door.
Pacifica gives a gingerly knock on the door, saying, "Hey, you in there, Dipper?"
Dipper clears his throat, permitting her with a raise of his voice for her to hear, "The door's unlocked, yeah!"
Pacifica opens the door and slowly enters inside, appearing to have something she wants to tell Dipper. "Hey Dipper. There's something I've wanted to tell you, but never had the chance to say before," Pacifica starts, taking a deep breath as she conveys to him how she truly feels, her voice in high emotion. "I… I greatly value our friendship that you have shown me throughout this summer. And didn't give up on me when I was being that snobbish rich girl. Without you, I still would have been that girl who isn't the true me and never would have found out about my long lost older brother. You're… a true friend, Dipper Pines. You can even say best friend." Pacifica softly smiles as a tear falls from her eyes.
Dipper was at a loss for words. He sees how far Pacifica's come since the day he met her and her family. That entitled rich girl persona having melted away in his eyes since that night in Northwest Manor and from within a burlap sack. He now sees her before him, a wonderful girl who aims to be a better person towards others; to be a true friend. A best friend.
This time, it was Dipper who walks up to Pacifica and hugs her, catching her and Patricia off guard as he wraps his arms around her upper back with his bright, hopeful smile on his face.
"Thank you, Paz… that really means a lot to me," softly expresses Dipper, his heart skipping beats every passing second he's hugging her, still catching that faint scent of champagne and chocolate from her. "It was Mabel who encouraged me to see the good in you, too. And… she was right. There is good inside you; you're around people who genuinely love and care about you. To bring out your true best self. And I… I cherish our friendship, too."
Pacifica returns the gesture and hugs him back, part of her wishing it would last a little while longer. "I'll tell her and the girls they've been the best girlfriends I've ever had, too. The guys, and that robot, have been good, too."
Dipper and Pacifica part from their hug, laughing a little and blushing. A light moment they needed right now before everything crazy was to happen.
"Mabel and the girls would appreciate that," agrees Dipper.
Outside on the rooftop….
Junior and Wendy sit together on the hidden spot on top the roof with the cooler and pinecones right by them, having been untouched with everything happening around them while also looking out for any henchmen of Bill's around. Thankfully, nothing has recently come by to disturb them. They haven't had a moment together since the chaos started. The two teens had much on their mind as well.
After being quiet for a while, Wendy breaks the silence and faces her boyfriend with a concerned expression. "Junior?"
"Hmm?" Junior faces Wendy back, his face showing a small frown.
"Are you going to be okay, man? Please be honest with me on this. I know I'm not right now," says Wendy.
"I don't know, Wendy," Junior sighs, him wanting to vent to her. "Days ago, we were just goofing around together like we usually do, and then all this horrible shit happened that just… ruined a lot of things. My cousins got hurt, my brother lost his arm and… and I was too damn scared to open a portal back to the Mystery Shack." Junior held his head low, trying to resist the urge to cry and sob right in front of Wendy.
Wendy frowns seeing the usually chill, easy-going and mature guy she's ever known break down like he's doing now. She empathizes with him, she'd seen what he did during those days at the mall. She had done her best to keep him and his brother and cousins busy with catching food and guarding their hideout until Dipper showed up and gave them hope.
Wendy wraps her arm around him, then resting her head on his shoulder. "Junior, you can cry now. I don't think anything's gonna bother us. It's okay, dude. Let it all out," says Wendy.
Junior sniffles, her encouragement having worked. It took no time for him to begin sobbing in Wendy's embrace. He had to let it all out as his tears stained Wendy's white tank top shirt, but she didn't care about that. Wendy will be there for him no matter what, just as Junior will always do the same for her.
When Junior is done crying, he wipes away his tears and snot and looks at Wendy with reddish puffy eyes. "Thanks. Also, sorry about staining your shirt, Plaid," says Junior with a small smile, already feeling a bit better.
"Pfft!" playfully dismisses Wendy with a wave of her hand. "Nah, Stains, that's what girlfriends are there for; to help one another through these shitty times and get through them together. Hehe, good thing I chose Stains to be your pet name; it suits you," laughs Wendy. In their moment, it felt like nothing was wrong in the world around them. Being in each other's presence was all that mattered for a short few minutes before they had to get back inside.
Within the Mystery Shack….
In what's left of the dining room, Ty rests his head on his hand at the table next to Carrie who is working on crafting a temporary arm for him to use. Ty feels he should be comforted by the thought she's doing this gesture for him, but at the same time he was ashamed of himself for what he did to end up with one less arm; thinking he should have waited a little while longer.
Carrie quietly works on piecing together the makeshift prosthetic arm from cleaned metal and car parts and wires, taking Ty's measurements and using what tools she has on hand and lying around to make it all function. She glances Ty's way and finally asks him that question, "How was this your fault?"
Ty raises his head from his hand to look her way, mumbling, "I tried to get the stone off my arm with my power… but it just disintegrated into dust." Ty glances at his stub. "I don't understand how that was possible, but it should have made the stone crack off. Now, I feel so very, very stupid."
Carrie slowly reaches for Ty's stump right shoulder, then retracted quickly when she felt a small shock from it. It stung a little, but it was enough to make Ty feel worse about the reaction. Carrie rubs her hand. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have tried to touch it," she apologizes, looking away from him.
With his free hand, he rubs at his stumped shoulder until the sparks recede. When Ty knows the sparks aren't wild, he reaches for Carrie's closet hand in assurance she did no harm to him with that soft smile of his.
"Carrie, it's alright. I'm sorry. You gonna be okay?"
Carrie gave a low hum as she looked at his worn face with a frown. "Not right now, but hopefully when this is all over and we survive, then I will be and I can make you something better than this," she voices in honesty, then looking to her handy work with a hint of shame. With what she could find and craft with, the prosthetic seems functional with opening and closing fingers though without fluid flexibility. "It's not your fault. With your lightning-based abilities, I was thinking you could make it function best with the electrical wires I built into it. Just avoid any liquids with it, sorry."
"Nah, don't be," reassures Ty. "Think you can fit this on me?"
Carrie nods, taking up the prosthetic and strapping it onto the stump of Ty's shoulder, wrapping the fabric strap across his chest and good shoulder. It fitted perfectly with the cushion inside to prevent irritation while wearing it.
Once it was secured on, Ty sends out an electric current to activate the prosthetic like nerves within an arm of flesh and bone. It almost feels like a real arm to Ty, except for the fingers can't bend like a real hand would, but he can feel in a sense. It was close enough to Ty as he shows a brighter smile at Carrier, she too being pleased it seems to be working for him.
Ty wraps Carrie in an embrace and whispers, "Thank you… thank you," shedding a tear from his eye. Carrie returns with an embrace of her own for their own quiet moment. Those that pass by simply smile and don't disturb them.
Meanwhile with Mabel and her friends….
Grenda and Candy watch to see Mabel if she can get a hold of Mermando with her shell phone. The shell phone relies on a magical signal instead of a radio tower and a satellite from the outside, and with the power of the unicorn magic in place, Mabel and her friends hope it works.
"Come on… Come on…" mutters Mabel, her frown brightens to a smile when she hears Mermando's voice on the other end.
"Hola, Mabel! I was wondering when I'd hear your voice again," says Mermando in relief, having gotten worried since he hadn't heard from her in days.
"Oh thank goodness!" sighs Mabel. "Mermando, you won't believe what me and everyone in Gravity Falls is going through right now."
Now Mermando's worries are confirmed, he has to know more while he swims back and forth in anxiousness. "What's happening, mi amor?"
"Like the end of the world…" Mabel takes a deep breath, "but we're going to stop the demon responsible for this mess. His name is Bill Cipher and he's the worst. I called hoping I can talk to you before we fight him and his goons tomorrow."
"YEAH!" exclaims Grenda. "We're gonna kick his triangle butt and save the world!"
"I know we can do this!" smiles Candy in hope. "We've been making a giant robot to fight Bill and rescue everyone!"
"I see," says Mermando in a quiet voice, even more troubled to hear Mabel and everyone in Gravity Falls are going through something he couldn't comprehend. It made him feel helpless to do anything. And just when he and her got back together not so long ago. At least now he knows than not knowing at all.
"Mermando?" says Mabel after a almost a minute of silent pause.
Mermando gulps and his eyes water up, his voice quivering with emotion. "Mabel… promise me when you make it out alive and well, along with your familia and amigos, call and let me know you still live."
"I promise…" Mabel says without hesitation. "And the next time we meet, I'm gonna give you the biggest smooch!"
Mermando chuckles lightly. "I look forward to that, mi amor. Goodbye." He hangs up along with Mabel.
Grenda sighs in sadness, unable to get in contact with her own boyfriend since none of the cell phones were working still, nor the telephone lines. Marius was the only guy who accepted Grenda as herself, flaws and all. Candy and Mabel give sympathetic smiles to her in assurance she'll get to see and talk to him again once they win and set things right.
"Seeing you talk to Mermando made me think of Marius…" Grenda sniffles. "I should have appreciated our talks together before all this!"
"Same for me and Genny!" bawls Kevin with Grenda and David patting his friend's shoulder to console him. Taro being there to offer tissues for them to wipe their tears and noses.
It was at that moment where Pacifica, Patricia and Dipper entered the room where Mabel, Candy, Taro and David were helping Kevin and Grenda cry it all out. Pacifica and Dipper share looks of concern and knowing how hard it must be for their friends to be missing someone. The pair and dog join their friends to comfort one another in their time of need.
"We're going to be alright. I hope…" whispers Dipper, but it was loud enough for Pacifica to hear him.
The next morning...
In what little sunlight was shown through the dark orange sky, Gompers walks across a barren wasteland and bleats loudly. It is time for the plan to be set in motion and for them to get the Shacktron going. Everyone participating in the fight inside the home gathers around and listens to Fiddleford.
"Alright, fellas. Let's hope this turns out better than my other inventions," says Fiddleford in confidence it'll work.
"Everybody ready?" asks Mabel, seeing the various nods from all the others they are. She turns to her brother and signals him to activate the mechanism. "Dipper, now!" Mabel commands.
Dipper pulls the large lever, causing wheels to turn and gears going in motion. Machinery begins running and the built in limbs of the shack start rising high. As the invention stands up, the grounded tarp falls off, and the refugees are tossed side-to-side inside the Shack. The old steam pipe toots as the Shacktron moves forward towards the Fearamid with Carrie and Marcus C in control of the legs.
It wasn't long before the shack and everyone inside made it to the center of the ruined town, passing by refugees that remained out in the open such as Bud Gleeful burning away Gideon dolls for warmth of the fire he made among a few other people who didn't make it to the shack.
Bud Gleeful sighs while he gets warmth from the fire. "Forgive me, boy. Your hyper flammable merchandise is the only thing keepin' me going." He didn't notice the shack moving passed him until he heard the loud stomp of the car-foot walking right in front of him. "What in blazes?" exclaims Bud in astonishment, watching the shacktron walk right in front of him.
The robot approaches the Fearamid, prepared to fight Bill and his henchmen.
Inside the throne room of the Fearamid, Ford, his wife and their grown children were still being tortured for information. None of them had told Bill anything as they had endured hours and hours of intense shocks, burning sensations and more for what seemed like days instead of hours. But none of what Bill inflicted onto the family broke them yet. Nearby henchmen of Bill's watch and take sadistic amusement from watching the family in sheer agony.
"No! No! Noooo!" cries out Ford, about to be electrified again by Bill.
Bill zaps Ford again without hesitation as well as Adeline, Shifty, Shauna and Shannon in a chained connection at his mercy.
"Aaaagh!" they all scream.
Bill stops the beam and asks, "READY TO TALK NOW?"
Shannon spits in Bill's way, along with her family gasping for breath and slumping while suspended by the blue chains around their wrists and ankles. Their bodies emit dark smoke as a side effect from all the high voltage shocks.
"NEVER!" shouted Shauna, barely able to lift up her head to look Bill in the eye.
"I won't. I won't let you into my mind," says Ford. Seeing his family in pain harmed him much more than what physical and mental damage was done to him. Part of him wanted to tell the equation before Bill started torturing them, but he knew if he did so, Bill would kill them regardless on a whim.
"WHAT DO YOU THINK, PALS? ANOTHER 500 VOLTS?" Bill asks of his henchmen. However, everyone stops to listen to the rumbling coming from right outside the Fearamid. "HEY, DO YOU HEAR THAT?"
The robot's drill-like hand crashes through the Fearamid and spins rapidly and loudly.
"WHAT?! I JUST FIXED THAT DOOR!" screamed Bill, even more irked than before.
The Mystery Shack robot comes into full view in front of the Fearamid, displaying the cars grafted together for legs, robotic parts Fiddleford used to make it function, and the addition of the elongated mechanical Gobblewonker head roaring.
Soos steps proudly out of the house to the steps, holding the flag staff, topped with Wax Larry King's head. "It's the Shacktron, dude!" proclaims Soos, standing the flag straight.
"They made the house into a robot. Fascinating!" remarks Wax Larry King who didn't seem to mind being used as he is.
"SO THE MORTALS ARE TRYING TO FIGHT BACK, HUH? ADORABLE!" exclaims Bill, things now getting more interesting in his eye. He faces his henchmen, making them grow as large as the shacktron outside to fight it . "HENCHMANIACS, YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO! TAKE THEM OUT!"
Bill's minions jump out of the Fearamid to stand in front of the Mystery Shack, appearing more menacing and determined to fight the shacktron and the people within it.
Stan cracks his knuckles. "Don't know if this is a bad idea or not, but we're not back out of this," says Stan in determination.
Soos gets out a microphone and talks through it to talk to the minions and Bill. "Uh, hey, dudes. Is this thing on? Test," tests Soos, the feedback screeching briefly hurts the ears around him and the minions. When Soos got it set, he then talked to the minions through the microphone. "Heh. Uh, I just wanted you monster dudes to hand over Ford and the rest of the family or we'll have to, like, fight and junk," nervously speaks Soos of the demands they won't heed. "Heh. Hey, you're a little cutie," Soos acknowledges to Paci-Fire.
"I have butchered millions on countless moons," bluntly says of Paci-Fire that melts away Soos' friendliness to him.
"Whoa. I liked you better before you talked. Real... real bring down, this guy," says Soos.
"Attack!" orders Pyronica as her and the minions charge at the Shacktron full speed and roaring.
"All right, dudes!" yells Soos as he runs into the Shack with the flag.
Dipper nods and signals everyone to their stations. "Everyone! Like we planned! Three, two, one. Go!" announces Dipper, pointing ahead to begin the action.
The fight has begun.
Candy and Grenda operate arms, punching away Paci-Fire and Kryptos that came their way in sync of each other's movements.
Mabel uses Waddles' mouth to pull a lever, which causes the Shacktron to shoot several demons away with the totem acting as a cannon. "Ha ha ha. Good pig," praises Mabel as Waddles let out a delighted squeal.
Paci-Fire summons a swarm of eye-bats to attack the Shack, but those within anticipated this would happen and opted to bring out the defenses. Rumble along with Wendy, Ty and Junior exit out of the Shacktron to give them a bite of what they're capable of.
Fiddleford activates the Gobblewonker head to snap and bite at the eye-bats. "Get em, Gobblewonker!" laughs Fiddleford, operating the Gobblewonker to grab and chew one of the eye-bats he caught.
"Hya! Hya!" cries Rumble, firing fireballs from his fists to kill two of the eye-bats.
Ty sets off a chain of lightning from his real and makeshift hand, striking many eye-bats in a joined electrocution. "Booya!" However, from the large amount of power coursing through the makeshift prosthetic, it was overloaded with lightning that it was about to burst. "Shit!" Ty swears when he takes it off and throws it at the eye-bats, exploding upon impact that took three additional eye-bats with it.
Having learned from his granddad, Junior creates a long chain of green fire as he whips several eye-bats out of the sky and burns into ashes before they even hit the ground below. "Hell yeah!" cheers Junior.
"Oh, no, you don't!" exclaims Wendy as she jumps onto an eye bat and pulls its wings, turning 8 Ball's head to stone. Wendy jumps off the eye bat back into the shack while the eye-bat is set a green flame to incinerate it to ashes.
"Awesome, Wendy!" praises Junior when him and Ty get back into the Shacktron, exchanging high-fives.
Multi-Bear looking through the scope spots the giant Zanthar charging right for them. He alarms everyone. "Everyone! Incoming!"
"Brace yourselves!" yells Stan and Carla, them and everyone else holding onto something.
Zanthar rams the Shack and pushes it back a long distance into town while those controlling the legs, Carrie and Kevin, struggle to stabilize the legs due to the great force being pushed against them. Everyone inside screams as they hold onto anything. Carrie and Kevin scream louder inside the shacktron when they finally get hold of the ground while Grenda and Candy push Zanthar in a standstill.
When Mabel steadies herself, she goes to order the boyband running on the treadmill below. "Everybody! Maximum power!"
Sev'ral Times run at a much faster speed together on the shared treadmill while Dani continues to breathe flames in the incinerator to produce enough power to give the Shacktron a boost in strength to fight the demon.
"!" exclaims Dipper while he turns the steering wheel and the Shacktron grabs Zanthar and throws him across the land until he makes impact much farther away in an explosion.
All of Bill's minions have been defeated as Teeth runs away on fire, screaming in defeat and the other henchmaniacs down for the count for now.
"GUYS, SERIOUSLY? YOU HAD, LIKE, ONE JOB HERE," reprimands Bill in disappointment they were all defeated.
With Bill facing outside the Fearamid at his defeated minions, the blue chains that once suspended Ford and his wife and grown children slowly brought them down on the arm of the throne and faded off their wrists and ankles. Shannon helped Shauna up to her feet, supporting her while Shifty supported Adeline.
"Yes!" cheers Adeline in relief seeing the family and remaining townsfolk fighting to rescue them.
"Bravo, family!" praises Ford.
"Whoo!" adds in Shifty and Shannon.
Bill got an awful, awful idea when he turned to face Ford and the rest of them. If torturing Ford and his wife and children wasn't enough, then harming the rest of the family would surely get the results he wants. "WELL, WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT. ALL THE REST OF THE FAMILY REALLY CARE ABOUT YOU. AND YOU CARE ABOUT THEM." His eye turns red and his voice deepens. "DON'T YOU?" Hearing Bill say what he said with malicious intent filled them with dread in their paled and worn faces.
"What are you...Oh. Oh no," utters Ford.
"NO!" hoarsely screams Shauna.
"No. No! Not the family! You ca-" utters Ford before him, along with his wife and grown children are turned to gold from Bill's red beam on them, frozen in place as they were reaching out and were about to take action.
Bill cracks his fingers, figuring if he wants something done right, he'll do it himself and fight the Shacktron, aiming to destroy whoever's inside as well. "LET'S GET THIS OVER WITH." Bill enlarges himself to a greater size than before, crawling outside and glaring at the Shacktron. He grows his fist into a giant size and raises it in the air. Bill adjusts his black bowtie and slams his fists down on the Shacktron in a great big boom! The shockwave spreads across the desolate town as the smoke clears.
Bill lifts up his fist, only to find that the Shack and everyone inside are perfectly fine thanks to the unicorn hair shield wholly protecting them. This infuriated Bill even more so. "WHAT? NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!" Angrily, Bill grows ten additional arms and starts pounding at the shack in multiple strong blows at once, but the shack still stands. The blunt force shaking up the shack.
"Ah!" alarms Stan.
"ATTACK!" orders Mabel.
Grenda punches directly at Bill's eye, activating the drill to dig right into it and pulls back, ripping out his whole eye.
Bill screams in pain, his hands feeling for where his eye was. "AAH! MY EYE! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW LONG IT TAKES TO REGENERATE THAT?!" Bill screams more.
Dipper nods, seeing that their plan is working into their favor. "We've got him distracted. Now's our chance," says Dipper, letting them know to put the rescue operation into action.
"Rescue team, move out!" commands Mabel.
Mabel and Dipper, including all the rest of the Pines family, Dani, Blubs, Pacifica, Fiddleford, Soos, and Wendy get quickly ready to go prepare what they'll need that would help them.
Mabel puts her grappling hook in her sweater. Soos puts the memory erasing gun in his backpack. Dipper tests the height-altering crystal flashlight on a Mystery Shack snowglobe, alarming him briefly to see the enlarged snowglobe fall over and break.
Soon, Dipper, Mabel, all the rest of the Pines family; Soos; Dani; Wendy; Pacifica and Sheriff Blubs standing in the exit tubes ready to be launched out into the Fearamid.
Dipper shares with them the plan in brief summary. "Okay everyone. We get in, rescue our family, get out, save the world. Piece of cake," simply put Dipper.
"Everyone has their parachutes secured?" asks Carla, getting nods from everyone.
"We're gonna save our parents!" smiles Quincy to Dani and Isaac who smile in hope back at him.
"Just so we're clear. If I die, I'm suing all of you." Pacifica laughs. "Just kidding."
Some laugh a little with her.
"Alright, everyone ready and hopefully we won't plummet to our deaths?" asks Stan, getting nods from everyone present.
"Let's do this! I want my dad and uncle back!" exclaims Dani.
"Now!" announces Wendy as she presses the button to activate their launch.
All of them are pulled up out of the tubes and shot out of the Gobblewonker's mouth, screaming upon being flown in the air. They fell towards the Fearamid's opening as the trajectory had accurately set.
"Oh, man, oh, man…" nervously mumbles Dipper.
"WOOHOO! HAHAHA!" laughs Mabel as she does cartwheels through the air.
"WHOOOOO!" screams Dani from the thrill of it.
Everyone opens their parachutes, each one stitched together from Mabel's old sweaters, as they approach the Fearamid. They all land safely on the floor, but Stan flops on his face on landing and removes their parachutes. All of them gasp in shock upon seeing Bill's throne of human agony, seeing all their friends and family frozen in stone and in person was worse than what they saw on tv.
"Dad… Uncle Li…" sniffled Dani, seeing them at the base of the throne.
"Oh, man. It looks even worse up close," frowns Dipper.
Mabel shoots her grappling hook, which lands on Manly Dan and pulls herself up to the throne and finds Ford and the rest of the remaining family members. "I found Great Uncle Ford, Great Aunt Addi, Aunts Shauna and Shannon and Uncle Shifty!" says Mabel to let everyone else know. She tosses the grappling hook rope down. "They're golden. But not in the good way!"
"What about my dad?" inquire Quincy and Isaac together.
"I see them too, but they're lodged in the arm!" responds Mabel, seeing Spriggs and Tate in there along with Nancy and her family. She reaches down for Spriggs and plucks him out beneath her. "I got Uncle Spriggs, too!"
"Great! Grab them and let's get out of here," says Stan, having only planned to save the family. .
"But how are we going to unfreeze them?" wonders Dipper.
"I know!" says the familiar voice of Gideon who was put into a bird cage in a sailor suit and forced to dance where he stands.
"Gideon!" acknowledged Quincy and Dani. Dani couldn't help but to laugh at Gideon until Quincy frowned at her.
"Gideon changed sides and helped us free Mabel," tells Quincy to his friend, part of him almost not believing it either.
"Really?" questions Dani in almost disbelief but she reckons it has to be true.
"It's… a long story," says Quincy with an emotionally tired sigh.
"Gideon! What happened to you?" asks Mabel.
"Bill captured me. He's been forcing me to do cute dances in this cage for all eternity," laments Gideon, happy to see Mabel out of the bubble, but he's on the verge of tears as he sobs. "I'm so tired of being cute!"
"How do we undo this?" asks Dipper to Gideon, figuring he'd know.
Gideon points down to Mayor Tyler as he keeps dancing. "Mayor Tyler. He's the load-bearing human. Pull him out, and the whole thing goes down."
Dipper pulls at Tyler's arm. Tyler rattles before turning back to normal and breaking free. This sets off a chain reaction, causing the chair to collapse. As it does, the residents are returned to normal. Deputy Durland hits Gideon's cage, knocking it down and breaking it, freeing Gideon in the process. Everyone piled on top of one another, but they all stumble and groan, showing they're physically fine, mostly, and alive.
Seeing all of the people free from their petrification had Ty feeling guilty for not having just waited or moved his arm a certain way before he did what he did. Ty looking to where his arm once was made him quietly huff in frustration from thinking what he should have done.
"Ugh. My mouth tastes like nightmares," says Lazy Susan.
Robbie falls down with a thud. "Aah! I think I'm dark and tortured for reals now," says Robbie with a groan. A can of blue spray paint falls out of his hoodie and rolls across the floor.
"This experience will forever scar Tad Strange," says Tad Strange, keeping up his neutral smile.
Gideon rips off his costume in triumph and he is finally free from the cage. "No more SAILOR SUIT!" He pants in relief.
Manly Dan hugs Wendy in a big embrace, having sorely missed her.
"Wendy!" cries Manly Dan
"Dad!" responds Wendy.
Dani rushes over to her dad and uncle with tears in her eyes. "Dad! Uncle Li!"
"Danielle!" Dante knelt down to embrace his daughter as did Li for his niece, both happy to see her alive. "Oh, my baby girl, I'm so happy you're okay!"
"I'm so sorry I ran away!" cries Dani, sobbing in her dad's chest.
"No, no, Dani, you did the right thing to run and get to safety," assures Dante in a soft voice.
"Better to live another day than not; I know from experience," reassures Li to his niece, he too overjoyed to see Dani alive and well as he embraces her.
Pacifica spots her parents. "Mom! Dad!"
The moment was broken when Blubs runs to Durland's side, knocking over Priscilla and Preston. No one complained as Blubs knelt down on the ground to hold up Durland.
"My Blubs!" exclaims Durland, overjoyed to see his boyfriend again.
"Don't you ever scare me like that again." Blubs hugs his boyfriend close, Durland doing the same gesture for him.
Everyone claps and cheers for the reuniting couple and those reuniting with their friends and loved ones.
Ford, along with Adeline, Shifty, Shauna, Shannon, Tate and Spriggs unfreeze from their statue selves, regaining consciousness to see all the rest of the family before them, everyone more than happy to see them again. Fiddleford too was happy to see his son and relatives freed from their stone/gold selves, including Nancy and her own family.
Though there wasn't much time for a full reunion when they all have to leave the Fearamid before Bill returns; those in the Shacktron are unable to distract him for long.
"Mommy! Daddy!" cries Quincy while running up to his parents, uncles, aunt and grandparents.
Spriggs shifts to his human form and scoops up his son, joyous that he made it alive. "Quincy!"
"My boy!" cries Shauna as she joins in on the hug along with Shannon.
"Dads!" cheers Isaac, he too goes up to his dads to embrace them as they do in turn, elated to see their son again after what feels longer than it has been.
"My grandbabies!" cries Adeline, giving them both shoulder hugs.
"Grandma!" responds Quincy and Isaac in unison.
Ford happily hugs both his grandsons and then picks up both Dipper and Mabel in a hug in each arm. "Family! Ah, you did it! I knew I could count on all of you. Haha!"
Preston Northwest goes pale upon seeing Maurice Pines, the man he murdered with his hunting rifle and the enchanted bullet through his heart, alive and well before his very eyes and he sweats with fright, believing he's come to exact revenge for the murder. But to his surprise, Maurice only made a brief glare at the man before focusing back to his own family. Preston sighs in relief. It'll have to be addressed at a later point.
Stan moves up to Ford for a strong hug, holding back tears. "Hey, good to see you too, bro. Now let's get outta here, huh?" he strongly suggests, taking a look outside the Fearamid to see the Shacktron still fighting Bill.
Dipper inquires what he remembered the last thing Ford told him before getting captured. "Listen, Grunkle Ford, we don't have a lot of time. Remember how you told me right before you, Grauntie Addi, Aunt Shauna and Shannon and Uncle Shifty were captured that you knew Bill's weakness?"
"Yeah, a secret way to defeat him?" acknowledges Mabel.
"There actually is," speaks Adeline, exchanging knowing looks with her husband. "And we're going to have to do it quickly."
"Allow me to show you!" Ford answers with a bright grin on his face, putting on his gloves. "Now, does anyone have a pen? Pencil? Anything?" he asks everyone, but before any of them could add their input, Ford instantly finds the blue spray paint can and grabs it. "Ah. Perfect." Ford wasted no time drawing the very thing that could stop Bill once and for all and save the universe.
Dipper, including everyone else, were growing more and more concerned for those still inside the Shacktron fighting Bill to keep him distracted and the fact that the demon will find a way to destroy them soon.
"Uh, we've got Bill outside, but I don't know how long we can keep him occupied," urges Dipper.
Ford does his best to work as quickly as he can.
Adeline faces everyone else and asks. "Anyone have more spray paint?"
"Uh…" utters Robbie, taking out a few more spray paint cans of different colors from inside his hoodie. "I have these you can use."
"Awesome!" say Shauna and Shannon in unison, accepting the spray paint cans and remembering the symbols needing to be drawn.
The twins handing one to Adeline and Shifty as they help out Ford complete the Zodiac circle, adding in the ten symbols within the circle: Pine Tree; Shooting Star; Ice; Question Mark; Eyeball Pentagram; Bleeding Heart; Llama; Six Fingers; Glasses; The Holy Mackerel. And finally with Bill's image right at the center of the circle in completion.
"This is how we're going to defeat Bill!" announces Adeline, showing everyone the complete image of the Zodiac.
"The world's most confusing game of hopscotch?" questions Pacifica.
"No, a prophecy," Ford corrects before elaborating more and noting how an elaborate game of hopscotch could be fun. "Although it would be a pretty fun game of hopscotch. Many years ago Addi and myself found ten symbols in a cave. Some I recognized then, some I only recognize now. The native people of Gravity Falls prophesied that these symbols could create a force strong enough to vanquish Bill. With Bill defeated, his weirdness would be reversed and the town could be saved." He smiles over to Dipper and Mabel along with those he sees fit to fulfill the prophecy. "This whole time I thought it was just superstition. But seeing you all here now, I finally understand that it's destiny. Dipper, the pine tree. Mabel, the shooting star."
Dipper and Mabel immediately step on their respective spots within the circle.
"The question mark. This one's unsolvable," notes Soos, not realizing he's part of it until he gets a gentle pat on his back from Tanya.
"Soos," says Tanya while glancing down to Soos' shirt he's worn for years.
Soos chuckles as he sees it now. "Oh! I'm the Question Mark!" He walks to step onto his spot in the circle.
Wendy pushes Robbie onto the broken heart symbol, seeing it was obvious her friend is meant to be on itl. "That one's easy. You've been rockin' that dumb hoodie since the seventh grade."
"Whoa. Destiny hoodie," says Robbie with a bright smile, feeling he'll actually do something important for once in his young life.
"The Tent of Telepathy sign! That must be Gideon," points out Dipper.
Gideon promptly stands on his spot next to Mabel and Robbie, eager to do so seeing her again. "Whoo! An excuse to stand next to Mabel." Of course, his old habit has yet to fade as well as his infatuation.
Mabel reminds Gideon, never having forgotten all he's done. "Don't turn this into a big deal."
"Oh, I won't!" Gideon whispers to himself, twiddling his fingers. "I will."
Meanwhile with Bill and the Shacktron….
The Shacktron punches Bill and holds him to the ground, those inside excited as they seem to be overpowering him. However, Bill notices that the legs were not protected by the magic shield, having found their weakness and about to turn the fight into his favor.
"WHAT THE… HEY, ACHILLES!" Bill grabs the Shacktron by the leg, flipping them backwards to the ground with Bill looming menacingly over those within the Shacktron. "NICE WORK WORK WITH THE HEEL!" Bill effortlessly rips off the left leg that Carrie was controlling inside the Shacktron. "FOUR!" He screams as he hits the Shacktron with the leg like a golf club, the impact causing the Shacktron to tumble with those inside.
When the tumble stopped, Taro and everyone else knew they could no longer distract Bill without getting themselves killed in the process. The AI sets their plan in motion to evacuate everyone out of the Shacktron to a safer distance.
"Commencing… Evacuation Protocol…" announces Taro, taking full control of the Shacktron's systems and functions via connection from their robot dog body.
Candy and Grenda, taken back seeing their respective gloves controlling the arms, stopped responding to their movements as well as Carrie and Kevin controlling the legs.
"Wha-What's going on?" questions Multi-Bear.
Taro makes an announcement over the intercoms within the Shacktron. Their voice monotone for what they're going to say. "Everyone within the Shacktron, please get to the evacuation pods nearby. And I mean everyone must leave. I will activate them from here and distract Bill for as long as I can."
Almost everyone gasps, save for Carrie and David, knowing that they plan to sacrifice themselves to save everyone onboard, but it still hurts them knowing Taro won't leave with them.
"Wait, what?" questions Candy, her voice choking up. "Taro, you have to come with us too, or-"
"I know, Candy. There's a 99% chance I will not make it, but a 100% chance everyone here will live when I activate the evacuations pods. Someone has to do it." Taro speaks to David and Carrie one final time using their real names. "It has been an honor to have been there for you, Ayanntos and Avoponpenna. And to have made new friends in my short years of life." Taro will at least make the attempt to upload a copy of themselves back into their robot body.
"Taro… we love you," bids David, sniffling as he takes Candy's hand. He couldn't change Taro's mind even if he tried.
"I love you, too…" reponds Taro, their eye piece showing the digital image of tears being shed, emoting they too are saddened by this outcome.
With tearful eyes, Carrie and David go to encourage everyone to get to the escape pods immediately, leaving Taro behind to do what they need to do for everyone to survive. One by one, everyone in the Shacktron is launched outside with parachutes strapped to their backs, flying further and further away from Bill in the air.
All David and the others could do was watch in horror as Bill absolutely pummels the Shacktron with Taro remaining inside to control the Shacktron and fight against Bill with all their capabilities such as launching projectiles and still being able to punch the demon back. However, it wouldn't be long before Bill destroys the Shacktron and Taro when he knows their weakness now, using parts that the unicorn magic shield can't ward off.
"NOOOOO!" screams David in witnessing the Shacktron's destruction as well as Taro's demise. Or so he and everyone else thinks.
Back inside the Fearamid….
Ford stands inside the circle to his six-fingered symbol. "Hold hands, everyone. This is a mystical human energy circuit." He holds Robbie's hand as well as Stan when he steps on his symbol.
Dipper wondering from seeing the Ice symbol. "Ice? Who's ice?"
"The symbols needn't all be literal, Dipper. It just has to be someone cool in the face of danger," reasons Ford.
"Come on, we have to hurry up," urges Stan, him seeing that the Shacktron is getting beaten and feeling the Fearamid shake.
Junior and the other teens look to Wendy, knowing it's her when they chant her name.
"Wendy! Wendy!"
"Heheh. Shut up, you guys," Wendy laughs, standing next to Dipper on her symbol and holding his hand.
"Much like the spectacles need to be someone scholarly," says Ford, eying to Fiddleford as it suited him best.
Fiddleford happily stands on the symbol. "Heeheh!"
Pacifica figures she should stand on the llama symbol and looks at the llama sweater she's wearing, believing since she has the llama sweater, she should be the one to stand on it. "This is freaky," she mutters under her breath.
"Now hold hands, everyone," Ford instructs.
Fiddleford holds out his hand to Pacifica. Pacifica smiles up to the older man and reaches to hold his hand, then nodding over to Isaac nearby. Preston and Priscilla even agreed Pacifica needed to be part of it if it meant saving the world.
With everyone holding hands in a linked chain within the circle, it glows brightly. Outside, thunder rumbles and smoke circles the Fearamid. The prophecy about to be fulfilled.
"Great Uncle Ford! I think it's working!" happily cheers Dipper.
"Hoohoo! Heehahahaha!" laughs Fiddleford in excitement.
"Yes! This is it!" Ford faces everyone else present and the rest of the family outside the circle. "The rest of you get out. It's too dangerous!"
The people not in the circle run away immediately, all except the Pines family outside the circle. Jessie raises her arms to have everyone stay and Cormac makes noises to tell his mom and sisters and Isaac, both of them sensing something wrong was about to happen and Carla could tell something was amiss by the recent shake of the Fearamid again.
"What do you think you're doing?" says Stan towards the rest of the family. "All of you should go before things get hairy!"
"We don't want to leave you behind!" protests Carla, having gotten a bad feeling from watching all of them in the circle.
"Daddy, it's not safe to leave you guys here alone!" adds Jessie in great concern.
Adeline takes Carla's hand to try to drag her away but the older woman won't budge. "We all have to leave! Now!"
The Fearamid shakes again from the battle outside, but this time, it was much stronger than before that a large piece of the ceiling broke off and began to fall right above those in the circle.
"Look out!" screams Carla and Adeline in unison, running to save those in the circle from being crushed.
The Pines family sees this and those closest to the ten people in the circle moved to pull all of them out of harm's way, breaking the link and the glow ceasing when the piece came crashing down on the circle, but everyone was alive and shaken.
"What the hell?!" swears Stan, rubbing his head and holding onto Carla, her having dragged him out of danger.
"No!" exclaims Ford in dismay, the circle now ruined by the rubble when the dust clears.
Everyone freezes when they hear Bill's manic laughing right outside the Fearamid. Bill having demolished the Shacktron in a heaping mess, holding a leg from the robot in his hand.
Bill twirls what's left of the totem in his hand as he addresses everyone inside the Fearamid. "OH NO, IT'S BILL! RIGHT? ISN'T THAT WHAT YOU'RE ALL THINKING?" Bill points over to Gideon to order. "HEY, GIDEON, WHY AREN'T YOU DANCING? CHOP CHOP, HUH?"
Gideon hides behind Quincy for safety, defying what Bill commands him to do.
Bill laughs in demented delight that everyone a threat to him was gathered in one place, including the whole Pines family in front of him he's going to harm and worse. "HA HA HA HO! THIS IS JUST TOO PERFECT! DIDN'T YOU BRAINIACS KNOW THE ZODIAC DOESN'T WORK IF YOU DON'T HOLD HANDS? AND WHAT'S BETTER, YOU BROUGHT EVERY POSSIBLE THREAT TO MY POWER TOGETHER IN ONE EASY-TO-DESTROY CIRCLE!" Bill burns away what remains of the circle with his flames, everyone stepping back to avoid being burned.
"Oh no!" cries Dipper.
Pacifica notices that her hair is on fire and pats it away. "Ah! My hair!" she screams.
Robbie notices that his hair is on fire and pats it like Pacifica does. "Ah! My hair also!"
Bill grabs Stan and Ford, along with Adeline and Carla in his hands he conjures that coil around their bodies. The four attempting to wriggle free but it was in vain. "YOU GUYS WANNA SEE WHAT HAPPENS TO YOUR FRIENDS WHEN YOU CAN'T SAVE THEM?"
This angers the Pines family and those that were in the circle.
"Hey! You give them back!" screams Fiddleford, drawing out his banjo to use as a weapon.
"You've gone too far, Cipher!" yells Gideon.
"Yeah! We're not scared of you!" exclaims Wendy, getting out her axe in both hands.
Robbie, Soos and Pacifica glaring up at Bill Cipher in wanting to fight him too if they were capable of doing so.
Bill found it laughable of those standing up to him when he has the power to stop them. And he'll do just that. "OH, BUT YOU SHOULD BE." Bill snaps and everyone except Dipper, Mabel, and all the rest of the Pines family, floats up beside him in a red glowing, tranced state.
"Wendy!" screams Junior trying to reach up for her, but he couldn't as well as the Pines trying to reach for the others to no avail.
"Ah!" screams Mabel and Quincy.
"Oh no!" exclaims Dipper. The situation quickly went from worse to borderline hopeless within minutes.
"YOU KNOW, THIS CASTLE COULD REALLY USE SOME DECORATIONS!" Bill transforms Robbie, Pacifica, Wendy, Fiddleford, Gideon and Soos into red and yellow tapestries on the wall behind him. The six's images in their likeness appear screaming in fear in front of their respective symbols of the zodiac as well. Dipper and Mabel, as well as the others gasp in shock. "LOOKS LIKE IT'S TOO LATE FOR YOUR FRIENDS, STANFORD."
Dipper and Mabel, as well as the teens and Quincy scream as a blue cage encases them, while another cage encases the young and older adults, trapping them in place and separated from one another.
Tara and Cormac use their fangs and claws to try to break the blue cage, but to no avail.
"Ah! Kids! Family!" screams Stan, fearing for their lives.
Bill gives Ford one final offer. He won't even hesitate to kill any of them if Ford refuses. "BUT YOU CAN STILL SAVE YOUR FAMILY. LAST CHANCE: TELL ME HOW TO TAKE WEIRDMAGEDDON GLOBAL AND I'LL SPARE ALL OF THEM."
"Dad, don't tell him!" pleads Shifty.
"Uncle Ford, please no!" cries James, holding onto his wife and son besides him, Tara and Cormac whimpering in great distress for the triplets and the rest of the kids in the second cage.
"No! Don't do it!" screams Dipper.
"Yeah! Bill makes bad deals!" adds Mabel.
Bill angrily turns around to face Mabel and the kids, feeling insulted as he should be. "DON'T YOU TOY WITH ME, SHOOTING STAR. I SEE EVERYTHI-!" Bill shows a galaxy in his eye, but before he could finish, Mabel sprays paint directly in his eye, causing him to scream in pain from the burning sensation. "OW! NOT AGAIN! WHY?! EVERY TIME!"
"Nice shot, pumpkin," praises Stan.
"Great job, Mabel!" seconds Adeline.
"Nice, Mabes!" says Ty.
Ford and Stan, along with Carla and Adeline are released from Bill's arms and fall to the ground with a thud, but they were fine for the most part.
"I know that hurts because I've accidentally done it to myself! Multiple times!" says Mabel with pride.
Dipper pulls out the height-altering crystal flashlight and enlarges their cage as well as the cage with the adults nearby. Dipper and Mabel as well as the rest of their family jump out as Bill continues to scream in pain. Dipper, Mabel, and the rest of the kids exchange looks of knowing what they had to do to help everyone escape Bill.
"Save yourselves. Run! We'll take care of Bill!" announces Dipper.
"Yeah! We're getting him away from here!" says Junior, onboard with the plan as well as the rest of the kids.
"Kids, no!" calls Maurice. "We need to stick together!"
"What? That's a suicide mission!" says Ford, him and the rest of the adults not liking the idea one bit.
"Trust us. We've beat him before…" starts Dipper.
"...and we'll beat him again!" finishes Mabel, taking out her signature grappling hook as her and Dipper fist bump each other and the rest of their cousins. Mabel starts by calling out to Bill. "Hey! Bill! Come and get us, you pointy jerk!"
Bill growls, getting his undivided attention. Dipper and Mabel, along with their cousins, run off into the Fearamid, scattering in different directions. Before leaving, Mabel stretches her lips to blow a raspberry.
"Kids!" screams Carla.
"Kids, come back!" calls Jessie.
"What? No! It's too dangerous!" calls out Ford.
"We have to get to them!" urges Tanya.
Ford and Stan and the rest of the adults start to run after the kids, but Bill puts them in a cage once more.
Bill opened his eye now that it was no longer hurting, facing the adults. "NOT SO FAST. YOU ALL WAIT HERE!" Bill turns huge and red with six additional arms, creating six duplicates of himself. "I'VE GOT SOME CHILDREN I NEED TO MAKE INTO CORPSES." Bill parts in a deeper voice with murderous intent. "SEE YOU REAL SOON." Bill and his clones run off into separate directions of the Fearamid to find and capture the Pines kids, crawling along the walls while doing so.
"No, no, no, no, no!" screams Lillian, frantically beating the cage with her wife and husband joining her. All of them panicking in fear for the children's life now in danger.
"No! Wait! No! No! Oh, what do we do? What do we do?!" screams Stan.
Ford bangs on bars with the rest of the adults.
"My baby!" cries Shauna with tears streaming from her eye.
Meanwhile, Dipper and Mabel run through the Fearamid, with Bill chasing them. Second Bill chasing Junior. Third Bill chasing after Ty. Fourth Bill seeking Isaac. Fifth Bill pursuing the triplets along the walls. And the sixth Bill giving chase for Quincy.
The Bills try to grab each of the kids, but missing when Mabel uses her grappling hook to get herself and Dipper through a chute. Junior creates a hole using his green chalk down a level to escape from being grabbed. Ty uses his electric shock to temporarily stun Bill to make a get away. Isaac emitting a blinding light from his hair, humming a tune in order to dodge a hand grabbing him. The triplets climb up the walls with their claws in a running pace to avoid being caught. And Quincy fitting through a small hole, just missing being caught by Bill's hand.
Back to Ford, Stan and all the rest of the adults, they were not having a great time as they painfully waited and talked about how they're going to get out of this. If they can get out of this alive with their kids.
"Oh, I can't believe this. The kids are gonna die and we have no plan to stop this! All because of one fucking thing to ruin the circle!" laments Stan, taking a seat on the floor with Ford.
Spriggs holds Shauna close as they feel helpless to do anything as does Shannon.
Ford sighs, feeling he should be the one blamed for everything that happened. "It's not anyone's fault but my own. I'm the one who made a deal with Bill in the first place. I fell for all his easy flattery. I should have told you about him sooner all those years ago; you would have seen him as the scam artist he is."
"And I should have tried harder to see the signs something was wrong about Bill," voices Adeline in sorrow and feeling at fault herself, holding onto Ford close.
"Hun…" sighs Ford to his wife, kissing her forehead.
"Mom. Dad, stop," speaks up Shannon with a sniffle, still having fire and determination in her eyes and motivation. "You've been blaming yourselves for too long about this. ANYONE could have done the same thing in your place and would have fucked up, but we Pines don't go down that easy..." Shannon stands up, using the bar to steady herself and with Shauna, Spriggs and Shifty standing with her. "We can still beat Bill before he even attempts to kill any of the kids."
Tanya and her parents, uncle, aunt and cousin stand with them. Ford and Adeline do the same.
Stan and Carla stand up with the others, not knowing why but they can feel they shouldn't give up just yet.
"I know what I have to do." Ford knows he's going to get objections, but he voices his plan anyhow. "I'm going to play the only card we have left. Let Bill into my mind. He'll be able to take over the galaxy and maybe even worse, but at least he might let the kids free and the rest of us alive."
Stan immediately protests the notion of his brother sacrificing himself. "What?! Are you kiddin' me?! Are you honestly telling me there's nothing else we can do?!"
"Yeah, like some kind of weapon? What happened to that gun you mentioned before?" inquires Carla.
"We used the only shot we had and it failed," says Shauna then turning to Ford. "I don't like the idea either, Dad."
"Bill's only weak in the mind space. If I didn't have this damn plate in my head we could just erase him with the memory gun when he steps inside my mind," reasons Ford as he took out the memory gun he had in his coat.
Stan looks back to his wife and kids and then back to Ford to suggest. "What if he goes into my mind? My brain isn't good for anything."
"Stanley, that's bullshit!" objects Carla, making Stan laugh lightly. "You have a wonderful mind and no we're not doing that!"
Ford lightly laughs, knowing his brother would oppose it. "Heheh. There's nothing in your mind he wants. It has to be me. We need to take his deal. It's the only way he'll agree to save all of you and the kids."
James places his hand on his mother's shoulder to reason. "Someone has to, Mom. Anyone one of us is willing to lay down our life to save another. Especially for our own kids," speaks James, his hand touching Tara's head and her looks to Cormac and Tanya. "You both let us take care of this; we're going to save you and the rest of the kids." Tanya and Cormac had to reluctantly agree with them as they slowly nod in unison.
"This all needs to end," says Tanya, her clutching her belly, getting a hug from Maurice and Lillian.
Jessie clears her throat. "How 'bout this: Uncle Ford, tell us the equation to give Bill incentive to choose one of us. We don't have many other options left that I can see," strongly suggests Jessie, willing to lay down her memories if it meant to save the kids. Everyone else thinks the same.
"Jessie…" sighs Ford. He hated that it had to come to this.
"Do you really think he's gonna make good on that deal?" questions Stan, him and everyone else doubting that Bill will keep his word when he has harmed many, many people in the past and present.
"What other choice do we have?" asks Ford, looking sullenly to everyone else, seeing he can't change their minds and time is running out. "Alright… I'll tell you the equation."
Dipper and Mabel run through the Fearamid, passing by their cousins along the way. They scream as they reach a dead end with Bill still in pursuit of them. They had to think quickly of how to escape.
"You know, I'm starting to think there's no way out of here," noted Dipper, him and Mabel having passed through hallways that seem to go on for miles.
Mabel smiles brightly when she comes up with a solution. "Like Grunkle Stan always says, when one door closes, choose a nearby wall and bash it in with brute force!" She takes the growing/shrinking flashlight and makes her hand grow to an enormous size, able to punch through the black wall next to them with ease. "AHHH!" Mabel shrinks her hand back to normal. They continue their way but end up in what was once the throne room and see Stan, Ford and the rest of the adults conversing.
"And… we're back in the throne room," says Dipper, hating how confusing the Fearamid is that it leads them back to where they were.
"Shh!" she hushed her brother. Mabel takes Dipper's hand and has him follow her lead.
Instead of making their presence known, Mabel and Dipper opted to hide behind the steps and listen in on what Ford was telling the others about the equation. They both listened intently and wondered what they were talking about until they heard Ford end the discussion.
"... and that's how the Weirdness Magnetism that surrounds Gravity Falls can be taken down," concludes Ford, unaware that the twins heard everything.
"Woah…" gasps Dipper. "That's what Bill must be after: a way out of Gravity Falls."
"If that happens, the whole world and universe is doomed," says Mabel, her frowning at that possibility and part of her still blaming herself for all that's happened to everyone and their family.
Dipper and Mabel see Ford holding the memory gun, the two not taking long in piecing it together why he has it and what he's going to do with it.
"They're going to erase Bill inside one of their minds…" says Mabel.
"Wait, what?" questions Dipper.
"PEEKA-BOO!" laughs Bill, having caught up to find Dipper and Mabel.
"Aaah!" Dipper and Mabel scream as they're grabbed by Bill's hand.
And not too far from where they are, they hear the screams and yelps of Junior, Ty, Isaac, the triplets and Quincy, the copies of Bill having captured them as well. The Bills merged together and his hand now held all the kids he was chasing after.
Bill appears before the rest of the Pines family with all the kids in hand in his much larger size. "ALRIGHT, FORD. TIME'S UP. I'VE GOT THE KIDS. I THINK I'M GONNA KILL ONE OR MORE OF 'EM FOR THE HECK OF IT!" Bill casts a red light onto the kids as they try to get themselves free from Bill's grasps. And the adults were terrified. "EENIE..MEENIE...MINEE" Bill's eye changes images between, shooting star, pine tree and other symbols representing the kids he came up with. Paint brush for Junior. Thunderbird for Ty. Golden flower for Isaac. Butterfly for Quincy and a wolf for the triplets like a slot machine. Then ends on the shooting star. "...YOU!" Bill holds up his free hand, about to snap his fingers.
Before any of the adults could utter a word, it was Dipper and Mabel who shouted loud enough for Bill to stop what he was about to do.
"Wait!" shouts Dipper and Mabel as loud as they could muster.
"We know what you want, Bill!" starts Dipper.
"We have it! We know the equation to break the barrier around this town to let you free," finishes Mabel.
Bill took sick amusement in the twist of events. "OH, DO YOU NOW?" Bill releases his grip on all of them and lets them fall onto the ground.
Everyone including audibly gasps in stunned silence. But Adeline broke the brief silence to scream in dismay.
"Mabel! Dipper, don't do it!" begged Adeline.
Ford bangs on the cage. "It's me you want, Bill! Let them and the kids go and I'll make a d-"
"SHUT IT, FORDSY! I WANNA HEAR WHAT SHOOTING STAR AND PINE TREE HAVE TO PROPOSE," says Bill, narrowing his eye and not planning to kill the twins just yet. Even if they didn't know the equation, he'd kill them for sure.
Bill makes the cage containing the adults recede back into the ground, but he ensnares them in his arms that coiled around their bodies, forcing them on their knees to the floor.
Dipper and Mabel look up to Bill with fury in their young eyes, knowing exactly what they're doing and what they are willing to do. Mabel wanted to correct her greatest mistake and save everyone from certain death. And Dipper to take the fall with his sister and help save everyone.
"We'll let you into our minds together and you'll get your equation. But! On the condition you let all our family go!" Dipper demands. Both Dipper and Mabel were scared, deep down, but they knew what must be done.
The rest of the family protest her decision to do this, but Mabel pays them no mind as much as it hurts her to do so. It was agonizing.
"Mason, you can't!"
"Mabel, no!"
"Don't do this, kids!"
"Pumpkin, don't!" cries Carla, her voice wavering in emotion and feeling helpless. This wasn't meant to happen.
"FINE," agrees Bill to the terms of the deal, releasing the adults.
"Mabel, please!" begs Stan once more, but Mabel won't change her mind. "Come one, Dipper, you and her have to drop the deal!"
Mabel and Dipper extend their hands to shake Bill's, sealing the deal between them.
Bill extends his blue flaming hand, eager to get it done. "IT'S A… DEAL!" Bill, Dipper and Mabel shake hands. Bill leaves his physical body, having turned to stone.
"AHAHA! HAHAHA! AHAHAHAHAHA!" maniacally laughs Bill, entering Dipper and Mabel's mind and seeing how bright and colorful it all is only someone like Mabel could come up with. And in combination with Dipper's more orderly, yet complicated elements of his mindscape blended into something amazing. "OH, I'M HERE. I EXPECTED NOTHING LESS FROM SHOOTING STAR'S COLORFUL IMAGINATION. THE MIX WITH PINE TREE'S HEAD MAKES ME WANT TO BARF, THOUGH. TOO BAD IT'S ALL GOING TO BE DESTROYED ONCE I'M DONE WITH THEM." Bill opens the grey door that resembles the one that leads into the attic room of the Mystery Shack. He sees Mabel and Dipper laughing together and having fun with a board game.
"We have you right where we want you!" grins Dipper to Bill, getting up and crossing his arms.
"Got 'cha didn't I?" laughs Mabel, getting up from the sofa, presenting the demon with many, many doors behind her. "If you want the equation, you have to find it!"
"WHAT?!" exclaims Bill.
"What? You honestly think we're gonna make this easy for you? Think again, SUCKA!" says Mabel in a smarmy tone. They only had to buy time for Ford to use the memory gun on them outside.
Outside of Dipper and Mabel's mind, Ford walks up to the unconscious twins and pulls out the memory erasing gun. He enters "Mason and Mabel Pines" into the gun and aims it at the two with their heads touching each other. Ford takes no joy from what he was about to do. And all everyone else could do was watch it unfold before their grief-stricken eyes. James has to hold Tara and Cormac back from trying to prevent what's about to happen. Jessie doing the same with the triplets and Junior assisting her in holding them back from interfering.
Back in the mindscape, Bill was furious as he opened the many doors, but none leading to the equation. "WHAT?!" Bill lifts up his hand, about to strike the twins down. "THIS TIME, I WON'T HESITATE TO-" The doors all lit up in blue flames as each one shuts tight. "WHAT THE… NO, NO, NO, NO!" screams Bill in panic of what's happening.
The room starts to burn with blue fire all around the three.
"Yeah, Bill. You're getting erased if you haven't noticed," says Dipper, holding hands with Mabel and putting on a brave face with her. "All thanks to the memory gun."
"Take that, Bill!" adds in Mabel.
"Y-YOU IDIOTS! DON'T YOU REALIZE YOU'RE DESTROYING YOUR OWN MINDS, TOO?!" Bill screams, everything around them beginning to gray and fade from existence.
"What can we say?" shrugs Dipper. "Someone had to do it."
Bill was getting more and more frightened with each passing moment, unable to escape the joint mindscape without the consent of the host. "LET ME OUTTA HERE!" He grunts, attempting to conjure his power, but to no avail. "WHY ISN'T THIS WORKING?!"
Mabel and Dipper walk up to Bill, knowing just what to do now that within minutes, everything will be completely gone. Mabel demanded Bill. "Hey, look at me. Turn around and look at me, you crazy triangle! You're a real smart-guy, but you made one fatal mistake: you messed with my family."
"And it's time we ended you here and now… FOR GOOD!" exclaims Dipper.
"YOU'RE MAKING A MISTAKE! I'LL GIVE YOU ANYTHING!" Bill frantically shows the dollar sign, a star and a pot of gold and galaxy within his eye, offering anything and everything that could sway the twins to spare him, but they know better now. "MONEY! FAME! RICHES! INFINITE POWER! YOUR OWN GALAXY! PLEASE!" Suddenly, Bill's form begins to bend, melt and contort in an unnatural fashion as he is beginning to destabilize nearing his demise. "NO! WHAT'S HAPPENING TO ME?!" Bill's body changes into even more distorted forms as he speaks something in backwards. "NRUTER YAM I TAHT REWOP TNEICNA EHT EKOVNI I! NRUB OT EMOC SAH EMIT YM! L-T-O-L-O-X-A!" Bill speaks normally in his last words. "DIIIIPPPERRR! MAAAABBBEEELLL!"
Together, Dipper and Mabel punch Bill right in the eye, Bill disintegrating with a fading scream. Bill was no more. The twins catch their breath and exchange looks, knowing they're going to fade as well. They hold hands as they walk up to the dresser where a frame picture of their whole family, picking it up and looking fondly at it one final time.
Mabel sniffles. "At least I'm not going through this alone…"
"I wouldn't have it any other way…" agrees Dipper. He sighs as he takes off his hat taking one good look at it before forgetting the best summer ever and the best family. "One last sibling hug?"
Mabel sniffs as she repeats, "One last sibling hug."
"Pat. Pat," they both whisper with tears in their eyes; both embracing one another as the flames engulf the twins. "I love you."
Outside of Dipper and Mabel's mind, Ford finishes erasing Dipper and Mabel's memory, dropping the memory erasing gun and a face full of deep sorrow. The others from the wheel return to normal and fall from where they were, but have been caught by the nearby Pines family from landing on the ground.
Outside of the Fearamid, the rift sucks all of the demons back into the Nightmare Realm through the portal, saving the townsfolk from further torment.
The Fearamid is deconstructed and pulled into the rift. Once it is gone, a wave washes over the town, restoring it to its pre-Weirdmageddon state. The townsfolk look around, and Xyler, Craz and Rumble McSkirmish all fade away. None of them believed what just happened, almost. And it being so surreal everything went back to how it was like it never happened at all. The forest is shown with a bird landing on a statue of Bill, covered in moss and vegetation as if time passed by.
Somewhere in another part of the forest with Dipper and Mabel still collapsed on the ground. Tara and Cormac, along with the triplets were able to change back to their human appearances. Soos being there as well.
The twins open their eyes, being greeted by Quincy running up to hug his cousins. But the rest of the family were still shaken by what happened to Dipper and Mabel that they didn't approach.
"Yay!" cheers Quincy. "You really did it! You saved us!"
Dipper and Mabel look at the young boy with confusion, unable to recognize him as their cousin, or each other for that matter.
"Um, uh… hey there, cute little kid. What's your name?" asks Mabel, looking around and tilting her head to Dipper. "And who's this guy?"
"You know, I'm wondering the same thing." Dipper sniffs himself, making a bleh expression. "And why do I smell so bad?"
"Dipper? Mabel?" asks Quincy, making a frown.
"Who you talking to?" asks Dipper and Mabel in unison.
"Dipper. Mabel. It's me…" Quincy chokes up as his mother pulls him back and picks him up. "Dipper! Mabel! It's me!"
Ford had to explain it to Quincy and everyone else. "We had to erase their minds to defeat Bill. It's all gone. Dipper and Mabel has no idea, but they did it. They saved the world. They saved us." Ford and Stan kneel down in front of the twins, the two looking at him with unrecognition. "You're our heroes, kids." Ford and Stan sniffle when they give Dipper and Mabel a joint hug.
Dipper and Mabel were confused seeing their family members around them crying and full of grief as if someone they loved died. The twins not seeing they were crying for themselves.
Quincy bawls into Shauna's shoulder while she sheds tears from her eye, as did Spriggs and Shannon with devastation on their faces.
Jessie punching a nearby tree in frustration and dismay, being given a consoling hand by Lillian. Tanya took deep breaths to calm down, but she was having difficulties composing herself as she cried with her younger brothers.
The triplets huddled with their older brother, mother and father in crying. James tried to remain strong but even he has tears to shed.
Adeline lets Carla cry into her shoulder.
Shifty morphs into his human disguise to not scare the twins on accident while he hugs his son nearby as he's crouched on the ground in hysterics.
"It should've been me…" Stan muttering to himself.
Soon enough, the Pines family lead Dipper and Mabel back to what remains of the Mystery Shack. Although everything went back pristine as it was before with everything else in Gravity Falls, the shack itself was in ruins in the woods, looking more unkempt and abandoned than it was before. Waddles and all the rest of the Pines family pets being there, having waited for them to come home.
Stan walks up to the door, attempting to open it, but it won't budge. Stanpunches the door then uses his shoulder to tackle down the whole door until it comes down. Stan letting out a grunt in doing so. Everyone walks into the living room, Stan and Ford holding Dipper and Mabel's hands as they lead them inside the disheveled place.
Mabel tried to be polite with a forced smile. "Um… very nice place you have here." A piece of ceiling fell to the floor.
Dipper looks at Mabel with an incredulous brow. "What are you talking about? This place is a total wreck!" Dipper expresses in blunt honesty.
"Hey, don't be rude, whoever you are," snaps Mabel as she and Dipper take a seat on the sofa.
"It's our home, kids. You both were staying here for the summer with your family." Ford frowns. "We're your family."
"Come on, you got to remember something," says Junior, him and the others looking for anything that could jog their memories if they can.
Dipper and Mabel get comfortable on the sofa, feeling something familiar about it.
"Nope!" say Dipper and Mabel in unison.
"But this sofa feels like it remembers us. Ah." says Mabel, letting out a sigh.
Mabel and Dipper frown to see everyone looking at them with sadness in their expressions, greatly concerning the two.
"Hey, why the long faces? You guys look like someone died recently," says Dipper, turning to see Soos. "And why is that larger guy crying in the corner? Why are all of you crying?"
Soos sobs and turns away, getting a comforting hug from Tanya and Cormac, then crying with him.
"So we saved the world, but it seems pointless," expresses Ty, him facing his grandparents. "There anything we can do for Dipper and Mabel?"
"I-I don't know, but…" responds Carla. "We have to think of something."
The triplets go around the living room, digging through the rubble, desperate to find something of note. Junior, Ty, Isaac and Quincy join the three in the search.
"There must be something to get them back!" cries Aria, tossing a wooden board out of her way.
"There isn't. I'm sorry. Dipper and Mabel are gone," Ford says with sorrow in his tone, believing since he wiped all their memories, it would be impossible to get them to remember anything. Their whole lives. Their summer. Their family and friends. All of it gone from memory.
Or so it seems.
The teens and Quincy weren't giving up on Dipper and Mabel.
"There's no way they're gone forever!" defies Isaac, throwing aside a rock. "We brought Grandpappy's memories back before, and we can do the same for our cousins."
"Yeah! There should be something we can-yes! Mabel's scrapbook!" Quincy finds Mabel's pink scrapbook and grabs it. Quincy sits in between Dipper and Mabel on the sofa and opens it. "This'll work! This has to work!" Quincy smiles at Mabel in hope she'll definitely remember her scrapbook of summer memories. "Your name is Mabel Pines and you made this scrapbook about you and Dipper's time here in Gravity Falls for the summer! Here's the first day you and Dipper came to Gravity Falls. And the next page is macaroni art of your feelings!" He flips through the pages, pointing at the pictures with the cousins joining in, eager to help.
"That time you guys went fishing with Gramps and Grunkle Ford and Uncle James?" says Ty.
"That Summerween we spent together?" adds in Quincy, flipping through the scrapbook. "Don't you remember anything?"
"Anything at all?" questions Arya.
Dipper and Mabel intently look at each of the pictures, trying to remember something, anything, but nothing was coming to their minds. Dipper giving an apologetic expression to those around.
"I'm sorry. I don't know what all this is or who you are or-"
Waddles jumps into Mabel's lap and starts licking her and Dipper's face, making the kids laugh. Mabel gasps, not forgetting Waddle's adorable face. Dipper too remembers the pig.
"There's my Waddles!" laughs Mabel as Waddles oinks happily.
"Haha! Okay, Waddles, enough with the licks," laughs Dipper with his sister. "We're trying to remember stuff."
Everyone gasps in amazement, seeing there is hope for the twins to remember.
"What did you say?" asks Carla.
"I said we remember Waddles!" announces Mabel. "How could I ever forget your adorable chubby face, Waddles? And that I won you at the fair."
Ford smiles, encouraging everyone to help the twins remember who they are. "It's working. Keep reading."
"I'll go fetch the photo albums!" gasps Carla as she goes off to find the albums containing each of their family members and of Dipper and Mabel's time in Gravity Falls.
"Skip to my page! Dipper needs to remember we're p-terodactyl-bros. And Mabel needs to remember we're best buds," urges Soos.
Dipper grins and chuckles over to Soos, starting to remember him. "I may have amnesia, but I remember it's Pterodactyl, Soos."
"Ya! How could I ever forget about helping you get together with Melody, Soos," says Mabel, beckoning him to give her a hug. It was starting to come back to the twins.
"It's happening! Keep going!" encourages Adeline. Her and everyone else fill with renewed hope.
Stan points to the page with himself and his brother, wife and sister-in-law together with Dipper and Mabel. "Haha! There's the page you wrote about me and Carla."
"Okay. Okay." Mabel smiles, reading it aloud. "Day two, Grunkle Stan smells weird but we're starting to bond. Grauntie Carla earned my approval points by showing me her superb knitting skills. Stan told us a lot about him and his wife being businesspeople in the '80s and seemed happy when we pretended to listen. He also gave me a grappling hook which everyone is impressed by. And in more important news, I met some neighborhood hotties." Mabel laughs along with everyone else.
"Wow, sounds like we were a-"
"Everyone!" calls out Carla with not only her photo albums but something else in her other arm. "I found the photos… and something else." She presents the battered but functioning robot dog body that Taro possessed.
Ty and the teens gasp as he goes up to his grandma and the robot dog. "Oh man… Taro."
Carla allows Ty to take Taro in his arm. The teen sends out an electric pulse, seeing if it would get a response from the AI within. Ty knows David and Carrie must be missing them, yet wondering why Taro was still in the house. But then he thinks back to when Bill destroyed the Shacktron, having been worried those inside have been hurt when he came to think about it.
Taro did give a response, their legs moving back and forth and them barely turning their head right at Ty, flashing on and off to show they're alive. "Tyrone Pines…" they speak in recognizing him. "Did we… win?"
Ty smiles at the robot. "Yeah. Yeah we did, Taro."
Dipper and Mabel look over and see Taro in Ty's hand. Dipper remarking on the robot.
"Oh, man! That looks neat! Busted up, but neat!" Dipper examines Taro, not recognizing them at all.
"Dipper, this is one of your friends, Taro. One of your other friends, David, built them and must be really worried about them right now," says Ty, him showing a small smile.
"I have friends?" questions Dipper.
"Do I have any friends, too?" asks Mabel in addition.
Everyone smiles at the twins with Adeline answering the two.
"Oh, believe me, you have a lot of friends here in Gravity Falls and then some." Adeline kneels down to the twin's level. "For right now, you're probably wondering who we all are."
And so, Dipper and Mabel spend the day helping the rest of the family rebuild the Mystery Shack and clean up the property, all the while relearning who everyone is.
However, no one knew where Maurice had gone to, not having seen him since defeating Bill.
A/N: Finally! After a good while, this chapter is finally finished, but there's three more chapters to come after where this left off. We hope this was all worth the wait after almost six months. We still have more of the story to tell and fill it in with everything building up to all this for almost four years now! Join us next time where Dipper and Mabel get on the road to recovering their memories about themselves, their friends and family, and each other in the three part epilogue: Aftermath Part 1.